The Prank Pt. 02


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There is one thing about the scene that surprises Jessica. That's the fact that Rachel is now looking down at Paul as she facefucks him. Rachel has a serene expression as she looks at him, not one of revenge or even anger. The look she has is almost as if she's proud she's making her mistress proud.

Paul thinks of how this is a strange feeling to feel, as the cock goes over this tongue and lips. He also made the conscious choice to close his lips around the fake cock, not because he wanted but because he knew Jessica would make him. So Paul makes himself do as so many women did for him, and take the violating cock in his mouth.

Feeling utterly dominated, Paul fights the urge to cum himself. He's not sure he could handle what it would mean if he did. In his mind, he's the man. Men are the dominate ones. They don't let women do this sort of stuff to them. Yet, he can't deny how aroused he is. That his arousal is to the point that even if no one is touching his cock, he feels he could explode.

Paul's protests are suddenly renewed with vigor. He even starts to struggle with all his might, pulling as hard as he can on the zip ties that keep him in this bent position. But there are too many zip ties and he can't break free.

The renewed show by Paul makes Jessica burst into laughter. When he tries to protest right after but is cut off by the cock in his mouth, she laughs even harder. Jessica's laughs are so loud they echo all about the room.

Paul's renewed struggles are from the fact that Jessica is now behind Paul, positioning her own strap on right at Paul's ass. Her strap-on is very much wet thanks to fucking Rachel, which will give the lube needed to violate her friend. But since she loves hearing Paul whine and protest, she just keeps the tip at his entrance, wanting him to know what is about to happen.

"You shouldn't have fucked tied up girls now," Jessica states, revealing why this is happening, that it is all punishment. And then she starts to insert her strap-on into Paul's ass.

Paul immediately goes quiet as he feels the fake cock start to enter him. His harsh struggles end and he just stares forward into Rachel's stomach. He very much wants to tense up and push the strap on out of him, but he finds that he can't.

Feeling very strange as he's never been submissive before, Paul attempts to tense again, but can't. He tells himself it must be from the harsh blow that knocked him out earlier. That it somehow is making him very relaxed, to which he can't tense his body like he would want. Yet another part of him seems to scream that this is a lie. That he wants to feel what this will feel like. That he's really loving this forced submission.

A deep, low groan comes out of Paul as he feels either end of him being stuffed with a cock. Rachel has kept doing as she was told, thrusting in and out of his mouth, unknowingly going faster and faster as she does. And now, on his other end, Jessica pushes her strap-on deeper and deeper inside him, making him feel that unique feeling.

Jessica is careful to go slow as she shoves her strap-on inside Paul, but it's not to be safe or gentle. It's because she wants him to feel each and every inch of her cock, the way that the two girls did when he fucked them earlier. To make sure he feels the violation of a dick as it is forced inside you.

Paul's groans only get louder the deeper Jessica goes. He feels how his ass is forced open by the sex toy. How it feels extremely dominating on a primal level. So when Jessica manages to insert all of her strap-on inside him, Paul is damn near mindbroken.

At this point, Paul whimpers. It's a sad, pathetic little whimper showing that Jessica has now broken him. It's such a pathetic little whimper that Jessica laughs and slaps him on his bare ass.

Then she starts to fuck him.

Jessica pulls back some and thrusts forward, making the fake cock slide partly out of him before going back in. She repeats this several times, finding that it is becoming easier after each thrust as she tames his ass. After a while she is able to just rock her hips, being able to move the fake member almost all the way out of him before shoving it back in.

Officially fucking Paul, Jessica holds onto his hips for leverage. As she does this, she hears the familiar thudding sound of the two bodies coming together, but unlike all the times before, she's not the one being slammed into. She's the one fucking.

In a daze Paul is double teamed. He can't believe it is happening and just whimpers. In a way, he thinks that he must still be in bed, dreaming or maybe in class having fallen asleep. That none of this is really happening or happened. That they didn't trick Maria into getting naked and tied up, nor did he fuck two very hot girls in a single day. And no way he's being fucked like a bitch.

The desk he's tied onto begins to squeak with each thrust he's given. Only since the girls aren't on the same page, it squeaks nonstop as they thrust at different times. This sound is accented by the gagging sound every so often that comes out of him when Rachel thrusts just a little too far and threatens to go into his throat.

