The Transformation Pt. 01

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Scott is a married, misogynist man who learns what its like.
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Scott Murphy had become an unapologetic sexist and an outrageous sexist, at least his wife Elizabeth thought so, and sometimes she asked herself why she had ever married him. She then remembered he hadn't been like that when she married him, at least not like now, but he'd gotten much worse in the two years since their wedding. She put it down partly to the fact that Scott was somewhat insecure. He had an average build, about 5' 10" tall and 185 pounds, which wasn't much larger than her 5' 7 1/2" and 135-pound frame, and he wasn't an athletic person, which was a problem in his line of work--sporting goods sales.

His job was also a source of his problem, she was sure. Every day he had to associate with "alpha males" who made him feel inferior, and their opinion of women was unsurprisingly biased and based entirely on physical abilities. They would constantly put down women and scoff them based on their physical attributes. At the same time the "alpha males" Scott associated with thought they were God's gifts to women and bragged about their "conquests." In order to gain approval, Scott had gradually adopted more and more of his customers' attitudes, much to Elizabeth's embarrassment. It had started gradually with a few snide remarks and off-color comments, but it gradually come to the point where Scott had begun to humiliate her in public with his sexist statements.

Elizabeth endured Scott's behavior silently, but inside she seethed with resentment. His increasingly condescending attitude, overblown ego, and constant debasement of her gender made her long for revenge. She desperately wished Scott could find out what women had to go through, what they had to endure at the hands of guys like him, and lately she had even begun to dream of being able to make him see what it would be like to wear the shoe on the other foot. She was growing tired of his sexual demands at all hours of the day and night. He thought nothing of waking her out of a sound sleep to use her for his sexual desires, and he wanted her to do things that she felt were degrading. Her resentment had grown to the point where she had actually begun to consider a divorce, but she hated that idea too, though she could see no other alternative since her fantasy of turning the tables on him was just that--a fantasy. So she hesitated while she tried to think of what to do.

Friday, Jan.21 -- After making another lewd comment regarding the female anatomy, specifically one involving flat-chested women, Scott got up and swaggered towards the men's room. Elizabeth, whose own bustline was quite "modest," was once more humiliated by Scott, and this while they were out at a local nightclub with another couple. After Scott had gone Elizabeth felt the weight of her husband's friend's eyes fall on her breasts and she knew exactly what he was thinking. Red-faced, she excused herself and left to seek refuge in the lady's room. Once inside she locked herself in a stall, hiked up her skirt, pulled her pantyhose and panties down and sat down, once again wishing that she could humiliate Scott the way he embarrassed her. She would just love to turn the tables on him.

In the next room Scott had just finished combing his hair and stepped over to one of the urinals. He unzipped his fly, hooked his thumb under the waistband of his briefs, and grasped his penis, absently pointing it in the direction of the urinal as he read some advertising posted on the wall. He'd had drank a lot of beer and was feeling buzzed, but his bladder was full, and he really had to go.

Suddenly he felt his penis slither backwards through his fingers, back into his pants and an instant later he lost his grip on it. Before he could even realize what had happened, he had wet his pants and underwear.

"FUCK!" He cursed, looking down at the wet dark spot on his pants. He quickly shoved his hand into his pants to grab hold of his limp penis only to feel it continuously shrink to nothing and disappear into his lower abdomen.

"SONOFABITCH!" Scott howled as he desperately probed his crotch, frantically searching for his lost penis. What he felt sent a frigid chill down his spine and he nearly passed out from shock! He glanced around nervously--fortunately he was alone in the room--then he ran into the closest stall, slammed the door, and locked the door. He hurriedly unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. He sat down on the stool and yanked his briefs down and stared at his pubic area.

"GASP!" He started panting nervously as he saw a sight that nearly unhinged his reason. A smooth, featureless expanse of skin occupied the area where his penis and scrotum had been, and further down, between his legs, Scott saw what appeared to be a, a... vagina!

"OHH FUCK! OHH SHIT!" He screamed. "What the fuck is going on--What has happened to me?"

He probed cautiously between his legs telling himself this wasn't real, it couldn't be happening, then his index finger felt something that seemed terribly wrong, and at the same time Scott felt the touch of his finger through his, his labia! It was REAL!

