The Speedo Doesn't Lie Ch. 01

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Coaching couple get new recruit from other side of tracks.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/08/2019
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This story is posted on the Literotica website; the author does not give permission for it to be reposted or reprinted anywhere else without consent. This is the first in a multi-chapter interracial cuckold story. Hope you enjoy it!


Justin Dawson woke with a pounding head and terrible taste in his mouth. Morning sunlight streamed through the raised awning windows as he groggily glanced down at his watch and did a double-take, "Oh shit, ten-fucking-thirty?" He rose from the basement couch and unsteadily got to his feet. He looked around at the mess of red solo cups that lay scattered around the room and on his beer covered ping pong table, "Son of a bitch, I have to get that shit cleaned off before it ruins the surface." Then his pounding head reminded him that before he did anything else, he needed to get some Tylenol, "How can those damn college kids drink so much, and why the fuck did I try to keep up with them?" An image of Frank the Tank from the movie Old School flashed in his mind as he thought back to his behavior from the previous night. Justin made one last disgusted perusal of his filthy basement before he embarked on the herculean effort of ascending the stairs.

The college diving coach made a bee-line for the kitchen after reaching the top. The upstairs looked better than the basement, but as he moved into the kitchen, the familiar scatter of red cups and beer scent rekindled his senses. The large bottle of Patron that he'd pulled out early the previous night, while not empty, had been significantly dented. He filled a clean glass with water and chugged it down before even reaching for the Tylenol bottle. Justin popped two big pills and washed them down. He stood motionless for a moment as he fought the urge to hurl right back into the sink, "What was I thinking, I'm getting too old for this shit?"

As he stood with his back against the counter he noticed the large car key filled jar that sat on his counter, "At least I did something right last night!" He picked it up and moved to the front door. Justin opened the door wearily and placed the jar down next to the mat outside where he had told his team they could pick up their keys in the morning, "Thank God I got that out before anyone arrived...I don't need any of them seeing me like this!"

Justin closed the door behind him and immediately his thoughts turned to Abbie, "Shit, I don't even remember saying good night to her!" He walked towards their bedroom with thoughts of crawling in bed next to her and sleeping away his hangover. Hopefully at some point, he would get to do more than sleep next to her. The door was open slightly; he pushed his way in quietly.

What he saw took his breath away.

The room was dimly lit, but not so much that he couldn't make out his gorgeous wife lying completely naked in a fetal position on their bed. The sheets and blankets were pulled completely back and resting messily on the floor at the base. He thought, "That's odd, she never sleeps naked and she certainly doesn't do so with the sheets pulled back." As he moved slowly towards the bed, his eyes were suddenly drawn to the TV across the room. The sound was muted, but on the 52" screen, the video image of a large black man pounding aggressively into a thin, large-breasted blonde girl shone brightly. He recognized the video as one that he'd purchased in one of his attempts to tempt his wife into kinky sex.

Justin immediately felt a stirring in his loins, "I recognize that video, I've tried to get Abbie to watch it together...never with much success! Oh my God...was she actually watching porn on her own? Was she masturbating to it?"

Before he could process that exciting thought more deeply, he heard the toilet flush in his master bathroom.

Justin froze, trying to make sense of what he'd just heard. Before he could formulate any additional thoughts, the bathroom door swung open and out walked Nick Thomas. The muscle-covered black man was naked except for his Hornet Speedo. The obscene bulge that Justin had seen hundreds of times looked bigger than he could ever remember.

Justin Dawson realized immediately, this was a moment he would never forget.

His diving protégé moved in his direction as a million thoughts now crossed the coach's mind, "Oh my God, did that hung son of a bitch fuck my wife last night?" As Nick approached, Justin welled with anger, fully expecting the black man to guiltily grovel and apologize for what had undoubtedly transpired in this room the previous night. But instead, Nick got a little grin on his face as he walked up and quietly asked, "How are you feeling this morning coach? You were pretty lit last night!"

"How am I feeling? How the fuck do you think I'm feeling? What THE FUCK happened in here last night NICK?" The coach demanded angrily, trying his best to keep his voice down.

The smile disappeared from Nick's face as they both glanced over at Abbie's sexy naked body. He looked back at his coach and said, "Perhaps we should talk about it in the other room."

