The Marital Bed


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It was about two weeks into the almost daily 'quickies' that things changed again. Grandma had been solidly in 'young' Grandma mode all day long. We'd had sex twice, which was a first for us, and she'd made her world famous buttermilk fried chicken. I had abandoned her and the kids to do a walk-through of the addition. It was finally done, had passed all the city inspections, and we'd completed the finish work, with paint, carpeting, and tiling the bathroom.

It was about time, they'd run over, but they'd done a terrific job. I signed on the bottom line, and watched them leave for hopefully the last time. I was ready to move out of our tiny cramped bedroom, for the more spacious - and more private - addition.

It had taken almost two hours. When I returned to the house, the kids were already putting the sides on the table. Dana was on her phone, texting something. Grandma came over to me and gave me a big wet kiss. "We have guests, Billy, why don't you change?"

Crap! In front of the kids even. How could we have never planned for this? I looked over and saw Dana staring at us in shock. No more so than I.

I quickly changed into something casual, and ran a brush through my hair. By the time I came out, Dana and the kids were seated. Grandma was carrying a big platter of her chicken to the table. "Why don't you introduce me to your pretty friend?" Grandma said, and I was nervous about the edge in her voice. She didn't seem pleased. Fuck!

"Uhm, this is Dana, and these are her kids, Billy, Roger, and Caroline." I held Grandma's seat for her, before taking my own.

"Caroline. I always loved that name," Grandma said.

Subtlety wasn't my Caroline's strong suit. "Why are you talking and acting funny, Grandma?"

After a couple of weeks of 'happy' Grandma every evening, I guess the kids weren't ready for this Grandma. "Excuse me?" she said, and I knew I had to do something. I stood up and asked Grandma to help me with something in the workshop. I know, it was a lousy excuse.

"How could you, Billy? Bringing your floozy in here, with her kids!" Her hand shot out and she slapped me, hard.

"Stop it, Dana!" I snapped. "You know I don't have any floozies. You're my woman."

"Then explain yourself!" She stomped away turning angrily. "Really, Billy! She's not even very pretty, if you're going to replace me, I'd expect something better. Well, I won't have it!"

My mind was racing, looking for a story she'd accept, anything. And coming up blank, damn it.

"That's it? Nothing to say for yourself, you lousy bastard!"

"Donald!" I blurted. I knew that Grandpa had an older brother that nobody talked about. Something about running off, abandoning his responsibilities. He wasn't part of the family anymore, but in the workshop was an old picture of Grandpa and his brother, standing in front of his father, holding a line of fish. Grandpa might have been 10 in the picture. It's the only picture of Great-Uncle Donald I'd ever seen.

Grandma looked at me in wide-eyed surprise. Her trembling hand moved up to cover her mouth. "My God! He ... he wouldn't, not again ... oh, the poor thing ..."

She gazed up at me with tears in her eyes. "You should have told me, Billy. I understand how difficult this is for you, but you could have told me." She shook her head slowly. "That no-good bastard." She opened the door quietly, peeked inside, and closed it again without saying anything. Then she took me by the hand, and dragged me to the side, away from the door. "There's no denying the family resemblance, that middle boy could be the spit out of his mouth." She heaved a huge sigh. "They're family, Billy. You know what that means."

"Uh, what does it mean?" I was seriously confused by this time.

She pinched me, hard. "Don't be like that. The fact that it's your brother doesn't matter. They're family. We'll take them in, of course. We have the space; you can put the kids in one room, and his woman in the other." She moved in and hugged me. "I know this is difficult, Billy, but you have to remember it's not their fault. Try to be nice to them. Please."

Then it was off to an awkward dinner, with Grandma insisting the kids call her Auntie, Dana making funny eyes at me, Grandma talking about the business, and everyone avoiding talking about the mysterious Uncle Donald, thank God.

While clearing the table I had about twenty seconds to fill in Dana. "Y'all are Uncle Donald's abandoned wife and kids. We're taking you in."

"Uncle Donald? Uh ... Ok," she said.

I was sent off to make space for the abandoned wife and kids, while Grandma gave them the tour, telling them to feel at home. We made an early night of it, and Grandma cornered me. "Now don't you go sniffin' around that woman, Billy. She's gonna be lookin' for someone to take care of her, and her youngins, and it won't be you taking care of her needs, you understand?"

"Of course, Dana. I've got you. What would I want with her?"

