The Gift of Venus: Twins for Anal


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"The fact is, Simon," Holly said slowly, "most boys just aren't... satisfying to me and Sasha. Most boys can't handle us, you see."

"Definitely not," agreed Sasha. "Most boys don't have what it takes."

They had both begun to gently pull him back into the apartment. He let himself be drawn inside, heart thudding in his chest. He couldn't tear his eyes away from their faces.

"That's why we normally take older men," Holly went on -- speaking in a low, charged voice, as though she were imparting a scandalous secret. "Older men have the experience, the finesse -- things that most college boys just lack."

"We've had a few older men who were much better at satisfying both of us," agreed Sasha.

"But of course..." Holly went on, looking deep into Simon's eyes, "that doesn't mean there aren't any college boys who can handle us. Does it, Simon?"

The two of them gazed at him with their deep, sparkling, sultry bright eyes. Holly looked like she was suppressing a smirk; Sasha was openly giving him a gleefully mischievous smile.

"When you say..." Simon began, but found that his mouth was too dry to speak. He paused, swallowed, then tried again. "When you say that these men you've been with could satisfy both of you..."

The twins' smiles broadened. There was no mistaking the naughty grin they were both giving him now.

"Well," said Holly. "That's the thing, you see. A man needs a lot of stamina if he wants us, Simon. Because you see, Sasha and I..."

And she drew closer to her sister, one hand slipping onto Sasha's bare midriff. The twins leant in towards each other, Sasha tilting her head on one side, inclining towards Holly, but never taking her eyes off Simon.

"... we do everything together," Holly went on. "A man who wants us doesn't get just me. And he doesn't get just Sasha."

"He gets both of us," said Sasha in a low, velvety purr. The flirtatious twinkle in her eye was captivating.

Then the twins turned towards each other. With one hand each still lingering on Simon's chest or arm, they leaned towards each other, closing their eyes. Their full, red, perfect lips touched. Gently, sensually, with exquisite slowness as though to savour every moment of it, the twins kissed. Simon could see their lips sliding across each other's, and then the smallest flick of tongue, wetting each other's lips, teasing each other, delicately caressing each other's mouths. He realised he was holding his breath.

So that was it. This was the secret. Despite what half the boys in college might think, Holly and Sasha did fuck after all.

They fucked together.

The twins stopped making out, and turned their deep brown eyes back on Simon.

"So you see," Holly went on silkily, "not many men have got what it takes for both of us. Certainly not most college boys. Sasha and I have a lot of appetite, Simon... most boys just can't keep up with us."

They were running their hands slowly over his shoulders, his upper arms, and his chest. Holly's touch was delicate, just her fingertips. Sasha was letting her whole hand press against his chest through his shirt.

"So Simon..." Sasha began. "Those girls who were texting you today. Are you really sleeping with all of them?"

Simon felt himself blush. Sasha had raised one hand and started playing with her chestnut hair, twining a lock of it around and around her finger, but never breaking eye contact with Simon. The flirty gleam in the girls' eyes was almost as distracting as their hands on his body. They were standing so close -- barely more than a foot away from him -- and they were making no move to step away.

"Well," he said. "I mean... yeah. I've gotten pretty lucky at college so far."

"Oh I don't know, Simon," smiled Holly. "From what we read today, it sounded to me like you've got rather more than just luck. That text from that girl Lisa... it sounded like you've got..." and she trailed her fingertips right down his chest, across his abs, catching herself and stopping right above his belt.

"... stamina."

Despite his nerves, Simon felt a satisfied smirk dart across his face. He knew that Holly had seen it: she was raising an interested, suggestive eyebrow.

So he gathered his courage, and looked her directly in the face.

"I need to have stamina, Holly," he said quietly, looking deep into her dark brown eyes. "Even when I'm with only one girl, I like sex far too much to be satisfied with coming in her only once."

For a brief moment he marvelled at what he had said -- he really did seem to be getting more smooth lately. But Holly's eyes were widening, and her soft, plump lips were parting as she gazed at him.

"Well that's good," said Sasha quietly. "Because Holly and I need a lot of seeing to. Niether of us is ever satisfied with only one go..."

