The Interns: Truth or Dare

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Young interns let a game get away from them on a night out.
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Mark Clayton was 22 and between semesters of college when he landed an unpaid internship at one of the largest technical contractors on the gulf coast. He was in a construction management curriculum and P&L Engineering supplied skilled technical labor to every plant throughout the Golden Triangle. His family was fairly well off, as they have to be if you are working an unpaid internship, and supplied him with a nice car and a living stipend that was more than enough to go out whenever he wanted to. All in, he was in a good place in his life, even if he didn't like fetching coffee for the overweight, under worked suites at his office. That would never be him; he was too cool to ever let life wear him down like that.

Women had always found him attractive with his dark hair and broad shoulders. He had played baseball in High school and was pretty good until he threw out his arm. Still his self-confidence was based on his looks, his family money, and having praise lauded over him in his formative years in sports. It wasn't so much that he was arrogant about it, as he just had a deep seated understanding that he was a favored child among the human population. He was destined for greatness and all the good things that floated his way in life were well earned and something he could enjoy without guilt.

May, when his intern ship started, was an especially hot month that year. He had to start wearing suits, which he didn't mind at first because of how good he looked in them, but it got old quickly, and he began to long for the old t-shirts and jeans of his college classes.

He remembered his first day when he was introduced to the two other interns he would be working with. Once again good things just seemed to happen to him. Tiffany was the first one that he got to meet. She had arrived before he had and was sitting in the conference room when he walked in. At first he wasn't impressed at all with her looks. She was around 5"3, and was a little squat in her shape and could definitely stand to lose some weight. But as he got to talking to her over the first few days, she became a lot more attractive to him. She had very large breasts and hips for her height, but that was only part of it. The girl was mental! She would say anything to get a laugh or attention. She was always up to something mischievous! He liked a little mischief in his life. He deserved it, after all.

"Aw fuck", Tiffany said. "I knew this was going to happen. It's going to be me and 20 other guys interning and every time I bend over around here I'm going to have to swat away some dick."

Mark chuckled. "I'm Mark, and my specialty is stealthy dick. You'll never see it coming. Your airborne swat defense is no match."

"Is that because it's so small," she asked with mock sympathy.

"No!" he said defensively. Witty comebacks were never Marks strong suit.

She laughed and got up from her seat. Standing, even in her cheap suit, he could tell he had misjudged her body. She was a little over weight, sure, but she was also nicely curvy. She was wearing a cream blouse that was unbuttoned, maybe one button too many, and gave a nice view of her ample cleavage. Just as they stretched out to shake hands two things happened at once, the first is that she stepped into a beam of light that made her shirt ever so slightly see through. He could make out the black lace of her bra, but only just. The other is that her scent hit him. Her perfume smelled of fresh clean soap and something that maybe was nutmeg or cinnamon. Whatever it was it was intoxicating on her, illuminated in this way, something in the back of his brain clicked and he instantly wanted her. Even though she wasn't up to his usually standards, he made the decision right there that he would be fucking her sooner rather than later.


When Tiffany stepped up to shake hands with this guy, she was happy to see he was staring right down her shirt. She had always thought of herself more as cute, than really pretty. Most guys, when they thought of what they found most attractive in a woman their minds instantly went to Victoria's Secret Angels or some famous actress. Most of them didn't think of short women with her figure. But that had never stopped her. Sometimes it took her a little longer with guys to get them where she wanted them, but she always got what she wanted. Truth be told, she had even done the same thing with a few of her girlfriends. One of her favorite games to play was to invite one of her girlfriends to stay over at her dorm, get her really drunk and then start making out with her. Usually within a few minutes things had progressed a lot further than kissing. But her favorite part wasn't getting popular straight girls to go down on her. It was the next morning when they sobered up and made all the noise about how they could never talk about it with anyone... And it could never happen again... Sure, Tiffany played along. But she would always remember that there was a night that the pretty popular girl was begging her to make her cum again.

