The Lamp Ch. 04


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Kathy recovered from her surprise rather slowly. "Thanks, Jenny, but that's not for me. Maybe if I weren't so flat-chested and had boobs like yours, but as it is ..."

Martin explained how that was totally beside the point and how Professor Connors wanted a wide variety of body types for the models. He used his silver tongue to distraction, and eventually he was having both Kathy and Jenny practice modeling nude in front of him. Martin finally left. The two girls, but especially Kathy, were both shocked at what they had just done. They had even let Martin takes pictures of themselves nude, ostensibly to show Professor Connors in the morning.


The nude modeling was a revelation to Jenny. She had always felt strange when Alex had made her nude and vulnerable whenever they made love outdoors in Manhattan. The nude modeling helped her to understand the intrinsic thrill she felt being naked in front of others, in front of strangers. She likened the feeling of her nude modeling to being high on a mind-altering narcotic. After modeling, her whole being tingled with thrill.

Martin was always attentive to Jenny, and after she started nude modeling he would give her nude massages. Jenny felt the massages were sexy, but they were never overtly so, and Martin never pushed. The two students, while hopelessly sexually attracted to each other, never went beyond the flirtation and occasional kissing stage.

Martin, tuned in to Jenny, understood that she was not ready for a sexual relationship. She was also not a girl to trifle with via a casual affair. He knew he could have her if he pushed, just a little, and that virtual conquest he found exciting. There was no pressing need to make it a physical conquest, with all the complications that would come with it. It would happen, he was sure: no need to ruin it by rushing.

Kathy decided to model nude, too. Martin also gave her nude massages on a regular basis. Unlike Jenny, Kathy decided to have sex with Martin. As a consequence, it only took two massages before Kathy began to moan when Martin accidentally (really!) brushed her sweet little pussy. Martin was many things, but (unlike Alex before him) he was not stupid. As Kathy's moans got louder Martin accepted the implicit invitation, and he quietly slipped two fingers inside her. Jenny was in the library studying for a midterm. The dorm room was all theirs for the next few hours.

Martin rolled Kathy onto her back. He saw Kathy's erect nipples, her wet slit, and her blazing-headlights smile. Kathy had straight white teeth despite drinking green tea by the quart. Her flat tummy and shapely thighs made her quite attractive, as her thighs drifted apart. When Martin undressed and revealed his own arousal, Kathy said nothing but licked her lips.

"Birth control?" Martin asked.

"Welcome to the 21st century," Kathy replied.

"May I cum inside you?" Martin asked.

"Yummy. Lucky me," Kathy replied, doing the impossible by smiling even more broadly. Kathy gasped as Martin entered her. "Oh yeah," she said, pushing up to meet his lovely cock. Wow, Martin quietly thought. What a woman!

It was obvious to Martin that Kathy was not a virgin. He had no way of knowing she had fucked half the seniors at the elite Dalton School in Manhattan, her own senior year. She had to stop however when she got gonorrhea. Her list of contacts that she gave to the school nurse read like a Who's Who of the children of the rich and powerful of Manhattan.

Kathy was smart, but she never figured out why she had wanted to fuck so many guys at the Dalton School. She figured it was due to her being a middle child and kind of ignored by her parents. It wasn't easy to enjoy all the guys who took her to bed because a lot of them did not want to share her with the others. This led to fights among the guys, her being called ugly and racist names, and a couple of the guys she "betrayed" actually hit her, one rather violently. Mostly however she enjoyed herself, and on balance she felt it was a positive experience.

Kathy raved about Martin's sexual technique to Jenny, a bit ad nauseum. Jenny could not hide a little smile. Kathy began to suspect that she wasn't the only girl whose favors Martin was enjoying. Another one was probably her pretty roommate, her fellow nude model for Professor Connors' class, her fellow recipient of Martin's massages from heaven.

Jenny did feel guilty taking Martin to her bed. Both Mary and Kathy had earlier claims to him. She knew, however, that Kathy didn't care that much: there were plenty of other men to conquer. Mary, on the other hand, made her feel plenty guilty. She rationalized that Martin was already cheating on Mary with Kathy, so what's one more girl added to the erotic mess?

Finally Jenny put it out in the open. She asked Kathy if she would be okay with Jenny taking Martin out for a spin. Jenny no longer worried about Mary, who had still not returned from home. Kathy was moving on to another good-looking guy she had met via her nude modeling, so she was happy to have someone take Martin off her hands.

