The Saltadora Ch. 04


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"Where you gonna go to get all that, though?" Madison asked. "This whole planet lives under The Agreement. There ain't anywhere you can go to wear clothes again, not that I think you'll find anything to wear anyway. At least, not girl clothes."

"Well, Collingwood is taking both of the ships back to my world shortly, and he's likely to be gone for a couple of months. That's my opportunity. He has these prototype things he's working on called Hypons, which are like mini-hyperdrives. You stick them inside you, and they take you to the next world. I'm going to steal one and use it. With both the ships gone, no one will know where I've gone, and even if they figure it out, they won't be able to follow me until he returns with the ships. By that time, I could hop several times, also changing my geo location each time, so no one will be able to find me, not even Collingwood, until I want to be found."

"So, your plan is to stick untested technology in your vag and use it to go AWOL to another world?" Madison gasped. "Are you insane?"

"Maybe... probably..." Emily admitted, "but I have to do something. I gotta get away, and this is the best way I can think of."

"You're going to do this no matter what I say, aren't you?" Madison realised with a sigh.

"I have to, Mads."

"Okay, I'm coming too then," Madison firmly responded. "I'm not going to let you leave me like that, and maybe we never see each other again. Maybe no one ever sees you again. No, fuck that! You're not going without me. We're doing this together. How many of those Hypon things has he got?"

"He's got a bunch, but I can't ask you to do that, Mads," Emily replied with concern.

It was one thing to put herself on the line but completely another to risk Madison as well. She needed to discourage her while simultaneously assuring her that the Hypons were safe enough for her to go alone. Hell, maybe she was batshit crazy to even consider doing this. Drawing Madison into it was neither fair nor right.

"You're right that he hasn't tested the things on humans," Emily continued, "but he has done animal testing and says they work fine. I trust him on that, but possibly a bigger issue is that they're not exactly small. Getting them inside you isn't going to be easy or comfortable. It might even hurt. A man wouldn't be happy at all. That's the only reason he's shelved them for the moment."

"Like I'm worried about something big in my hole," Madison laughed. "I've had five kids, Em. If you can do it, I doubt I'm gonna struggle."

"Still, you'd be going AWOL as well, which might mean the end of your career and everything you care about here."

"Em, I'm just along for the ride here. I don't really care about any of it. I reckon I can be happy anywhere as long as I have good friends and plenty of fucking and sucking. Mostly, I ain't gonna let you go off to a whole new world without a friend. You're gonna need help wherever you go, and I want to give it."

"Are you sure?"

"I've never been surer about anything," Madison assured Emily. "Plus, it'll be an adventure. I've probably done all I'm gonna do in this place, and it's time for something new anyway."

"Well, I can't promise it'll be good," Emily warned. "All I know is that the next world over is a bit like the places we both came from. I don't know anything about the people there or what kind of fucked up shit might be going on. I do know that we definitely want to hop in the right direction. The other way is some sort of prehistoric nightmare with no human civilisation."

"What? Fuck that! Are you certain we won't end up there?"

"Yes, Collingwood showed me how to use them, including how to control the direction of the hop."

"Um... I'm kind of having second thoughts now..." Madison worried.

"There's a risk for sure, but I trust Collingwood's science," Emily assured her. "He may be a complete idiot at times when it comes to people, but when it comes to machines there's no one I trust more. Still, I can't ask you to come. If you have concerns, I'm sure I'll be fine."

"No, if you trust him, that's good enough for me. I'm still in."

Madison put on a brave face, but it was obvious she still wasn't certain. She trusted Emily, though, and she was right about Collingwood's science. The man almost never made a mistake. If he thought they worked, then there was little doubt that they wouldn't. Plus, the only reason he had temporarily shelved the project was due to their size making them unfeasible for insertion, particularly for men. Experienced women, on the other hand, were a different matter.

Two weeks later, Emily still battled her demons and relied heavily on the cuffs to prevent her from masturbating, so her resolve had only strengthened. Her heartbeat quickened as she prepared for what she was about to do. She watched the ships launch one after the other as they made their way under thrusters out of the atmosphere and into space. From there, she knew the hyperdrives would engage to take them hundreds of light years into deep space before turning around and heading back to Earth, albeit a different Earth to the one she currently stood in. Prior to that return journey to Earth 1 for Collingwood's ship, he would be installing the deep space satellite needed for the comms system between the two worlds.

