The Sorcery Grad Years Ch. 01

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A story of wizards and witches.
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In a land far away and a time long ago there was a magnificent castle deep, deep in the forests. Forests no man dared tread. This was no ordinary castle. This was a castle for witches and wizards. It was an educational system to teach them how to take full advantage and control their unusual powers. The school was called Mykew School of Sorcery.

Mark Allen was a humble but great wizard. Unbeknownst to him, he had saved the entire society from evil as a child, something he had no knowledge of. He was known throughout the land as a hero. His best friend, Don Brooks, was a redheaded misfit from one of the poorest families in the land and a fierce friend. He had three older brothers and one younger sister, Jenny. The third "musketeer" of the inseperable trio was Morgan Campsbell. She was somewhat of an oddity, another misfit. Her parents had no magical powers. She could be snobbish or dismissive, but once you became her friend, she would defend you to the death. And she was one of the most brilliant witches of her time.

The threesome had many incredible adventures during their time at Mykew, saving the school, and the sorcery community in general, time and time again.

After they graduated from Mykew, 19-year-old Don, Morgan, and Mark had all decided to pursue their graduate degrees in wizardry and witchcraft at Mykew. Jenny and the rest of the undergraduates that were also involved in their various past adventures, were all 18-year-old seniors at Mykew now. It was well established by now that Mark and Jenny were a couple, as were Don and Morgan, which baffled many.

Mark was sitting in the Whistling Kettle, a pub in Mundungus, a town many from Mykew visited, waiting for Don and Morgan to arrive when Jerry and Larry Brooks abruptly sat down across from him. Larry and Jerry were twins and Jenny's older brothers. They were so alike their own mother couldn't tell them apart. They were so in tune with each other they could finish each other's sentences. They were also well-known pranksters.

"Hello, Mark!" they said in unison.

"Larry! Jerry! What are you doing here?" asked a startled Mark.

"We were thirsty!"

"Yeah! And we saw you sitting here in a corner and thought, 'Looks like Mark could use some company!'"

"So here we are!"

"Yeah, well, thanks, guys. But Don and Morgan will be here soon, so..."

Jerry and Larry looked at each other and smiled.

"So, Mark, would you be interested in making a wizard's wager?"

"A wizard's wager?"

"Yeah, you know."

"We agree on the wager. If we're wrong, you pick the punishment we get."

"But...if we win the wager, we choose your punishment."

Mark's interest was piqued. "What's the wager?"

"When your guests arrive..." Jerry and Larry proceeded to describe the wager. It was quite simple, really.

Once Mark heard the wager, he thought There's no way! He was already plotting their punishment. "Sure! I'll take that wager."

"Hold out your arm."

The three gripped hands. Mark felt heat run up his arm and settle in his chest. They tricked me!

"What...what was that I felt running up my arm?!"

"That's the wizard's wager bond."

"That way we all know if the punishment has been completed."

"Once the punishment is done, that goes away."

Just then, Don and Morgan walked up to the table. Morgan wrinkled her nose. Although they were Don's flesh and blood, she didn't care for his brothers and their nonsense.

"Hello, Mark. What are you doing here with these two miscreants?" Morgan asked snippily.

Jerry and Larry smiled and high-fived each other. Mark bowed his head and rubbed his forehead. The wager was Morgan would refer to them as delinquents or - miscreants.

"No worries, Morgan," Jerry said gleefully.

"We were just leaving."

"Mark, come to the store when you're done here."

"Yeah. We need to have a chat," Larry said with a wide smile before the two brothers left.

"What was that all about?" Morgan asked with disdain. "Probably nothing good if those two delinquents are involved." She looked at Don. "Sorry, Don."

"No worries. It's true."

She used both delinquent and miscreant! How could I be so stupid?! "Let's just eat and get out of here."


Once they were done with their lunch - which Mark had trouble enjoying - Don and Morgan went back to Mykew while Mark headed for Jerry and Larry's store, Brooks' Bamboozlers Bookstore, where he was cheerily greeted by the twins shortly after entering. They lead him to the back of the store and into their unsurprisingly messy office.

"Alright. Let's get this over with," Mark said with an annoyed tone.

Jerry and Larry smiled at each other.

"Pop Morgan's anal cherry," they said in unison.

Mark's jaw dropped. "What?!"

"You know. Bum her."

"Get to fifth base."

