The Promise from Wife's View

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My Husband makes a promise to young man.
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My husband asked me to write about our experience with Antwone. I read his story and was amazing at his misperceptions of so many things regarding our experience. So I will try to share my side of the story.

Just to add, I read some of the comments. WOW! There are some hardcore critics out there. Just to be clear, I don't own him, but he is my husband. I have a husband and he has a wife. Now don't judge my story on my style of writing.

To introduce ourselves; Jim is 36 years old, almost 6' tall, dark brown hair, always clean shaven, athletic build, with a very easy going attitude towards life. He inherited his family business and fortune.

I am petite 32 year old but people tell me I look much younger which I really like. I am 5'5" and play a lot of tennis. I have a business degree and consider myself an entrepreneur. With fare skin and blond hair, it is easy to see my Swiss heritage. Boys have always noticed me which makes me feel attractive.

Jim, my husband, always wanted a son. How funny that he has two daughters. He has tried to get them to do boy things. He taught both of them to ride motorcycles but it was never their passion. He tried to get them into hunting and fishing but that just frustrated him with all the complaining.

So when I met Antwone, an orphan boy, who was a few year older than our daughters, I mentioned to Jim how he needed a roll model. He jumped at the chance to have a son. So Jim was a "Big Brother" to this juvenile delinquent. All of sudden he had a son with whom to do outdoor stuff. And Antwone had a roll model. Win Win situation.

Antwone never lived with us but he did spend a lot of time at our house. He was about 15, and in 8th grade, when Jim became his "Big Brother." At the time he was a thin, 6' tall black kid. They went to a high school basketball game and then ice cream afterwards. Apparently, Antwone thought he had died and gone to heaven. He was so excited to be with someone like my husband. They went motorcycle riding, fishing, hunting... Well, you can understand why Antwone liked being with Jim so much. We even took him camping once with us.

It was on the camping trip that "it" first started. We had a two bedroom tent with doors at both ends. The girls had one room. Jim and I zipped two sleeping bags together and Antwone slept in a sleeping bag by himself but in the one bedroom with us. In the middle of the night I had to get up to pee. As quietly as I could, I went outside, found a spot behind a tree, lifted up my night gown, squatted down, and released myself. Of course when I am camping, I don't wear panties to bed in case I have to get up and pee.

As I am finishing, I notice something. Then I realize it is somebody watching me. There was a full moon out and the light made it very easy to see that it was Antwone. Just as I am about to freak out, I see his hand is in his shorts and he is masterbating. Not wanting to make a scene and wake everyone up, I keep quiet and watch him beat off while he is watching me. I can hear him breathing louder. Then he pulls down is shorts, lets out a little grunt, and ejaculates onto the ground.

I am dumbfounded at what has just happened. Antwone pulls his shorts up and goes back into the tent. I wait a minute so he can get into his bag before I enter the tent. As I am getting back into the sleeping bag with my husband, I can see Antwone laying on top of his bag with his shorts pulled down so I can see his penis. Even though it was only semi-hard, it was the biggest I have ever seen. As I get into the sleep bag, I am on the other side of Jim. So now my husband is between me and the horny teenaged boy. I feel safe and fall back to sleep.

The next day everyone was bright eyed and bushy tailed like nothing had happened. What do you say after something like that? Well, I didn't what to make waves so I said nothing. However, I paid more attention to what Antwone was doing. He was never inappropriate with our girls but keep looking at me every chance he got.

The next night I woke up several times. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was awake. Early in the morning, just as the sun is rising, I got up to pee. I was very quiet so as not to wake anyone, especially Antwone.

As I started to pee, I heard something. If it had been one of the girls or Jim, they would have said something. So I knew it was Antwone. Again, not wanting to make a scene, I remained quiet. However, knowing how fascinated he was with looking at me, I pulled my night gown up higher, bend forward more, and stuck my butt out so he would have a better view. Don't ask me why, I just thought it would please him.

When I finished, I looked back. He is staring at me and was pumping his "boner." This time I got a look at his full on erection. It was literally twice the size of my husband's. It wasn't 10 seconds after I looked at him that he shot his load. The first blast must have went 10 feet, almost making it all the way to where I was standing. Then a few more shots. Holy cow! He has a huge penis, biggest balls I've ever seen, and unloaded more seamen than I thought possible. I forgot how horny 16 year old boys can get.

