The Text Message Ch. 04


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'It all started with a text message gone wrong', 'yes, we had been texting for a few months before we finally met', 'we clicked immediately, it was incredible'. I stayed as close to the truth as I could without revealing the kind of relationship we led. They were all very disappointed when I couldn't come up with a picture of her but so far I hadn't thought of taking one.

On the day of the barbeque, I was really nervous. This would be the first time that I took Alicia to a more or less official event and she would have to hide her submissiveness completely. She normally did a good enough job of it when we went for a walk or ate out but more often than not, she would have a slip-up or two.

"Alicia, it might well happen that I go and get you something to drink while we're there as this is a very normal thing to do and I don't want you to reveal your discomfort in any way."

"I understand that, Master."

"And if there is single 'Master' you will be in for a real punishment."

"Will you tie me up and spank me, Master?" she replied with a mischievous smile.

"Certainly not. You remember when I served you breakfast?"

She frowned as the scene played before her inner eyes, "Of course, Master."

"That will feel like a reward in comparison to what I'll do if you use anything but my name or some cute nickname."

Her eyes widened in fear, "I will not fail you, Master. And please don't tell me any details. I don't think I want to know them."


We arrived at the barbeque site shortly before it officially started as Master had been asked to be part of the welcoming committee, now that he would become a member of the executive board. The entire board was present. Apart from the owner and Master, there were six more board members. They and their significant others were loosely gathered in small groups and joined together as soon as Master parked his car.

I think he was oblivious to this but I saw it. I assumed it was because of me, as Master had told me of the commotion the announcement of his new girlfriend had caused and that people were very curious to meet me. He waited until I was ready, offered me his arm to hook in and gave me a little peck on the cheek.

"Let's go. Hail Caesar, those who are about to die, salute you."

I grinned, sometimes he was just a nerd, "It won't be so bad, Nick."

From the whispering I saw when we approached the group, I had to suppose that he hadn't told them that I was black. That was so typical of him. Only Master could omit such a thing, he just didn't care about our differences in origin, he accepted me as the person I was and didn't care about outward appearances.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, may I introduce my girlfriend, Alicia Blue. Alicia these are..."

He went on to give me all the names and jobs of the people present but I couldn't keep up with the amount of information. I made sure to remember the owner's and his wife's names but otherwise just greeted everybody politely.

"Nick," Charlene, the owner's wife said, "You didn't mention what a striking beauty your girlfriend is."

"You wouldn't have believed me anyway so I decided to let her looks speak for themselves."

"Tell me, Alicia, what did you have to do to snap up hot stuff?" Charlene continued as she hooked her arm in mine and pulled me away from the group.

"Not much, I just had to vow to worship him and praise his greatness daily," I replied, feeling Master's eyes follow me while I kept my eyes trained on Charlene.

Charlene laughed, just as I had intended and I felt Master relax and turn towards his colleagues to chat.

"That usually works well but shouldn't he be worshipping you? With these looks, you should be a top model."

"I don't think that I would have liked that life."

"Tell me, what do you do for a living?"

"I worked as a cook in a restaurant but I had to quit just before I met Nick. He now insisted that I complete my high school instead of finding a new job immediately."

"You haven't finished your high-school?"

"Unfortunately not. There were some difficult circumstances but I'd rather not talk about those. I'd rather hear where you got these wonderful shoes from."

The other women had caught up with us and they continued to pepper me with questions until after maybe fifteen minutes Nick came to my rescue with two beers in his hands.

"Here, Darling," he said as he offered one of the beers to me and then addressed Charlene and the other women, "The employees are starting to arrive and I'm afraid I need to steal Alicia for a moment. Your husbands will be looking for you as well, by the way, to join them next to the entrance."

"I'm surprised you let her away from you for so long, I certainly wouldn't," Charlene replied with a humorous tone.

"I didn't let her out of my sight for a second and I have implanted her a GPS-tracker, just in case," he replied, challenging her to a wittier reply but Charlene just laughed back and we all slowly walked towards the entrance of the area.

I could tell that I was one of the great attractions while we politely greeted the arrivals, most of whom Master knew by name. I could also say that there were several women who were more or less openly hostile towards me. I wasn't sure if it was because I'm black or because I was with Nick, because I had 'taken him off the market' as one of the girls from Human Resources remarked.

I also noticed that Master was held in high regard and everybody spoke very highly of his skills both in finance but also in mediating and creating solutions to problems that involved different teams or even different departments.

