The OF Girl Ch. 261-270


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That set Gemma and Sabrina to laughing, which set Becks to laughing, and then you couldn't help yourself either.

Chapter 267

"I think those should go over there, and then these ones can stack in numerical order here," Sabrina directed you as the two of you were shifting boxes around.

You were on the last few files and Gemma was quickly going through them, so you and Sabrina had shifted to trying to make the entire system understandable for Garrison and the Associates in the morning. The entire outside of the conference room was now ringed with the file boxes, and you were doing the muscle work of lifting and moving things while Sabrina was writing out labels on sticky notes to make it all as easy as possible.

"That's a good point," you said. "But if we're doing it numerically we should shift the dated tax boxes over there to make some more room."

"Fuck, true," Sabrina sighed. "OK."

You got to work but then stopped when Gemma let out a loud, long sigh. When you looked over she was leaning back in her chair with her palms over her eyes.

"Something wrong?" you asked.

"Nope," she shook her head, still with her hands over her eyes. "I just finished the last file."

"Sweet!" Sabrina said, skipping around the table and hugging her.

"Why am I hearing a 'but' coming?" you asked.

"I thought we agreed no anal," Sabrina smirked.

"Harrharr," you rolled your eyes.

"It's not a 'but,'" Gemma said, dropping her hands and blinking a few times before gesturing to the file in front of her. "More like an 'and.'"

"So, and what?" Sabrina asked, picking up the file and starting to skim through it.

"And I think I found something that Garrison is going to want," Gemma said. "Maybe something that they were hiding on purpose."

"In the last file of the last box?" you asked.

Gemma shrugged. "It's just as likely as the first box, or any of the ones in the middle."

"Holy shit," Sabrina said, still reading.

"What is it?" you asked.

"A memo about health and safety issues," Gemma said. "The way it reads, someone asked for something someone said to be in writing, and some middle manager somewhere actually put it in writing. It's... I mean, it's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Or maybe there already is one."

"Shiiiiiit," you said, pursing your lips as you thought it through. Garrison handled a lot of different corporate business and this entire time you'd been assuming that these files were for some sort of merger situation. He'd purposefully not told you what you were supposed to be looking for, and now you understood why. If this was for a merger, you might have skimmed over a memo like that since it was fiducial. If it was for a lawsuit, you might have skimmed over other stuff while looking for anything related to finance.

If it was for something else, finding any sort of fishy memo was like a smoking gun.

"Do we tell Garrison now, or...?" Sabrina hedged.

"It's almost midnight," you said. "Him and the Associates are starting on this first thing tomorrow. I say we leave it out with a note, otherwise he might start wondering why we were here so late."

"So what you're saying is we maybe should have finished work before fucking in the office," Gemma said, looking over at Sabrina.

"Well, if we did it that way, we may not have been able to fuck in here at all!" Sabrina pointed out.

"She's not wrong," Gemma said, turning back to you like a tennis referee watching a match.

"Hey, I'm not complaining here," you said, holding up your hands. "I'm just stating the facts."

"Whatever," Gemma said. "We leave it out with a note and say we think this is probably important."

You all agreed and soon you, Gemma and Sabrina were working together to finish the great Box Sorting and labelling. Just before you left for the night, you changed your mind about the file.

"Let's leave it on his desk," you said. "With a note. Or one of the Associates might come in and steal our thunder."

"They wouldn't," Gemma frowned.

"Are you kidding?" Sabrina said. "Come on, babe. They are lawyers. Sharks. All of them."

You and Gemma looked at Sabrina.

"OK, fine, they aren't that bad," she chuckled. "But seriously, they are all trying to make Partner, and Garrison has a lot of sway. We're just interns."

"Point taken," Gemma said. "OK, let's leave it on his desk."

Gemma wrote the note and the three of you dropped it off before heading to the elevators. Just as you were arriving you were surprised to hear the elevator ding - the three of you came face to face with a trio of cleaners, all six of you stopping in your tracks.

"Hi," you said. "Late night. Have a good shift!"

"You too," the woman who looked like she was in charge said after eyeing the three of you up and down and deciding you didn't look like vandals or anything.

You, Gemma and Sabrina piled into the elevator and pressed the ground floor button.

"See, if we'd waited-"

"We get it, Sabrina," you said with a little laugh.