"GOOD IDEA!" Justin spat, as the realization suddenly occurred to him that another man currently stood in his bedroom while his gorgeous naked wife lay exposed on the bed.

As they moved towards the living room, the ridiculousness of Justin's previous thought re-crossed his mind, "Why do I care that he sees her naked now, he must have been IN that bed with her all night!" He pulled the door closed behind him as they exited into the living room. The young husband turned back around and jealously observed the physical specimen that confidently strode away from him. Somehow the physique that he'd seen thousands of times in the same Speedo looked more impressive than ever before.

As Nick approached the couch, he turned back in Justin's direction, "So you are upset about this coach?"

Justin's eyes nearly bugged out of his head and his nostrils flared; it took all of his self-control to keep from taking a swing at the star diver, "Of course I'm upset, it's pretty obvious what happened in that room last night! How could you ask me that?"

"She said you wouldn't be," Nick stated matter-of-factly.

"She who?...Abbie? She said WHAAATTT?" Justin questioned incredulously, again trying to keep from yelling.

"Your wife said it was a fantasy of yours for her to fu...uh...make another dude!"

Nick's statement hit Justin like a freight train, there were so many hidden components to the remark. First off, it confirmed that Nick had in fact had sex his wife the previous night. Secondly, according to the man standing in front of him, his wife suggested he would be okay with it and in fact it was a fantasy of his. Lastly, Nick's callous delivery made it sound like it wasn't a big deal.

"So you aren't denying that you and my...uh...wife, did it?"

"C'mon coach, it's kind of obvious, I just gave her what she wanted!"

"Oh don't bullshit me Nick, I've seen the way you look at her, are you trying to tell me this was all her idea?"

"No coach, I've always wanted know, but I never would have done it without consent! But last night your wife wanted it bad, and she said you'd be fine with it, so I gave it to her!"

Justin couldn't help but glance down at the huge bulge in Nick's suit as he contemplated what the black man had just said, "Jesus...he gave her THAT thing!"

"I can't discuss this with you while you stand here practically naked, put your clothes back on Nick!"

The black man turned and retrieved his tee-shirt from the couch and slipped it over his muscle covered physique, "Coach, my shorts the other room."

"Oh of course they are," Justin replied snidely, "Anything else? How about your...uh...underwear?"

"I wasn't wearing any."

Justin looked at him shockingly and asked without thinking, "Do you always wear your swim Speedo under your shorts?"

"This thing? Fuck no, it's uncomfortable as hell on my...junk! It was in my backpack last night, but Ab...uh...your wife insisted I wear it into the bedroom...some kind of fantasy or something. I wasn't going to tell that horny bit...I mean Coach Abbie, no! I only put it back on this morning, cuz I was still...uh..."

"Still what?" Justin asked in an irritated tone.

"Leaking know?"

Justin looked at him incredulously, "So you two did it again this morning?"

Nick hesitatingly looked at his coach before he spoke, "We did it a lot...I tried to sleep a little know..."

"No I don't know, what am I supposed to know Nick?"

"Well you know Justin, Coach Abbie is pretty...what's that word...insatiable? She didn't want to stop, you're a lucky man coach, I haven't known many who like to suck it that much!"

"My Abbie?...INSATIABLE?...A COCKSUCKER?...I can rarely get her to suck my dick..." The dumbfounded coach thought to himself as he tried to process what he'd just been told by his wife's black lover.

Justin gathered himself, "Oh, is that so?" The coach rhetorically asked, as a vision of his naked wife slutishly sucking Nick's huge black cock appeared in his mind.

The previously heated conversation had now taken a more subtle tone.

It shouldn't have's given the sensitive nature of the topic, but the black man now realized why...a noticeable tent had formed inside the front of his coach's khakis. Nick immediately suspected this was confirmation of what Abbie had told him about Justin's fantasy of wanting her to fuck a black man, "So coach, should I go in and get my shorts?"

The question seemed to snap Justin out of his momentary trance, " I think you've spent enough time in our bedroom already, I'll go get them, do you know where they are?"

"Somewhere near the footboard, that's where she begged me to strip for her."