"Oh God--What's happened to me?" He wailed again; his voice choked with sobs.

With morbid curiosity Scott probed the strange opening in his body. The insides of his cleft were baby - soft, moist and warm, and then his finger grazed across a small protrusion above his vagina and Scott felt a sudden, intense sensation shoot through his entire body. He jerked his hand away as if he'd been burned as he gasped in shock.

"Ohmigod! It's fucking real!" He breathed as the incredible, pulsing sensation subsided.

Just then the door to the men's room opened and two guys walked in. Scott quickly pulled his trousers up to conceal most of his crotch and sat deathly still while the newcomers heeded the call of nature. He was terrified of being discovered and desperately wanted to get out of there, but he had to clean himself first and he didn't dare move now.

Meanwhile, in the ladies' room, Elizabeth felt an odd sensation pulsating from within her groin and she looked down at herself. As she did her labia suddenly began to swell and, incredibly, she felt, then SAW her clitoris grow and expand right out of her vagina at an incredible rate. She watched in disbelief as her labia kept growing and swelling until they actually began to hang downward, resembling a man's scrotum. Meanwhile her clitoris kept expanding, growing in length and thickness, until it extended an incredible distance from her abdomen. In a matter of a few moments, it was transformed into something that looked EXACTLY like a man's penis, and confirmation that it was a penis came a moment later when a stream of urine erupted from it!

Elizabeth was too stunned to scream, but she touched her new member and discovered it was actually sensitive to her soft, supple touch. She gasped in disbelief. The thing looked ENORMOUS, and as she held it, it grew erect, expanding to an unbelievable length and rising up until it contacted the edge of the toilet! Elizabeth suddenly felt very dizzy and faint, and she had to brace herself against the walls of the stall to keep from falling over. Eventually the dizziness passed, but not the shock. When she asked herself what the hell had happened, she immediately recalled her wish about turning the tables on Scott and realized that, somehow, her wish had been granted--at least part of it. But now that she seemed to have a full set of masculine "equipment" she was fairly sure she didn't want it. She had only been half serious about her wish anyway--hadn't she?

It was bizarre in the extreme! How was she supposed to function with a penis and scrotum attached to her pubis? Then it occurred to her that, by definition, she was no longer a woman--and that gave her another strange shock. She just couldn't think of herself as a man no matter how hard she tried. Whoever heard of a man with breasts, wearing a skirt, nylons and high heel shoes?

Elizabeth stood up and tried to pull her panties over her new penis and found it rather difficult, even though it had softened and receded. She managed to cover it, but it was a tight fit, and her pantyhose also gave her a problem. When she pulled it up to her waist her penis and scrotum felt cramped and pinched. But there was nothing she could do about it, and she decided the best thing to do was to get home quickly. Fortunately, her full, pleated skirt concealed her incredible new addition, but she knew that until she returned to normal, she would have problems with her clothes. She opened the stall, walked to the sink and washed her hands. Her mind raced as a thousand thoughts and impressions competed for her attention. Strangely enough, as she looked into the mirror she appeared just as feminine as when she walked into the room. No sign of her new potency was visible, but she felt different somehow, more alive, more... vital, and though she was very nervous about walking out of the ladies' room with her masculine equipment she wasn't afraid of the "thing" itself. She even smiled slightly as she thought of the power concealed beneath her skirt, though her smile faded when she realized that sooner or later Scott would have to know. She left the ladies room and when she returned to the table, she was surprised to find that Scott had not yet returned.


Scott hadn't returned yet because he was still in shock and terrified. He was barely able to maintain his grip on reality. Aside from that he had a real mess to attend to and cleaning himself up wasn't easy under the circumstances. When the room was clear he quickly left the stall and ran to the sinks where he grabbed two fistfuls of paper towels. After wetting one of the wads of towels he rushed back to the stall, slammed the door and removed his pants so he could pull off his briefs. He set his jockey shorts on the floor near the back of the stall and, after washing down his legs, he began to work on his pants. He dampened them then dried them as much as he could with the dry towels and put them on again. They were still damp, and they smelled slightly of urine, but there was only so much he could do. Fortunately, the dark color and dim lighting managed to hide the wet spot pretty well.