That seemed to settle things a bit, but it was shortly after that Grandma announced it was bed time, lockin' up the house, turning off the lights, showing the wife and kids to their rooms, and dragging me off to hers. Damn, this was a mess of the highest order.

I guess Grandma had it in her mind to reinforce the order of things. I had her in her bed for the first time. She was almost frenzied, like near fucked my brains out. I didn't know the old woman had it in her. The second time was better, quieter, and when she rode me near the end, I watched her trace our names on the headboard, so much like her granddaughter.

It was about an hour later that I slipped out of her bed, while she lay sleeping, and snuck down to my room, where I had a lot of explaining to do.

Dana was mostly Ok with everything. She understood that it was both of our faults, for not recognizing this probably would have happened eventually. It took her a good bit of effort to get me hard enough to re-establish her position as my wife.

"Your my husband, damn it!" she growled, while riding me. "Don't you forget it neither. Mine!"

"Of course," I tried to reassure her. "She'll probably have forgotten all about it tomorrow."

* * *

Grandma had, and she hadn't. She woke late as she often did, but it was Saturday, and when she came out, we were all there, Dana making pancakes and sausages, while I was trying to explain to the kids that sometimes Grandma thought I was Grandpa, and that they should try to play along.

Grandma was moving slow, and seemed to be in one of her confused states. That was until I took the boys out to the workshop to help me stain the finished cabinets. She came out a little later, and I saw her hesitate at the door, looking us all over, before heading back in. Half an hour later she was out of her nightgown, and back in one of her light summer dresses. Her yellow one, my favorite. Or Billy's favorite. Hell, somebody's favorite.

"Why don't you young gentlemen check in with your mother," Grandma said, addressing the boys. As soon as they were gone, she was in my arms. "She told you?"

I nodded, with no better answer. I had no idea what she was talking about, unless this was some kind of continuation about yesterday's episode.

"That Donnie was always a good for nothin'. We'll take her and her boys in, of course. It will be good for Caroline to have someone to play with." Grandma gave me a kiss. "She's a pretty one, I'll admit. I don't have to worry about you, do I?"

So now Caroline was our daughter? Not Dana's and Uncle Donald's? This was getting too confusing. "With you around? What do you think?"

Early afternoon, Grandma took a nap, while I took the kids out shopping. When I came home, Mom and Dad had shown up, huddled with Mom in the living room, while Grandma made dinner.

I was barely in the door, when Grandma spoke to me. "Logan, did you get the brown sugar?"

I put the grocery bags on the counter, and put away everything on her list. That earned me a kiss on the cheek. "You're a good man, Logan. Thank you for putting up with me."

That damn near brought tears to my eyes. I gave her a hug. "This is your home. Thank you for putting up with us." I started to pull away, and she grabbed my arm. "Logan?"


"My ... my bad moments, they're getting longer aren't they? I can't seem to remember much of the last few weeks. Is it bad?" She looked upset, and it hurt me to see her like that. Especially after what we'd been through lately.

"They're more frequent, and longer," I admitted. "But they're not bad. Sometimes you think I'm Grandpa."

She gasped, and put her hand over her mouth, one of her gestures I was coming to adore. Then she giggled. "Oh! I guess I can see that, you're near as handsome a man as my Billy was at your age. I'm not ... misbehavin' am I?"

I know I shouldn't have done it, but I teased her a little. "You mean naughty?"

She blushed so cutely. "Billy and I, we had a very loving relationship. You and me?"

I hugged her and gave her a little wink. "You're a great kisser, Dana."

"Logan!" she hissed, looking around. "You're a married man!"

"I am, and very happily married, with a beautiful wife, and an equally beautiful Grandma. It's all Ok, Dana. I promise. You have nothing to worry about."

It was another great afternoon and evening for Grandma, and stayed that way throughout the weekend. It was probably the longest stretch of lucidity we'd had in a while. Things were looking up.

* * *

The following week was more like it had been earlier in the month. Three days of Billy's girl, sex twice, including a naughty, shy blowjob, great afternoons with the real Grandma, and incredible nights with Dana, still doing her damnedest to remind me who was married to whom, with oral sex at least every other time, both ways.

My home life was pretty incredible. Work was another issue. We'd had another big problem, and by Friday, I was working non-stop trying to craft a design fix. These were the worst. It required a lot of effort, extended communications with the team, multiple-levels of integration and testing, all in a mad rush.

