The Time Machine


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The professor reached out as if he could catch her and then fell on the floor where she'd just been, hammering his fist against the earth in frustration. "No...Piper. No!" he cried.

Boudicca grabbed his shoulder. "The sacrifice has been made -- she is with Andrasta now!"

Tears streaked his face. "No...I failed her...I told Piper I wouldn't, and I did."

Boudicca pulled him to his feet. "Don't let her sacrifice be in vain."

"You don't understand. Without her, without the ritual...I can't use the golden chariot to take the false Boudicca away."

"Andrasta will guide us!" she said. "While we still breathe, we are not beaten!"

She helped the professor to get dressed and concealed him in a cloak as she took him, led by her warriors, across the encampment.

The professor was in a fog as he stumbled through the dark. Both Piper and Deidre were dead because of him; he wished he'd never invented the time machine.

Boudicca opened a tent and guided the professor inside. The tent was dimly lit, but the professor saw two young women sitting cross-legged on skins that covered the earth floor. Boudicca spoke to the girls and they both kneeled and bowed before the professor.

"These are my daughters, they will care for you until I return," she said.

The girls offered him food and wine but the professor had no desire for either. Boudicca's daughters, both no older than twenty, shared the same wild, untamed beauty as their mother, but the professor only thought of Piper. He lay back and pictured her face, praying that he'd never forget it, while the girls cooled his head, arms and legs with damp cloths.

He was startled when Boudicca woke him up, and he asked how long he'd been asleep.

"Not long," she whispered.

As he regained his senses and his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he realized that he was now completely naked and that Boudicca's daughters, kneeling beside him, were also nude.

"Andrasta guides me," Boudicca said, as she let her robe fall so that all she was wearing was her golden torc. "The three of us will help you complete the ritual; we will lend our strength to the golden chariot."

The professor was speechless as he stared at Boudicca, the light flickering off of her full breasts and burnished red hair. He started as one of her daughters touched his erect cock, which she'd gently stroked hard as he slept.

Professor Carr had to be stopped, but the professor couldn't shake the crushing weight on his heart from what had happened to Piper. "I -- I don't know if I can do it."

"Andrasta wills it," Boudicca said, and straddled the professor. She placed her hands against his chest and lifted her ass while her daughter reached underneath and guided his cock to her opening. When she felt the head of his cock pressing against her, she lowered herself onto it.

As his thick shaft parted her swollen pussy lips and stretched her wide, she shuddered from a jolt of pleasure, and moaned to one of her daughters, "Let the ritual begin."

The professor was halfway inside Boudicca and her daughter was just letting go of his stiff pole when they heard cries of alarm from outside. Boudicca hesitated a second, and then reluctantly lifted herself until his cock slipped out.

"I must go and see what's wrong," she said, and pulled her robe back on. "My daughters will complete the ritual."

They both rushed to straddle him but the younger one won. She smiled down at the professor and then lifted her tiny ass triumphantly, so her sister could guide his cock inside her.

Her older sister, disappointed at being left out again, stroked his shaft and teased her younger sister by brushing his cock head back and forth across the tiny folds of her tender pussy. Her little sister kept trying to push herself down on the professor's prick each time it touched her, but kept missing.

In frustration, she pulled her sister's hand away and reached between her legs to grab his cock and aimed it at her tiny opening. She smiled victoriously at the professor, but her smile disappeared as she lowered herself onto his throbbing cock, groaning as he stretched her painfully wide. She was so tight that all she'd got in was two inches when her mother burst back into the tent.

"They've caught the Roman centurion that escaped," she cried, as her daughters jumped up and grabbed their clothes. "And they know that you and the girl are gone too. We need to get you out of here before you're discovered!"

"No!" The professor jumped up and stopped the youngest daughter from dressing, squeezing her firm ass as he pulled her lithe body against his. "We need to complete the ritual, we need to power the time machine!"

Boudicca was puzzled by the professor's strange words. "What is this tyma sheen?"

Before he could answer, there was a cry of warning from outside the tent and a clash of steel.

The professor let the girl go as she and her sister ran to the far side of the tent. Boudicca rushed outside and he pulled on his pants and followed.

"There you are!" Professor Carr screamed, as warriors loyal to her battled Boudicca's followers in front of the tent. "I thought you might be near this."