All Jenny had to do with Martin was flirt a little more than usual. It was her signature wink, the one that had worked on Alex Goodfellow in high school, that did it, and Martin was all over her like white on rice. Jenny happily gave in and soon Jenny was spending the night at Martin's place on a regular basis. Jenny had trouble, in fact it was almost impossible, for her to resist Martin, and she enjoyed doing whatever he asked of her. He did not ask anything too outrageous so it was not hard for Jenny to obey him. In particular, unlike Alex Goodfellow, he did not constantly try to enjoy sex with Jenny outdoors where the two of them might be discovered. Jenny sort of kind of appreciated that. She liked being seen, after all. Perhaps though sex was too intimate an activity with which to give a show.

Jenny was basically Martin's sex slave and loving it. Apart from that, the only strange kink she noticed in their relationship was Martin's obsession with having sex with her sitting in his lap.

Martin had seen a shrink, who figured out that Martin's mother had often put his little sister in his lap, and the squirming little girl had excited Martin no end. He never told Jenny this, and the understanding he gleaned from his shrink did not help him to get over this sexual peccadillo bordering on an obsession. Jenny didn't care; she enjoyed having sex with Martin while sitting naked on his lap.

What Martin especially enjoyed was trying to subtly have sex with Jenny in a crowded room at a party, usually with Jenny sitting in Martin's lap when there were insufficient chairs. Both knew some of the partiers would see them, but everyone was polite and never mentioned the sexy goings-on. Jenny found it a huge turn-on, and Martin knew it. He knew what his problem was, thanks to his shrink, but he had only the vaguest idea why Jenny loved it so much.


Jenny entered her sophomore year without Martin. He had graduated and moved away to get a job downstate in New York City. She was lonely, but she soon met Dylan, who took Professor Connors' drawing class, mainly to ogle the nude models. When Dylan saw Jenny nude, he was hooked. He found out all he could about her and went after her by befriending her former roommate. Kathy Tohoku told him all about Jenny, and using the knowledge, Dylan played Jenny like a violin. Soon Dylan and Jenny were inseparable.

Jenny still studied in the same café that she and Martin had haunted. One day, when she was deep into Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil a shadow fell over her as a man sat down at her table. Without looking up she said, "Not now, Dylan. I'm working on an important paper."

"Good thing then I'm not Dylan," a male voice said.

Oh shit. Another annoying man, she thought. Probably he's a student in Professor Connors' class and wants to date the sexy nude model. It had happened before.

"How have you been, my little sexpot? Taken up with Dylan, I infer. Does that mean you don't miss me?"

Jenny stared at her book without seeing it. Scared to look up to see who was speaking, she nevertheless gradually rotated her head to see if it was, in fact, her very own Martin Savage.

It was indeed Martin Savage. A smile crept across Jenny's face and became a grin from ear to ear.

"I'm staying at the Courtyard Marriott. Come over to my hotel room and sit on my lap, why don't you?" Martin said.

"Martin, you've lost your mind. I mean it's nice to see you and all, but you can't just find me in our usual café and propose what you're proposing out of the blue like that!"

"You're right. Let me get a latte and then join you for a bit. We can get caught up, okay?"

"No. You just showed tremendous disrespect for me. I'm not some cute little trollop who will just melt and lie down for you whenever you happen to pop up. I have a new man now, and he's not like you. He wants his woman to be exclusive, and that's fine with me."

"May I join you at your table, in public, at this café, at least? I've missed you terribly, Jenny."

"Okay," Jenny said, feeling virtuous by turning down Martin's outrageous proposal as well as charmed that Martin "misses her terribly." What was he thinking, anyway? Had he always been such an awkward creep?

The two former lovers talked for a good two hours. They caught up on each other's news, they reminisced about old times, and finally Martin asked if she was still modeling for Professor Connors' class. She was, and she blushed slightly when she said it.

"You like it, don't you," Martin declared more than asked.

"I like the money, if you must know," Jenny replied.

"Of course, of course. Don't lie to me, Jenny -- I know you too well. I know you intimately, inside and out, and I haven't forgotten how wonderful you are. Admit it: It turns you on to be nude in front of twenty students, more than a few of them lusting for you, imagining what it would be like, getting erections and getting wet ..."

