The Twelve Zenati Pt. 01


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"You're late," the other man at the table accused, once they were seated.

"I'm early," Remy countered with a grin. "Serena, this is a good friend of mine, Jay,and his girl, April."

"Hello. It's nice to meet you both," Serena said quietly, feeling Remy relax beside her and drape his arm over the back of her chair as the two men bantered with each other.

The food was beautiful, and the accompanying wine matched perfectly. It was like stepping back in time, Serena thought, as staff saw to their every need and they were served traditional foods. She had been glad that Remy had asked for only a small meal for her as there were three courses which was much more than she was used to eating in the evenings. Both she and April spoke little during the meal, allowing the conversation to flow between the men and those who joined them at the large table.

The other members, who arrived after them, all came to greet Remy as if he was some sort of celebrity. Serena supposed that it was because he was the owner, or at least part owner, of this club. He had called it his club when they arrived, although Madeline seemed to be the one in charge here. Maybe she had misunderstood the situation. Remy seemed content to sit and chat with the latecomers for a while after finishing dessert, and as much as she tried to pay attention, most of what was being said went far over her head. She began to feel uncomfortable with the need to pee but had no idea where the bathrooms were.

"Are you okay?" Remy asked in a low murmur, leaning close to her ear and nuzzling her neck, his arm curling around her back so that his hand caressed the side of her breast, the fingers tips seeking out her nipple under the flimsy material, ensuring, as he had throughout the dinner, that her nipples remained clearly on display under the clinging fabric.

"I need to visit the bathroom, please," she whispered, almost inaudibly.

"Of course. I will take you," he smiled and raised his voice slightly for his friends to hear. "I am going to give Serena a tour of the club. We'll be back for a drink before we leave," he said. Coming to his feet and taking Serena's hand, he walked towards the far end of the room where the restrooms were located and, rather than waiting outside, he entered the room with her. "Unisex," he explained, as he locked the door behind them and nodded toward the second door in the room where she found a single toilet.

She could hear him use the urinal and wash his hands as she tried hard to pee quietly, emerging with the stain of her blush colouring her cheeks, to wash her hands and reapply her lipstick. It pleased Remy that, after all they had done together, she could still be shy and blush about this sort of intimacy, and once again he wondered if she was ready for a full tour of this club. He would, of course, eradicate that sense of shyness as he trained her to the degree of exhibitionism he enjoyed, but he had larger hurdles for her to overcome first.

"Come," he commanded, and held his hand out to her. "I will show you around the club."

"Okay," she said tentatively. She knew this was a dominants club. She had grown up around alpha men and knew that many had what they called kept women who served as submissives and catered to a range of needs. She had never considered that she would be one of them. The thought settled heavily on her and made her a little reluctant to discover what lay on the top floor of this place, but she let him lead her up a set of stairs to the second floor.

"This club has facilities for its members to stay and play, either in the short term or overnight," he explained. They came to the small lobby at the top of the stairs, where a board was hung with half a dozen keys, all labelled with names as well as numbers. "It's a chance for the members to role play some fantasies in purpose-built rooms," he said, keeping his tone light, sensing her unease and not understanding it. Using the guise of role play and fantasy to ease some of the confronting ideas he was about to show her, he guided her to the first door.

Serena said nothing as she was shown a glimpse of the first four rooms, which were named for different eras in time and had décor and equipment to match the era. The Medieval room showed dungeon-like equipment in a dark dimly lit atmosphere. The Victorian room held a large four poster bed and fucking chair. The Wild West room smelled of leather and had rough-hewn wooden furniture. It was the industrial room that finally made her react. She had never seen anything like it before with its strange pipe works and electrical equipment.

"This is not a room I have ever used myself," he acknowledged.

"But you have used some of the other rooms here?" she asked curiously, a small flash of jealousy running through her.