"You deserve this you little shit," Jessica reminds him every few moments as she gets faster in fucking his ass. Now that she's had the strap-on in him for a while, he's opened up to make it much easier. Now her fake cock moves easily in and out of him, allowing for her to get downright rough. Now she's able to ram into him, making his entire body rock and the desk rock.

At some point, the two women get on the same page, to which they thrust at the same time. They both thrust with fast and hard thrusts, to which Rachel tries to match what Jessica does. The thrusts are hard and steady, causing Paul to winch and whine which each thrust. He feels the familiar feeling that others have had in this position, where he wonders if they are trying to compact his body.

But no matter how much Paul tries to pretend he hates this, Jessica knows better. She can feel how hot his skin is as she violates his ass. Just like she can hear his hard cock slapping against himself with each thrust. Paul can't hide how much he's getting off on being dominated in such a degrading manner.

"You're nothing but a little bitch. My bitch," Jessica hisses into Paul's ear after taking a firm grasp of his hair. Paul yelps out at this as he's sure his hair has been ripped out. Jessica does this for no other reason but to cause pain as Paul already can't move due to Rachel's cock being in his mouth.

Hearing Jessica tell him this has a powerful effect on Paul. It sends him into a sort of sexual trance, to which he does indeed cum. His orgasm is fast and powerful, powered by the feeling of the sex toys buried inside his mouth and ass. But this violated feeling doesn't compare to the simple knowledge that he knows Jessica is right. He is a little bitch. He's her little bitch.

A clear and powerful moan comes out of Paul, even with the fake cock in his mouth. His cock throbs and pulses as stream after stream shoots out, going all over the floor under the desk. The orgasm he feels isn't like any he's ever had where it reaches a point and is over. This one lingers and is drawn out, making him feel like he stepped into a pool of pleasure.

Humiliation floods into Paul right after his orgasm passes. It's clear that he's orgasmed and he has no way to hide it as his cum is on the floor. And the humiliation he feels from this as he's still being fucked makes him goes pale as his orgasm threatens to return.

"Did you just cum? Holy shit, you did, didn't you, you little bitch?" Jessica asks when Paul stops moving after jerking hard for a few moments. When she asks this, she looks under the desk to see that yes, he's cum, with a bit still hanging down off his cock. At this, Jessica laughs and slaps Paul's ass a few times, loving the power she holds.

Having made Paul cum, Jessica gets a wild look in her eyes. A look that says she wants to do more. That she wants to really flex her power over her three subs. Because that's what they are now, her subs. She's the one in charge. She's the one they are going to listen to. She's the one that have to obey.

Jessica's eyes then shift to Maria as she has wild thoughts whipping about her head. The foreign exchange student is still tied up and quivering, cumming again and again from the vibrator buried deep in her pussy. And thanks to her tits being tied the way they are, her already huge tits look even bigger thanks to the swelling. Not to mention how pathetic she looks as the rope pulling on her anal hook looks tight and firm.

With an evil smirk, Jessica unhooks her strap-on harness. She does this while the strap on is still buried deep in Paul's ass. Once it is unhooked, she steps back and the fake cock stays inside him, all while Rachel is still thrusting into his mouth because she hasn't been told to stop.

"Ahhh, is the goodie-two shoes enjoying herself?" Jessica taunts the tied up and blindfolded Maria as she walks towards her. Sensing Jessica's attention is on her due to how close she is, Jessica weakly nods yes.

At this point, Maria has had a countless number of orgasms to which her brain is all but goo. If you asked her any question that takes more than 3 brain cells, she wouldn't be able to respond. She barely even remembers her own name at the moment. Even her voice is all but gone from moaning so much.

"You are lucky. You are about to experience the top of the American Sexual experience," Jessica taunts, mocking her for getting tricked so easy by their prank.

Jessica then grabs Maria's face in a hard grip, squeezing her face, hard. She does this because she wants her prey to feel how helpless she really is. To know that if she wanted, Jessica could do anything she wants, from slapping her face or tits, to shoving a dozen vibrators inside of her. That Maria is no longer even a person to her, but property. A toy for Jessica to do with as she wants.