Justin didn't respond, he only looked at his diving protégé with a disbelieving look, "My conservative wife begging another man to strip for her in our bedroom?"

"Near the footboard huh, anything else in there?"

"No, my flip-flops are here on the floor."

Justin eyed him again before turning and walking towards his bedroom. He quietly opened the door and peeked inside. For whatever reason, the smell of sex permeated his senses more this time around. His wife still lay naked in the same position, more light filtered in through the partially covered windows. Justin felt relieved to find Nick's shorts quickly. He was surprised he hadn't seen them the first time around, but his eyes were then drawn again to the interracial porn flick that was still playing silently and realized it along with his wife's naked body was probably the reason he hadn't noticed anything else on his first visit.

As he turned back towards the door, he glanced at his nude wife still sleeping soundly; Abbie looked stunningly hot. Seeing her sleeping peacefully and knowing what had transpired in his bedroom, had his cock not already been rock-hard before, it felt like steel now. Before he turned away, he noticed a couple of open packs of condoms, several wrappers, and a bottle of baby oil on his night stand next to the bed, "At least they used protection..."

As he reentered the living room, Nick stood looking at his phone dressed only in his tee-shirt and Speedo. He looked up at Justin, "Ah that was fast, they must have been where I said."

"Yes, right at the base of my bed where you dropped them before having sex with my wife!" The dive coach answered mean-spiritedly.

Nick could still see the tent in his coach's shorts and wondered if he was in fact pissed, or actually aroused, "Coach, as I said before, I wouldn't have done it if she didn't say it would be okay with you!"

"Well she was wrong..." Justin responded, this time with a lot less conviction in his voice.

Nick knew Abbie would never have done it unless she truly felt her husband was okay with it. Now hearing his former coach's unconvincing denial and seeing the hard-on in his pants, it was all but confirmed, "Well then coach, I am sincerely sorry, but I think you and your wife have a lot to talk about. I'm going to get my keys and go."

"Yeah, I think that would be a good idea!"

"Hey do you mind if I change out of these nut-huggers before I do?"

Justin looked at him irritatingly, "No, do whatever you want, your car keys should be in the jar on the porch."

"Sounds good Coach," Nick said before he turned and dropped his Speedo to his ankles. His muscle covered black ass flashed back at his former coach. The flabbergasted coach noticed what appeared to be fingernail impressions on both cheeks of Nick's ass. The black man stepped out of the swimsuit and bent to pull his shorts over his right foot. As he did so, his enormous balls swayed heavily back and bounced against the inside of his muscular thighs.

"Holy shit, they look like a pair of black lemons..." The coach thought to himself. Then he noticed the massive plump head of the black man's cock hanging down beyond his dangling ebony nut sack, "Jesus..."

"I didn't realize you were going to change right here!" Justin complained frustratingly.

"Nick glanced back over his shoulder as he stood buttoning his shorts, "Oh sorry about that coach, I guess I didn't think you would care."

"I think it's time you left Nick."

"Sure coach, I'll grab my keys off the porch. We'll see you around."

As he turned towards the door, Justin spoke, "Hey Nick,"

The diver turned, "Yeah coach?"

"Um...thanks for at least using protection."

"Yeah about that..." Nick hesitated, before finishing his response, "'re welcome coach." He said sheepishly before he exited out the front door.

Justin stood motionless for several seconds before he heard Nick's engine start up. He glanced through the window as his Mustang sped away. "You're welcome?...You're welcome?, what the hell?, I can't believe I just thanked him for using a rubber when he fucked my wife!"

But the coach's cock was still rock-hard in his pants.


2 ½ years previously

Abbie Dawson and her husband Justin sat in their office reviewing video tape of potential new recruits. As Division II college diving coaches at a relatively small state school in California, they were limited to a handful of scholarships each year. That, combined with the fact there were lots more desirable schools in the state, made the process of replenishing their team all the more difficult. In spite of the challenges, the couple always looked forward to this process, fully understanding there was no room for misplaced resources; they had to make sure they thoroughly scouted the best prospective candidates. This was their chance to replenish the ranks of young athletes who had made Sacramento State University a D2 diving powerhouse for well over a decade.

