The Quislin Factor

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A D&D group gets happily sidetracked.
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I suppose it all goes back to my including Shazandra in my pantheon of gods. Well, that and making Shazandra the goddess of playful debauchery. The actual entry I typed up and distributed to the players in my little D&D campaign read, "SHAZANDRA the Libertine, the Prankster, the Adventurer, the Debauched, the Playful, the Merry. Easily the most accessible and easy-going of the main deities, chaotic neutral Shazandra often joins in (or meddles in) the affairs of mortals, just for the fun of it. Her order emphasizes having a good time without seriously injuring anyone. Her clerics are up for a good old orgy or risking their lives on a wild adventure. She is normally depicted as a slender young woman with short red hair, but she can, and does, appear however she pleases, but most often with red hair."

The next piece fell into place when Carol, who was the last of the group to generate her character, decided to be a cleric. The party needed a healer, she reasoned, and she had a point. Then she looked over the list of deities I provided and looked up at me, over the black frame of her glasses and said, "How about Shazandra? Can I be a priestess of Shazandra?"

I really should have seen that one coming. Not only does Carol have red hair, which she wore short, but she also has a decidedly mischievous mind. She's quiet until she gets to know you, but once she comes out of her shell a bit, she becomes something of a flirt, with a dirty sense of humor. She's a short, thin woman with small breasts and a tight little ass. We had been best friends for several years, but nothing had ever happened between us, despite quite a bit of innuendo to that effect. Somehow it seemed that our moment just never came around. We told each other everything and knew each other better than anyone else in the group.

Of course, I let her play as a half-elf priestess of Shazandra, but I said she'd have to really take to the part. With a laugh and a twinkle in her eye she promised she would. I should have, but I really didn't appreciate what I had unleashed.

Carol's character, Quislin, was described to the rest of us as "a redhead with long legs and full tits - both attributes she likes to flaunt." The half-elf priestess joined Tohl, a generally nondescript big human fighter with a friendly but quiet personality, Shift, a fairly generic adventuring halfling thief, "with a thing for taller women," and Rayna, a dark haired, slender female elf ranger of serious demeanor. But since this story isn't really about a bunch of D&D characters, I should probably tell you a bit about the players, besides Carol.

Ben, who played Tohl, is a tall, generally quiet guy with short brown hair and a lanky build. Though he certainly isn't built like you'd expect a big fighter to be, he had the right height for it. Dale, who played Shift, is a somewhat short guy (just a bit shorter than me) with wire frame glasses, shaggy black hair and a playful, sometimes snarky attitude. He's actually rather shy, but covers it up with his sense of humor. Finally, there's Annie, playing Rayna. She's usually quite shy, but very smart. She has thick, dark hair that falls down around her shoulders, a graceful, slender neck, full hips, narrow waist and long legs. As for myself, I'm the oldest of the group, by a couple of decades, actually. I'm about five eight and not in too bad shape. I've got shortish brown hair and blue eyes. The five of us had all met in grad school and discovered a mutual love of D&D. Somehow, I was the one who got roped into running the game.

Things went along in a typical enough fashion for the first few sessions - you know, the usual fetch quests and dungeon crawls - but eventually the party of adventurers found themselves in the big metropolis, and center of civilization and decadence, in my world. Here the adventuring took on a more urban and social flavor. The party had to interact with non-player characters in more ways that trying to kill them. Until now Carol's Quislin had lived up to her mischief mandate by engaging in playful banter and innuendo, which frankly was not too terribly different from Carol's normal persona. I'm not sure the other players had any idea that Carol was engaged in much actual role playing, and to be honest I had nearly forgotten our conversation about her playing a priestess of Shazandra. All of this changed when the party had to acquire a particular magical goblet from the private office of one Baron Bashlik.

Unfortunately, there was at least one guard between the party and getting into the office. Due to the civilized environment, the fact that the Baron was a powerful and more-or-less respected personage, and, as Annie/Rayna observed, the guards were just normal guys doing their job, the party did not really have the option of simply doing away with any guards. Dale suggested that Shift should be able to sneak into the office and secure the goblet if the guard, or guards, were distracted sufficiently. Without a moment's hesitation, Carol volunteered Quislin, and proceeded without any further discussion, to say...