He was interrupted in his efforts when another guy walked into the room, and again he sat frozen in fear while he waited for the guy to leave. When he was alone again, he went to the sink, washed his hands and stepped over to the hand dryer. He chose the low-mounted dryer, intended for use of wheelchair - bound patrons and adjusted the air flow towards the dampness on his pants. After several cycles he was satisfied that his pants were dry and he went over to the after-shave dispenser, inserted two quarters, and used the scent to mask the odor.

Scott felt awfully funny as he walked back to the table. His crotch felt "empty" without the familiar swinging organ, and his slacks were also too loose. He also sensed that there was something wrong with the way he was walking but he did not know just what it was. When he rejoined Al, Judy and Elizabeth he did his best to act like nothing was wrong, but he was too preoccupied to follow the conversation and it was obvious that he was distracted. He caught Elizabeth looking at him strangely, as if she sensed something was wrong and he nearly panicked, barely managing to calm himself. He also did not feel like drinking anymore. He needed to think straight to figure out what was happening, and more booze wouldn't help.

From the moment Elizabeth saw Scott she suspected that something had happened to him too, and when she saw his face and the way he was walking and noticed the absence of a bulge at his crotch she was practically certain of her guess. Her husband seemed nervous and distracted--even scared--and she decided it was time to get him home and discover the truth. After a few moments she announced that she didn't feel very well and when she asked to go home Scott seemed eager to oblige her.

On the way home Scott was strangely silent, which suited Elizabeth just fine. She had had enough of his big mouth for one night and she needed some time to think anyway. When they got back to their apartment Elizabeth grabbed her nightgown and robe and went into the bathroom, leaving the bedroom for Scott. She quickly undressed and got her first real good look at her new phallus. It looked even larger than it had in the lady's room, at least as large as Scott's--maybe larger--and there was no doubt that it was real. Both her penis and her scrotum were incredibly sensitive, and even her pubic hair looked masculine--long and thick compared to her former, short and curly hair.

The more she studied herself the more fascinated she became. She'd only touched two other penises in her life, Scott's and that boy in high school, and that was always in the dark where she had felt it more than seen it. This was completely different. For one thing it was HER penis, and she took the time to examine every inch of it from different angles, even looking at herself in the mirror. She discovered that it grew hard and erect with literally no effort at all, and she stared at it in fascination as she watched it quickly double in size and harden to absolute rigidity for the second time that night.

The sight of a stiff penis sticking straight out from her crotch was amazing and strangely compelling, and Elizabeth was unable to take her eyes off it. A few minutes later, after it had receded, she felt the need to relieve herself and instinctively turned around to sit on the toilet, but as she did it occurred to her that she didn't have to sit down! Now she could stand up, like guys did, and the idea intrigued her. It was just too good an opportunity to pass up, so she turned and faced the toilet and lifted the seat. At first, she held herself carefully with both hands, like little boys do, but after a moment she found she could direct the stream with one hand and soon she was tracing patterns in the toilet bowl, and she giggled with delight as she moved the stream back and forth. The sound was a lot louder than when she sat down but it was also a lot more interesting.

Elizabeth heard a soft knock at the door followed by Scott's voice. "Hon, I need to get in there," he said in a subdued voice. She replied, "I'll be out in a minute," and shook herself dry and began to dress. She put on her sexy black silk nightgown and tightly wrapped herself in her robe then opened the door. "It's all yours," she said as she quickly passed him in the hall, and Scott nodded but did not look her in the eyes as he passed her and closed the door.

