The Outlaw and the Amazon Ch. 08

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Will & co. set out on a long journey and sexfight strangers..
6.7k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/25/2023
Created 05/13/2023
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"Me and Sitala will be leaving for some time." Will announced. He had gathered all of the house's inhabitants in the living room. "I have some business to attend to far away, and Sitala will be accompanying me. The journey will be long, so this might be goodbye."

Ceri chuckled. "It's not goodbye. I have constructed many magical creations, and I think one of them will be useful for you." She pulled out a small wooden sphere covered with carvings. "By putting magic into it, you can either set an 'anchor', or teleport the orb and everyone who is touching it to the anchor. When you teleport, you create an anchor in the place you teleported from." She handed it over. "I'll have to teach you how to use it of course, but you don't have to worry about supplies or returning."

"Could we just put the anchor on a stagecoach and let it go?" Will excitedly asked.

Ceri's grin wilted. "No, I'm afraid. The anchor is relative to the world. You'll also need to stay on a ship across the Small Sea unless you fancy a long swim."

"So we'll still have to go all the way, just not all at once?" When Ceri nodded, he continued. "Still better than nothing."

"Since you're just going to be walking and then using the ball to go back, anyone can go, right?" Mika purred. "I could use some new prey to toy with~."

"Sure." Will nodded. "We'll be setting off tomorrow."


The next day, they packed enough food for two days, in case the sphere didn't work, and camping gear, and set off to the north. The plan was to walk for a day, spend the night out ("Shouldn't it be an adventure?"), and then use the sphere to return or walk if the sphere didn't work. Three of them went: Will, Sitala, and Mika.

They walked at a comfortable pace for several hours when the sun started to set.

"When do we stop for the night?" Will asked. "It won't be long before we can't see the ground, and that's asking for a twisted ankle or worse."

"You can go ahead and make camp, sweeties," Mika sneered, "but I can see just fine, and I still have to find some prey to toy with."

Soon after she entered the forest, she picked up a scent and followed it to a spring. There, two elven beauties stood, about to have sex.

Both of them had long, blonde hair that reached their thighs. One of them had chocolate-colored skin, most likely some variety of surface dark elves. She had brown eyes, wore a golden headband, had the larger breasts of the pair, though far smaller than Mika's, and had a fit, slim body build.

The other had rather pale skin, though not the marble white Lenore had, and her chest was truly modest, barely a handful. She had sharp, green eyes, and wore a headband made of strong, with a small gemstone set in it.

The pale elf noticed Mika and grinned.

"Cobesa, what would you say about making a bet?" The pale-skinned elf asked her companion.

"What kind of bet?" The dark elf, Cobesa, answered with a question of her own. "Are you going to submit your body to me again? I would quite like that~." Her melodious voice was tinged with lust, excitement, and easy confidence.

"Not my body." The pale elf gestured to Mika. "The winner gets to claim that cute lost kitten for their own."

Cobesa's eyes widened as she looked Mika up and down. "Oh my, I certainly would treat a kitten like her right." She smirked, reached around the pale elf's body, and groped her bottom. "Much better than you could. Training pets requires a firm hand, after all."

"Then it's a deal." The pale elf nodded, then turned to Mika and gestured for her to come closer. "Cone here, little kitten. I am Selphie. Remembered that name: you will be moaning it every night for the rest of your blissful life."

Mika took off her clothes (no sense in getting them wet, after all) and stepped into the spring. It was pleasantly warm, strangely oily, and she found that she floated, much more than usual.

"So, what are the rules?" Cobesa asked. "First to cum? Or will I get to show our cute guest how lewd you are when you submit to your superior?"

"How about we involve our little kitten in it?" Selphie offered. "She will decide who deserves her more for herself. Maybe just looking will be enough, or maybe we can show her how smooth our skin is and how skilled our fingers are."

"Sure. I'll show her why I'm the better choice." Cobesa pushed her chest against Selphie's smaller breasts. "Kittens love milk, after all, and I am clearly superior in that regard."

As they were speaking, Mika approached them. When Cobena voices her agreement, Mika pounced, tackling Selphie into the water, only for the both of them to float on top of the water, which only reached their chest.

"Ah! Couldn't wait, kitten?" Selphie tried to play off her surprise.

"You talked a big game without even asking me." Mika growled. "I am not some helpless lost kitten. I am a wild cat on the hunt. I suggest a three-way sexfight to submission. Let's see which one of us is worthy of claiming the others for the night."

