The Marine Ch. 02


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Walking out of the building, I felt confident things had gone rather well. I'd passed the test with flying colours, the interview had gone well, with word I'd receive a call within the week if I'd been successful. If I was, they'd set me up a medical and eyesight test, then I'd have to take the Pre-Joining Fitness Test.

Being in Manchester already, I called Hannah and let her know how things had gone. She wanted to meet immediately, so I walked to her university. Waiting in my nice clothing, I earned more than on appreciative glance before she appeared. That first kiss was something else. "I can't wait to see you in their uniform," she whispered, "I'll just want to fuck you constantly."

"And now?"

"Back to mine for an hour or so before you head home?"

Half an hour later, I had my cousin bent over her bed as I fucked her from behind. She loved every second, and giggled away when I had some fun and pulled out, leaving a few long streaks of cum up her back and over her arse. Gave us an excuse to shower together before I needed to go.

I received a call on Friday morning stating my interview had been successful and that I was onto the next stage. My medical was two weeks later, passing that without a problem as I'd had the usual chicken pox as a kid but no major illnesses otherwise, and didn't have any medical problems otherwise, and my eyesight was absolutely fine.

Then the fitness test. All the running I'd been doing, all the fitness work I'd been doing since I was 16, meant I passed that with flying colours. I wasn't the best recruit, as I was confident enough to ask where I placed, but they assured me my times were more than good enough to see me through to the next stage. And that's when I did receive a surprise, the same liaison officer who'd interviewed me pulling me into an office and stating I had been forwarded to the Potential Officer Course (POC) based on all my results so far.

I nearly wept, shaking his hand ever so tightly. "That's the usual reaction," he said, understanding why it meant so much, "The POC will take place in late November. After that, it's the Admiralty Interview Board (AIB). Though you've already been told, we'll send you all the relevant information for both within the week." He glanced at his desk. "You've got about a month to prepare yourself, Nathan. Use that time wisely."

Though I kept most of my things at my grandparents, I was now staying with Hannah more often than not, both of us keen to spend as much time together as possible before I departed. Hearing that I'd been forwarded to be an officer, we headed out to dinner to celebrate before returning to her room to spend all night fucking. She couldn't get enough of me, enjoying her smooth hands running all over my body. I felt I was at peak fitness and knew that still wasn't close to what I'd be like after training. What I did have was stamina, so every night we were together, she eventually passed out cuddling into me, stating I was going to wear her out before I did leave.

Leaving for my grandparents two weeks before the POC, as Hannah needed to get on with some assignments, we were saying goodbye at the station when I kissed her deeply, caressing her cheek. "I love you," I whispered. First time I'd said those words in a tone that suggested how I truly felt.

A couple of tears immediately escaped her eyes, trailing down her cheeks. "Nate, I've been in love since you walked through the doors of the arrival terminal at the airport."

"Oh... well, I've..."

She giggled. "Nate, we weren't supposed to get feelings, remember?"

"Difficult not to. And I know..."

"Amy is dating now, isn't she?"

"She is, and she sounds happy enough with her new bloke."

"So I'll find someone too. But I was going to spend every possible minute with you otherwise until you have to go. But I fucking love you big time, okay?" I couldn't help chuckle at her tone. "Now, you'd best go through those barriers, otherwise I'm dragging you home, chaining you to the bed, and then you'll just be a big distraction."

The POC takes place at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM) at Lympstone, Devon. Miles and miles south of where I'm living. Thankfully, the Royal Marines did provide me with a ticket, so I spent the Monday night with Hannah before nearly the entire family arrived at Manchester Piccadilly on Tuesday morning to see me off and wish me luck.

I arrived on time, no surprise the train I was on was full of other recruits. The carriage was soon full of chatter and laughter, some of it nervous, as we got to know each other. Plenty of accents, regions across English, quite a few from Scotland and Wales. Few from Northern Ireland. Couple of Canadians. I was the only one from the southern hemisphere.

The first day was orientation. There was a briefing of what we'd expect the next three days, before receiving our kit, clothing and boots, before being taken on a tour of the base. The enthusiasm was high. Every single one of us was young, fit, confident. But there was on arrogance on display. We knew this was nothing compared to the real show later on. The evening meal that night was the last time we knew we'd get to properly relax. It was going to be three days of balls to the wall action.

