The OF Girl Ch. 391-400


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"Um, yes, sir," the security guard said. "She's, ah, covered in blood. Her nose seems to be broken."

"Give her some paper towel to wipe herself up, but do not let her leave," Garrison said. "John?"

"Yes, sir?"

"You and Sabrina should separate yourselves into different offices so that the police can interview you. Are Gemma and Eric there as well?"

"No, sir," you said. "Gemma is back down in the conference room. And, ah, Becks the receptionist was hanging out with us for the evening. She hasn't seen any work product or anything, she was just keeping us company."

"Alright. Gemma and Becks should stay where they are. I'll check in with you when I can."

"Yes, sir," you said, and you ended the call.

Joy tried to shove Ben the security guard away, but he was a big guy and was easily able to get Joy standing and lead her to the elevators. You offered to go down with him, but he waved you off and said you should do what Garrison told you to. Gemma and Becks came down the hall and got a look at Joy, both of them with big eyes, just as the elevator was closing.

"Did you punch her in the face?" Gemma asked Sabrina.

"I wish," Sabrina sighed. "I just pushed her and she hit the wall."

"Jesus fuck," Becks groaned. "Hanging out with you three is a fucking pain in my ass."

"So you're saying you want John to fuck you up the butt while you're here?" Sabrina smirked.

Becks clearly did not find that funny after the risk of almost being caught.

You pulled Sabrina into your arms and kissed her as you held her tightly. "Nice save, hero," you said to her with a little smile.

"Thanks, baby," she said. "You can be my damsel in distress any time."

Gemma and Becks obviously wanted the full story, but you relayed Garrison's instructions and you split into your three groups. Sabrina took one of the empty offices on the west side of the building near the conference room and you took one on the east, while Gemma and Becks returned to the conference room and made sure that all the food was cleaned up and taken away.

You saw when the flashing red and blues of the police pulled up out front of the building from the window in your office, but didn't have a good angle down to see anything.

Then you waited.

Chapter 398

The wait for the police was frustratingly boring, stuck in an empty office by myself. You could vaguely hear Gemma and Becks over in the conference room making sure everything was cleaned up, but felt like it would be bad form to call over to them even to make a joke. For yours and Sabrina's stories to be taken credibly you would need to be as clean as possible on not collaborating or conspiring - really, you should have recorded the whole confrontation, but you'd been busy with the phone call with Garrison.

It took almost twenty-five minutes for a pair of cops, already wearing 'So done with this' expressions, to come up looking for you along with Garrison. He stuck his head in your office briefly, making eye contact with you and nodding silently, before he and the cops went and spoke with Gemma and Becks for a minute before going to interview Sabrina.

Curious, you stood up and paced in the office near the door, and saw that Garrison wasn't actually in the interview but rather hovering in the doorway to the intern conference room talking with Gemma and Becks and having a couple bites of the leftover sushi. You almost choked on your own spit when you thought about if any of it had been lying on Becks' naked body a half hour before, but that had all been eaten or cleaned up so it wasn't possible. Garrison not being in the interview with Sabrina was concerning to you for a brief moment, but you realised that he'd probably given a statement downstairs when he arrived and, as a witness through the phone call, he couldn't 'represent' you for the interviews.

Eventually, you went and sat back down when you could see that the two cops were starting to stand up in Sabrina's office, and you heard them talking briefly out in the hall before they got to yours.

"John?" asked the first one through the door. He was older, maybe in his late fifties, and other than the tired expression on his face he had big bushy eyebrows and a pair of mutton chops that made you think he would have fit onto the set of Gangs of New York. The second cop was a heavyset woman, though it was hard to tell if she was overweight or just built bulky through her uniform, vest and light jacket.

"That's me," you said, taking a breath and leaving your hands flat on the empty desk between you.

"Great," he said. "I'm Officer Collins, this is Officer Tantallino. We just need to take your version of the events of tonight. I understand from the other witnesses that there's something of a history going on, but we'll be leaving that to a detective to follow up on - we just need to know what happened earlier this evening."