"Quislin loosens the top of her bodice a bit and saunters up to the guard." (Carol had made a point of specifying that Quislin's leather armor included a bodice that displayed her cleavage to maximum effect.)

Rolling with it, I responded, "The guard eyes you suspiciously but is obviously impressed by what he sees. As you get closer, he tears his eyes off your chest and manages to say, 'I'm sorry, ma'am, but this part of the mansion is strictly private, even to the Count's guests.'"

"Quis moves in close and bats her eyes at the guard, leaning forward a little, and says, 'I'm sorry, I had no idea. It's awfully quiet up here; you must get terribly bored.'"

"He glances down at your breasts and says, 'Well, yeah, but that's the job.'"

Shift began his stealthy approach to the Count's office door and to unlock said door.

"Quis smiles and winks at the guard and says, 'Ever sneak your girl in so you can have a bit of fun when no one's around?'"

"The guard swallows and says, 'Uh, no, ma'am... never did anything like that.'"

Shift managed to open the lock and slipped into the office, beginning his search for the goblet.

Carol continued her flirtatious distraction, "Quis reaches out and touches the guard's chest and says, 'Wouldn't your girl go for that?'"

I was already past the limit of what I had worked out for the background on this guy, who was just "Guard 1" in my notes, but I improvised, saying, "He smiles and says, 'Don't have a steady girl, ma'am.'"

"Quis inches a little closer and says, 'Keeping your options open, eh? I like that. A strong, handsome man like you ought to have lots of girls.'"

"He blushes and laughs a bit."

At this point Dale managed to critically fail a search check, and I ruled that he knocked over a bookend or something. "The guard hears the sound and looks toward the office door."

"Quis says, 'I think you should have some fun on the job, at least just once.'"

"He's still looking toward the office," I said.

"Quis drops to her knees in front of him and starts undoing his... armor? What's he got?"

A bit distracted by the abrupt turn of events, I stammered, "Um, a chain shirt and trousers... buttoned trousers."

"Okay," Carol said without a pause, "I unbutton his trousers and pull his cock out."

I glanced around at the other players who were all looking at Carol. No one seemed upset, just a bit shocked. I said, "Well, he's certainly not looking at the office anymore."

"Good, I start to give him head."

"Carol!" Annie gasped, choking back a laugh.

"Well, we need to get that goblet, and clumsy over there is banging around, so..."

"We want details," Dale grinned.

"You've never gotten a blowjob?" Carol smiled over at him. "Anyway, maybe you should concentrate on finding that goblet."

With a raised eyebrow, Dale proceeded to detail how Shift was looking for the goblet. However, a number of very low dice rolls and some stray guesses resulted in the process dragging out a little longer than expected. So, I decided to turn up the heat a bit.

"A second guard comes around the corner and sees Quislin giving head to his companion."

"Uh oh," Annie said. Ben had not said a word during all of this but was paying very close attention.

"Um..." Carol mused, "hell, I beckon him over with a smile and a wink."

I caught Annie looking at me with an expression that was equal parts shocked, amused, embarrassed, and titillated. I smiled at her, shrugged, and said, "Alright, he comes over, and unbuttons his own fly."

"Quis reaches out and starts stroking the new guy's cock," Carol said.

Even Dale was struck silent for a moment, but then Annie surprised me by asking, "How big are they?"

Though the question was directed at Carol, she turned her eyes to me; as the dungeon master, such issues were up to me to decide. I opened my mouth, shut it, tossed a few dice and said, "The first guy is about average, but the second is pretty well endowed."

"Oh?" Carol smiled. "How well endowed?"

"Uhh..." I rolled a twelve-sided dice, not knowing what I would do if it came up with a low number, and said, "ten inches and pretty thick."

"Nice," Annie whispered.

"Quis starts sucking on that one while stroking the other," Carol announced.

Wanting to see how far Carol, or Quislin, would take things, I said, "They're pawing at your body, reaching into your bodice and squeezing your tits."

"Quis is really getting into it, moaning on their dicks as she moves from one to the other."

"They're getting into it too," I laughed. I rolled a die again and said, "The second guy is moving around behind you and kneeling on the floor, squeezing your butt under the skirt of your leather armor."

"I... I mean, Quislin rises up a bit, while continuing to suck on the first guard."