When he finished, he got an embarrassed look, pulled up his shorts, and quickly walked away. I wanted to follow him and talk to him about how inappropriate he was. But I didn't want to cause a problem with the girls there. I figured I would tell Jim and let him handle it. Problem was, I never got around to telling Jim.

Well, the camping trip ended without anything more. We returned home. I never mentioned what Antwone had done to anyone. I just put it out of my mind. Chalk it up to experience with a horny boy. However, I was very aware of Antwone. When he was over, his was usually watching me.

Oh, there was one more thing that happened. We have a room off from our oversized garage where we do laundry. We call it our "Mud Room," because it has a sink and area to clean up when we get done doing yard work. We have a coat room as you come in from the garage. We hang coats, take off our shoes, hats, gloves, etc. There is a window so we can look into the garage without opening the door. It is great to check that the garage doors are all shut without opening the door.

One day I was home alone. I was in the coat room and looked through the window. Antwone was in the garage. He was holding a pair of my panties to his face, looking at a picture, and stroking his penis. I just watched him until he climaxed. When he came he put the panties down so all his cum was caught in the panties. Then he put the picture in the tool drawer, put the panties in the mud room, and left out the man door.

As quietly as I could I tip toed into the garage. First thing I did was opened the drawer where he put the picture. Oh Shit! It was one of my "Glamor Pictures." A few years ago for an anniversary, Jim asked me for pictures of myself. So we went to one of those glamor photo places. They dolled me up and took sexy pictures. Some of them had me in lingerie. Well, somehow Antwone had found one of the picture of me in lingerie.

Next I went into the laundry room and found the pair of panties with his cum in them. He had put them back in the drier with the clean clothes. I wonder how many times he had done this. Had I worn panties with his cum in them before. As I looked at my panties dripping with his cum, the vision of him masterbating came back to my mind. I could smell the strong order of his sperm.

One night we talked about Antwone's sexual education. This was my opportunity to tell Jim what Antwone had done. However, he talked about what a good conversation he with Antwone. They had a discussion about what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. He even claimed that he had explained "the Birds & the Bees" to Antwone. It was obvious that Jim felt he had done a great job. So why bring up the past when it sounded like Jim had taken care of it?

I don't really remember how the deal happened. I think we were talking to the girls about college and trying to motivate them to do their best in school. Jim had talked about a deal his father make with him and his brothers. If they graduated from high school with straight A's and went to college, he would give them his car. His dad alway drove sporty little coupes. So his dad gave him Honda Civic Coupe.

After doing all the "Big Brother" stuff with Antwone and being impressed with how well he is doing, out of the blue Jim makes the same deal with Antwone. It was like the movie the Blind Side with Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw where they buy Michael Orr a truck. My husband really offered to buy this kid a car, well not buy him one but give him anything he had. Jim was sure he would want his car.

At first, I too assumed he would want Jim's Lexis IS 250. It was a great car and would make an awesome first car for a boy. But as the years of high school went on, it started to become clear to me what Antwone really wanted. The camping trip, watching him in the garage, the way he looks at me. Put it all together and it is pretty clear what he is going to ask for. How do I tell Jim that Antwone want his wife. But that is crazy, Antwone would never ask Jim for his wife. Plus, I really don't see Antwone graduation from high school with a 4.0 gpa.

High school seemed to go by so fast. Antwone kept getting more and more A's, it became pretty clear that he was going to do it. He was going to get straight A's. However, he was involved in so much his senior year, he hardly had time to himself. I was really hoping he would slip up just once and get a B.

He still came by often and spent time with Jim. Several times he asked about the "deal" and Jim reassured him that it was still on. Antwone even double checked that he could ask for anything Jim had and Jim would give it to him. "Promise," he would then ask. Jim would smile and reassure him that he would hold true to his word.

Once, after Antwone had gotten the promise from Jim, he then looked at me and asked if I was onboard with this promise. It was just so obvious that I couldn't believe Jim didn't see where this was going. Maybe I was trying to teach my husband a lesson about being more careful what he promised. So I assured Antwone I was OK with "The Deal." I remember telling Antwone, "Yes, I am a part of this deal." At that point I was sure what he wanted.