"Sure," you nodded.

They both sat in the chairs opposite you and Tantallino took out a phone. "We'll be taking notes, but mind if we record this? Easier to refer back to."

You hesitated, knowing you would probably be within your rights not to want to be recorded unless they brought you back to the station, but you noticed they both had body cams on their chests. "Those aren't working?" you asked, nodding to the cams.

"We were asked to turn them off since this is a law office with privileged information around," Collins said. "We'll only record audio."

"Alright, that's fine with me," you agreed, Tantallino pressed record on an app and a green light came on as it started recording.

The interview itself was fairly casual. They announced who they were, and the time, for the recording and then had you say who you were, and then they asked you to tell them what happened in your own words. They seemed willing to let you ramble, but you tried to keep it tight and to the facts of what had happened as you remembered it. While you were talking Collins was scribbling notes while Tarantillo watched you.

You told the truth, mostly. The only things you didn't include were the more... personal details of what you and the girls had been doing in the conference room; you didn't lie or perjure yourself, and told them that Becks had come up to hang out after her shift ended since the four of you had become friends and knew you were working late and would be getting dinner in. No mention of the sushi presentation, the blowjobs, or what might have happened next if the whole thing hadn't kicked off with Joy arriving on the floor.

When you finished, they had you start again but this time Collins would interrupt you to ask questions, sometimes clarifying, something challenging and making you wonder if Garrison or Sabrina had said something different. You pushed through though, sure in your accounting of the details, and by the time you were finished you were feeling a little parched from talking so much.

"Alright, that's all we need tonight," Collins said, closing his notebook while his partner stopped the recording. "We'll present the statements to whichever detective takes on the case, if they have any follow-ups they'll reach out through your firm. Do you have any questions for us?"

"Um, is Joy getting charged with anything tonight?" you asked.

"That, I can't tell you," Collins said. "Our Lieutenant was down there dealing with her lawyer when we came up here. There's some complexities and I don't know what an ADA will make of it."

"What about the attempted battery?" you asked. "She tried to rush me. And is Sabrina alright? There are no charges on her end, right?"

The two cops glanced at each other. "Again, there are some complexities. All I can say is that we won't be bringing either of them in for booking tonight on any charges. I can say that there were a lot of threats of lawsuits getting thrown around down there, though."

You felt a lump in your throat, knowing that unless Bellagamba suddenly decided to hold Joy accountable for her actions, she would definitely be gunning for at least you and Sabrina again. And if Sabrina got sued, it was entirely possible that your relationship would get uncovered... or, worse, her OnlyFans account might come up somehow.

"OK," you said, trying not to panic and give the two cops any reason to start asking more questions. "Is that all then?"

"That's all," Tantallino said, the first to stand up, followed by Collins. You stood up with them and shook their hands, and then they left the office and you sat back down, breathing out heavily.

Joy had, hopefully, fucked herself into real trouble. But that didn't mean she couldn't drag you and Sabrina down with her.

Chapter 399

"Come on into the conference room," Garrison said once the cops talked with him for another minute and then headed for the elevators.

You'd watched from the door to the office you'd been in, and you shut off the light and followed him in. Sabrina was already sitting with Gemma and Becks, and you went around to your usual seat while Garrison took the chair on the opposite side next to Sabrina. As you came in Gemma gave you a reassuring look, and was running her fingers through her hair, obviously a little stressed. Becks looked like she felt out of place, and considering she didn't work directly for the firm you could understand why. Other than saying hello in the mornings or directing calls or visitors up to his office you weren't sure if she really interacted with Garrison at all.

"Well," Garrison said as he settled himself and then sighed as he shook his head. "Somehow you three continue to be at the centre of absolute fucking chaos."

"Sir-" Gemma started, but cut off when Garrison held up a hand.

"No, no," he said. "I know this wasn't your fault. Joy is... She's a problem that I should have recognized years ago. The fact that she felt confident enough to waltz up here and begin rifling through people's offices is a major issue. Outside of dealing with her, we're going to need to do a full security audit now for the building. The fact that our security guards weren't informed that she'd been fired is a mitigating factor that our own HR will need to step up on, too." He blew out another heavy sigh. "Honestly, for all that it's going to cause some big discussions and issues for us in the near future, you three also headed off what might have been much larger issues for us."