The lobby was dark except for some lights right at the door, and another couple down one of the corridors where a janitor's closet was propped open. At the front door you had to go through a side door with a crash bar on it since all the main doors were locked.

"So... I think the buses have stopped running at this time of night," Sabrina said.

"Guess we need to Uber it," you said.

"Actually, with Eric and Lucy going out tonight... Can I crash with one of you?" Gemma asked.

"Of course," you said.

"I'm in," Sabrina grinned.

"We are planning on just sleeping, right?" you asked. "It's late already and we have work in the morning."

"Obviously," Sabrina said as she pulled up Uber and ordered you all a ride.

"I'm going to need a shower first," Gemma said.

"Want some company?" Sabrina grinned.

"Always," Gemma said.

"Am I invited?" you asked.

"You can watch," Sabrina said. "Like you said, we need to sleep."

"That sounds fair to me," Gemma said with a teasing crinkle to her nose.

You rolled your eyes and pretended to pout, making the two of them laugh.

"Shower, blowjob, bedtime snack, and then sleep," Gemma negotiated.

"Is the bedtime snack a quick protein shake?" Sabrina asked with a bite of her lips.

"Isn't that what the blowjob is for?" you asked.

"We're going to be tired tomorrow morning, aren't we?" Gemma asked rhetorically.

"Love you," Sabrina said, hugging Gemma from the side.

"Love you too, nympho," Gemma chuckled and hugged her back.

Thankfully, Sabrina got herself under control so that you didn't embarrass the Uber driver, who appreciated having some clean and sober customers on a Thursday night.

If only he knew how filthy your minds were.

Chapter 268

"Hmmhmm, hmmhmm, gotta get hmm hmm hmmmhmm," Sabrina was humming to herself as you walked down the street from the bus stop.

"Babe, please tell me that's not 'Friday'," Gemma said.

"It's catchy!" Sabrina defended herself.

"Yeah, catchy enough to get stuck in our heads," you said. "Thanks a lot."

Sabrina just laughed and shook her head, leading you into the office building. Inside there were a few people in the lobby, but Becks wasn't currently occupied so you all went up to her.

"Good morning," Gemma said.

"Morning, guys," Becks said, then flushed a little remembering your little back and forth last night.

"Morning, Becks," you said with a smile and a wink, leaving it at that.

Sabrina wasn't as forgiving. "Morning, Miss L," she said with a wink.

"Sabrina," Gemma warned her.

Becks waved Gemma off. "It's fine," she said, then looked at Sabrina. "Once."

"I know," Sabrina said, reaching over the desk to take Becks' hand and squeeze it. "I'm just teasing you a little."

"And that's why I'm willing to forgive you," Becks said, then dropped her voice low. "Bitch.

That made you and Gemma snort little chuckles, and Sabrina grinned. The three of you waved your good mornings to her and then headed for the elevator.

"Fuck," Gemma said as the doors closed.

"What?" you asked.

"It's in my fucking head," she said, giving Sabrina a little shove in the shoulder. Sabrina just snickered.

Upstairs you all headed to the conference room - not the one you'd been working in for two weeks, but the usual one. The three of you spread out and set up your workstations again, and about five minutes before the start of the day Eric came in looking a little tired.

"Hey, Eric," Gemma said. "How did the date go?"

"Um," Eric said, glancing around at you and then out into the hallway. Then he broke into a grin. "It went good."

On the one hand, you felt kinda good for Eric that he'd finally had a good date that wasn't just a hookup. On the other hand, it looked like he'd possibly gotten farther with your Ex than you ever did.

"Like, good-good, or good-good?" Sabrina asked.

"The second one," Eric said, moving around to his seat with a little shit-eating grin on his face.

"OK, but did Ludy have fun?" Gemma asked.

"She wants to go out again tonight," Eric said. "Texted me this morning."

"Wow," you said, raising your eyebrows.

"Nice job, Eric," Sabrina said, offering him a high five which he excitedly accepted.

"I'll be honest, it started out a little rough. You never told me she was Asian. But she's hot, so I went with it," Eric said. "We had a couple of drinks at that pub you set us up at, and then we went out to a club and she was all over me. She had me come back to your place and we, uh... yeah."