"You want that, right?!" Jessica demands, mocking Maria even more. Immediately Maria nods yes while whimpering from both excitement and fear.

Letting Maria go, Jessica begins to clear out a space in the middle of the room. She moves desks, chairs and more away so there's a large, empty area. After making this clearing, Jessica then places a blanket on the floor that she found on one of the shelves in the room. The blanket covers the cold and dirty floor, leaving the area to which Maria is about to be used.

Jessica then walks back to Paul as his face is continuously fucked, knowing she will need him for this next part. She lowers herself so she is face to face with the side of his head. As she does this, Paul looks at her with a begging and pleading look, still making the wet gagging sound as he is facefucked. The look he gives is almost like he's saying he'll do anything if she stops this.

"Are you going to be a good little bitch?" Jessica asks in a taunting manner. Paul tries to nod yes, but has trouble as the cock still whips about his mouth.

"Are you going to do exactly what I say?" Jessica follows up, sounding very much like a stern teacher or mother. Once again Paul nods quickly to show that he will.

Jessica believes him as there's something in his eyes that looks different. There's no revenge or anger in them, but a defeated look. She believes that if she does untie him, he won't try to harm her or get revenge. He's going to be her bitch as he's been broken.

"Are you sure? You will do whatever I say, no matter what it is?" Jessica asks, wanting him to confirm. She stares him down, trying to show without a shadow of a doubt that she's in control.

Paul tries to nod even harder, which doesn't work, but his eyes widen to show how serious he is. There's absolutely no rebelling or even struggle when he does this as he's forced to make that gagging sound over and over again.

Smiling wide, Jessica walks from him and goes back to her bags. She digs in one, trying to find something in particular. Then she finds it, which is a very, very small case that looks like it might hold a few band-aids but not much more.

"Backup, slave," Jessica tells Rachel, then pulls her back. At once Rachel moves, doing exactly what Jessica wants. This allows the fake cock to come completely out of Paul's mouth. When it does, spit and drool come out, as he's been facefucked for quite some time.

Paul takes large gulps of air, as well as spits out the excessive spit and drool. But he doesn't get much time to rest as Jessica grabs a handful of his hair again. Yanking on it, she forces his head up, acting like he isn't bigger and stronger than her.

"Open your mouth," Jessica demands of Paul, to which Paul does as he is told. He isn't sure what to expect now, but figures it'll be to gag him again. Only, it's not. Instead Jessica tosses two small pills into his mouth, then forces him to close his mouth. Making sure he swallows them, she covers his nose and nose so he can't breathe.

"That's a good lil bitch," Jessica taunts after Paul is forced to swallow the two pills. Once he does, she lets him breathe again, going so far as to kneel to be eye to eye with him.

"What...what the f-f-fuck was that? What did you make me t-t-take?" Paul demands, fear in his voice as Jessica has gone fully crazy. He knows he's just been drugged, but with what? What's about to happen to him?

As if confirming his thought that she is crazy to be true, Jessica's eyes sparkle. They sparkle with a presence Paul nor Rachel have seen before. They sparkle from Jessica loving his fear and her control over him.

"Oh, you'll find out in a few minutes. Then you will be good for the rest of the day," Jessica says, running her hand over his cheek in a very sexual manner. At this Paul's eyes open wide as he figures what she's done. He stares at her, not believing his own friend would drug him. Drug him with erection pills.

"I need that dick to stay hard all day long. It has a lot of work to do," Jessica laughs as she knows Paul figured it out.

Jessica walks away from him, still laughing. Paul is left waiting for the effects of the drug to kick in, to make sure he has a hardon that literally will not go away. The best he can think is that at least he's not being facefucked any longer, through the feeling of the cock still in his ass isn't that pleasant.

Moving back to Maria, Jessica begins to release her from her bonds. Maria's hands are untied as are her feet. Jessica even removes the anal hook, which makes Maria moan loudly. After, Jessica goes so far as to even remove the vibrator from Maria's pussy to give the poor foreign exchange student a break.

Now free, Maria all but collapses to the floor, utterly spent. Jessica guides her to the floor, making sure she doesn't land hard or hurt anything. Once on the ground, Maria lays on her back, eyes closed, her naked body still quivering and squirming.

