The Next One Ch. 04


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"A duty dance?"

"The boss's wife."

I walked over to where Russ and Vangie were sitting and asked Russ if I might have the pleasure of a dance with Vangie. As we moved out onto the floor Vangie whispered a husky "Thank you" in my ear. The woman had shafted me, but she was still a stone fox and the sexiest woman I'd ever known and having her in my arms gave me the hard on I always got when I saw her. It touched her leg and she whispered:

"It looks as if I haven't lost my touch."

"You are one fucking evil bitch."

"Oh come on baby; you don't really mean that."

"Of course I mean it. You fucked up my life."

"How can you say that?"

"I was all set to spend the rest of my life fucking the two sexiest women I'd ever met and you ruined it for me. Why the hell did you tell Sarah about us?"

"You aren't going to believe it, but I did it to save you."

"Save me?"

"Yes baby, to save you. You would not have been happy married to Sarah."

"How can you possibly know that?"

"I know my daughter baby and I know she is a much bigger slut than I am and not only that, but she is a two-faced hypocrite."

The music stopped and she said, "You have my cell number. Call me. We can have lunch and I'll explain it all to you."

When I got back to Allison she said, "You seemed awful friendly with her."

"Hey, she was almost my mother-in-law and she still thinks Sarah screwed up when she broke us up. So you had better watch your P and Qs because she still wants us to get back together."

"She in that much of a hurry to see her daughter dead?"


"You are mine Frank and I'll kill to keep you if I have to. Understand?"

"Yes dear."


I put Vangie's invitation out of my mind, but two weeks later I saw Sarah walking across the parking lot on her way to see Russ. Seeing her triggered the memory of the Christmas party and Vangie's invitation to call. Curiosity being what it is I finally gave into it and gave Vangie a call.

We met for lunch at Alphonso's. I got there first and when she came in and walked toward the table I got my usual instant hard on and I noticed every male eye in the place was on her. I stood up to greet her and her eyes immediately checked me out and she smiled as she said:

"Good boy. You do know how to let a girl know she is appreciated."

"I only have an hour so why don't you give me that explanation."

"Wait until we order."

The waitress came, took our order and as she walked away Vangie said:

"I told Sarah about us so she would break up with you. I came after you so we would do what we did and I could tell Sarah."

"But why?"

"For the same reason I went after everyone of her other boyfriends. To cause the breakups. I knew that once she knew I'd had you she would call you a cheating asshole and cut you loose."

"Again, why?"

"Remember I told you she was a two-faced hypocrite? Well baby, while you were fucking me she was out fucking around on you. She has a full-time lover – an older man she has been fucking for years – and she has also been fucking two of his friends. In addition to her three lovers she pulls trains at frat parties. During every one of your Guard weekends she was on her back at the Phi Delta house taking on all comers. Check it out if you don't believe me. I'm sure you must know some guys who belong to the fraternity. I don't know if she did it before the night you stepped in and stopped it or if that night got her curious to try it, but however it happened she is doing gangbangs. She did them the entire time she was your intended and she is still doing them. But you of course are the cheating asshole."

"And you know all of this how?"

"Ever since I found out about her older lover I've kept a close eye on Sarah. I've even put a private detective on her from time to time. He was on her the night you rescued her. I knew all about you taking her to room 128 at the Motel 6. I assumed that you were in there fucking the little whore's brains out until you told me different."

"If you knew why wasn't Russ trying to kill me?"

"He didn't know because I didn't tell him."

"Why would you keep it to yourself? He had to be worried sick when she didn't come home."

"If I had told him he would have known about the detective and I couldn't have that."

"But why....." and then it dawned on me and Vangie read it on my face.

"That's right baby. No way could I let him know."

"They don't care that you know?"

"They don't know that I know. Why do you think I make it a point to seduce all of her boyfriends? It is my way of getting even. I tell her I'm doing it for her; to prove to her that the guy is a cheater and once a cheater always a cheater or I give her some bullshit about what happens in the bedroom is seventy percent of a good marriage and I just want to make sure she is getting a good man. And just so you know I gave you rave reviews. What I was really doing was getting even with her and making sure that you didn't get stuck with the little whore.

"She was really pissed when I told her I'd gotten you. They had big plans for you. You working with daddy meant they could always be sure of where you were."

"No they couldn't. It was Russ himself who told me that I couldn't work for him once I married Sarah."

"And who was it who pointed you at the perfect job to put in for?"

"But that still took me away from him."

"But still in the building, right? Remember I told you she was fucking her older lover and two of his friends? Care to guess who one of those friends is?" She saw my facial expression and said, "That's right baby. Between John, Russ and the Guard they always knew where you would be and they could schedule their time accordingly and then mommy had to go and screw things up for them."