As you probable already guest, Antwone graduated with honers and a 4.0 gpa. Graduation was on Thursday and that weekend the girls were at their grandparents. How convenient.

On Friday, Antwone came over before Jim had even gotten home from work. I had a prime rib in the oven so I invited him for dinner. It was about eight o'clock. Jim was working late so I wanted to have dinner ready for him.

Serval things kept running through my mind. Was Antwone really going to ask Jim for me? What did he have in mind? I wanted to ask Antwone what he was going to ask for, but I just couldn't get myself to talk about it. Guess I was afraid of the answer. Plus I wanted to act surprised, like I had no idea when he did ask. These were the thoughts going through my head when Jim got home from work.

Right in the middle of dinner, Jim acknowledges that Antwone had graduated with a 4.0 gpa. Then asks him if he remembers "the Deal." Antwone answers, "Of course, I have been thinking about it ever since you made me that promise. It motivated me to push myself, alway finishing my homework, always studying for exams, always asking the teachers for extra work so I could get A's." Then he paused, looked at both of us and asked, "Now you are not going to 'renege' on our deal. You both promised and your word is your bond. Right?" Jim smiled and reassured him that he could have "anything."

My husband is so naive, could he not see where this was going. Funny thing was, I let it happen. What was going to be Jim's reaction when Antwone asked to have his wife? Would Antwone ask to have sex with me or just have me to take to college? Would it be a one time thing or did he want it to last for ever?

Antwone was stalling. I'm sure he was trying to figure out the right words to use to asked to have someone's wife. How did he see this going. Did Antwone picture Jim happily handing me over to him for all his sexual pleasures?

Well, what happened next will alway be burned in my memory. Again Antwone said "So I can ask for anything you have and you promise to give it to me?" This time Jim laughed, "Yes, Antwone, you can have anything I have and I will sign it over to you." That really got my attention. My husband was planning on sign over the title to the car. What was he going to do when Antwone wanted him to sign me over to this 20 year old very handsome young man.

I should mention, Antwone grew up to become a rather good-looking, young man. He reminded me of a NBA basketball player. You know, they are tall and muscular. He had a smile like Michael Jordan.

Well, Antwone, started out sheepishly and then got more assurance in his voice, "I want... to have... your wife. I want Jill. Now you said anything and you gave me your word I can have anything you have, and and she is your wife." Well, there it was. What I had expected all along. Antwone just asked my husband to give me over to him. This is going to be interesting. I just sat back and watched Jim. What is he going to do? How is he going to handle this? How is he going to say no?

It was kind of fun, in an interesting sort of way, to watch my husband squirm. Jim, didn't say anything for a few minutes. He just sat there and thought. A couple times it looked like he was going to respond but then didn't. I could tell his mind was spinning. On one hand there's no way he is going to give me to this young man. On the other hand, he did promise and I have never known Jim to not fulfill his promise. In fact he has told the girls over and over how important it is to alway keep your word. "Say what you mean and mean what you say." How many time have we heard that?

Now, to be honest, I was a little flattered by the fact that Antwone wanted me. And, I have kind of fantasied about being with him. Let's just say, knowing that he was into me, made me notice how he had grown into quite the good-lookin man. It also made me feel young and attractive.

Finally, I could take the silence no longer, I suggested those two go into the living room to discuss things. We had all finished dinner so I started cleaning up. I put the left overs in the refrigerator and the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. The whole time I was trying to hear what was being said, but I couldn't hear anything.

When I had finished in the kitchen, I joined them in the living room. I was expecting Jim to have told Antwone that he had asked for the impossible. But they both just looked at me like they were waiting for me to fix this mess. I couldn't believe Jim didn't say "NO WAY ASS HOLE!" right from the beginning. But his silence told me that he would rather see me have sex with Antwone than have to go back on his word. Well, fuck him then. So, I took control.