Day two was taken up with some basic drill techniques, after being woken up before dawn, I might add, before there was the first fitness test, similar to the PJFT but the required time was even less. After a few short lectures, there was a series of gym tests that really put our fitness under examination. There was a VO2 max (beep test) with a minimum requirement of level 11. Complete as many press ups as possible in two minutes. Complete as many sit ups as possible in two minutes. And, finally, as many overhand grasp pull ups as you could manage, minimum of eight quality pull ups expected.

I passed everything. I wasn't the best, I wasn't the worst. But I knew I'd have to be better.

Next was a swimming assessment, and being Australian and used to water, that was my time to shine. Jumping off a three metre board wasn't a problem. Completing two one hundred metres lengths of breaststroke was easy. Picking up a rubber brick from the bottom of the pool in the deep end was no trouble at all. I fucking aced the swimming, more than one joking they should just call me 'the dolphin'. Thankfully, it wasn't a nickname that stuck.

After all that, there was an interview with our course Corporal, one on one, where we had to show a broad understanding of the Marine Corps. Thankfully, that was another chance to shine considering I'd spent years studying them. I have no idea what time we had chow and eventually went to bed, but I think every single one of us dropped off to sleep within a couple of minutes.

Woken when it was still dark outside, we were expected to shower, shave and be ready for chow within a set number of minutes. But looking outside the window, to see heavy rain, there were a few groans. The Marines worked in all weather. Rain, hail, shine, sleet, snow. The Marines never stopped. Day three would sort the wheat from the chaff in many ways.

The tarzan assault course was a lot of fucking fun. While there wasn't a time limit, there was an expectation to handle the obstacles confidently, and if you had a fear of heights, you were fucked as sometimes you would end up thirty feet from the ground. A couple of recruits simply froze up during that. No-one blamed them for doing so.

After that was an induction and run through of the bottom field assault course. There were various games that were played, some individual, some based on working as a team. That's when natural leaders came to the fore, and that's what our instructors were looking for. But apart from the physical, it was a test of motivation and determination, not from those watching, but to gee each other up. None of us wanted to see anyone fail. We all wanted to become officers, though we knew that likely wouldn't happen.

It was also the first time we saw recruits injured. One guy snapped his ankle and he was out immediately. Seeing him burst into tears, knowing how close he was, everyone knew how he felt. He'd likely worked for years, just like the rest of us, simply for the opportunity. Another guy twisted his knee so bad, he simply couldn't go on, barely able to walk let alone run though he was a tough bastard and refused to give up. It was only a quiet word from an officer that saw him leave, also in tears.

The last physical test was a feat of endurance. We were taken four miles from CTCRM to an area called Woodbury Common. It was a 2.5 mile cross-country course, tackling more obstacles, tunnels and water, including the famous 'sheep dip'. The final test was a 'hare and hounds', where we had to keep pace with one of our instructors for one mile, before a four mile run back to CTCRM. We were all cold, wet and tired, but we earned a begrudging nod of respect when we started to sing on the way back.

Guess we've all seen movies before so it fit the mood.

That was the end of the physical tests, but that evening, after chow time, we were ordered to collect all our field equipment as we would be camping out under the stars. Thankfully, the rain had stopped during the four mile run, though the ground below us was still sodden. Marched towards a field a couple of miles away, we had to build the camp and a fire, prepare the evening meal, and make sure we remained alert while ensuring our equipment remained in working order.

Returning to CTCRM after breakfast the next morning, we returned our kit and were allowed a quick wash and preparation for a lecture with the Physical Training Instructor. That only lasted an hour or so before there was a brief regarding medical and pay before we were each individually told if we passed or not.

Standing before the officer in charge, he made me wait a few seconds before he took a piece of paper from a folder and slid it across the desk. "Congratulations, recruit. You've passed."

I almost passed out from the sheer relief. Taking it from his hands, it was rather simple but I wasn't expecting anything fancy. Simply had my name, the date I passed, and the fact I'd passed the course. It was then explained I would move on to the last test, the AIB. I should expect to complete that within a fortnight, so at least it would be before Christmas.

Returning to Manchester, to say I was exhausted would be an understatement. Grandpa picked me up from the station and drove me home. The fact Hannah was there waiting for me meant the world, though I told her that, what I needed before anything, was a hot shower. So she joined me for that, giggling away as I nearly fell asleep against her. I managed to eat with the family but was in bed incredibly early, Hannah joining me just so she could give me a very long cuddle.

I woke early the next morning and went for a run. Hannah wondered what the hell I was on when I got back, as she said I'd been dead the previous day. "That run was child's play compared to what I've done the past three days," I said, "I knew it was going to be tough, but if what I've just done is a taste of what I'm going to face..." I grinned. "A large part of me is looking forward to it. Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment."