"There are things I still don't understand, but I need to get back to work. Thanks for telling me all this. I'm not sure that I really needed to know it, but least now I don't feel so bad about the breakup with Sarah. Knowing that she didn't love me and was only planning on using me changes the way I was seeing things. Got to run. Take care" and I hurried back to work.

I left Vangie with the impression that what she'd told me changed things for me and the way I looked at things, but that wasn't true. Sarah was in the past and while I did miss her some she was still in the past and I only concerned myself with the present and the future. To be honest about it I missed Vangie as much, or more, than I missed Sarah. To be totally honest if I had been given a choice over who I'd want to spend my life with there is a very good chance I would have chosen Vangie over Sarah. The only bad part was knowing that if Sarah and I had hung together I would have had primo job security. I would never have known why, but I would have had it.


I didn't have class that night so I went straight home from work. I got some leftovers out of the fridge, but before I could put them in the microwave and nuke them the doorbell rang. I opened the door and there stood Vangie in low cut top, mini-skirt, and high heels and I went instantly hard.

"It is Wednesday night baby; Fraternal Order of Eagles night for hubby."

Before she could say another word I steeped aside and let her come in.

"Glad to see mommy baby?" she asked as she reached down and ran her hand over the steel bar covered by my trousers. "I guess you are."

"I don't understand Vangie. Why are you here? After all of this time why are you here?"

"Several reasons baby, but most of all because I want to be here. I had to stop seeing you to keep my cover story intact – that I only sampled you for the reasons I gave Sarah – even though I really wanted to be here. When you left lunch today you said there were still some things that you didn't understand, but I also needed to show you something. So let's start with the things you still don't understand."

"None of it makes sense to me. Why are you still with Russ knowing what you know? What kind of relationship do you have with Sarah that you can screw her boyfriends and then talk about it with her? I assume from the way you tell the story that Russ doesn't know you do Sarah's guys; why hasn't she told him?"

"I'll take them in the order you asked. I haven't left Russ because I understand what is happening between him and Sarah. I had the same kind of relationship with my father and it continued until he died. It continued even after I married Russ. The relationship, as good as it was, was always a tense one because of the fear that mother would find out. That tenseness added to the relationship and made it more exciting. I want Russ and Sarah to feel that same tenseness so I've never let them know that I know.

"The situation with Sarah is a little more simple. When my father died he left me a great deal of money. I have the money in the family and both Sarah and Russ like the life style that the money gives us. Sarah believes that if she told Russ what I do with her boyfriends it would lead to a divorce and she and Russ would be out on their butts and living in an apartment somewhere. To be honest, I've led her to believe that. The truth is that I love Russ so it would never happen, but Sarah doesn't know that.

"I know it sounds strange to hear me say that I'm doing what I do to get even with Russ and Sarah for what they are doing and in the same breath say I'm okay with what they are doing, but what the hell, I'm only human so I guess I can be as fucked up as any other human."

The last thing" she said as she took a cassette out of her purse "is this. When you left me at the restaurant you thanked me for letting you know that Sarah didn't love you, but was only out to use you. I don't know why, but I couldn't let that go. A long time ago when I decided I needed to know what was going on I had the house wired for audio and video."

Ashe got up, went to the entertainment center and turned on the TV and VCR. She slid the cassette into the VCR and pushed the 'play' button.

"I've forwarded the tape to the part I want you to see."

On the screen I saw a naked Sarah lying next to her naked father and fondling his cock as he was saying:

"Are you sure that you want to marry Frank?"

"Of course I'm sure. I love him daddy."

"Aren't you afraid we will have to stop once you and Frank are married?"

"Don't be silly daddy. If we can hide if from mom we can hide it from Frank. In fact it will be easier hiding it from him. He will be gone one weekend a month so we know where he will be and as long as he works for you we will always know where he is."

"When you get married he will have to leave my section. Company rules say that people related can't work together in the same area."

"So get him moved to Uncle John's division. That way the two of you can keep an eye on him."

"It would be a lot easier all the way around if you would just find another guy."

"No way daddy. Frank is perfect for me and I love him daddy; I really, really do love him."

Vangie hit the stop button and said, "She might have been going to use you, but she did love you."

"Then why did you break us up? She and Russ could have had their thing on the side and you and I could have had ours."

"If it was just Russ that is the way I would have gone, but there was Russ and his two friends – John and Larry – and by then Sarah was doing her gangbangs at the fraternity house. No way was I going to let you get stuck with what Sarah had become. But that was then and this is now and I'm not wearing anything under this skirt. Does that give you any ideas?"

It did and it wasn't long before "Oh yes, oh fuck yes, fuck mommy baby" was ringing through the apartment as I pumped into her clutching pussy. When I pulled my soft cock out of her pussy she said:

"I've missed that baby. It's been so long for me."