Nobody seemed to be upset or annoyed, so I continued, "The guy behind you starts fucking you from behind."

"Is that the one with the big cock?" Annie asked.

"Yes," I nodded.

Carol bit her lip and said, "Quis rocks back and forth between them, sucking and fucking."

"Damn!" Dale breathed. Ben just nodded in agreement.

Not knowing what else to do at that moment, I tried, "Shift has found the goblet by now and quietly slips out of the office. Of course, he hears all the sex going on and sees what's been going on."

"After watching for a bit, Shade beats it down the... Ha! No, he escapes quietly down the hall. He'll beat it later," Dale managed.

I looked to Carol, who said, "Well, I can't just get up and leave... Quis stays until the job is done."

"Where do they come?" Annie asked Carol, who looked to me for an answer, but I just shrugged as if to say it was up to her. Annie's particular attention and questions was almost as hot to me as Carol's character's behavior.

"The first guy comes on Quislin's tits and the second guy comes in her pussy," Carol said.

"And did Quislin come?" Annie wanted to know.

"Oh, yeah," Carol laughed. "She loves her work!"

The session went on for another hour or so and, surprisingly, the group managed to behave themselves almost as if nothing unusual had happened. Carol seemed to deliberately cut back on the sex jokes, and instead helped Annie and Ben keep everyone on track.

We were wrapping up for the night when I saw that Annie had texted me to say "Wow!"

I responded with, "Yeah, I didn't see that coming. You okay with it?"

After a moment, I got back, "That's what she said!" and then, "Yeah - it was hot!"

I sent back, "I'm glad you think so. :-)"

Then Ben, Dale and Annie were packing up and heading out the door. Carol stayed behind, as usual, to help clean up and chat. However, when I came in from saying goodnight to everyone and seeing that their cars started and all that... (Okay, I'm not exactly sure why I always do that; it just seems polite.) When I came back into the house, I found Carol in the living room taking off her clothes! Her glasses and top were on the table by my laptop. She had just unfastened her bra and dropped it to the floor.

She saw the look on my face, laughed, and said, "Are you just going to stand there looking at my tits?"

"I just might," I smiled. They were perfect; small but ideal, with pink areolas. But then I stepped up to her, catching her pretty face in my hands and kissed her. It started out as a tentative, tender kiss at first, but quickly grew more passionate. She slipped her arms around my waist and pulled me close.

When our lips parted, she grinned and said, "That was nice; now get naked."

My t-shirt, shorts and underwear were off by the time Carol was able to peel herself out of her own shorts and panties. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the sofa. I was only barely able to put my own glasses on the table. Carol promptly sat down on the front edge of the couch. Without the slightest hesitation, Carol sucked me into her warm mouth. In less than five minutes, I had gone from being strictly platonic friends with Carol to kissing her, being naked with her, and having my cock in her mouth. The way she was moving her mouth up and down on my shaft and the way her tongue pressed against the underside and played with the head were clearly intended to get me as hard as possible as fast as possible, and it worked like a charm. In fact, I would have had an exceptionally hard time not being rock hard in those circumstances.

She didn't stop with getting me hard, though, but kept enthusiastically sucking and pulling on my cock. She wrapped one hand around the base and started stroking my balls with the other.

"You're going to make me come," I found myself groaning.

"Mmm-hmm!" she hummed around my thick, hard, wet cock without slowing down in the slightest.

I reached out and held her head gently as I leaned back a bit and slowly fucked myself in and out of her eager mouth. I couldn't believe this was happening, but it felt so amazing! Looking down at my beautiful best friend, naked and giving me such vigorous blowjob, I thought to myself this was too good to be true... Then I was coming. I threw my head back and let out a long, low groan as my body clenched and I felt a long stream of cum pumping out of me into Carol's mouth and down her throat. My whole body was trembling, and I felt her swallowing every drop.

As I slowly came to my senses, I looked down to see her smiling up at me impishly. Her hand was still wrapped tightly around my cock and she had the head still in her mouth. She let it pop out at last and said, "Delicious! Up to fucking me now?"

"Oh yes, but first..." I grinned as I got down on my knees in front of her. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and then said, "Lie back." She smiled broadly and leaned back, moving a pillow to rest her head on. I bent down and kissed her exposed pussy, then lightly ran my tongue up over her. I repeated this a couple of times as I ran my hands over her firm thighs.