Jenny was blushing. "Enough, Martin. Stop. Yes, you know me well ... very well. Very well indeed."

"You look as beautiful as I remember you."

"Even fully clothed?" Jenny smiled with her tease.

"Yes, of course. Even fully clothed. Hey, want me to give you some new tips about modeling nude?"

"What new things do you know?" Jenny felt she already knew everything.

"It's hard to explain."

"I'll bet it's hard," and there was Jenny's smile again. She was enjoying teasing Martin.

"I need to show you. Do you want me to?"

"At your hotel room, no doubt? Sitting on your lap?"

"Or your dorm room if you like. Is Kathy still your roommate?"

"You have to promise you won't try to have sex, okay?"

"Well ..."

"Promise, or there's no deal, and I'll just have to live without learning your new techniques. I won't betray Dylan."

"Really? And would it really be betraying him? After all, you and I go way back, even long before you met this Dylan character."

"Yes, it would be betraying him. He's just a bit insecure, and he has the old-fashioned idea that his girlfriend is his own property when it comes to sex."

"You put up with that?"

"I kind of like it. His old-fashioned attitude is kind of charming -- especially after a year living with Kathy. It's probably just innocence. As the other Dylan put it, he was so much older then; he's younger than that now. Except he's still back in 'then.' He hasn't quite reached 'now' yet."

"It may never appear, you know, the younger Dylan," Martin observed, trying to sound thoughtful. Maybe he actually was thoughtful.

"Yes, I know," Jenny replied.

Martin knew Jenny well. He knew her body language. He rose from his chair, taking Jenny's hand and pulling with almost imperceptible force. Jenny rose with him, and off they went to his hotel room.

Jenny stripped naked and Martin sketched her naked form on his iPad. He manipulated her body into new positions. Jenny held the poses, but after 20 or so minutes a few of her muscles rebelled. She was quite sore. Martin gave her one of his massages, relaxing her muscles and her mood. It was as if she and Martin were still the lovers of her freshman year.

Martin rolled the relaxed, compliant Jenny onto her back, looking down onto her naked body, seeing her erect nipples. Jenny watched Martin undress, and her legs parted. Neither of them spoke as Martin got on the bed and positioned himself between her legs.

"You promised no sex," Jenny said without conviction.

"May I be granted an exception from my promise?" Martin smiled wonderfully.

"No," Jenny replied, even more weakly. She was obviously conflicted. "We shouldn't."

"Do I need a condom?"

"I'm on birth control," Jenny replied, spreading her legs even farther apart.

"May I? Please?" Jenny shook her head no. Martin added, "Pretty please?" Jenny just stared at him, unable to deny him yet again. "With sugar on top?"

"Damn you, Martin," Jenny said as he gently pushed inside her. Jenny groaned. It was beyond wonderful to have Martin inside her again! Jenny spent the night at the Courtyard Marriott. Martin spent two hours the next morning enjoying every square inch of Jenny's body, and fucking her every way he could imagine, with Jenny loudly moaning out her approval. Jenny's exhortations and cries of pleasure could be heard the entire length of the long corridor of the hotel's second floor.

Jenny also surprised Martin, not an easy thing to do. Just as she had done with Alex back in high school Jenny had always refused to give Martin a blowjob, saying it was too dirty and she was psychologically incapable of putting her mouth on his thing. Dylan however had more or less demanded blowjobs, forcing Jenny to confront her demons. She discovered it was not all that horrible.

The kicker was how much Dylan loved her blowjobs. She felt she had power over him from such a simple, if still a bit disgusting act, and it was exciting for her. The question was, was it just Dylan, or do all men go ape over blowjobs?

This was her chance to see if a fascination with blowjobs existed in men besides Dylan. She woke before Martin, maybe because she had drained him of most of his bodily fluids the night before? She leaned over him and enveloped his flaccid cock in her warm, moist mouth. She had developed a technique by inventing little tricks and trying them out on Dylan. Most of the tricks she found by scouring the Internet, and from the magazine Cosmopolitan. Dylan loved it when she sucked his balls and hummed while she did so. Dylan loved it too when she licked the sides of his cock like a lollipop. Finally, Dylan also loved it when she put as much of his cock as she could into her mouth. She had not yet learned how to deep throat, but she was working on it.