"Yes, I have had girlfriends before you, Serena," he admitted. "You can hardly think I was living like a monk before you ran into my arms," he chuckled. "I can tell you, however, that I have never felt as close to a woman in such a short amount of time as I do to you." He bent his head to kiss her and pull her close against his body. "I don't share this part of my life lightly, Serena. I want you to share every facet of my life, and that includes this place and my friends downstairs. I will never push you into something that you truly don't want to do," he reassured her, wondering if he had finally pushed too far, too fast, and determined to talk to his pharmacist tomorrow about her medication dosage, in case it wasn't as effective as it had been after taking it for two weeks consistently.

"You are an Alpha? A dominant?" she asked. "And you want my submission?"

"What I want is you. My girlfriend and partner who will, on occasion, play with me here and yes, take on the role of submissive when we come to this club," he spoke soothingly. He found it totally beguiling that she didn't realise that she was already submitting to him in every way that counted. He wanted more than just to play with her submission, but if she needed reassurance right now, he could give her that much. She had done everything else that he had asked of her up until this point. He knew that this would come in time, that she was perfect in every other way. He could wait for this because he knew he wouldn't have to wait long.

"Partner?" Serena tilted her head. Submissives were never treated as partners, or even serious girlfriends for that matter. She hadn't thought beyond the fact that he was protecting her and they were acting on a mutual attraction while she was living in his home. She had tried hard not to read too much into his demanding ways, focusing more on his obvious care and concern for her, while rapidly falling in love with the man.

"Yes, partner," he murmured. "You aren't happy being introduced as my girlfriend?" He looked at her curiously, feigning disappointment and looking sad at the thought.

"I do! I really do! I guess I just thought partner had longer-term connotations than a girlfriend," she hedged, hating that she had disappointed him. "I'm sorry," she apologised. "I don't want to take anything you are doing for me for granted because of the position I ended up in with what happened and losing everything. You've given me so much and I just..." she stopped short of questioning his motives beyond her protection and discovering who murdered his brother. "I thought maybe that now you know who killed your brother, you might be asking me to leave so that you could go back to your life as you knew it. This life," she turned, indicating the club and all it contained.

"I can't imagine my life without you in it now," he murmured into her ear pulling her close. "I don't want you to leave, and if you want the truth, I don't think I could let you go now. Not after all we have experienced and done over the last two weeks. It seems like so much longer, as if I have known you for years." He wasn't about to let her go. She was his now, and she needed to acknowledge that. The urge to punish her for even suggesting that she leave him was strong, and he wasn't sure that he could trust himself in one of these rooms with her feeling this way. "Do you want to leave now that we know who the men who threatened your safety are? Is this... me showing you this side of my world and how it would make me happy to be able to bring you here more often, too much for you to consider?" he growled, unable to settle his anger and frustration with her.

"No! I don't want to leave you! Never would I do that," she exclaimed. "I'm sorry, you just caught me off guard, I just thought..." she said remorsefully. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive," he said stiffly, letting her words mollify him slightly. "I'm glad you told me how you were feeling and that we could clear that up. I meant what I said. I don't think I could let you go even if that was what you wanted now. It would hurt me too much if you left me," Remy said in a calculated move, enjoying her obvious contrition for upsetting him. She was far more submissive than she realised and he knew that if he asked her right then she would willingly serve him in any of these rooms as penance. He was tempted to press his advantage over her, but he had already accomplished what he wanted tonight. She knew this was part of the life she would have with him and that she would need to accept and embrace her submissive nature. If he had to cloak it in fantasy and role-playing for the time being, to ease her mind in acceptance, then so be it.

"I would never do anything to hurt you," Serena said adamantly and tilted her face up to him, showing the truth of her words by looking him the eye. "I'm so sorry; I was just confused seeing those men in your office tonight. I would die if you sent me away now. Please forgive me."

"I won't let them hurt you, baby," he said and pulled her into his arms and smiled over the top of her head. "You're safe with me. You're mine now, and no one will ever be able to touch you while you are with me." He wished he hadn't said they would be back for a drink before leaving. He wanted to leave with her right then and reinforce his possession her where she felt safest, and where he had the most influence on her, his home.