"How daring, little kitten. How arrogant." Cobesa approached them. "Very well. Let's see who is the best."

"Oh, and one more thing. I am not here alone, and my... companions are such worrywarts. After we have decided who shall claim who, either I'll introduce you as my new toys, or you'll explain that I'll spend the night with you." Mika recalled.

After that, the fight was on.

Mika took the initiative and lightly bit Selphie on the neck while putting her hands to use against Selphie's ass and pussy, groping and circling, and pushing her chest against Selphie's, trying to crush her breasts, and with them, her confidence.

The liquid in the spring, which Mika decided wasn't water, made Selphie's skin smooth and slippery, and judging from her moans, also contained an aphrodisiac.

Selphie tried to run away from Mika. It almost worked. Using the slipperiness of her breasts and belly caused by the 'water', she slid out from under her, using her hands to pull Mika away from her butt.

Mika would not be denied so easily, however, and simply pounced again, kissing Selphie's neck where she bit it, and then trailing kisses and love bites along her jaw and collar. Her hands went back to work, teasing Selphie's crotch and roughly groping her butt.

Seeing that escape was impossible, Selphie decided to counterattack instead, petting Mika's ears.

It felt heavenly. Mika relaxed for a moment, butting her head against Selphie's hands.

"See? I'll take good care of you, kitten." Selphie murmured as she petted Mika, and the combination of her warmth, smoothness, and petting made Mika want to just relax in her embrace and not worry.

With a herculean effort, she resisted the urge, and instead let two of her teasing fingers intrude into Selphie's pussy. It was wet, though whether from arousal or the 'water' on Mika's fingers Mika didn't know.

The reaction was instantaneous. Selphie's petting stopped as she moaned, her head thrown back.

Not intending to let her momentum go to waste, she prepared to insert a third finger and kissed Selphie on the lips.

Before she could deliver the finishing blow to Selphie, however, Cobesa laid down on her, dipping her hands in the water before groping and spanking Mika.

Her attacks hurt. Her left hand cruelly pinched and twisted Mika's nipples, while her right delivered brutal spanks to Mika's ass. But they felt as good as they hurt, if not more.

She chucked darkly into Mika's ear, "As I said, you need a firm hand to tame a beast." and then bit down on it.

Again, a need to submit rose within Mika, and was mercilessly crushed. Instead, she let go of Selphie and rolled over, causing Cobesa to fall into the water with a startled yelp. She tore Cobesa's hand away from her chest, and rolled over again, lying face to face with Cobesa, much like she did with Selphie.

"The hunter becomes the hunted." Mika growled, before biting Cobesa's lip. Cobesa, still confident, tried to roll over again, but Mika wouldn't budge.

She tried to restrain Mika's arms, but after a brief scuffle, Mika held both of Cobesa's wrists in the iron grip of her right hand.

Cobesa's earlier cruel confidence further dissipated when Mika laid her breasts on Cobesa's, showing how much larger and firmer, despite their size, they were. To Cobesa, who had mocked Selphie for her inferior chest, this was a crushing blow to her ego.

Withdrawing from biting Cobesa's lip, noting her eyes, wide in disbelief and humiliation, Mika snaked a hand down to Cobesa's crotch, dipped it in the 'water', and invaded her snatch, putting four fingers in.

"Seems this kitten has defeated you." Mika purred. "Give in to your pleasure. I will be gentler than you have been, I will promise you that."

Cobesa tried again to roll over or free her hands, but it was all useless. As a last resort, trying to do something, anything at all, she kissed Mika, but even that was turned against her, as Mika leaned down and overpowered her tongue, ravaging her mouth.

Cobesa would have yielded right then if she were alone, but she knew Selphie was present, and decided she would rather her to claim her than the catgirl, so she resisted and squirmed as much as she could, to keep Mika focused on her.

Selphie was up already, but she didn't act immediately, as she wanted to make sure Mika weakened Cobesa as much as possible before she intervened.

As such, Selphie only struck when Cobena's screams of pleasure suggested she was moments away from an orgasm.

Mika could feel her triumph was close when Selphie wrapped her hands around her, gently teasing her left nipple, rubbing her ass, and kissing the ear Cobesa bit earlier. Her hands felt wonderful. She was skilled with her fingers, and something about the way she was touching and kissing Mika made the pain go away, and the relief magnified the pleasure.