"Ream her."

"My favorite for Morgan - practice the Greek arts."

"Ooooo, that's a good one!"

They saw the stunned look on Mark's face. Time for the coup de grace.

"Ass fuck her," they sang in chorus.

Mark was expecting something like leaving a Ton Tongue Toffee for Damien or Boardman or slipping some Canary Cream into Jenny's pumpkin juice. But this...

"You can't be serious!"

"Oh, we are."

"Serious as a snail filled tart, mate."

"You're completely mental!" He paused. "How do you know she hasn't, you know, done it before? I can't 'pop her anal cherry' if she's done it before. Then there's no purpose for this insane exercise of yours."

"Oh, she's never been ass fucked before."

"We asked Don."

"He said she won't even let him go near her back door."

"She threatened him with the Crucible Curse if he did."

"We thought that was a bit harsh, but..."

"How exactly do you think I can possibly accomplish this?"

"Figure it out."

"You are 'the chosen one', after all."

"You've got 72 hours to accomplish the task."

"Or suffer the consequences."

"Now, run along. We have a thriving business to attend to."

"Good luck!"

Mark stumbled through the rest of the day. He tossed and turned in bed that night. He had thought about getting in Morgan's pants for years, to be sure. But he never intended to follow through on those urges, let alone formulate a plan.

He couldn't possibly cast a spell. For one, Morgan was much better at casting spells than he was. Secondly, her spell would be far worse than anything the Brooks' have in store for him. He couldn't just sneak into the girls bedrooms of Belby house. If it detected a male attempting to get there, the stairs began to shift. The walls rejected any male that tried to apparate into the room, with unfortunate consequences.

The next day he stared out from the balcony of his bedroom forlornly. He'd wasted 24 hours already, and he was no closer to accomplishing the task than he was when he started. He gazed at the tower of the female dormitory. He looked across at the grounds to the Bludger field off in the distance. Then it hit him.

My broom! I can fly in! He wasn't sure if anyone had tried it before. He couldn't recall ever hearing about such an attempt. Either no one had ever tried it, or were successful and no one found out about it, or tried it and failed and were never heard from again. It was worth a shot.

Now that he had figured that part out, he had to figure out a way to allow Morgan to perform the act. She certainly wouldn't give it up voluntarily. He could perform an Attenuate spell. That would freeze her in place, but she would still be aware of what was going on. Then he could perform an Eradicate spell to erase any memory of the event, but if that went wrong, the consequences would be catastrophic. What if he could put her into a deep, deep sleep?

He went to the potions master that afternoon and told him that he'd been having trouble sleeping. The potions master was most happy to give him a vial of sleeping powder, cautioning him to be wary of the amount he used. If he used too much, the roar of a Gringott's Dragon wouldn't wake him. That night, he tried it on Don after he had fallen asleep. After breathing it in, Mark poked, prodded, and punched his friend. He slept through it all.


Mark was anxious the entire next day. He'd lost 48 hours. It was tonight or never. He couldn't look Morgan in the eye knowing what he had in store for her. While, at the same time, he was excited at the prospect of finally having his way with her.

That night, Mark studied his Raider's Map, a magical map that showed anything moving within the castle. Filth the janitor and his cat wandered the halls. But Mark was far more interested in a certain bedroom. Finally, after midnight, the dots in Morgan's bedroom became still.

Mark donned his invisibility cloak and snuck out the Belby common room, through the halls, and across the courtyard until he reached the broom shed on the far side of the grounds.

He had never ridden his broom while wearing his cloak. It was quite an effort trying to keep it on while guiding his broom at the same time. He wondered what it must look like from the ground. The thought amused him.

He finally swooped up next to the window of Morgan's bedroom. He peered in. A single candle was lit. There was no movement. He pointed his wand at the window and whispered, "Alohomora." The lock on the window flicked and the window slowly creaked open.

He stealthily climbed over the window sill and slunk across the floor until he was standing next to Morgan's bed, still wearing his cloak.

The candle on her nightstand was still lit, casting a light yellow glow over her prone body. Two books and a scroll were on the bed next to her. He surmised she had fallen asleep while studying for a test the next day or looking for a new spell to cast on an unsuspecting soul.