Justin and Abbie had now coached the men and women's diving teams at Sac State for the past 3 years, making the fall of 2017 the third time the Dawson's had gone through the recruiting process. They came to the school as a package deal following their senior year at the University of California at Santa Barbara. The two had both been team captains and state diving champions during their junior and senior seasons at UCSB.

Having already completed the process for the women's team, the couple was now down to their final scholarship decision for the men. The Dawson's had narrowed their choice to two athletes, Jimmy Yu and Nick Thomas. For the two young coaches, this decision was quite different from any they'd made in the past, as these two recruits could not have been more dissimilar, each bringing a unique skill set to the equation. They again reviewed each dive video submitted by the two athletes.

Jimmy Yu was an accomplished high school diver who Justin and Abbie felt could help their team over his 4-year career at Sac State, but he was a slender kid who would need some time to fill-out and realize his full potential. They were both pretty certain Jimmy wouldn't bring much to the team in his freshman season.

Thomas on the other hand, was unlike any athlete they had ever recruited. Muscular and tall, he was the antithesis of many of the athletes currently on their team. Unlike Yu, Thomas was a junior college transfer who had performed quite well on club teams and the occasional JuCo meets he participated in.

The recruiting visits between the two athletes also could not have been more divergent. Jimmy attended with his Asian parents; the well-dressed Yu family was extremely respectful and polite. Abbie and Justin took Jimmy as a shy, reserved kid who only talked when he was asked a question. Jimmy's dad did most of the talking.

Nick Thomas attended with only his attractive single mother and while she was quite pleasant, both Abbie and Justin were a little put off by Nick's seemingly cocky and potentially aloof personality. But in spite of his questionable attitude, there was something charismatic about him. Justin and Abbie both picked-up on it.

Nick was also one of the most distinct looking individuals that either of them had ever seen. From the dive tapes, they were already familiar with his impressive muscular physique, but now sitting across the table from him, his facial appearance was unmistakable. His medium skin was a Beyonce shade of brown, his high cheek bones, full lips, and sparkling white teeth gave him a male model appearance. But his most unique facial feature were his mesmerizing light-shaded hazel colored eyes that looked out of place on a black man. They reminded Justin of those on former Green Bay Packers receiver Randall Cobb. To Abbie, they just looked kind of hot.

Still, they weren't sure about him...


Nick Thomas didn't feel the same way about them. On the ride back to Stockton, his mom asked him what he thought of his potential new coaches. "I think they're just what I need. The dude seems pretty capable technically. And the wife...well...she'll make me look forward to going to the pool everyday!" He joked.

"You dumbshit, you better not let that thing in your pants fuck this up. I agree she is very pretty, but don't you dare try and get in her pants; I shouldn't need to remind you this is the best chance you're going to get to leverage your special skills into something better!"

"I was planning on using my special skills mom!" He smiled mischievously and glanced down at his crotch.

Angie Thomas looked back at her son with a glare of concern, "Don't forget you've been down this path before and it didn't end well the last time!"

"I'm just kidding mom, trust me, I know this is a great opportunity, I'm not going to fuck it up!" He assured her, well-aware she had a right to question his motives. It had been a similar circumstance his senior year in high school when Nick hooked up with his young new math teacher and the pair were caught fucking on her desk after school. The pretty blonde teacher got fired and was eventually divorced by her husband as a result of the incident. The only thing that kept her from going to jail, was the DA could not prove that the two of them had ever fucked before Nick turned 18. It was a big story in the Stockton papers and it was also the final strike in leading to Nick Thomas's expulsion from high school.

And while Nick was sincere in reassuring his mom he wouldn't jeopardize this opportunity the same way, he didn't share with her that he'd picked-up on a very small glint of intrigue from the hot-looking dive coach.


Following the interviews, Justin and Abbie's first inclination was to gravitate to the safer of the two choices; Jimmy Yu would be a better cultural fit and easier kid to coach. They would also have him for the full 4 years. However, at the end of the day, this decision wasn't all about that. The tape didn't lie. While Yu possessed the better technical acumen, the power and athleticism of Thomas' style was undeniably impressive. Perhaps it was that physical dominance, but somehow despite their concerns about his attitude, they both believed he could be an athlete unlike any they'd ever coached.