The professor realized she was standing on top of the cart. As he watched, she crouched down and slid back the false floor. The crowd fell back in superstitious fear as the controls on the golden panel glowed in the dark night.

"I'll never go back!" Professor Carr cried, as she raised a spear above her head. "And neither will you!"

The professor didn't even have a chance to cry out before she drove the spear down. Sparks and shards burst out from the time machine in an explosion of light and the twisted metal screamed as she plunged the spear through the reactor and splintered the bottom of the wooden cart.

And the crowd circling the wagon watched uneasily as Professor Carr threw her head back and laughed maniacally in triumph.

"Has she destroyed it?" Boudicca asked. "Has she destroyed Andrasta's chariot?!"

The professor watched as the time machine's console faded and went dark, and he knew he was trapped in time forever. "Yes, it's ruined."

Boudicca let out a Celtic war cry and raised her sword as she tore her robe down, baring her breasts for battle. In answer to her cry, both of her daughters, also bare breasted and armed with short spears, emerged from the tent and flanked her. Warriors loyal to the true Boudicca drew their own arms and surged toward Professor Carr, while her devoted followers tried to force them back.

The professor saw a sword from a fallen warrior lying near and picked it up, testing its weight as he watched Professor Carr panicking on the cart.

She screamed at the crowd, trying to convince them that she was the true Queen of the Iceni, and not Boudicca. But a murmur had rippled through the Britons when Boudicca's daughters had appeared; they knew she was the true queen. The warriors trying to protect Professor Carr, still refusing to believe they'd been deceived, were forced into a tighter and tighter defensive circle as they fell.

Knowing that she'd lost the crowd and her vision of glory, she cried out to the professor, "Carl, save me! Tell them we'll leave!"

The professor clenched the sword tightly, wanting to make her pay for Piper and Deidre. But, in his heart, he knew only he was to blame, and refused to be responsible for any more deaths.

He dropped the sword and tried to get to Boudicca and her daughters, who were moving like Furies as they hacked and slashed at the warriors protecting the usurper.

"Don't!" he cried. "Don't kill her!"

Boudicca looked back at him in triumph; he could see her eyes were filled with a wild bloodlust as she cried: "Andrasta! Warrior goddess and goddess of victory! I am Boudicca -- true queen of the Iceni! Hear my cry! We have paid your price! We have made the sacrifice! Destroy the usurper!"

Suddenly, as if in answer to her call, the ground rumbled beneath their feet. No one knew what was happening, including the professor, and then there was a blinding flash.

The professor squeezed his eyes shut and threw his arm up to shield them from the glare, and when he cautiously opened them he saw they were standing in a circle of light. As his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he saw two cloaked figures floating at the center. He looked around and saw that everyone, except for Professor Carr and himself, was frozen like statues.

"No! Don't let them take me!" Betty cried, and struggled to pull the spear free from the heart of the lifeless time machine.

He stepped toward the celestial beings. Was one of them Andrasta?

The two entities pushed back their silvery-white hoods. The first was a middle-aged man -- about ten years older than the professor -- with dark, curly hair. The second was an old woman with a lined face and silver-hair. She drifted toward the professor, her feet floating two feet above the ground, and when she saw his face clearer she gave him a warm smile.

He knew her instantly, and his eyes filled with long overdue tears. "Deidre!"

She held the professor's head in her hands and wiped his tears away. "I've searched for so long, Carl. I'm so happy to have finally found you."

Professor Carr let go of the spear and stumbled off the cart toward them, but the man glided forward and stopped her by calmly taking her hand.

The professor felt the lines on her face and searched Deidre's eyes. When he'd last seen her, barely a week ago, she had been twenty-three years old. "What happened to you?" he whispered. "Where have you been?"

"In the far future. We come from the year 2253. When you and I crossed the point of conception, an anomaly was born in the time stream and I was drawn through it."

Tears welled in his eyes. "Deidre, I'm sorry I failed you...I'm sorry I couldn't save you!"

She stroked his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. "But you did save me, Carl. I went back with you to the past seeking something I could never seem to find in my own time. And when I ended up in the future, I was more frightened and lost and alone than ever. But then they found me and took me to a sanctuary. And when the holodoc examined me, and told me I was pregnant, I knew I'd found the happiness I'd been seeking."