"I want to be with you," she whispered, her voice catching.

"Fuck," he groaned deeply and, picking her up, walked into a room, slamming the door behind him.

"Did you change your mind? About using these rooms tonight?" she asked in a breathless whisper, as she gazed around the dimly lit dungeon.

"No," he said darkly, after a moment where he drew a deep breath and began to undo his belt. "You are not ready for the full experience of this room. I will punish you here, however, not just because you upset me with talk of leaving me but also because it will bring great pleasure to us both."

"I...," she began to apologise and beg his forgiveness again.

"Later," he snapped, cutting her off. "I need some relief now. Being here with you, tonight, has my cock hard and aching for your attention. Get on your knees," he commanded, with more force than usual. He watched her comply immediately as he fished his cock from his already-open pants. Eagerly she took him, sensing his urgency, and he fisted his hands into her hair. There was no licking, kissing and teasing of his cock this time and he looked down on his willing girl, a groan rolling from his diaphragm as she took him to the back of her throat, preparing to swallow him as she had been taught to do. This had been the first step in training her to his desires, and she knew exactly how he liked her to perform depending on his mood.

Careful of her timing, Serena drew a deep breath and swallowed around the cock in her mouth, taking it deeper and feeling the familiar gag reflex making her swallow again against it and count to five, before releasing him to take another deep breath and repeat the cycle. As her throat relaxed, she was able to move faster and set the rhythm she knew he preferred, but as she came to that point his hands gripped her head and, holding it still, he began to fuck her mouth. This was new, and she struggled with the urgent, punishing pace he forced on her. Drool spilled from her mouth and tears started from her eyes, as she hunched her shoulders as much as she could in this position, to protect the satin of her dress.

"Fuck! Yes! You fucking cock-sucking slut!" he growled out. "My. Cock. Sucking. Slut. Mine!" He punctuated each word with a hard, deep thrust, finally holding her head still and revelling in the feeling of her struggle, before letting her breathe again. She was his, completely and totally his. He thrust into her throat with force again, feeling his balls tighten and his cum about to explode into her. He withdrew to spray it over her tongue and fill her mouth. His hooded eyes looked down into hers as she tightened her lips around his cock and sucked, milking every last drop. With her hair and makeup ruined, she looked even more amazing to Remy. She was a sex goddess, a willing and sensual slut the likes of which he had only ever dreamed of. He knew some of her willingness was artificially enhanced, but he didn't care. This was what he wanted. This woman in this place, at his mercy and revelling in his dark desires with him.

Serena felt inordinately pleased with herself when he pulled her up into his arms and stroked her cheek, giving her his smile that showed his pleasure. Holding her close, he led her to the hidden bathroom and helped her clean up her face and remove the pins from her hair, letting it fall in soft waves over her shoulders and down her back, rather than try and fix the style. He kissed her deeply before she reapplied her lipstick. Then stood behind her, stroking her neck and shoulders.

"Thank you, baby. You have made me very happy tonight," he murmured in her ear. "You are a goddess, my goddess, and I cannot get enough of you."

The change, from the dirty-talking, abusive, sexual dominant to this tender, caring and kind lover never ceased to amaze Serena. Particularly when he was harsh with her or punishing her for a transgression against his rules. The fact that he wanted to punish her for his own pleasure here, in this club, leapt out from the back of her mind, where she had parked that information before giving him the relief he needed. She didn't mind the actual physical punishment because she knew that at the end of it came far greater pleasure. What she hated was disappointing him in any way which was why the punishments upset her. She could handle the pain, any pain, for him, if it weren't coupled with the fact that she had disappointed him in some way. She turned to tell him this, as she had started to before he cut her off and asked her to kneel but, once again he stymied her words.

"Come, we will go and say our goodbyes before I get carried away again," he instructed and led her out of the room and back downstairs.