"Did you find out what she was actually doing?" you asked.

"No," Garrison said. "She might not have even known herself, but it's fairly obvious she knew she shouldn't have been here, or going into offices to look through files. Maybe she'd been looking to sabotage us, or maybe she was going to try and sell privileged information - it's really immaterial now because either way the other Partners and I will be pushing the police hard to press the heaviest charges possible. Especially after getting what in my mind amounts to a verbal confession of all the accusations you had built up prior against her, John."

"The cops mentioned that she had lawyered up," Sabrina said. "Was it her Mom? What's going to happen with her?"

Garrison grimaced and shook his head. "The rest of the Partners are on their way in," he said. "We're going to be having an emergency meeting. I wouldn't be surprised if we'll have some space opening up for one of the Juniors to move into shortly."

That was a major deal. For Bellagamba to get tossed out on her ass the Partners would need to be invoking some pretty stiff articles in Bellagamba's contract or Partner agreement. It would also soil whatever reputation she had in the legal community, most likely, and she'd need to fight that for years to come.

That did, however, leave her plenty of time to fuel her vengeance with lawsuits.

"Are Sabrina and John safe if that happens?" Gemma asked, clearly making the same connection as you had. "I mean, everything you've already done for us on a legal front we've been really grateful for, but it didn't seem to be too onerous. If they bring a civil suit against them, though, that might be a lot bigger of a deal."

Garrison nodded, still looking grim. "It's possible that things could get even messier than they are now. Obviously, this needs to be confirmed at the meeting, but I'm certain that considering the circumstances the firm will be covering any civil matters that stem from what occurred here in the office. As for the unlikely chance that they can convince the police to press charges on Sabrina, we'll make sure to get you set up with the strongest criminal defence lawyer we can bring in."

"Thank you," Sabrina said quietly. She was chewing on her lip, still nervous, and you wanted to reach across the table to at least offer her your hand in comfort but couldn't.

Garrison sighed again, and you had a feeling he'd be doing that a lot that night. "Alright," he said. "You four should head home now. The police should be cleared out downstairs, and either took Joy into custody or would have at least trespassed her from the property. I'm impressed that you three were putting in extra hours on a Friday night, so thank you for taking this seriously."

"Thank you for the dinners," you said. "It helps a lot."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Garrison smirked a little, then looked to Becks. "And I don't mind an appropriate visitor every once in a while."

Becks blushed a little. "Thanks, sir."

"You're as much a part of our firm as these three," Garrison assured her. "Hell, more so. I'm just glad the leftovers didn't go to waste - and that Eric wasn't here to get into another physical altercation with a litigious assailant."

That got snorts and little chuckles out of you, Gemma and Sabrina.

"Alright," Garrison said, standing up. "Head home. Have a good weekend. I'm sure there will be more than enough work waiting for you on Monday."

Chapter 400

"Fuck," Becks sighed as you all piled into the elevator.

"What is it?" Gemma asked.

You had immediately taken Sabrina's hand and squeezed it as the elevator doors started to close, and she went a step further and hugged your arm and leaned her head against you.

"You three got me all tuned up and ready for office sex, and now I'm going to be fantasising about it for ages," Becks said with a frustrated smirk. "I'm going to have to build up the nerves and take another run at it when the time is right."

"Garrison is single," Sabrina said, a little smirk of her own growing. "He might be interested."

Becks snorted and brought a hand up, pressing the back of it to her mouth. "I don't think I'm in the market for really playing into the stereotype of Miss Lusty."

The elevator reached the ground floor and the four of you stepped out to find a cleaner mopping the main entryway and the security guard looking a little haggard. As soon as you came into view he stood up, saw that you weren't Garrison or another 'big boss' type, and then relaxed his shoulders. "Heading out?" he asked.