She was dressed in a baby blue tank top and frilly white panties. He felt a stirring in his pants. He had never seen her dressed this way. He reached into an interior pocket of his cloak, pulled out a vile and poured the fluffy white contents into the palm of his hand. For the first time, he revealed himself and leaned over Morgan. He opened his palm and lightly blew. A white cloud formed over Morgan's face, then disappeared with her first breath.

His heart was racing. He poked her, then poked her again. No response. He threw off his cloak and waved his wand above his head.

"Exto silencio," he whispered.

A transparent wave emanated from his wand and rolled over Morgan's bed, encasing the pair inside it. No one outside of the dome would be able to hear any sounds inside it. He pointed his wand at Morgan.

"Maximus denundatus."

Morgan's clothes peeled away from her body and floated to the floor. Mark couldn't believe he was actually staring at Morgan's nude body.

"Brilliant!" he said in disbelief.

Her breasts were perfect mounds and larger than he had expected. It was hard to tell under the flowing robes and her conservative style of dress. He reached out. His hand hovered over her breasts.

If she wakes up, I'm dead!

He lowered his hand until he was cupping her flesh. She lightly caught her breath at his light touch. Although she was in a deep sleep, her body still reacted to him. Her globe fit perfectly in his hand, as if it were made for him. He gently squeezed and caressed the area. He could feel her body heat begin to rise. He could also feel her nipple begin to stiffen under his grip. She squeaked when he pinched the erect protrusion.

He looked down her lithe body. For someone who wasn't athletic, she was surprisingly toned. He could see the lips between her legs beginning to swell and glisten in the dim candlelight. He slowly ran his hand down her stomach. She whimpered when his finger grazed her raised knot. She began to squirm when he lightly rubbed and circled the button.

He slid further south. She quietly hummed when his fingers slid the length of her soaked slit. She gasped when he slipped a digit into her. Her hips began to slightly rise and fall as he slowly slid his finger in and out of her slick gash.

The stirring in his pants had gone from uncomfortable to painful. The beast needed to be released. He knew his task was to open her back door. He also knew he may never get an opportunity like this again.

He quickly peeled off his clothes, revealing his solid body and large, thick staff. He climbed onto the bed and between her long, silky legs, placed his hands under her knees, and lifted and pushed them back. He looked down. It was as if she were inviting him in.

He held himself steady and leaned forward. He stopped at her sigh when he touched her puffy folds, thinking she might awaken. She lightly moaned when his swollen tip entered her, which got louder with each inch that entered her.

He stopped when his balls would allow him to go no further, soaking in the amazing feeling.

Don must be tiny! Or they never do it. Because this is one tight cunt! he thought to himself.

He gently began to pump his hips while watching her face for any hint of awakening. She moaned and whirred but her eyes stayed shut. He began to pump harder. The cone of silence quickly filled the sound of skin slapping skin and groans of pleasure.

It wasn't long before her hips began to buck, meeting each of his thrusts halfway. Her muscles began to convulse around his own. His fleshy wand began to throb. Her moaning grew louder, as did his grunts. Her back arched off the bed. Their bodies tensed in unison.

A breathy whine escaped her lips when she spasmed around his tool in a dreamy orgasm.

Mark clenched his jaw. "Bryce's beard! Gah!"

He exploded inside of Morgan's convulsing snatch. Each squeeze of her muscle shot a fresh shot of spunk deep inside her.

Mark's thrusts slowed until they both settled into the bed, he on top of her. Her body underneath him felt good, different than Jenny's, slightly fuller and longer.

"Bloody hell," he panted.

Mark felt a light twinge in his chest. It was the same twinge he felt when he and the twins made their pact. It reminded him that he had satisfied his own lusty goal but hadn't fulfilled his agreement. He raised his body off of hers and sat back on his knees. He watched the trickle of white slowly leak out of her split, run down across her ass and eventually pool on the bed.

He reached across Morgan's sweat-covered body and grabbed his wand from her nightstand.

"Levitosia gravitsa," he whispered, levitating her body off the bed.

With a slight roll of the wand, her body rotated and he guided her to a soft landing face down. He pulled up on her hips, then folded a pillow and stuffed it under them. Her puckered brown hole was staring back at him. Teenage virility combined with excitement of the moment kept his shiny pole thick and strong. Mark leaned in. Her slick rosebud involuntarily fluttered at his touch.

Mark whispered a prayer. "Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up." He thought his heart might jump out of his chest.