There was an eerie silence as the last signs of the ships vanished into the sky above. Emily knew it was a feeling more than an actual silence. Around her were all of the usual noises of the base. While the jeeps and trucks were all electric and silent, their tyres still crunched on the gravel and horns occasionally sounded as a warning to other vehicles and personnel on the ground. Voices shouted and platoons practised marching drills, singing songs in time to their steps much like back on Earth 1. What she was sensing wasn't audible. It was a sense of being left behind with no way to follow, but mostly her pulse pounding in her head in anticipation of what she was about to do. Everything normal around her was drowned out in a sea of surreality. The time had arrived.

She quickly found the Hypons in a box in the lab and held one up to Madison's gaze.

"You weren't wrong about the size," Madison laughed. "I reckon I can manage that, though."

"Are you sure?" Emily asked. "Do you want a practice run before we go?"

"Nah, should be fine. So, how do they work?"

"This switch here determines the direction," Emily explained, pointing at a small, recessed switch on the base. "We wanna make sure that's up, not down so we go in the right direction. And this one here is the 'go' switch. Once that's flipped, this LED should change from green to red. Then, we should have about a minute to get them in before they send us. On the bottom here, this handle flips out, so you've got something to grab when it comes time to pull it out again."

"Okay, let's do it then!"

"Not here," Emily cautioned. "If this is also a military base in the next world, we could end up in a tonne of trouble, suddenly appearing unauthorised on a base. Plus, we'll be naked, and we don't know what their views might be on that sort of thing."

"Good point," Madison agreed. "So, where then?"

"I'm thinking out in the suburbs a bit, and at night. Somewhere quiet but hopefully close to clothes lines where we can maybe snatch some clothes before anyone spots us."

"Okay, sounds like a plan then."

A few hours later, Madison unlocked Emily's cuffs and they hailed a cab to take them to a quiet backstreet. After watching the cab drive off into the night, Emily took in a deep breath as she fished the Hypons out of the shopping bag she was carrying and turned them over to examine the switches once again.

"Now, you're not wearing any jewellery, are you, Mads?" she asked. "No metals or fabrics? Those won't make the jump."

"Nope, check," Madison confirmed.

"Okay, here goes nothing then," Emily announced as she flipped the required switch, noting the LED changed to red as Collingwood had described. She then handed one to Madison before attempting to insert her own.

Madison had hers in within a few seconds, but Emily was struggling unexpectedly, her knees shaking uncontrollably as she pushed the Hypon against her entrance.

"Are you cumming again, Em?" Madison asked.

"I-I c-can't help it," Emily stuttered. "The slightest touch is all it t-takes."

"Better harden up quick before these things decide to go off," Madison warned.

"I know. I-I got this," Emily replied. Then, with a massive effort she pushed the device home.

Finally, the orgasm subsided enough for her to stand up normally.

"Nothing's happening."

A few seconds later.

"Still nothing. Maybe Collingwood deactivated them somehow?"

wub...... wub...... wub.... wub... wub...

"Wait, do you hear that? What is that?"


"Oh shiTTTT!"

For a brief second, everything went black. The scenery around them blurred and then slowly came back into focus. They barely had time to take in their new surroundings before a more pressing issue arose.

"Um... Em..." Madison began.

"Oh my God..." Emily replied.

The women were suddenly forced together in an embrace to keep themselves upright as massive orgasms overtook them. With eyes shut and legs trembling, their lips locked together in uncontrollable kissing. Emily felt like she was about to lose consciousness while Madison fought against it with everything she had. Somehow, Madison was able to reach between her legs and attempt to extract the Hypon while simultaneously reaching between Emily's legs to do the same for her.


"I've called 911, Ethel. This is disgusting! And in our neighbourhood!"

"I was just about to do the same!"