"Oh come on Vangie; as hot and as sexy as you are you can get all you want. Walk into any place where males congregate and you would have your choice of dozens of guys wanting to hook up with you."

"Not so baby. I only do my husband and whoever Sarah dates, anything else would be cheating, but since Sarah isn't dating and I still feel the need to get even I have to cheat. What I'm doing now is cheating."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not. I missed you baby. Would you like to stick your dick in mommy's ass? Please?"

"As soon as it is able."

"I'll help" she giggled and took me in her mouth.

When she dressed to leave she said, "Ross doesn't go to the Eagles on Wednesday and he doesn't bowl either. Those are the excuses he uses to get out of the house and meet Sarah at motels, John's house or Larry's apartment. Can mommy come back and visit on those nights?"

I know it was wrong and that I was cheating on Allison, but I couldn't say no to Vangie. I know it sounds stupid when I say it, but it was like Vangie had cast a spell over me. She owned me and had since the very first time she had cried out "fuck mommy baby; fuck mommy hard" and I just could not say no to her. I swear that if she said to me "Follow me home and fuck me while Russ and Sarah watch" I would have done it. I can't explain it, but there it was. Again, the woman owned me. I told her she could come to me whenever she wanted. She gave me a passionate kiss goodbye and went home.

After she was gone and I had gone to bed I lay there and thought about how Vangie's coming back into my life was going to change things. We had no real future. She loved her husband and she was as old as my mother (actually I found out later she was three years older than my mother) but she seemed to like spending time with me and I loved having her on my bed. Then I said "Fuck it!!! She's back and that is all that matters."

At work the next day I couldn't help but look at John and wonder why in the hell Sarah was fucking him. He was fifty, thirty to forty pounds over weight and wore a horrible looking wig to cover his bald head. All I could think of was that he must have a twelve inch cock. Whatever! He had my unspoken thanks since he was part of the reason that Vangie had come back to see me.


Vangie was back again the next night and after draining my balls for the third time she asked me if I thought I could get away to spend the weekend with her. Russ was going somewhere and so was Sarah and Vangie knew from her surveillance system that even though they were heading off in opposite directions they were going to end up in the same place.

"I want to do you on Russ's bed again. I want to do what we did the last time and screw on Sarah's bed and all over the house. I want you on the kitchen table where Russ usually sits. I want to be nasty where ever Russ and Sarah usually sit or do things."

I was tempted and did not immediately say yes and after a moment or two Vangie said:

"What's the matter baby? You don't want a kinky weekend with mommy?"

I sucked it up and told her that I really did want to do it, but there was a problem. I told her about my relationship with Allison and that Allison would leave school and show up at my apartment Friday night and would be with me until late Sunday afternoon. When I finished Vangie said:

"I hate her. I don't even know her, but I hate her. I hate that she is stealing my kinky weekend from me, but I don't want to come between you and your girlfriend. You need a normal relationship with someone your own age. I guess if you can live with the fact I'm sleeping with Russ I can handle you sleeping with your girl. But I still get you when she is at school, right?"

"Absolutely, although I don't how I'll handle it when she graduates this coming May."

"We can cross that bridge when we come to it."

She was silent for several seconds and then she said, "You have my cell number. If she breaks down or something else happens to keep her from getting here this weekend give me a call."

She kissed me and left me wondering if there was some way to keep Allison away for the weekend. Try as I might I couldn't think of a thing.

Allison was at the apartment when I got home from work Friday and we went out for dinner and then to a movie. It wasn't nice of me and I know it, but I spent the entire weekend with Allison thinking about what I could be doing with Vangie. Allison left at three on Sunday and I immediately called Vangie and asked if she knew what time Russ and Sarah would be back.

"I don't expect either of them before seven, but I can't gamble on it. There will be another time baby. We will still have a chance to make it happen.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So Frank really screwed up when he took her away from that first frat party? She was there to get gang banged and was probably looking forward to it?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I agree that Vangie will get some disease and pass it on . This Story is getting hard to understand at times .

NitpicNitpicabout 2 years ago

How can Vangie be so stupid as go round shagging Sarah's boyfriends?.The amount of cock Sarah is getting is going to get her a STD.,which she will pass on..

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Biggest asshole you ever wrote

I have no sympathy for him. I hope he gets what he deserves in the end. On the hand, he hangs with a bunch of high-heeled sluts so, it would be good if they end together just to avoid fucking some good man's life.

Very sick and fucked up story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I'm out ...

You are a great writer, and I enjoy most of your stories, but this is not one of them. To really enjoy a story I have to root for a character, and in this one I can't. This guy is the biggest asshole I've ever read about, and I cannot read any more.

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