In point of fact, she didn't even consider herself gay or bi. If anyone would have asked she would have said she was straight and not felt any qualms about it. Her real turn on wasn't about the sex at all. It was all about getting someone to cross that line and do something they hadn't wanted to, or at least not at first. She had never been popular and she was a little self-conscious about people fucking her and not wanting their friends to find out. So she loved it when she would have one of the popular kids from her school and they would come back begging for more. She was the one in control then, and she ate it up.

"See something you like?" She asked when he was looking down her shirt for a bit longer than was normal.

"I.. Uh..." he stumbled over his words. He looked up at her face then right back down at her chest. He even managed to blush a bit, but as cute as he was, she was starting to get the impression that he was a bit of a dim bulb. Yes, she decided, she would have him within the week, and then the rest of the time they were working together she would have him doing all the works she didn't want to do. ...or maybe it would be a better idea to string him along and make him want it so badly he made a fool of himself over her. That could be fun too.

She was startled from her reverie by the entrance of the third intern.


Mark couldn't tear his eyes off Tiffany's tits! They were spectacular! The way the sunlight hit them... It just wasn't something you saw every day. They had to be at least Ds and with her frame they were massive. She had asked him a question about something he liked, and he was formulating an answer, as distracted as he was, and just then someone else walked into the room.

She was pure sex.

That's the only way to describe her. She was tall, at least five ten, with long blonde hair. She looked like a model and was dressed like one too. She looked good and she knew it. She was definitely more slender than Tiffany, but some nice curves of her own. This was the kind of girl you would expect to find wearing a bikini on a beer commercial or as the lead actress in a new action movie.

She walked in confidently enough, but when she saw the other two interns looking at her she slowed her pace and asked "What..." tentatively. Mark didn't need but a moment to collect himself. He walked up to her and shook her hand, his sly grin back in place.

"I'm Mark, Mark Clayton," He said with confidence and all the charm he could muster. "And you must be..." he trailed off.

"I'm Alyssa", she said with a smile. He gave her a little wink, and she blushed a bit at how good looking he was.

"Well Alyssa," he said "It's nice to have you with us. Like I said, I'm Mark and this fireball over here is Tiffany."

Tiffany and Alyssa shook hands like the up and coming professionals they were all trying to be and Mark took a moment to wonder how the fuck he ever got this lucky. If he played his cards just right, he would have both of them this summer. Maybe even at the same time... which had always been a dream of his. One that had always been just out of reach. He took a moment to image the scene in his mind. Just as he was settling into the fantasy one of the most severe women he had ever seen walked in the door.

"All right, all three of you sit down and shut up." She said with sternness in her voice that brooked no nonsense. She was a slender woman in her mid to late 40s and someone may have found her attractive once, but not recently. She had her hair pulled back so tight her face looked strained and the skirt of her business suite stopped at the ideal professional length of exactly one inch above the center of the knee. Her shoes were nice, but only had a one and a half inch heal. Mark was about to laugh at the package in comparison to the other two girls, but she cut him off as they all found their seats around the conference table.

"My name is Valerie. We appreciate you all coming to work here with us and you will be gaining some very valuable life experience along the way. That being said I drew the short straw and have to conduct your orientation today, something I don't have the time to do. So don't try my patience and we will get along just fine. The faster we can get through all of this the more you all can get on my good side."

Alyssa, who Mark could see was going to try to be the teacher's pet, sound off a crisp "Yes Ma'am!" Valerie rolled her eyes at the obvious enthusiasm of the woman thirty or so years her junior.

"I hope you all like filing," Valerie said. "You're going to be doing a lot of filing."