With the Hypons now removed, Emily and Madison were finally able to uncross their eyes and look around. They were standing under a streetlight in a suburban street. It was almost identical to the street they had been in moments before with only minor differences. One major difference was three fully clothed older women with small dogs on leashes standing in front of them, and they were clearly not happy to see two completely naked lesbians making out with what appeared to be giant dildos.

"Disgusting nudists coming to our neighbourhood! This is what CAMDOS is trying to stamp out," one of the women added. "They'll certainly be getting my vote."

"I don't see the stupid tattoos," another added. "These might be perverts of another kind."

"Well, the police will be here shortly. They can explain themselves to them."

"Oh my God, we're so sorry, this isn't what it looks like," Emily began, while simultaneously doing her best to fight off Dark Emily who couldn't be more pleased to find herself in such a situation.

"You folks wouldn't have something we can cover up with?" Madison asked, embarrassed, but considerably more comfortable than Emily.

"Quiet, perverts! You can explain yourselves to the police!"

Emily considered taking Madison's hand and bolting away from the women, but a police car had already come into view with its siren blaring and lights flashing. There was little to do except face the consequences.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" the driver asked to no one in particular.

"These perverts were having sexual relations right here in the street, officer. Arrest them at once!" one of the biddies demanded.

"They're not even registered nudists, officer. This is gross public indecency!" another added.

For the first time in as long as Emily and Madison could remember, they both tried awkwardly to cover their breasts and pubic areas with their hands.

"You're correct. Both appear to be unmarked," the officer agreed, looking the hapless pair up and down. "Ladies, and I use the term loosely, where is your clothing, and are those sex toys you're holding?"

"They were pleasuring each other with those," one of the women chimed in.

"Um... it was a science experiment," Emily tried, wracking her brain to come up with something that could offer an explanation other than what it appeared to be to these people.

"A science experiment?" the officer repeated, clearly doubting Emily's words. "You must have left your clothes somewhere? I assume you have IDs with them as well?"

"We don't... um..." Madison helplessly shrugged.

"You don't have clothing or IDs?" he asked incredulously.

Emily felt a sense of déjà vu, bringing to mind the time she had first arrived on Earth 2. Then, she had arrived clothed in a world that expected nudity. This was the vice versa, but perhaps a similar excuse would work?

"We were raised off-grid, officer," she explained. "We are clothing-optional, and a friend dropped us here. We did not expect to cause offence and we apologise profusely for that. If someone can give us blankets, or something we can cover up with, we can be on our way."

"I'm sure you know the law regarding public nudity," the officer countered, "and how do you explain those sex toys and the fact that you were witnessed having sexual relations with them?"

Emily and Madison could only silently squirm in response.

"Ladies, you are being charged with violation of State Penal Code 314A, section 3, governing the laws of public decency. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time. Do you understand your rights?"

Emily and Madison turned briefly to each other in horror before nodding their responses. Another officer emerged from the passenger side of the cop car. She was wearing bright yellow rubber gloves and held out large Ziplock bags in front of the women.

"Stick those disgusting things into here," she instructed, nodding to the Hypons. "They'll be held in evidence for your trial."

Emily and Madison helplessly dropped the Hypons into the open bag, noting the LEDs were now not glowing at all. They then allowed their hands to be cuffed behind their backs before being pushed down into the back seat of the squad car. The cops continued questioning the dog walkers for several minutes, turning towards the girls and pointing while they jotted things down in notebooks.

"Well, that didn't go to plan," Madison sighed. "Fuck, Em, what's gonna happen now?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Emily replied. "I expect they'll take us to a watchhouse, but on the upside, they'll probably give us something to wear there."

"What then, though?"

"Jesus, I dunno. Hopefully nothing too serious," Emily answered. "On my world, this sort of charge wouldn't mean jail time, just community service. Here, though, who knows? They appear to have legal nudity of some sort, so maybe they'll go easy on us?"

"They thought we were fucking as well, though. That can't be good," Madison pointed out. "On my world, that would've been taken quite seriously. Speaking of my world, do you smell that? It's bringing up a lot of memories all of a sudden."

"Yeah, it's gasoline fumes. I smelt it as soon as we arrived."