Jessica lets Maria rest as she moves back to her bags. From within them, she gathers up several toys she wants to use, as well as a camera. This camera is an older digital camera, but it can record. On purpose Jessica brought this camera because it doesn't connect to the internet. So pictures from it would be hard to trace as there would be little metadata. Everything online has metadata or whatever you call it, so the police can track where it came from, who did it and whatever. But not this time.

About five minutes pass as Jessica pulls out all the items that she wants from her bags and places them where she wants them. She basically prepares for her grand finale, for she has a grand plan for what's to happen to miss goodie-two shoes, as well as her "friends."

Speaking of her friends, Rachel stands in a trance, still wearing the strap-on. Ever since Jessica stopped her from fucking Paul's face, she just stood in one place. She's far too scared to even move because she feels that if she utters a sound, Jessica will start in on her again. And Paul remains quiet as well, his head hanging off the side of the desk, his cock rock hard from the drugs.

No longer able to wait, Jessica moves to Maria, thinking she's had enough time to rest. Maria has not attempted to remove her blindfold nor her gag. Instead she just laid there, feeling the lasting effects of what the vibrator has done for being inside of her so long.

Not saying anything, Jessica rolls Maria over so she is face down on the ground. Maria happily moves as she is told, not making a sound. Jessica then grabs both of Maria's arms and puts them behind her back, much like she did Rachel. Only for Maria, she doesn't use panties to restrain her, but fuzzy handcuffs from the porn shop, ensuring her hands are trapped behind her back.

"Get up whore," Jessica grunts as she has to muscle Maria to a kneeling position. Having to use a good bit of strength, Jessica forces Maria even more until she's in a standing position, to which she is very unstable. But after a few moments, Maria seems to get her bearings.

"Now. I'm going to remove your gag. When I do, I want you to say, out loud, how this is your fault. That you deserve all that's happened to you for being a goodie little two-shoes that makes classes hell for everyone else. That if you weren't such a bitch, your pussy wouldn't be fucked raw and sore," Jessica orders, her voice gaining a strange hiss, much like a snake as she talks.

"Understand?" Jessica asks, yanking on Maria's hair, wanting confirmation. As if still having the time of her life, Maria nods her head excitedly to show that yes, she does understand and that she'll do as she is told.

"Oh, did I forget to mention, I want those fat titties of yours bouncing hard when you say it," Jessica adds with a laugh, going so far as to slap Maria's right tit from below. Not skipping a beat, Maria nods to show that she understands and has no issue.

Maria doesn't know, but Rachel and Paul do, that Jessica has set up a camera to point at Maria. It's on a shelf, aimed in the foreign exchange student's direction. There's only one reason for Jessica to set up the camera like this, and that's blackmail. Jessica is going to use the footage to blackmail the poor girl and the girl has no clue.

Jessica now reaches over and pulls the gag from Maria's mouth. She lets it hang around her neck, where Maria's mouth looks very wet and inviting. Maria even has to lick her lips before she begins as if they've dried out.

A wide, happy smile appears on Jessica's face as Maria behind to bounce her tied breasts. The foreign exchange student moves to her tiptoes and down, bending her knees only to go to her tiptoes again, causing her overly large breasts to bounce hard. She then begins to hop up and down, figuring that she wasn't bouncing her tits hard enough yet. The longer Maria is left to do this, the harder she bounces, making her tits bounce wildly.

"I, Maria, deserved what happened to me," Maria states in a practiced public speaking voice.

"I deserved to have my titties tied up, my body spanked and my pussy used repeatedly, for being a smart-ass, know-it-all, bitchy, goodie-two-shoes," Maria proclaims. It occurs to Jessica now that they aren't the first to call Maria those names. Maria already had them loaded and more, which makes her see that other's have the same issue with her.

Paul And Rachel watch the scene play out, both being very quiet. Looking at Jessica, Paul sees that Jessica has one hand inside her own panties. It's obvious Jessica is rubbing her clit, getting off on owning Maria as she says all this. She's playing with herself openly as she loves the power of control.

"I deserved to have objects shoved up my ass, or into my mouth. Just like it's my fault my titties are tied. And it was completely my fault when a man had to fuck me. It wasn't his fault, but mine," Maria keeps on, saying all this with the flopping sound of her tits bouncing. And as she says this, it sounds like she really means and believes it.