A low squeak passed Morgan's lips when his bulbous head pierced her dark hole. She huffed a low hum while he pressed forward. He finally took a breath when he landed balls deep.

"Gulping gargoyles," Mark muttered. That's one tight fucking ass! he thought.

Low whimpers emanated from Morgan as Mark began to fulfill his commitment. He dug his fingers into her hips and began to give her a proper ass fucking, picking up steam with each thrust.

"Oh yeah! How do you like that, Morgan? Huh? How do you like having a wizard's cock in your ass? Huh? Huh?!" A light yipe fell into her mattress when he raked his hand across her ass. He dug into her skin deeper. His hips began to stutter. "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Here it comes! Here it comes! Ah! Ah! Ughahhhh!"

His chest flew out. His weapon throbbed deep inside her forbidden cavern, filling it with hot cum for the first time in her life. He threw his hips forward as hard as he could, driving himself as far into her sleeping body as possible.

When his pulsing inside her ceased, he pulled out and rolled onto his back next to Morgan, her ass still raised in the air. The twinge in his chest eased. He closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head.

I did it! I fucked Morgan's ass good and well! he thought to himself. And the first one, too! Wicked! He was quite proud of himself.

He nearly came out of his skin when he heard, "That was totally hot, Mark," came the meek voice. It was Jenny! Granted, no one outside the dome of silence could hear the noises from within. But the occupants inside the dome could hear what was on the outside. And the dome did nothing to actually hide what was on the inside of it.

Jenny was lying on her side in her bed, wearing only her pajama top with her hand between her legs and lust in her eyes.

Mark jumped bolt upright in the bed. "Jenny!" he said in a panic, but Jenny couldn't hear him. "Oh, right." He waved his wand. "Recto silencio." The transparent dome sucked back into his wand. "Jenny," he whispered. "How much did you see?"

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "Enough," still on her side and petting herself.

"I'm so sorry."

She sat up on the bed. "For what?"

"Well, you know, for...that."

"Did you enjoy it? Did it feel good?"


"Just by watching you, I know it did."


"It's okay, Mark. If you liked it, if it made you happy, then it's okay with me."

Wicked! "Wow. Well, um, okay. Um, thank you."

She nodded at his groin. "You look all messy. Would you like for me to...clean you up? Without magic?"

"Huh?" He looked down at his shiny, shrinking mast. "Um, well, um, sure. If you'd like."

She nodded and smiled as she climbed off her bed. "I'd like."

Mark swung around on the bed and placed his feet on the ground. Jenny peeling off her top as she walked across the floor caused him to stir between his legs. She stared into his face as she fell to her knees before him. He shuddered when she wrapped her small, thin fingers around his veiny wood.

She giggled when she began to stroke him. "It's so slick! She must've been really wet!"

Two loads of cum didn't hurt, either! he thought.

She leaned in and studied it, then gently kissed it on the tip. "She smells differently on your cock than I do, too."

The length of his sigh matched the length of the slide of her tongue gliding from the crease of his nutsack to the tip of his pole. She repeated this twice, the last time rolling her tongue around the purple helmet.

"Guh!" he croaked when she took him into her mouth.

She pulled back quickly and tittered. She held her finger to her lips. "Shhhhh! We don't want to wake Lorna."

"Oh! Right. Sorry."

He grunted again when she impaled herself on his quickly growing sword. His hand went to the back of her bobbing head. Her hand went back to her dripping slot. The room filled with quiet moans and slurps.

Until the sound of quiet clapping came from behind Mark on the other side of Morgan's bed.

"Bravo! Braaaavo!"

Mark nearly broke his neck snapping it around so quickly. "Bloody hell!"

Jenny's head shot out of Mark's lap as if his cock were a pogo stick. "Jerry! Larry!"

"Well done!"


"What the bloody hell?! did you get in here?!" a stunned Mark asked.

"We've been watching you," Jerry said with a wide smile.

Larry was wearing the same smile. "We knew you'd figure out a way to get in here."

"You didn't think we were going to let you have all the fun, did you?"

"Is that what all this rubbish was about?" Mark asked. "You wanted to bugger Morgan but you needed me to figure out how to do it?"

Jerry and Larry looked at each other. "Morgan?"

Jerry shook his head. "Noooooo."

Larry chuckled. "Not this time anyway."

Mark was confused. "Then...who?"

Jerry and Larry stared at Jenny.