The fallout was it looked like I was going to miss out on a family outing. We were all supposed to head down to SeaWorld, that weekend. Mom and Dad were joining us. Alice had planned to take care of Grandma while we were gone. But with the project in the state it was in, I knew I was going to have to work all weekend. In the end, it was decided not to disappoint the kids, and they'd all head down to SeaWorld, with Alice taking my place.

Grandma was fuzzy Saturday, while I toiled away in my basement office, only coming up for lunch and to use the bathroom. That afternoon I had my breakthrough, and was able to check in a fully-functioning sub-system. I was ahead of the rest of the team, that's why they paid me the big bucks. I was worn out when I came upstairs asking Grandma if she had plans for dinner or if she wanted me to take her out. I was surprised when she said she'd love to go to dinner, we hadn't been out to eat in ages, which was true.

I showered and put on jeans and a western shirt, not my usual garb. I called ahead and made reservations at our favorite steak house. When Grandma came out, she was looking her prettiest, all made up, wearing a dress and her pearls. Her eyes lit up as she saw me. "Don't you look handsome tonight?"

"Not near as pretty as you," I said.

She walked up and gave me a hug and then a kiss. A real kiss, setting off my alarms. "It's been ages, Billy, thank you."

Dinner was nice, if overly flirtatious. Grandma got a little tipsy on two glasses of beer, which was something I couldn't remember seeing. I'm pretty sure she had a great time, and I know I did. At home, she dragged me straight to bed. Tipsy Grandma was a lot of fun in the sack.

Grandma rarely went naked. Never around me. She changed in the bathroom, and always wore a nighty to bed. During the day, when we had our quickies, or even not-so-quickies, she always wore dresses or the occasional skirt. That night, for the first time, she came to me in just her panties. She was blushing when she came out of the bathroom, and insisted I turn off the lights.

We made love, long slow and tender, and it was great. Then she went down on me, and we had a more playful time, while I ended up taking her doggy for the first time. She enjoyed that one a lot, coming for me loudly. To be fair, I liked it a lot as well. A whole lot. I ended up falling asleep with Grandma in my arms, as content as I could be.


I was startled awake, with Grandma pulling the sheet up to her chin, slapping at me, looking frightened. It took me a few seconds to adjust to the situation.


"What are you doing in my bed?" she shrieked, smacking me again.

Shit. Not good. I tried to calm her. "Do you remember anything about yesterday?"

She shook her head nervously.

"Nothing about William's Steak House?"

"No," she whispered.

I reached out and took her hand in mine. "Dana, you know that sometimes you think I'm Billy, right?"

It took her a few seconds to respond. It was with tears. "My Billy's gone."

It broke my heart, and I pulled her back down into the bed, holding her. "I know. The best man I ever knew."

She nodded, letting me hold her while she cried. I stroked her back, trying to calm her, kissing the top of her head. "Did we ...?"

"Yes. We do it a lot. You're pretty incredible, you know. A very sexy, very naughty girl."

She looked up at me, with a tiny little smile. "A lot?"

"Almost every day. Twice last night."

"Oh!" She did that hand over the mouth thing, and it made me smile.

"Dana knows. She wants us to be together, when you think I'm your Billy. You're so happy for hours, even days afterward."

"But you're my granddaughter's husband!"

"We're family, Dana. We all love you." I leaned back, drawing her with me. She lay against my side.

"This is kind of crazy," she said. "Where is everyone?"

"They went to SeaWorld. It's just us two until late tonight."

She was quiet, her hand running over my chest. She turned her head, and kissed my shoulder lightly. "You're a better man than any of us deserve, Logan."

You have to understand, this was the woman I'd been loving most of the summer. She was hurting, concerned. I took her chin and tilted her head up so I could kiss her. "If I'm a better man, it's because you and Grandpa made me that way. You remember how I was."

She chuckled. "You were a little shit. But we all recognized that there was more to you than that, and Dana loved you." Grandma pouted. "You're Dana's husband, not mine. This isn't right."

"I love you, Dana. I love both my Dana's. We've talked about this a lot. This isn't the first time I've been in your bed at night. It's Ok." I grinned, and gave her a kiss with a little tongue. "It's better than Ok, you're a wild woman."

Her blushing was adorable. "I'm twice your age, Logan."