The professor blinked away his tears. "Pregnant?"

She smiled warmly and said, "Carl, this is our son, Noah."

The professor was speechless as he turned to stare at the dark-haired man, who was still holding Professor Carr's hand.

Noah had the same warm smile and the same eyes as his mother. "Hello again, Father."

"There isn't much time, Carl," Deidre said. "Noah is a time traveler like yourself, but I am not. The anomaly corrupted my point of origin; I cannot remain in the past long and will return to the future soon. We've come here to rescue you and Professor Carr, and to return you to your own time."

"Not yet, Deidre. Please, I want to talk to you, and to Noah," he said.

"You will talk to Noah. You have met him before and you will meet him again. But this is the last time we will ever see each other. He brought me back here because I wanted to look upon you one last time, and because I wanted to let you know I have always loved you and always will. Remember me as I was."

"But you can't go yet," the professor sobbed. "I didn't just fail you, I failed Piper too. You have to take me with have to help me find her!"

Deidre glanced at Noah and saw the look of alarm in his eyes.

"Piper?" Deidre whispered. "Piper Gates? You've already met her?"

"Yes, but Gates is my last name, not hers..."

Noah spoke up. "Father, Piper Gates will be indirectly responsible for the death of millions in the future."

Deidre continued before the professor could protest.

"In the future, Carl Gates will be remembered as the first and greatest of the time scientists. But your invention will be both a blessing and a curse. Countries will go to war for the secrets of time; and they will use them to destroy each other. Millions of lives will be wiped out of existence by the time the wars are over, and time machines will be banned. But it won't matter, through genetic engineering the time nuclei will unintentionally be eliminated from human DNA. Noah, as he shares our DNA, is the last of the time travelers -- there will be no more after him.

"Piper Gates will be your wife, and after your death she will use her authority to allow the time machines to be weaponized -- starting the Time Wars. Millions will die, Carl, if you save Piper."

The professor squeezed her hands tightly, and pleaded for them to understand. "No, I know Piper, you don't. She couldn't...she wouldn't do that! I know from your perspective it's history. But my history -- our history -- is still unwritten. We can make our own future! We can work together to make sure the wars of your time never happen, at least, in our future."

Deidre looked at Noah and then back at the professor. "I'm sorry, Carl. We can't take that chance."

* * *

In a flash of light, the professor and Betty were back in the testing chamber in his lab. Noah and Deidre were gone. Before he could stop her, Professor Carr stumbled to her feet and ran off down the dimly lit hallway.

He clutched his head in disbelief, he'd achieved his goal and saved Betty, but now both of the women he loved were gone forever.

He looked around the testing chamber and realized with a start there was a cart behind him. He stood up and pulled back the false floor, the time machine was intact!

He was examining the controls, wondering how the machine had survived and returned, when there was a warm glow behind him. He turned and saw Noah holding Piper in his arms; she was unconscious and wrapped in his cloak.

"I have done as you wished, Father. I have found her and brought her back to you."

The professor took Piper from his arms and held her tightly. "Thank you, Noah...I mean, Son. But what your mother it true? Will millions die because of this...because of Piper?"

"As you said, Father, the future is still unwritten. We move forward through time with free will; nothing is predestined. But every choice we make writes our history, whether it be good or bad. It is up to you to enlighten her so she will make the right choice when the time comes."

Tears of relief rolled down the professor's cheeks. "Thank you, Noah. Thank you for saving her."

"I have not, I have only brought her back -- only you can save her. The anomaly sent her to 2243 and corrupted her point of origin. But you can still reset it to this time if you cross the point of conception again before her current self enters the time stream. Otherwise, she will be lost in time forever."

"Before her current self?" The professor hurried to the lab window and saw Piper standing in front of himself at the end of the hallway as he put on his lab coat, and behind them he could see the escort and the three drunken students getting dressed in his office.

"You must both cross the point of conception soon. Farewell and good luck Father, I will see you in time."

The professor closed his eyes as Noah vanished in a flash of light.

He gently shook Piper, and as she regained consciousness and saw him she crushed herself against him in a hug.