As it turned out, every single thing that Dylan loved was a success also with Martin. Jenny was not only blowing him, but doing it without him asking, and acting like she enjoyed it to boot! This surprised and pleased Martin no end. He had been using Jenny for some nostalgia sex, but now? Now he was falling for her all over again.

Martin pushed Jenny off his cock before he exploded, and he pulled her on top of him. Jenny was good and wet, and he slipped into her quite easily. Jenny sat up, her boobs bouncing gently. She rode Martin cowgirl style; another sexual fillip Martin had no idea Jenny ever did! He began to feel quite grateful to Dylan.

Martin left later that day, but he would reappear from time to time, always finding Jenny studying at the same campus café. She would always resist him, say no, but he would always find a way to make love with her. She was constantly terrified someone would see them and let Dylan know, but thankfully it never happened.

Jenny came to realize she simply could not resist Martin. She deduced that he could have his way with her whenever he wanted her, which was every time he came to visit their college town. She never even wondered why he came to visit it so often; she was simply glad that he did.


That had been Jenny's sophomore year. Her junior year she spent abroad in Paris, France. In Paris she had met the true love of her life, namely Marc Claudet. Falling in love with Marc led to her breakup with Dylan and, later, with her French lover, Jean-Pierre. Now she was 25, married to Marc and living with him on Park Avenue. She had been sexually faithful to him since before their wedding--apart from the business with J.B. Goode about the lamp. It had been five years since she had seen or even heard from Martin Savage. Now at least that last item was about to change.

Jenny was scared. Would Martin still have the same hold over her? Would he be able to seduce her yet again? Things were different now. She was older and more mature. She and Martin had grown apart. On top of everything else, she now was married to a wonderful man, for Pete's sake! People called her Mrs. Claudet. She wore a diamond engagement ring and a gold band wedding ring.

At Sunday's event at J.B. Goode Antiques, Martin and she would both be naked, with her sitting on him, exposed, and kissing him. All these old, rich men would be watching. She'd have to depend on Martin behaving, or J. Byron Goode enforcing a no-molestation policy. Yeah, right: When before had either man ever behaved? Look at what J. Byron had gotten up to with her BFF Lois! No, it was all up to her. She knew that Martin would pretend to behave but try to seduce her anyway. Could he still seduce her so easily, even now, five years later, with her married? God, she hoped not!

She needed to be strong, to find strength she was not sure she had. It's times like this she wished she were religious; she could pray for help and guidance. Or pray for strength. Jenny knew, however, that she did not possess even an ounce of spirituality.

Jenny decided she was fucked. Now metaphorically. Sunday possibly also literally.

What to do? What to do? What indeed. She had just finished a novel by Lee Child, about a man named Jack Reacher. He always said: "Hope for the best -- plan for the worst." The question was: How could she plan for the worst? What even was the worst? Shit, this was hopeless!


To be continued

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Pippa76Pippa76about 1 year ago

Loved this erotic recollection of jenny's past tangos. I especially liked the description of noisy sex between jenny and Martin. Looking forward to what happens next. Brilliant 5 stars.

MormonJackMormonJackabout 1 year ago

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny ... sure, you're f'd at this point but, given your history, maybe we should be impressed that you were faithful to Marc for 3 years!

Mr. Edwards, I'm loving the tale, thank you!

Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandabout 1 year ago

In this cleverly constructed chapter we learn the rest of Jenny's sexual history: early affairs with George, Alex, Dylan, and the irresistible Martin Savage. Plus freshman roomate Kathy's fling with Martin following her remarkable campaign at Dalton School. The sex scenes are all erotic, sweet, and quite funny--and many.


By the end of the chapter, we are fully primed for one heck of a Chapter 5. Jenny (now married to Marc) has always been absolutely unable to say no to Martin Savage. Martin has a girl-on-his-lap sexual fetish. Mr. Goode, for an exhibition in his antique shop, has hired both Jenny and Martin to undress and assume the intimate pose of the two figures in Rodin's statue, "The Kiss." What could possibly go wrong? 5*

AnnalovesitAnnalovesitabout 1 year ago

Oh Jenny, what will she do?

Paul Newman's eyes, how could any girl resist.

Loved it, can't wait for the climax.

tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 1 year ago

I get the feeling that Jenny is being teed up for a fall. Martin is a snake and yet married Jenny is cavorting nude with him in public. I suspect M. Claudet will learn of his wife's indiscretions in Paris and take strong exception. Good plot, good characters, and it reads well, too.

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