I ran my hand down her side, until it rested on her bottom. "And usually twice as horny. Grandpa was a lucky man."

That got a smile out of her. "Yes he was, wasn't he? But he was a good man and deserving."

"Aren't I deserving?" I teased.

Her eyes opened wide, and she laughed. Then her hand was running down my front, holding my growing erection. "You're certainly a good man. I still can't believe we're here. In my marital bed."

I laughed, tugging her closer, squeezing her bottom. "Believe it, beautiful."

Her hand was moving slowly, squeezing a bit, feeling my hardness. "We're naked," she whispered. "I never sleep naked."

"You were a little tipsy last night, and came to bed in your panties. We lost those pretty quickly. You wore me out, wild thing."

She was blushing again, her hand stroking me. Then she was kissing me, tugging me toward her. I got the hint and moved over her, between her legs. "Gently," she said. "It's been a long time, Logan."

I nodded. "Almost eight hours."

"Maybe for you, but for me it feels like it's been years." Her hand was holding my erection, moving it, guiding me home.

It took a bit of effort. Grandma was different than Billy's girl. But we kept with it, and before long I was deep inside of her. I kissed her, and saw the glistening in her eyes. "I love you, Dana. This is wonderful."

The first moan had me cautious, nervous. Her hands clenched my ass cheeks, and pulled me into her, and I knew it was Ok. It was a long, glorious, time, with lots of expressions of love. She lay beneath me, her eyes closed, responding amazingly. "So good," she whispered. "Bang me, Logan. Bang this naughty woman."

I took her more forcefully, still a little nervous. But I knew her by now, and knew her tells. "Come for me, Dana," I growled into her ear, thrusting deeply.

She came sweetly, not very vocal, but her body response left no doubt. "Love me, honey," she gasped.

I did, and when I came inside of her, she shuddered in my arms.

I eased off of her, stroking her body. Alright, it wasn't a young woman's body, nothing like my wife's. Her skin wasn't nearly as tight, her breasts were smallish, and didn't sag too much. It was an older woman's body, but to me, it was still incredibly sexy.

She smiled shyly and pushed me away. "Don't look at me, Logan."

"You're gorgeous, Dana. And I'll look at you whenever I want to."

She blushed again. It was kind of funny, Grandma probably blushed more that morning, then she had in all the time I'd known her. "I was very pretty, you know," she said. "I could wrap most any man around my little finger."

"I know. You still are. You're an incredible woman, Dana. I love being with you. I love making you happy."

She giggled, and cuddled up to me. "We do it a lot?"

"A lot."

"Can we do it again?"

That brought a smile to my lips. "It will take a while. Twice last night, and again this morning. I'm not a young man," I teased.

She sat up and kissed me. "I bet I can help with that." Then Grandma was moving south, her mouth in action. She was good. Very good.

"Wow, you're so much better than Billy's girl, Dana."

She pulled up smiling. "Is that what you call me? Billy's girl?"

I nodded. "When you're like that, it's difficult to think of you as Grandma. You act so much younger, so different."

She sucked me for a few seconds, then pulled up. "You know, I never did this for him, until long after we'd had Caroline. It was about ten years in. Back then, good girls didn't suck cock."

"I got that feeling. You and I, we still don't do it very often."

"Relax, Logan, and let me show you how much I learned from Billy over the years."

Like I said, she was good. Very good. Great even. It wasn't long before she had me hard as nails. She was careful as she mounted me, and sighed sweetly as she took my length. "Do you really think I'm pretty?"

"Beautiful, Dana."

She was quiet at she rode me. I saw her get that distant look as she gazed at the headboard. Bill and Dana it said. Her hand reached out and traced the letters.

"Dana does that."

She looked down at me, and smiled, with a hint of tears in her eyes. "You can't understand, Logan. What it means to us. Do you think he'd be angry with me?"

"No, Dana. Not a chance. That man loved you like crazy. He'd want you to be happy. He knows you've always been a little naughty."

"I never cheated on him, Logan. Not once. Not even close. I kissed a lot of men, and teased them, but I was a good and faithful wife. You're only the second man I've been with in my entire life."

"I know, Dana. I know Billy's girl pretty well by now. You're a big tease and a flirt, and you may use your charms to help business, but you're a good woman, if a bit naughty. I bet he loved the naughty you."

She grinned, and moved back and forth easily on my cock. "He adored me. It was obvious to everybody. Especially when I was naughty for him."