He went and unlocked the front doors for you, which had never needed to be done before since he was sitting at the front desk anyway, and then locked it behind you. The three of you walked a little way down the street before stopping.

"This is so fucked," Gemma finally said.

"It's only a little fucked," you said. "Joy is getting hers, and the chances of blowback on us are small."

"Are you OK, Sabrina?" Becks asked.

Your girlfriend nodded but was still holding your arm and hadn't stopped since the elevator. "It's fine," she said, then cracked a little grin. "And I gotta be honest, shoving Joy and having her run face-first into a doorway felt really fucking good."

"God, I wish I'd seen that," Gemma said. "I wish I'd done it!" She opened her arms and Sabrina stepped from you to her, and they hugged tightly as Gemma pulled her close. "It'll be OK, love," she said more quietly.

"Not to break the mood," Becks said. "But, ah, since we got interrupted up there...?"

Sabrina chuckled, and Gemma rolled her eyes with a grin as they separated. "Sorry, Becks," Gemma said. "We've got a big day tomorrow helping out a friend."

"Shit!" Sabrina said and went into her purse for her phone. "We need to get back on the texting campaign."

"Texting campaign?" Becks asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Do you remember Tasha, the girl whose apartment we went to for that party?" you asked her. "She went through the wringer with her relationship, and Sabrina came up with a plan to pick her back up and make her feel empowered and loved and sexy again."

"That sounds exactly like something you'd do," Becks' smirked, looking at the brunette.

Sabrina finished a text and sent it, then looked up. "Sexual healing is the best healing," she said with a grin. "But Gemma is right, babe. Unfortunately, we have some preparation to do for tomorrow. Aaaand I was kind of planning on John saving his loads so that the first one he gives her tomorrow is really big, but was willing to make an exception for Office Sex cause, y'know."

"Wait, you were?" you asked, suddenly realising that you weren't just not having sex with Becks that night, but potentially not with Gemma or Sabrina either.

"Does she know about the scenes and stuff?" Becks asked.

Sabrina shot you an apologetic look while Gemma shook her head. "No, Tash isn't... Well, once she's back on her feet emotionally she'd probably be down for it, honestly, but she's a comedian and might want to talk about her experience on stage or something and it all gets complicated. We trust her a lot, but not with that, I think is the way to put it."

"Exactly," Sabrina said. "She's our girl, she's just not... our girl."

"Alright, well, if you three aren't taking me home and ravishing me, I think I should head out," Becks said and let out a breath. "Though you might get a call later, John."

"I'll pick up," you said with a little smile, knowing what she meant. Phone sex with her wasn't a regular occurrence, but was definitely a fun little addition to your odd friends-with-benefits relationship.

Becks ordered an Uber for herself and Sabrina ordered one for the three of you, none of you wanting to spend the time navigating the bus system that late at night. Becks' ride got there first and she kissed you goodbye, and you decided to really make the driver question himself and grabbed her ass as you did it. She groaned a little into your lips and gave you a 'Fuck you, you know what you just did' look before getting into the car. You wrapped your arms around Gemma and Sabrina's waist after closing the door for her and you could have sworn the driver did a triple take as he pulled away from the curb.

"Naughty," Gemma said with a smirk, nudging you in the side with her elbow. "She's probably stewing in that backseat now."

"Shit," Sabrina sighed. "I got sidetracked by sexting Tasha. I meant to ask her if the 'food platter' thing turned her on or not."

"We could always try that with you sometime, love," Gemma said with a grin.

"Look, I know I'm sexy, but I don't think I have enough of the fun curves to make it sexy," Sabrina said, eyeing up Gemma. "Of course, you have all the sexy curves, baby."

Somehow, without you interfering in the conversation, they ended up planning to have you be the one serving as the next food platter. And they wanted to do it with dessert items. Thankfully they got cut off by the Uber ride arriving, and you really hoped that they'd forget about that particular plan. Not because you wouldn't do it for them, but because you didn't want to deal with the stickiness after the fact. Squirt and sweat were one thing, but that much sugar? Yuck!


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