Actually filing, Mark learned after about a week or so, was only a general term for all of the extra work that went along with filing. For the most part they weren't even allowed to do the filing itself. That was handled by legal secretaries. The work they were allowed to do consisted of shredding documents or refilling copy machines. Mostly for the first week, it was the shredding that they were doing. They each had a shredder that they were using that could handle about five sheets at a time. First they had to pull out the staples and paper clips. Then count out the pages. Feed them to the shredder and then get the next batch ready. Once they filled a box with paper ribbons, those ribbons had to be mixed with the ribbons from the other two boxes to make sure that document reconstruction was less likely and then re-separated into five small bags and set aside for the company to come by that burned them off site. Mark thought the burning part would be fun if he was allowed to do it, but he wasn't.

For the first couple of weeks, this was their days. Mind numbing and tedious. It was actually Tiffany, of all people, that came up with the best way to do it. If you staggered the pages a little it put less strain on the shredder and gave you a few extra seconds at the end to load the next batch without jamming the machine. Once they started doing it like that they had less downtime, but it still didn't seem to go any faster.

The one upside is that they did get to know each other pretty good in the process. Since the three of them were all sitting more or less in a power circle of shredding they talked all day and told stories. Marks all centered around how great a ball player he was and the places that his parents had taken him for vacations. He kept dropping names like Vale and St. Barths expecting them to be impressed, but they weren't as impressed as he wanted them to be. Alyssa told the stories you would expect someone like her to tell. How she got to be head cheerleader in high school, how she got such good grades. How she had always been so popular and couldn't figure out why. (Mark thought he knew why)

The real surprise for them was that Tiffany always had the best stories, and all of those stories seem to eventually work their way around to sex. One of them was about a time she went camping with a bunch of friends. She ended up sleeping with a guy she had never met before in a tent with two other guys that were passed out. Or the time she was at a party and everyone ended up in the hot tub at the end of the night and she thought everyone was naked, so she stripped down before she got in and everyone looked at her like "What the hell are you doing!"

She made all the stories funny, and had them rolling laughing, but at the same time Mark couldn't help from imagining her in those situations as she described them. Sometimes she would stop her work when she was telling the stories, so he would take a stack of her documents to help her out. In fact by the end of the week, he was doing more of her shredding than she was.

The warehouse they were working in was not air conditioned. It smelled dusty, like old cardboard, but at least there was a constant breeze from the giant fans on the ceiling. After the first few days of this they started to dress down a bit. First without their coats, then down to cooler clothes. Valerie noticed after a few days and chided them. Even thought they were working in a warehouse they needed to learn to dress properly. The only concession that she made for them is that they could go without their coats when they were in the warehouse. She even offered, what she thought was very kindly, to let them hang them in the closet in her office. They did, and then rolled up their long sleeves and went back to shredding in that sweltering, filthy place.


Tiffany was beginning to really enjoy herself here. It took her no time at all to get Mark to start doing her work for her. She just left herself enough to look busy for when Valerie came to check on them. Drinks and snacks were free in the office break room, and she offered to go get them every hour or so. It let her spend more time in the air conditioning and she was using it to flirt with a couple of the old men in the company. People that if she took a little extra time in their office as she passed by, no one would take notice of, but she had gone to great lengths to make sure they invited her in every time.

First off there was Mr. Kilkenny. He was this older guy that had red hair and was a class A nerd. But he would get an ear to ear grin on his face when he would see her pass his office in the hall. He must have been 65 and she was only 19, but that didn't seem to bother him at all. He liked to show her stuff on his computer, always work related. But when she would bend over his desk to look at the screen, he would take the opportunity to look down her shirt. He thought he was pretty sly about it, but she knew what he was doing. After the first couple of times, she wore a loose top and a loose bra. Right before she went to his office she stopped in the bathroom and pinched her nipples so they would be nice and hard. As she leaned over his desk to see the study guides he had pulled for her, she knew her top flapped open and he could see her tits. Sweat broke out on his brow and his face flushed. Honestly she was worried would keel over and die of a heart attack on her. Wouldn't that be something?