Six months later Serena had become more than a submissive. She was a complete and willing slave to his needs and desires. She willingly gave him whatever he desired from her, and he took it as his right, revelling in how much power and control he had over the beautiful woman. At home, and at his fetish clubs, she was the perfect sex slave. He had no desire to share her or let others touch her, but he was an exhibitionist of his absolute control over her mind and body. He often left the door open in the themed playrooms for his friends to watch them together and even enjoyed some tame and subdued use of her in the common areas of his private club.

Outside of those places, they were the perfect couple. She had become the perfect, well-bred and well-mannered lady beside the former playboy, and it would seem to those who didn't know them personally that she had reformed him into a man who was a pillar of the community. She continued to work but had changed her job to become a daytime hostess at one of the restaurants and bars in the building where his office was located. In this way, he had full access to her when he wanted but she was also kept busy during the day and some evenings, so that he could run his empire and deal with his family business as well, without her knowing any of it.

Remy woke feeling buoyant. Today was going to be a good day. Not that he had any bad days recently, but today was going to be a turning point within the organisation to which he had familial ties and a pivotal point in his life. He had chosen his men carefully and, if all went well, his reign as head of this branch of the Suebian tribes would be the most renowned in their modern history. The wealth, the power, the shadowy machinations to bring down their enemies were as none of his counterparts in this new country had ever experienced. Today wasn't just going to be a good day it was going to be glorious, he thought, and rolled over in bed to uncover his favourite possession, who was going to provide him with equally immense joy today.

Serena stirred immediately, her eyes flying open, and turned her head to face him, hoping that she had not missed an instruction given before her consciousness returned. She saw his broad smile and said nothing, as his hands traced over the bruises and marks that marred the pale skin of her breasts.

"Good morning my sexy, insatiable, little slut," he murmured, leaning over to kiss her and pull her astride him knowing that, as always, she would be ready for him. He had almost weaned her off the mood-altering drugs that he had used to enhance her suggestibility and obedience. After the first month, he found they were suppressing her true personality too much, and she was becoming robotic. A nice side-effect of having taken such a heavy dosage during her initial training, however, was that she was now an insatiable nymphomaniac, who practically begged for his harsh use every moment they were together. The torture of making her wait was almost as satisfying as the physical punishment he rained on her for becoming so needy, even though he adored her even more for it and knew that she couldn't help it.

"Good morning, my love," she smiled softly and purred as he continued to stroke her body, setting her skin on fire and fuelling the need within her for him. "How may I serve you this morning?"

"By getting that gorgeous ass out onto the deck. I want to feel the sun on my skin as I fuck it this morning," he chuckled, his mood made even more buoyant by the woman he adored and who gave herself over to his dark desires without any reservation.

Eager to comply, she kissed him quickly and scrambled out of bed, sashaying to the door and giving a quick glance over her shoulder to ensure he was following. She walked through the house fully nude, uncaring of the staff who would be awake and tending to their morning duties. Opening the large glass door, she stepped out onto the deck facing the sea and drew a deep breath, raising her hands above her head and embracing the sun and the sea, as she knew Remy did.

Remy's eyes followed her swinging hips as she walked before him. Her ass also held faded bruises and lines from his use of her. Anyone seeing this woman naked would have no illusions about the type of woman she was and how he enjoyed using her. He detoured to the bathroom and then retrieved the items he needed, before following her to the deck. He walked past her and leaned back on the railing, waiting for her to finish the display of her body as she went through the small yoga routine to greet the morning sun.

Serena smiled softly and went to him then and, familiar with his desires, she sank to her knees and placed her hands on his thighs before leaning in to nuzzle and kiss his erect cock. Her tongue left a wet trail over his shaft as she bent to his balls, nuzzling and sucking gently as his cock lay along the side her cheek. Paying attention to his shaft again, she kissed and licked her way around it, moving slowly back to the head before taking him slowly into the warm cavern of her mouth.