I didn't leave his side for most of the afternoon. When everybody had arrived and had had some of the barbeque, the owner, Matt, took the prepared stage and held a moving speech, announcing the CFO's impending retirement, praising his work and achievements in glowing terms. It was obvious that the two had gone a long way together and there were big boots to be filled.

After a big round of applause and the handover of an IWC gold watch as a retirement gift, Matt continued.

"You might wonder who might be dumb enough to try and fill that huge void created by Lars' departure and it is with great pleasure that I introduce his successor. You all know him already. He has been with us for six months but even in this short period of time has proven to be an exceptionally valuable asset to the company."

The first people understood who he was talking about and started clapping their hands and shout acclaims. Matt rose his hands in an attempt to keep the audience quiet for just a little bit longer.

"He came with highest recommendations from the other side of the country and quickly made himself a name as a hardworking, unrelenting, result- and customer-driven employee. I have never heard anyone say a single bad word about him. He is a problem solver and a mediator like I have never seen before and I'm sure you will all agree that if anyone can fill the void, it's him. And here he is. Nick West! The stage is yours!"

Master turned a little red at this glowing introduction and the thunderous applause which was interspersed with wolf whistles and acclaims. Clearly, the audience agreed with Matt that he was the man for the job.

He rose and slowly walked towards the stage, shaking a few hands on his way, high-fiving or fist-bumping several others and exchanged a few whispered words and a firm handshake with Matt until he finally stood in front of the microphone and patiently waited for the commotion to die out, occasionally bending a little at the hip, implying a bow. After two minutes, the applause was slowly diminishing and he rose both his hands to cover his heart, a gesture which caused the audience to intensify their efforts again.

He waited for maybe another minute before he started to fiddle on the microphone signalling that he was about to speak.

"Thank you. Thank you. Please," he said while gesturing to the audience to tone it down. When finally the last noises had died down and everybody was listening to him, he started. I was so proud of him as he stood up there on the stage, confident, self-assured and successful.

"I'm overwhelmed. Thank you. I didn't expect such a fantastic reaction. I just hope my future work will prove me worthy of this introduction."

He was interrupted by another round of applause.

"I don't really know what to say as I didn't know that I was supposed to hold a speech but, as those of you who had to endure one of my business presentations know, I really like to hear my voice so I guess I can improvise for the next two or three hours."

This was answered with general laughter and my heart threatened to burst with affection seeing him work with the crowd so naturally.

"Now, seriously," he continued when the laughter had died out. "I'm really humbled that both Matt and Lars think I might be capable to fill Lars' boots. I'm fully aware of the immense mass of know-how of both the market and the company that he takes with him into his well-deserved retirement." He then proceeded to deliver a very funny and motivating speech, praising the members of his team, the other sub-department heads, the department heads and, last but not least, Matt. He also praised the spirit of the employees and their commitment to the company and promised to remain true to this corporate culture.

The speech provoked another big round of applause but I'm not sure if the people realised that they effectively applauded themselves because Master had not said a single word about himself.

"But now, we have beer, wine, water, soft drinks and food in abundance. Make sure our stocks are empty by the time you go home."

This again caused a lot of laughter and a big applause and Master left the stage and started working his way towards me, advancing very slowly as he took the congratulations of most of the employees and many of their family members. Many also approached me to exchange a few polite words, asking me to relay their wishes to Master.

I went to the beverage stand and picked up an iced tea for Master and started to push through the crowd to get to him. It took several minutes until I finally reached him. I handed him his drink, took it back as soon as he had taken a small sip and hooked up to his left arm but he wouldn't take that and laid his arm around my shoulders. I had to really concentrate on not starting to purr at this public display of affection.

I was so proud of him. Despite standing in the centre of attention he kept praising everybody else for his or her work, making them walk away happier than they had been when they had come to congratulate him. I understood why everybody here seemed to like him, even Matt and the other members of the management appeared to be in awe of his charisma while Master virtuously instilled pride, loyalty and the desire to do well for him and the company in the employees.

When an elderly lady, she must have been around sixty, came to him with tears in her eyes, he immediately focused his full attention on her.

"Mary, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just moved by your speech."

"I hope you understood that half that speech was about you. I desperately pray that you remain in your position because I'd be totally lost if you left."

"Really? You don't plan to replace me with Zara?"

"Mary! How could you assume that? You know as well as I do that the finance department would fall to pieces without you!" he stated loudly, making sure that everybody within ten yards of us heard it before he put his free arm around her shoulders. "Lars might be the brain but you're the soul and the heart of this department. Also, Zara will be needed to help my successor into the job."