The other guy that she was stringing along was Mr. Forest. He was younger, but not by much. Whereas Mr. Kilkenny was a nice older man she was teasing, Mr. Forrest was a bit more of a challenge. Something about him made her feel that he was a little bit dangerous, that all of this wasn't just a little harmless flirting for him. Like he may actually try something with her. Part of what turned her on about her game with him is that she felt a little bit at danger around her.

The first time in his office when he was looking over every square inch of her body and undressing her in his mind she started rubbing her neck and made a comment about how stiff it was. Right on cue he got up and rubbed it for her. Of course, standing over her like that he could see right down her shirt, and she knew it. After he had been rubbing for a while she leaned back a bit and could feel his erection on the center of her back. That was really hot. After the first few times he massaged her shoulders he got a little bit more daring. He started running his hands under her shirt, but just around her neck. Then he kind of stalled out, like he didn't know what the next step should be or if he should take it. If he didn't advance the game in the next few rounds, she was either going to lose interest or have to force him into something. It wasn't fun for her to have these guy's hands all over her unless she was fucking with him. Otherwise it's just gross.

If she could wear a shorter skirt, maybe she could go without panties and bend over in front of him to show off her pussy or possibly sit on the corner of his desk and spread her legs a little too far. She didn't know... She wished there was someplace that she could let him walk in on her naked, and then after he got a good look, freak out and threaten to go to HR. She would have to think about how to pull that off.

In the meantime her nightly masturbation sessions tended to revolve around him trying to force her into something and her threatening to go to HR if he didn't do something really humiliating for her. Maybe she could make him take pictures of himself in her panties or something. Of course even if he did more than just TRY to force her, that could be a little fun too.

Her last project was Alyssa. Alyssa was a goody two shoes if she had ever seen one. No doubt. It was clear that she had always been the proper, popular girl and had probably lost her cherry to Jesus Christ himself, if she didn't still have it that is. Alyssa would be the perfect girl to take home for a sleep over with too much wine and maybe a little pot and see where things went. Right now though, they were just beginning their "Best Friends Forever" routine. This was the boring part, but as she knew, it was the first steps to something more fun.

The funny thing is that what turned this all into the biggest, raunchiest game of her life was started by the cheerleader...


It was Thursday in the warehouse and they had been at it for weeks. A loose type of camaraderie had started to develop with them. More and more the subject of sex came up. Mainly this was due to all of the stories that Tiffany had been telling to them. All of them had finally started to talk about their sexual past. Mark told a lot of true stories and made a few up to keep topping Tiffany. She had quite the past, if half the things she told them were accurate. Alyssa was a little more sedate. Most of her stories belonged in the Gone Mild instead of Gone Wild category. Hers were particularly devoid of detail.

One hot and sweaty afternoon Alyssa opened her mouth and came up with the idea. "Let's go out for drinks tonight." She made it a question, but shouldn't have needed to. With as tired and disillusioned as they were, drinks were just the thing.

"Ah, I'm not 21 yet," said Tiffany tentatively.

"No problem," said Alyssa. "There is a pool hall by my house that never cards. It will be great!"

"Okay", the rest of them said in unison. Interestingly enough both of them had the same thought, whether or not they would get laid that night.

"Okay, but let's all go home and clean up first and change. I don't want to go out if I can't change first. We're too nasty working in here."

"Yeah, good idea." They all agreed.


Mark walked into Uncle O's Billiard Palace around 9:30 as they had planned. Well, actually they were supposed to be there for 9:00, but he liked to make an entrance. Billiard hut would have been a much more apropos term. It was small and dark and had one pool table in the corner that the girls were already at. When he walked in, Alyssa waved enthusiastically at him and none of the drunks at the bar bothered to look up.

He stopped at the bar, ordered two rounds of tequila shots and a drink for himself, and walked over to the table. When he walked up, he saw why no one at the bar bothered to look up. Tiffany was bent over the table shooting and she was wearing a loose tank top without a bra. Her tits were basically falling out of her clothes. When she stood back up her breasts settled back to their normal position and the outline of her nipples were clearly visible against the grey fabric.