"Made the beast with two backs?" Sabrina offered. "Put the round peg in the square hole? Introduced the bull to the cow?"

"That last one is rough," Gemma rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that," Eric said. It was kind of funny seeing him be a little squeamish talking about actual sex after he'd been so cavalier about wanting to find chicks to hook up with. "We did that. And then after some like, snuggling or whatever, I headed out and she wanted me to text when I got back to my place so I did. And then this morning she said she wanted to see me again tonight."

"That's great, dude," you said, offering him a fist bump. "Now you can stop checking your dating apps every five minutes."

"Why would I do that?" Eric asked.

"Eric," Gemma said sternly. "You just went on a great date with a girl who wants to see you again."

"Yeah, but she said she wanted to be casual," Eric said.

"Casual isn't two nights in a row," Sabrina pointed out.

"But it's what she said," Eric argued.

"Morning, folks," Mr Garrison said as he stuck his head in the door. "John, Gemma, Sabrina, great work on the files. The Associates are already hard at work. They got in early because I told them you would definitely be done, thanks for proving me right."

"Our pleasure, sir," Gemma said.

"Have you been to your office yet, sir?" Sabrina asked.

Garrison frowned and glanced at Eric, who had been the problem child of the Cease and Desist letter issue. "No, I haven't. Is there something I should be expecting?"

"We just found a particular file late last night that you'll probably want to see," you said.

"Oh, alright then," Garrison said. "I'll take a look. Anything else going on for you folks today?"

"Actually, hypothetical question for you, sir," you said. "If someone, let's say Eric, were to go out on a date that went really well and the woman he went on the hypothetical date with said she wanted to be casual, but then she hypothetically texted the next morning asking to see him again that night - would you consider her a hostile witness?"

Garrison snorted hard and looked at Eric. "Check her purse for your nuts, son. If they aren't already there, they will be soon." And he left.

"Pfff-ff-fffft," Gemma blew out her breath. That made Sabrina snicker as well.

"Thanks, guys," Eric said dryly. The four of you got to work, not sure when Andy would show up with the morning coffee run.

About ten minutes later you caught yourself humming that fucking song, and when you glanced over at Sabrina she was biting her lip and trying not to laugh.

Chapter 269

Apparently Garrison's favourite way to reward good work, as well as make up for mistakes in management, was with Pizza.

"That file was an excellent find," he said as he clapped you on the back, gesturing with his other hand to Gemma and Sabrina with his own slice of pizza. "You three finding it is going to save a lot of man-hours of work on this."

"Happy to help, sir," Sabrina said with a grin.

"So, you followed through, and now it's my turn. When would you like your paid day off?" Garrison asked.

"We'd like to tack it onto the end of the July 4th weekend if we could," Gemma said.

"Done, take the extra long weekend," Garrison nodded, polishing off his current slice of pizza and reaching in to snag another. "Eric, you can go ahead and take the day as well. Maybe take your hypothetical girlfriend out on a hypothetical date."

"Um, thanks, sir," Eric said, conflicted on whether to be happy or argue that he didn't have a girlfriend. He'd spent the morning alternating being happy that he had a second date, and defensive of his right to be 'single and ready to mingle.'

"You, however," Mr Garrison said turning to Andy, "Will be expected to show up to work."

Andy opened his mouth, a complaint about fairness obviously about to roll out of his mouth, but at a look from Garrison he snapped his mouth shut. Eric had filled the three of you in that Garrison had called Andy into a meeting the day before while you three had still been in the other conference room and Andy had come back pretty quiet. It likely had something to do with the amount of work getting done by Eric and Andy during the special assignment the rest of you were on.

Garrison left to head back to his own work, and the five of you got back to work as well once the pizza was devoured. And then things... went back to normal.

It was almost weird. You finished out that Friday afternoon and spent the weekend with Gemma and Sabrina. You filmed one scene with Sabrina, but otherwise most of the time was spent just doing couple-ish things. The three of you went grocery shopping together. You met up with Becca and Charlotte for dinner on Saturday night and the girls talked about Eric and Lucy. You had a little duo-date breakfast with Gemma on Saturday morning, and one with Sabrina on Sunday. Then you got sent home a little early on Sunday so they could have their own girl-date without you that evening.