She beamed up at Master and I thought that if he had asked her for a blowjob right then and there she wouldn't have hesitated for a second but, of course, Master did nothing like that but instead handed her the tissue I had taken from my purse and placed unobtrusively in his hand and took a glass of water from a bystander and offered it to Mary. He also didn't forget to wordlessly thank the bystander for readily giving up his water.

It took almost two hours for all the well-wishers to get their opportunity and Master to finally be able to eat something from the grill. I had brought him a few more soft drinks but surrounded by so many people he had not been able to eat anything and I didn't think he would have liked it if I had fed him.

With the management team spread out among the employees, informality was an important element of this barbeque, we sat down at the table where his current team and his assistant were sitting. He took his time to properly introduce me to everybody.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you guys earlier but I had to keep this secret."

The entire team assured him that they understood very well the need to keep this quiet and offered their congratulations on his promotion.

"I'll also need to find somebody to replace me. If anyone of you is interested, let me know before I start writing the job ad. I'd prefer an internal promotion and hiring a new controller to hire a head of controlling."

Two of the four employees nodded their heads but I didn't know whether they would be interested in the job or whether they agreed with his reasoning. Master then turned to Zara, his assistant.

"I hope you understand that as much as I'd like to I can't take you with me? Your contribution to the team's success has always been immeasurable."

Zara looked a bit sad when she replied, "Yeah. I heard you speak to Mary and unfortunately, you're right. But who knows, maybe Mary will retire one day soon and maybe you will then remember your old companions."

"Don't doubt that for a second, my dear, not a single second."

He continued to chat with everybody around until late in the evening. It was past eight before the grounds finally started to empty and it was past ten until only the exec team and their partners were left.

Master had just said goodbye to one of his new subordinates when he was approached by Matt.

"That was masterclass, Nick, absolute masterclass. I wouldn't be surprised if our staff churn dropped to zero after that show."

"Thanks, Matt, it was important to me to make a good impression today."

They exchanged a few more words before saying their goodbyes and the entire executive team also started to leave. It was the caterer's job to clean up the venue.


We returned home around ten thirty and I was totally exhausted. It had been a very taxing evening keeping everybody around me in high spirits, remembering who had contributed what to which project and so on. I ordered Alicia to undress me and soap me up in the shower and fell into bed as soon as I was roughly dried. By the time Alicia had hung up the towels and joined me in bed I was already long gone.


The next morning, I rose late. It was past ten and it took me a while to get into gear but as soon as I was, I called for Alicia and ordered her to sit on my thigh.

"Beautiful, I was too tired yesterday to thank you for being incredibly supportive and perfect the entire evening. I'm really proud of you and I think you have earned yourself a reward but I want you to choose it yourself."

She trembled a little, probably because of the compliment.

"You don't need to reward me, Master. That you are proud of me is absolutely sufficient."

"But I want to. Now choose or I'll tie you up and fuck your mouth and throat until I shoot my load down your hatch," I insisted with a smile.

Alicia gasped and I could feel her moistness wetting my thigh when she replied by holding her wrists together in front of her, "If you put it that way, Master, you will have to tie me up."

I opened the drawer and took out the handcuffs before getting up without giving Alicia time to stand up herself. I roughly grabbed her hair and pulled her with me to the bedroom where I shoved her on the bed and quickly cuffed her wrists to her ankles. I turned her on her back and pulled her to the side of the bed, hung her head over the edge and pushed my only half-hard cock into her mouth. It didn't take much time until I was fully hardened and I soon was fucking her mouth for good. I consciously didn't show any kind of consideration but kept pounding into her willing throat until I felt my balls start to burn. I changed my posture a little to prop myself on only one hand and used the other to very lightly spank Alicia's exposed sex. I had only slapped her three or four times before she started to scream around my cock, generating an indescribably exciting feeling for my shaft and when she started squirting a fountain of girl cum in the air and on my fingers, that did it for me and with one last thrust, I unleashed a torrent of cum down her throat.

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Gym52Gym526 months ago

I have been working back through this last chapter to find the brunch date with Theresa Choa but although the planning is there, the meeting seems to have evaporated into thin air.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A wonderful story, but Alicia’s vocabulary is a little advanced for someone with no High School diploma.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
This is amazing!

This entire book is one of the most amazing things I've ever read. I sure hope you write more things like this. Keep it up :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Very much enjoying the story so far, but I'm wondering what happened to brunch with Theresa?

You set it up and then seemed to skip it.

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