Simon let his gaze wander down Sasha's body. Her white cotton crop top was very low cut, and from this angle Simon had a perfect view of her big, smooth tits. He let himself look down at her quite openly, his gaze resting on the deep plunge of her cleavage. She didn't move away. In fact she took a deep breath that made her full chest slowly heave; and very slightly, she leaned in towards him, giving him an even more inviting view.

"Well this doesn't seem fair," said Holly in the same silky tone. "If you're looking at hers, you should definitely be looking at mine."

In one smooth motion, she pulled her tight black t-shirt up over her head, and off. Simon caught his breath. Holly was wearing a black bra, frilly and strappy, and it stood out boldly against her pale white skin. Her tits were just as lusciously big and heavy as her sister's, encased tightly in those soft black cups.

Holly took a step towards him. That brought her very close to him, so close that there were mere inches between them. She was looking up at him -- both the twins were several inches shorter than he was -- and her perfect lips were parted as she gazed into his eyes.

She put her hand on the back of his neck, and pulled him towards her, tilting up her face and closing her eyes.

The touch of Holly's lips on his -- so soft, pressing tenderly against his mouth, and then the gentle flick of her tongue brushing across his lips -- was enough to make Simon's entire body light up with desire. He slipped his hand around her bare midriff and pulled her close, caressing her back, naked except for the straps of her bra. Against his side he felt Sasha stepping in, her body pressing against him, her hand slipping under his shirt, and her lips on his neck as she teasingly kissed him while he made out with her sister. Holly's tongue had slipped fully into Simon's mouth and she was passionately kissing him, her hands running over his chest, his back, while Sasha nibbled on his neck in a way that sent tingles running deliciously all through him. Simon broke off kissing Holly, turned his head towards Sasha, and found her instantly tilting up her mouth to meet him. One moment late he was kissing her just as intensely as he had kissed Holly, and both the girls were touching him, caressing him, while he ran his hands in turn over their bare hips, their backs, savouring the feel of their warm, soft, smooth skin.

The twins were phenomenal kissers. The moment one of them stopped, the other would slip her hand onto the back of his neck and pull his head back towards her, his mouth onto hers, her tongue playfully slipping back into his mouth, teasingly caressing his tongue. Whichever twin wasn't making out with him would kiss his neck -- gently at first, but then both girls began to bite and suck on the tender flesh of his neck, and the sensation made him feel deliriously, exquisitely turned on. Experimentally, he ran his hand down Sasha's back and onto the ripe swell of her ass -- so firm beneath her skirt, so round, with the twin curves of her ass cheeks feeling delicious under the pressure of his hand. Instantly he felt her mouth press harder against his, her tongue dancing passionately in his mouth. He squeezed her ass, and Sasha moaned with pleasure as her hands tightened on his back beneath his shirt, pressing her body against him.

Then as Holly bit down particularly hard in the soft hollow at the base of his neck, Simon gasped, broke away from Sasha's kiss and threw his head back in a rush of pleasure. Holly trailed her lips across his neck as she turned her head towards her sister, and suddenly the two girls were kissing again -- only this time it wasn't the playful, teasing kiss he had watched them share a minute before. The twins were making out with the fiery, intimate passion of experienced lovers, and while they kissed each other, they continued to hold Simon hard against them, their hands still running across his body, while he kneaded Holly's ass through her skirt and ran his hand down Sasha's perfect back.

The twins stopped kissing, but lingered with their full red lips barely an inch away from each other. They turned their identical, gorgeous faces towards Simon, and looked up at him with their sultry deep brown eyes. Relatively inexperienced though he still was, Simon knew the look in those eyes. Come fuck us, those eyes said. Come fuck us all night long.

A delirious flare of confidence shot suddenly through him. He could feel his cock pressing urgently against his jeans, and the sight of the twins in his arms made him feel ready to explode with excitement. It was time for him to say what he wanted. Time -- and he squeezed hard on Holly's perfect, shapely, firm round bubble-butt, just a thin layer of fabric between his hand and her skin -- time for him to tell these girls that he wanted their asses. That he wanted to be the first-ever man to plunge his cock into their round, peachy, deliciously fuckable asses.

"So Simon," purred Holly. "Do you want to have some fun with us?"

"Well," he said with a playful smirk -- but his heart was pounding in his chest as he said it, suddenly amazed at his own daring -- "Well, that depends."