And the next week was more of the same. You went to work, you did the normal intern work, and then you met up with Gemma or Sabrina or both of them most nights. Wednesday you went with Mosche to an Open Mic night at another comedy club, this one a little grimier and less popular, where he tried out some new material that he was going to do some more work on.

The next weekend, and week, were a lot more of the same. And it was good, and you were so fucking happy.

The few standout events that happened were that Eric and Lucy kept seeing each other, though both of them were swearing it was only casual. Eric slept over with Lucy once, which Gemma found weird finding him in the kitchen the next morning and had to admit Lucy had been put through more than you three had been considering with you suddenly appearing in her life again. One odd thing was that Becca reported that Lucy seemed to change her mind a lot about whether Eric would stay over or not - it was like she wanted Gemma to be there when they were having sex, and Lucy was going out of her way to be loud about it.

That just made Gemma smirk and shake her head, and you couldn't decide whether Lucy was being petty or if it was something else.

Another strange thing that happened was that Sabrina got sent nudes over Twitter, but not the usual unsolicited dick pics that she just blocked. Instead, it was from the 'Daddy's Dick' account directly, and the person sending them claimed that it was her running the account and she wanted to show her appreciation directly to Daddy. She was a gorgeous woman, a little curvier than Gemma but she kept herself in shape. Sabrina asked her to take a photo with a newspaper to prove it was her, and she got back another nude with that day's New York Times on her bare torso.

You thought it was kind of weird and didn't know how to respond. Sabrina thought it was great and kept texting with her.

Sabrina also got contacted by another OnlyFans model asking if she wanted to do a collaboration. That one Sabrina brought to you and Gemma immediately - the woman was Hispanic and showed her face in her content, and the three of you watched a couple of her self-shot scenes. She was hot and had a filthy mouth like Sabrina's. She also clearly had a boob job and Brazilian butt lift going on, along with some lip filler - none of it over the top, but it made her look like a classic influencer type that blended in with so many other models and pornstars that she really wasn't that iconic in her presentation.

Not that any of that stopped her from having a fairly successful OnlyFans account - she was only slightly larger than Sabrina, so from a business perspective the collab made sense. It was from the relationship side that you really weren't sure. Everything had gone well with Becks, and the teasers had gone out for the first lesbian scene to drop in another week. But bringing in someone you all didn't know...

Sabrina ended up thanking her and telling the woman that she needed to think about it.

By the time it was the Sunday at the end of June, everything in life felt like it was smooth as gravy. Sabrina was making money hand over fist, you were helping her with research for high-quality editing techniques, and the internship was going well during the day.

But with a mini-vacation on the horizon, the girls wanted to know more about your friends, and that woke you up just a little from your honeymoon phase haze.

Your friend group was going to find out you were in a polyamorous throuple.

Chapter 270

"Tell us about your friends," Gemma said. "Like, you've mentioned names here or there, but we don't actually know about them."

Gemma was laying on your bed in just her panties and a loose tank top, while Sabrina was sitting on your desk chair with Gemma's foot in her lap as she carefully did her toenails in a cute red colour. You had gifted them both pedicures at a spa, but they'd decided they wanted to spare you some cash and do the actual nail painting themselves. Sabrina was in a similar outfit to Gemma, but wearing a thong instead of panties.

"Well, I dunno. They're... my friends," you said. "We argue, we go out and drink, we play some video games sometimes but mostly in the last year we're studying."

"Baby, you can do better than that," Sabrina smirked.

"Fine. Um, well the guys organizing the trip are Brent and Paul. They knew each other in high school but weren't friends until college. They are both in pre-law. Brent plays in a rec basketball league and stays in shape, and Paul is into D&D on weekends."

"Oh, look," Gemma said. "That's two things more than drinking, studying and video games."

You rolled your eyes and followed that up by rolling over on the bed so that you could get your face over Gemma's to give her a little kiss. "Point taken, love."

"Good," she grinned. "Now who else is on this trip?"

"Last I heard Corey is still coming, though he might bail. He's kinda flakey, but not like Andy. He does a lot of volunteering and sometimes he lets that take over his life. And if Corey comes his girlfriend Victoria will probably come. She's nice, but kind of quiet."

"Oh, I think I know Corey," Sabrina said. "Well, not know him, but he sounds familiar. What program is he in?"

"He's in that new International Studies program," you said.