Elizabeth waited outside the door for a moment until she heard the sound of the toilet seat being lowered. Now she was positive that her husband had also undergone a major metamorphosis. She smiled to herself and confidently strutted into the bedroom heading straight to Scott's underwear drawer. She grabbed a pair of boxers from the top of the pile but found it uncomfortable since the waistband and shorts were too loose. Elizabeth suddenly had an epiphany and reached down to the bottom of the drawer and grabbed one of Scott's old pair of trunks that had shrunk in the wash. As she pulled them up it gave her some semblance aside from her new toy. Elizabeth then proceeded to grab a pair of Scott's old jeans and place it in her dresser. As she sat on the bed, she took notice that although Scott's waist was 31 1/2" and hers was only 27 1/2" the shorts were 30-32 and the elastic hugged her waist just a little lower than her own panties had. But at least the briefs were designed for the type of "equipment" she now possessed, and they were a lot more comfortable than her panties. They even provided a modicum of support for her new penis and scrotum.

Scott nervously relieved himself from a seated position since there didn't seem to be any other way considering his situation. He too examined himself, but unlike Elizabeth he wasn't fascinated by what he saw--he was mortified. He spread his legs apart to get a good look at his new vagina and when he did there was no doubt that it was real--he'd seen enough of them to know. Between the labia majoris there was another, smaller pair of pinkish lips that guarded the gate to his vaginal canal, and even his masculine pubic hair had been replaced by a small, triangular patch of short, curly feminine fuzz. He already knew he had a clitoris, and he shrank from any further inspection.

"A fucking cunt!" He muttered to himself in disbelief. He was mystified at how this had happened to him, outraged that it Had happened, and completely mortified--all at once. He was also determined that nobody, absolutely nobody would ever find out what had happened. For one thing it would make him a laughingstock--He could already hear the things his "friends" and acquaintances would say about him if they found out--and his ego simply could not accept that! The other reason this had to be a secret was Scott was convinced that if the government somehow found out they'd turn him into some sort of a lab rat for experiments, if not to find out what happened then as part of some "gender experiment." That would be equally intolerable. Then there was the chance that some bastard would want to rape him, and Scott didn't want to have to go through life fighting off perverts! Scott suddenly felt small, weak and exposed from these thoughts and quickly stood up as a means to escape his fears.

Scott grabbed a fresh pair of briefs and his pajama bottoms from the dresser but before he changed, he needed a shower. He stilled smelled faintly of urine and he had also noticed a strong "fishy" smell emanating from his vagina, which was worse than the urine as far as Scott was concerned. He checked to make sure the door was closed and locked then turned on the shower and stepped in. He had absolutely no idea how to wash a vagina and after some deliberation he decided to use soap on a washcloth and simply rub the cloth over his nether regions. When he was finished Scott dried himself and quickly pulled on his briefs. He stared mournfully at the empty "deflated pouch" of his boxer briefs that hung limply between his legs and just shook his head, then pulled on his pajama bottoms and quickly scurried out of the bathroom.

The humiliated man could hear his wife in the living room, but he did not feel like joining her. He was afraid that Elizabeth would sense that there was something terribly wrong and pry until she discovered his shameful secret. Sooner or later, she was bound to suspect something was wrong--she was his wife after all--but Scott didn't want to have to deal with that tonight. He needed to be alone, so he went into the bedroom and got into bed. In a few minutes he had drifted off.

Elizabeth heard Scott go into the bedroom and when he hadn't emerged after twenty minutes, she assumed he had gone to bed. She was sitting in the recliner, in front of the television, armed with the remote control and watching something she wanted to see, for a change. She was in no hurry to join Scott because she wasn't the least bit tired. On the contrary she was excited as she considered the implications of their transformation! For one thing, now that she had a penis it was damned certain she wouldn't have to worry about her periods anymore or getting pregnant either. And any guy that tried to rape her was in for a hell of a shock! As she contemplated these things Elizabeth felt a growing sense of freedom and autonomy. Menstruation had always hit her hard and she hated that time of the month. Not having to worry about her period or getting pregnant was wonderful. She could toss her birth control pills--or perhaps save them for Scott, she thought with a mischievous smile. Now he could worry about tampons, douches, PMS, and maybe even pregnancy, but she really wasn't sure how far the change had gone. Did he have a uterus? If so, he'd need the pills or he could be the first man in the history of the world to give birth! She really did not think the changes had gone that far, though. That hadn't been a part of her wish and she assumed that all this was simply a little indulgence for her from a particularly playful God. It was probably a temporary situation too, and if so, Elizabeth intended to take full advantage of it while she could!