"Oh?" said Sasha, raising a teasing eyebrow. "What does it depend on?"

"Well, you girls saw that text from Lisa. If I wanted to, I could still head over to hers tonight and join in with her and Tilly. They're a gorgeous pair of girls, and we've had a lot of fun in the past..."

In fact he had texted Lisa, just as he had Sophie, to politely decline her invitation for tonight. But the twins weren't to know that. He was giving them a flirty smile and keeping his tone light and teasing -- but he was being just reluctant enough to let them know he wanted something more.

"If I want to spend the night with two beautiful girls who just want to give me blowjobs and pussy," he went on mischievously, "I can do that with Lisa and Tilly any time I want."

"Oh really?" said Holly with a naughty smirk. "Such a popular stud... all these girls just wanting your..."

And she ran her hand down his chest, and rested it on his belt. Deftly, with a well-practised movement, she undid the buckle of his belt one-handed, began to pull the strap free -- and then stopped. She held his belt in place, looking into his eyes.

"But you did come here tonight, Simon. So what made you choose us instead of those two dirty sluts?"

"Good question," he grinned. "After all, you girls haven't been that nice to me. Before you decided to look through my phone this afternoon... well, you've really been quite rude to me."

"Oh Simon," said Sasha with a mock pout, her eyes twinkling. "But you know we're going to make it up to you. We're going to spend all night making it up to you..."

"I'm sure you will," he said, looking deep into her eyes. "But I came here tonight because I want you to do something special to make it up to me. I want you girls to give me something... different."

"And what might that be?" asked Holly, a curious light in her eyes.

Simon ran his hand down Sasha's back to rest on her ass. With both of the twins' asses now in his hands, he pulled them against him, and gave them both a long, firm squeeze. As he did so, he let the forefinger of each hand slide deep into each girl's ass crack, and through their skirts, through their panties, he pressed his fingers firmly against where he knew must be their tight, virgin assholes.

Both Holly and Sasha gave a sharp intake of breath as their eyes widened. He saw the dawning realisation in their eyes.

"Oh," breathed Sasha. There was a hint of uncertainty in her gaze now. But there was something else there too. An intense, burning curiosity, like a light dancing in her eyes.

"We've never given a boy that before," whispered Holly. In her face, Simon could see the same hesitation as in her sisters's -- but also the same wondering, searching, questioning desire.

"Do you want to?" he asked. And he pressed his fingers hard against their holes, rubbing through their clothes in a firm, massaging motion. He saw Sasha bite her lip; and Holly let out a quick breath, and momentarily closed her eyes.

The twins looked at each other.

"We talk about it sometimes," Holly confessed.

"We do more than talk about it," said Sasha, turning her gaze back to Simon. "Sometimes when we're playing with each other, it's like we can't keep ourselves away from each other's asses."

"It's true," murmured Holly. "It's like something... like there's something deep inside us that just wants our asses to be touched. More than touched. And we've never acted on it. But it's like no matter what else we do in bed, there's this desire... this need... like something hungry deep inside us..."

Simon remembered Venus's words. I programmed those girls to be insatiable sluts for cock in their asses.

"I like to eat Holly's hole," Sasha told him, looking deep into his eyes. "I like to bury my face in her ass, and eat her hole."

"And I love when Sasha eats my ass like that," sighed Holly, a deep yearning in her face.

"But we've never let any boy go near them," Sasha went on. "But then sometimes -- when we talk about it -- sometimes we feel like tongue in our asses isn't enough. Even fingering each other's asses isn't enough. And then it's like all we want is to find a boy who can..."

The twin girls looked at each other again. They were looking deep into each other's eyes, and once again Simon had the impression that some silent, complex, intense communication was passing between them. As though wordlessly, in that one long look, they were making a decision.

He held his breath.

And then with one movement, the twins turned around, their backs towards him. They bent forward over the back of the couch. Backs arched, side by side, they bent over and raised their asses. Their white, shapely legs were fully exposed to the tops of their smooth thighs, Sasha's in her suspenders, Holly's in her knee-high socks. Then they flicked up their tiny skirts, and Holly and Sasha Pembroke were presenting their asses for Simon.