"Oh right, of course. Man, I haven't smelt that in such a long time. That, and this car reminds me a lot of my world." Madison noted.

"Same with mine, just older," Emily agreed. "No seatbelts back here either, which kind of dates it. Collingwood mentioned they were kind of nineties compared to our world, but we had seat belts from at least the seventies. On the other hand, they have Smartphones which wouldn't have existed back then."

"Computer tech and gas engines... It's so much like home for me. It's so bizarre," Madison added, looking around the car and the scenery outside.

"Welcome to parallel worlds, Mads. Same but different," Emily nodded.

Finally, the cops entered the squad car and the engine rumbled into life, confirming to Madison and Emily that they were once again in a world with combustion engines. On Earth 2, the only combustion engines were in the starships, and they didn't use gasoline, so it was unusual to hear and smell them again.

On the way, the landscape looked very similar to their home worlds. Suburban sprawl soon gave way to traffic lights, multi-lane roads and high-rise buildings, before finally arriving at a police station. A sign out the front revealed that it was the "Port Wiluma Main Branch", which caused Emily some confusion.

The women were taken through processing where they were fingerprinted and photographed. The experience once again brought back memories of when Emily was arrested for the crime of wearing clothes when she first arrived on Earth 2, except this time it was the opposite problem.

Finally, they were led to a cell.

"You wouldn't have any clothes for us, would you?" Emily asked the jailer.

"No, your current state of undress is evidence of your crimes," the jailer replied with a smirk. "You'll stay as you are until you see a judge."

"Do we at least get a phone call?" Madison asked.

"In time," the jailer answered, still smirking.

"Who would we call anyway?" Emily asked Madison once they were alone.

"I dunno, a lawyer, I guess."

"They said one would be appointed for us if we couldn't afford one," Emily reminded her, "and what have we got to pay them with anyway?"

"Good point. Fuck." Madison slumped as she considered it.

"Don't sweat it, Mads," Emily assured her. "All we have to do is bide our time until we can get the Hypons back, then wait about a week for them to charge up enough to make another jump, then we're out of here. Hopefully the next world will be a lot better."

"This one might've been okay if we didn't fuck up the landing. Next time we should start in the middle of a field, so we don't pop out in the middle of suburbia where we'll get arrested again," Madison suggested, raising her eyebrows in thought.

"Especially with the after-effects of the Hypons," Emily agreed. "Collingwood didn't mention anything about that."

"Oh my God, you're not wrong. I don't think I've cum so hard in my life!"

"Holy crap, yes. I've never felt anything like it either."

"We'll have to be mindful of that next time."

"Hey, did you see the sign out the front?" Emily asked. "It said we're in a town called Port Wiluma rather than Cape Willis. Did we jump to a different geo-location as well? The streets all looked similar, though."

"That was my hometown's name as well," Madison divulged. "I think it's the same town, just named differently. Everything looks the same anyway."

"Same but different..." Emily repeated. "I guess something must have happened around the time the place was named, and things went off into new parallel worlds from there."

Their thoughts were interrupted as a strange looking woman walked past the cell. She wore stiletto heels, a light cape, and a gold choker collar, but other than that her muscular physique was completely nude! Her hair was dyed neon blue, and her right eye was covered with a black patch. Her left arm was almost completely covered in tattoos. She stopped as she noticed Emily and Madison huddled naked in the cell and turned towards them with a warm smile. The angle revealed several piercings dangling from her completely hairless genitals.

"Hello, ladies. You look like you've had better days," she began. "My name's Casey Reine."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So glad this story has returned, these last chapters where Emily isn't even in control of her own body have been delicious. Hope the coming chapters keep up the quality!

velcrofistvelcrofist10 months agoAuthor

Thanks Clemarth! I'm glad you liked it. There's plenty of fun to come, and a few surprises as well.

I'm currently splitting time with another project that I'm in the process of wrapping up. After that I hope to be releasing chapters a bit faster.

ClemarthClemarth10 months ago

Wow! What a bridge between Emilie's story and your first Casey's story!!!!!

I hope that many humiliations will be there in the next adventures! But please don't delay in showing them!

Once again: congratulations. I love your work

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