With two weeks to the AIB, I was at the gym every single day, pumping iron, aerobic conditioning, and just pounding the miles on the treadmill or the bicycle. Every morning and evening, I'd be out for a long run as well. I was exhausted by the end of each day, but Hannah had now finished her classes, now only focusing on writing essays, so she'd moved in. Our grandparents didn't mind.

Our lovemaking increased in intensity every time. We couldn't get enough of each other. I might have been exhausted, but nothing could stop me getting hard for my beautiful cousin. At least half the time, all she wanted was my cock inside her, pumping her full of cum throughout the night. We tried to keep the noise down, as fucking in our grandparents' house was a little weird, but they never mentioned it the next morning. In fact, our grandmother couldn't stop smiling at us.

The AIB only lasts for two days but is, quite frankly, far more intense than the POC. Observed by a captain and a lieutenant, what they wanted to see was leadership qualities, the ability to motivate yourself and those around you, and the determination to succeed at any objective given. Unlike the POC, which was a physically demanding course, the AIB is mentally and psychologically demanding. The Board President, the officer in charge, and his assistants constantly observe, and were no doubt making notes as we worked. Briefings and administration was handled by a senior NCO, and they were perhaps the only one I'd called a 'cheerleader' throughout the whole affair.

After another interview, similar to the one I had long ago now, but even more important as they really got to the core of what made me as a man, why I wanted to serve and what I thought I could offer the Royal Marines if I was to be an officer, there were a few final tests before I was then left to wait with numerous other potential recruits. The room was quiet, everyone with their thoughts, nervous energy again. To come all this way and then fail would simply not do. Some would happily just go join as a regular Marine, but others would be almost desperate for a second chance, if they were invited back to try. Some would only get the one shot.

"Nathan Smith," the NCO announced.

Walking through the door, the captain was sat behind the desk, a pile of folders on his desk. I stood at attention as we'd gone through the basics at POC. The wait to hear whether I was successful or not seemed to last an eternity. The captain finally stood up from behind his desk. "Nathan Smith, you are to report to CTCRM on January 10th next year to being your training to become a Royal Marines Commando." He went on about what I'd be paid, conditions of service, et cetera, but most of that was white noise. Took it all in, of course, but what mattered was that I was in. I was going to be an officer.

Offering his hand, I shook it firmly. "Congratulations," he said, "We don't get too many Australians coming through here. I'm sure you'll do your home and adopted country proud."

"I will. Thank you, sir."

"We'll be in touch within a matter of days. Enjoy Christmas and the holidays with your family."

"I will, sir."

"Good luck."

Walking out of the building, I walked two blocks down the road, before I stopped and just roared 'YEEEEESSS!!!" into the sky. Earned one or two curious glances, but I didn't care.

I text Hannah immediately. I text home immediately. I'd kept them up to date as best I could by message or email, but I was so busy with other things, I sometimes forgot. But what mattered is that I had maybe three weeks left before I'd be joining the service.

I was going to make the most of it.


A/N -- As I explained, I've had to rely on research rather than experience regarding the whole process. Apologies if anything is completely wrong, but I've simplified and adapted what I learned during all my research to fit the story as best I could. As this is a fiction/fantasy story, I'm hoping any gross errors can be forgiven.

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Papa_MunkiePapa_Munkie10 months ago

Enjoying the story so far, with one caveat: I feel like the relationships have been railroaded in. No dancing around, just straight to the incest. Also, the family being unquestionably permissive. Maybe there's further explanation as the story goes, but I really wish there was more in those two places, specifically.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

2 small observations:

You style the Brit Marines as something like 'The best in the world'

I wouldn't hold Australian paras/green berets/special forces in any less esteem, nor would the Brit Marines themselves or the US seals/special forces. They are all truly elite soldiers and such comparisons really are odious. [Ask one or two...]

Secondly: re: "... I learned English rugby league was of a different standard to that back in Australia..."

Yeah, they are - Australia usually wins about twice as often. It's a different standard all right but perhaps not the one that quote suggests, - mate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My son is a U. S. Marine Major.

I know what he went through to achieve that position & the story reads true for becoming a Royal Marine.

Well done!

Bill S.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

Okay, so now you have me hoping for Nathan to end up permanently bound to all three girls. Both Amy and Katie as well as Hannah. Hannah was obviously crushing on him since they were 13 years old. I'm a sucker for the long time love being fulfilled. 5/5

6King6Kingover 2 years ago

Well done! Can't wait for the next chapter. *****

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