He could have swooned on the spot. He had never seen anything so tantalising in his life. The twins wore the tiniest of G-strings, barely covering their ass cracks. Their round, peachy, full-cheeked, ripely curvy asses were everything he had imagined, everything he had fantasised about -- full and firm and crying out to be played with.

Together, the twins wiggled them.

Unable to resist, and letting out a gasp of longing, Simon stepped forward, and took the twins' asses in his hands. Their skin was so soft, so smooth, but their buttocks were so firm, yielding just the right amount as he squeezed their asses in his hands. The sensation of their firm, ripe flesh in his grip as he kneaded their ass cheeks was enough to make his cock feel like it was going to burst out of his jeans.

With sly, naughty smiles on their identical, gorgeous faces, the twins turned their heads around to smirk at him as he caressed them.

"Want to fuck our asses, Simon?" Holly asked him sweetly.

"Oh, fuck yes," he gasped. He was far too turned on to try to play it cool anymore. The feel of the girls' perfect butts in his hands was driving him wild.

"Of course," said Sasha naughtily, "we still want you in our mouths and pussies too, Simon. Have you got enough stamina for that?"

"Six holes for you, Simon," purred Holly. "And we want your cum in all six holes. Mouths and pussies and asses, all for you."

Simon's head reeled. He felt a huge grin spreading across his face.

"Oh, I've got the stamina alright," he told them. "Come on you dirty girls -- let's start filling those holes with cum."

Chapter 4: Buttslut Sisters

Holly turned, and dropped to her knees. The sight of her in her black bra, kneeling at his feet, made Simon feel wildly excited. Meanwhile Sasha straightened up, turned towards Simon, and began to pull her tight white crop top up and over her shoulders. The fabric lifted up her tits, and Simon saw the shape of them pulled up inside the top, then the exposed smoothness of the soft, tender skin under her boobs. Then she pulled the top over her head, and her tits dropped back into place, jiggling and swaying. They were big, creamy, bouncy, and her nipples were hard and pert, the dark nubs of them standing out against the pale softness of her tits. Simon let out his breath.

As Holly began to pull off his belt, Sasha stepped towards him with a smirk, and began to unbutton his shirt. Simon put his hand on her waist, then slid it slowly up her body until it met the swell of her boob. Her skin was beautifully, impossibly soft, and her boob as he finally took it in his hand was heavy and full. The hardness of her nipple against his palm was intoxicating as he squeezed on her firm but yielding flesh.

"You know," grinned Simon, "once you girls are naked I'm going to have trouble telling you apart."

"Oh that's okay," said Holly in a silky voice as she pulled his belt fully off and tossed it aside. "Once we're naked, there are plenty of names that we'll both answer to."

"It's true," purred Sasha, leaning in to kiss his chest while she slowly went on undoing his buttons. "Once we're naked, we'll both answer to... good girl..."

"... good little slut..." Holly went on.

"... dirty fuckdoll..."

"... keep sucking like that, you gorgeous little whore..."

"... I love the way you take it, you naughty bitch..."

"... And maybe even," Holly continued, looking up at him while she unzipped his fly, "maybe even, I love pounding your ass, you dirty little buttslut."

Simon couldn't speak, but it didn't matter. As Sasha slipped off his shirt and began kissing his neck again, her naked chest pressing against him and her hands running over his body, Holly pulled down his pants, and his cock sprang out to greet her. Holly looked up at Simon, and the expression of naughtiness in her eyes was enough to make him swoon. Then she licked her lips, took him in her hand, teasingly kissed the head of his cock, and then slowly slid her lips over it, sliding him inch by inch into her wet, hot mouth.

Sasha pulled his head down towards her and passionately kissed him. His hand found her boob again and he squeezed and kneaded it while her tongue played teasingly in his mouth, her soft lips sliding deliciously against his -- and all the while, Holly was sliding his cock deeper into her mouth, her wet tongue wrapping itself around his shaft, her lips tight against him, warm wetness soaking his entire length while with one hand she stroked his balls. She took him until her lips were against the base of his cock, expertly deep-throating him. Then Holly began to suck, slowly at first, but faster and faster, taking him again and again into her tight deep mouth, and all the while slurping and sucking and passionately worshipping him. Sasha's tongue was in his mouth while she ran her fingernails hard down his back, her big tits pressed against his now naked chest.