Mika once again resisted the urge to submit to her skilled hands, but let her continue her attack, as she had a higher priority: punishing Cobesa and making her submit.

Cobesa panicked when she realized Mika wasn't going to let her escape, and started thrashing about, trying to wriggle free. She failed and soon fell to Mika's brutal assault.

Once she was done with Cobesa, she rolled over again, pinning Selphie under her. Before she could settle in, however, Selphie hugged Mika tight and sucked on her nipple, which was still sore from Cobesa's twisting.

Mika fingered Selphie in retaliation, adding a third finger to the previous two. She used her other hand to pull Selphie even deeper into her breasts.

Selphie let go of her hug, instead groping Mika's other breast and fingering her in return.

Still, Mika was clearly winning, until Cobasa returned, having recovered surprisingly quickly. Thinking fast, Mika used her free legs to sweep her off her feet, and then let go of Selphie and used the hand to pull Cobasa in closer and then grope her chest.

Seeing her rival close, Selphie let go of Mika's breast and instead fingered Cobesa. Not willing to just take Mika's and Selphie's assault, and seeing that Mika's pussy was already being attacked, Cobesa let one of her hands grope Mika's chest, enjoying the size and softness, while her other went to Selphie's crotch and pinched her clit.

"This - nya~ this is how it should be. Three - haah~ women in a fair fight." Mika gasped out.

"You will - hnnggh~ yield! Give - mhhmm~ up! Cobesa gritted through her teeth

"Ahh~! Cobesa~! It hurts~! You'll pay - no~! You'll pay for that!" Selphie screamed.

Overcome by the pleasure inflicted upon each other, the three came together. Both Cobesa and Selphie fell into the 'water', submerged up to their chests, too tired to move. Mika staggered to her feet, put the two over her shoulders, and carried them out of the water.

She looked at her prizes. Their eyes were closed, and they were breathing softly. Mika purred in contentment and snuggled up between her new toys.


Will and Sitala worked quickly, and soon had a fire going, as well as a few tents set up. They had brought some rations with them but weren't too hungry yet, so they just toasted some bread.

They sat in comfortable silence, sharing the warmth of the fire until Sitala hesitantly spoke.



"...Do you love me?"

"I do."

"Why? You met so many beautiful women during your life, judging from your stories, and you don't know much about me. We met five days ago. Why me, and not anyone else?"

"...Love at first sight? You're beautiful and sexy, you can be adorable, and you seem to love me too. But you do bring up a good point. We should get to know each other better."

"Love at first sight? What if you fall in love at first sight with the next person you meet? What happens to me then? Will you throw me away? Keep me around as a mistress?"

"I would never throw you away. You can trust that....Do you want me to be monogamous? Only love and lust after you?"

"...No. That would be unfair. I already had sex with others, you deserve it too. I'll just have to be content with being your first wife."

"Hey. If you say you want me to only love you and no-one else, only kiss you and no-one else, hell, only fuck you and no-one else, I will."

"I wouldn't dare to deny you company! As I've said. As long as you don't abandon me, I am satisfied."

"Alright. But if you don't want me fucking a girl, just say so, alright?"


"As for not knowing each other, how about we use this journey for that? We can talk while we walk, and share facts about ourselves. I'll start: I don't like onions. I can tolerate them, but I despise their texture."

"Okay? I guess... I like sweet things? Like honey, or strawberries."

"I can work with that. See? Now we'll just keep it up."

"What about if you don't like what you'll learn?"

"Then we stop being lovers and become fuckbuddies."


Their conversation stopped when someone stepped out of the bushes surrounding the camp.

The person was a woman, most likely a dragonkin of some sort. She had dark grey horns which bent forwards, meeting over her nose, long, purple hair, and dark grey scales on her legs from the knees down, as well as her shoulders and arms were covered in what was either scales or armor of the same color, and her fingers ended in sharp-looking claws.

Her skin was a light shade of violet, and she had an outfit made from cloth a few shades lighter than her scales/armor covering her crotch, belly (but not her sides), and chest, though it left the bottom of her breasts exposed.

Her thighs were thick, she was fit enough to have defined abs, and her chest was large but firm. She was Sitala's equal in every way except for her chest, which was smaller but looked firmer.

"What do you want?" Will and Sitala asked in unison, their voices full of suspicion, though for vastly different reasons.