"No need to tease me," Carol murmured.

Though she was clearly not complaining, I pressed my mouth more firmly against her, then used the tips of my fingers to part her lips, letting my tongue slip between them, tasting her and flicking over her clit. She shuddered a bit and scooted a bit down, pushing herself toward me. I pushed my tongue in deeper, up into her dewy sex, then pulled it back to run over her clit. After a few more of these tongue strokes, I eased one of my fingers up into her and began to work it slowly in and out of her as my licking concentrated on her clit, moving slowly at first, but with gradually increasing pressure and tempo. When Carol arched her back, pushing herself still further down into the couch and toward me, and cupped her breasts tightly in her hands, I decided to push a second finger up into her. I started to turn my head from side to side a bit as licked steadily at her clit and I twisted my fingers together inside her, making sure to rub my knuckles against her g-spot. It didn't take much of this before she let go of one of her tits and grabbed my head to pull it to her, making sure I didn't stop doing what I was doing with my tongue. I was only too happy to oblige, licking and sucking hungrily at her until she was arching her back dramatically and squeezing my head between her thighs. As she clenched and groaned, I sucked her clit into my mouth and pulled on it, while keeping my fingers still inside her.

When she finally lowered herself back to the couch, I slowly released her clit and gave it a kiss.

"Wow!" she breathed.

I gave her clit a gentle lick to which she responded with a long "Mmmmm," but then added, "No, I need you to fuck me now."

Laughing a bit, I drew back and said, "Well, if I must." I moved up over her but kept my fingers inside her, moving them in and out a bit as I paused to kiss each of her nipples and then her lips. I felt her hand grasping my cock, which was still very hard and ready, and directing it to the mouth of her waiting pussy. I looked deeply into Carol's eyes and moved forward. As my sensitive head penetrated her I was swept away by the heat of her, and then I was sinking into her tight, wet embrace, feeling her soft but strong muscles squeezing and pulling at my cock, which felt harder and bigger than it ever had before.

I was still looking into Carol's eyes, as I felt her legs wrap around my hips and her arms slip around me, reaching for my ass to pull me into her. I sank into her slowly, filling her up. I knew where this was going, but I wanted to enjoy the journey. As I felt myself hitting her cervix and grinding against her clit, I rocked my hips a bit before drawing back out. I came almost completely back before pressing in again.

"Fuck yes!" Carol breathed. "That feels good."

I took my time at first, moving in and out, with long, deep strokes, reveling in the feelings of being inside her. But gradually my passion, and the fact that Carol was urging me on with her flexing legs and hands on my butt as well as her mostly inarticulate vocalizations, won out and I began to plunge into her with increasing force, drawing back less, fucking her with shorter, faster, harder strokes. My body was grinding against her clit with each thrust, and my cock was filling her, sliding in and out vigorously. Our faces were only inches apart and we were still looking into each other's eyes, until we weren't... Suddenly she closed her eyes and threw her head back as she arched her back underneath me. I felt her pussy clenching and pulling at my cock as she came shuddering and groaning. Her fingers were digging into my ass while I shoved into her, keeping pressure on her clit, my cock all the way inside her grasping sex, as Carol rode her orgasm as long as she could.

It felt like a long time before she opened her eyes to see me smiling down at her. It was my turn to say, "Wow!"

"Shut up!" she laughed. "Did you come?"

"Again? No, but that's fine."

"Not on my watch, buddy!" She began to rock her body underneath me, encouraging me to go back to fucking her.

I chuckled and said, "Maybe we should take this upstairs."

Carol smiled, "But that means you'll have to pull out." Then she was pushing me back, saying, "Let's check out your bedroom."

Quite some time later... And I admit that I was really enjoying prolonging things. Carol was as enthusiastic and energetic as Quislin would be. We tried at least a half dozen positions, and none of them briefly, before I was again looking down into her eyes, holding her wrists up over her head as she shuddered with another orgasm, then I was coming too. The world fell away as my cock swelled inside Carol and I flooded her with hot cum. I clenched my teeth and groaned deep in my throat as my body contracted and shook from head to toe.

"Damn!" she groaned as I carefully extricated myself and rolled over onto my back next to her. "Why did we wait so long to do that?"