"Oh my god," she cried. "I thought you were gone forever."

The professor heard footsteps coming toward the lab and quickly pulled Piper into the instrument storage closet with him.

"What is it," she whispered. "What's wrong?"

He gestured out the closet's small window and saw the look of amazement on her face when she saw herself entering the testing chamber.

"We've come back to before we actually left in the time machine," he whispered. "But we need to cross the point of conception before they leave, or you'll be trapped in the future forever!"

"Then do it," Piper whispered, as she quickly pulled her robe off.

The professor pushed his pants down and was desperately pulling on his cock, racing to get it hard.

Piper could see the panic in his eyes, the fear of failure. "Relax," she whispered. "Calm down and try to breathe normally." She removed his hand and stroked his cock while massaging his balls.

Peeking out the window, he could see himself in the lab, unscrewing the lid on the time reactor.

Piper put her hand on his chest and could feel his heart thumping; turning his face from the window, she kissed him softly on his lips. "Only think of me," she whispered, "not them. Just relax and we'll be fine." She squatted in the cramped closet and wrapped her lips around his half-hard cock.

As he watched her bobbing back and forth, stroking him quickly, he closed his eyes and tried to shut everything else out and to think of Piper, only of Piper. He let out a soft moan as he felt his cock stiffening in her warm mouth.

Piper also felt it, and eagerly flicked her tongue against the tip of his cock a few times before sucking him even faster.

The professor glanced out the closet window and saw Piper handing her phone to himself in the other room. He knew there wasn't much time.

He pulled her to her feet, lifted her leg for better access, and lined his stiff cock up with her opening. Their eyes met, and Piper nodded and whispered, "Fuck me."

The professor leaned against her, feeling her breasts crushed against his chest as he drove his thick cock inside her. Piper stifled a moan as he buried it to the hilt, and had to bury her face in his shoulder so she wouldn't cry out in pleasure as he fucked her hard.

But he kept looking back over his shoulder at the window, wondering how much time they had left before it was too late. And as he worried, his cock started to soften.

"No no no," Piper desperately whispered in his ear, "focus on me, Carl. Focus on me. You promised to fuck me with your big cock as soon as we got back, and I need you to keep that promise now."

He nodded, squeezing her soft ass as he drove himself up into her.

"Oh your cock is so fucking huge," she whispered, "and it feels so fucking good. When we were in Rome...and Caravaggio asked if you wanted to switch...I was hoping you'd say yes, and fill me with your big pole. And when I finally felt how perfectly it fit in my hand...and in my mouth...and you let me suck it over and don't know how badly I wanted it inside of my felt so good when you fucked me, baby...fuck me again."

The professor had his eyes closed, envisioning everything she was telling him as he stroked his stiffening cock in and out of her tight hole.

She was surprised when he suddenly pulled out and had her turn around, and she gasped as he pressed her against the wall, slamming his cock into her from behind.

His frenzied fucking was pushing her toward the edge, and she stifled moan after moan as he held her throat with one hand while he wrapped his hand around her waist and impaled her on his thick cock.

The professor glanced out the window and his eyes went wide with fear when he saw he was reaching out to pull Piper towards him.

"Come in me...come in me now," Piper begged.

And he did. He filled her with cum and she moaned out loud a split second before the time machine disappeared with a bright flash in the chamber beyond.

Piper collapsed back against him, covered in a thin sheen of sweat and trying to catch her breath. "Did it work?" she panted.

"Oh, it worked," he said, holding onto her tightly as he smoothed her damp hair back and kissed her cheek.

"What now?" she asked.

"We go in my office, pull out the hide-a-bed and get some well-deserved rest," he said. "And the first thing we're going to do when we wake up is go online; there's a famous painting by Caravaggio you're going to want to see."

"Why?" Piper said.

"Because you're in it."

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texlootexloo8 months ago

I really enjoyed that! It had a solid ending, but left a vast future to the imagination of your readers. Well done.

rbloch66rbloch66over 1 year ago

What a ride!! Good story.

cristiangs07cristiangs07about 2 years ago

What about Deidre?

Why the three of them can't habe a happy ending?

49greg49gregover 4 years ago
two thumbs up.

Great fun. I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
great time travel story

wow, that was a fun read!

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