"I will claim you for my hoard." The dragon girl cheerfully announced as she advanced on them.

"He is MINE." Sitala growled at the newcomer and stepped in front of Will. "Go away, home wrecker."

"Oh~?" The dragon girl looked Sitala up and down, then decided she wasn't a threat and advanced on her. "You are sexy, but not enough to be able to rival a DRAGON. Don't overestimate yourself. He's mine now, but if you behave, I'll let you visit."

"I'm going to fuck you silly, and then I'm going to leave you for the wandering beasts to ravish you to their hearts' content." Sitala accepted the challenge and met the dragon girl halfway between the bushes and Will. They pressed their breasts against each other and stared into each other's eyes, trying to intimidate their opponent into submission.

Their clash was interrupted by Will.

"Ahem." He said as he stood behind Sitala, having used the time to find his mace and shield. "I am not becoming anyone's. As I told Sitala when we first met, I have killed for my freedom before, and I will do it again." He slowly made his way over to the girls, stomping as hard as he could and regretting not wearing his metal greaves, as the gesture lacked the proper impact without them.

"As far as anything short-term goes, ask Sitala. Just be aware that she is my wife, and you are unlikely to ever be more important than her to me anytime soon." He stopped two steps away from them and turned to Sitala.

She was going to say no, but then she thought about their conversation: 'As long as you don't abandon me, I'm satisfied' was what she said. Well, time to do as she says.

"Fine. I'll let you get fucked silly by him. But if you decide to stick around, I'M the first wife. You'll be just the concubine." With that said, while she was barely willing to tolerate Will fucking other women, she wasn't going to just stand there and watch. She turned around and walked off into the woods.

Will looked at her retreating form, then at the dragon girl in front of him, then back at Sitala, and then was tackled to the ground by the dragon girl.

"She surrendered to me." She boasted. "Ran away from me, knowing she couldn't defend her mate. And now," she leaned down, their faces almost touching, her steaming breath flowing across his face, "all that's left is to make you surrender to me."

Will responded by rolling up her chest cloth and groping her breast, as well as struggling to take off her panties. She was hot. If he hadn't known that dragon girls had higher temperatures than most, he would have made her lie down and try to bring her presumed fever down. Since he did know, he just enjoyed the heat.

"So timid and shy~." She cooed. "You can be rougher, you know? Don't bother with all the fabric and just tear it off like a real man!" As she spoke, she tore open his trousers and reached inside for his dick, jerking it off, and supported herself with her other hand.

Will tore off her panties in turn and went to finger her. She lowered her head to kiss him on the lips, only to be kissed on the forehead. Bemused, she tried again and got a peck on the cheek for her troubles. He foiled her third attempt by kissing her nose, after which she took the hint and stopped trying.

"Y-you're not worthless, I suppose." The dragon girl complimented him. "B-but now I will show you what it means to be devoured by a dragon!"

Her hand let go of his dick to remove his hand from her pussy and sat down, swallowing his dick in her cunt.

Her insides were almost scalding. She made a cute little gasp when he entered her, and her pussy closed tight around his member, trying to wring it dry. Will noted she didn't let go of the hand he had fingered her with, intertwining their fingers instead and gripping strongly.

He gripped her hand tighter than she was gripping his and continued to grope her chest with his other hand.

The dragon girl gripped his hand even tighter and gave him what was probably meant to be a domineering smirk, but was just a cute grin. "You think you can overpower a dragon?" She tried her best to sound offended but failed to hide the excitement in her voice. "Fool!"

She lifted herself, keeping only his tip inside her, and dropped back down. Then lifted herself again, dropped down, and gasped as he perfectly timed his thrust upwards to hit a spot she hadn't expected with their combined forces.

"I am no meek prey." Will chuckled and upped his grip strength, once more outdoing the dragon girl.

She pouted and grasped him even more strongly. She also grabbed his hand from her breast and intertwined their fingers. "Shush. Give in before I crush your hands."

Will once more strengthened his grip on her hands. "Your turn." To emphasize his point, he thrust up into her. Her yelp was more due to surprise than anything else: he hadn't had any space to maneuver, as he was lying on his back and fully inside her. Nonetheless, it conveyed the message.

"Alright, I warned you." The dragon girl said. "You'll end up reduced to dust." Will could see her muscles tense up as she gripped as hard as she could. Due to her concentration on her grip, she completely failed to do anything about his other challenge.