Looking at Antwone, "Ok, so we made a deal and we always keep our promises. First of all, I not going anywhere with you. Jim has to be apart of what this is. Nothing rough. Nothing kinky. Are you both on board with this?" Now I didn't know what "This" was but I was just pushing Jim's buttons. Guess I was seeing how far I could run with it before Jim finally came to his senses. How surprised I was when Jim, along with Antwone, said ok. Holy crap! My husband is on board with this young man having sex with me.

At this point, I still didn't believe Jim would allow Antwone to have sex with me. At some point he was going to throw in the towel and put a stop to this madness.

Maybe if I take this to our bedroom, Jim will realize what's going on here. "I am not doing anything here," I said as we are in the living room. Then I headed for our bedroom. There is just no way Jim will let anything happen on our marriage bed.

As soon as I got in our bedroom, I sat on the bed waiting. Were Jim and Antwone following me? It was a minute before Jim came into the room. No Antwone, thank goodness, my husband finally came to his senses. But then Antwone appeared at the doorway. He looked sheepishly at me, hesitating. But then slowly walked into our bedroom.

When Jim entered, he stopped, didn't say anything, and just looked at me sitting on our bed. He still had the dumbfounded look. Antwone had a huge silly grin on his face, like he was some little kid at the puppy barn not able to decide which puppy to play with first. He snapped out of it quick enough, and came over to the bed.

Antwone looked at Jim and asked, "Can I kiss your wife?" Jim just looked at him, not say anything. So I said, "That's probably a good place to start."

When was my husband going to put a stop to this? Maybe Antwone kissing me would bring him out of it. I kept waiting for Jim to come to his senses.

With a truly adorable smile on his face, Antwone walked over to me, sat on the bed next to me, and proceeded to plant one hell of a kiss on me. He didn't try something stupid like forcing his tongue down my throat. It was a sensual kiss, just the way I like them. After we kissed for a minute, he took me in his arms and kissed me a little harder. No tongue or grossness. Just a sensual kiss while he held me close.

Then he did the smartest thing he had done all night, he asked me, "Can I take your shirt off?" I looked at Jim and shrugged my shoulders like I was asking his permission. Still looking at my husband I said in a more question tone of voice, "I guess that would be OK. Right hun?"

When Jim didn't object, Antwone unbuttoned my blouse and removed it. Maybe this will bring Jim out of his stupor. But no. He just watched as my blouse came off. Without asking, Antwone removed my bra. Again, I looked at Jim for support but he was frozen as he watched this 20 year old undress his wife.

The look on Antwone's face was priceless, as he gazed upon my naked breast. Slowly he reached out, softly touched my breast. Next he took my right breast in both his hands, leaned in, and kissed my breast all over. Then he did the same to the left breast.

I remember thinking to myself, "This boy is not without skill," as I enjoyed the attention being paid to my breast. Someone must have taught this kid, because the next thing he did is my favorite. He took my nipple into his mouth and started flicking it with his tongue. After a couple minutes he switch to the left nipple.

After getting both my nipples hard, he then backed away and removed his clothes. First his shirt, then shoes, socks, and pants. His cock was barely contained in his shorts.

I Glanced over at Jim. I don't know why it surprised me that he was looking right at Antwone's cock. Jim must know that he is much bigger. Then he removed his underwear revealing his big, boner.

Now my breast are naked, Antwone is naked. Is my husband finally going to put a stop to this? Looking at Jim... Waiting... Waiting... Waiting... Nothing.

Antwone moved his naked body over mine half naked body and we kissed again. Oh boy! This boy is a good lover. He is taking it slow, one step at a time.

After kissing for a few minutes, he got off me and proceeded to remove my pants. Without hesitating, he removed my panties. Jim was sitting in the chair watching, while Antwone slowly crawled back on top of me. When is my husband going to put a stop to this?

Now with his naked body on top of my naked body, he kissed me again. I could feel his nakedness pushing into me. His chest was against my naked breast. His cock was slipping into the folds of my pussy. The head of his cock was touching my belly while he slid his cock in-between my pussy lips.

Well, it is now clear that Jim is not going to stop this young man from having sex with me. Antwone's cock is sliding up and down my crack. I'm getting wetter and wetter. Then I feel the head of his boner at my love hole. He pushed and entered me. Oh Shit! My husband is going to let him have sex with me.