The Two of Us Became Four

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A cahnce mmetinag a nightclub leads to carnal adventure.
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The nightclub's like a sauna but far from being claustrophobic. People are dancing all around her and buoyed up, energized, by the rhythmic and pulsing beat of the music. It sweeps you up and takes your spirits along with it. A spotlight sweeps the floor with an arctic white beam, glitters off the mirrored surface of glitter balls that are hung from the ceiling beams. It picks out only those closest to them. Others wait for their turns to take to the crowded floor, get sweaty and drink too much in the heat.

She loves coming to this club. She's grown used to the crush, bodies brushing past and her eyes always taking in what the guys and young female clubbers, like her, are wearing. She breathes in the waft of a multitude of perfumes, body sprays, and aftershaves.

Closest of them all, of those who brush past her or dance, is Mats, her spiky-haired, lean-faced and attentive boyfriend, a guy with an only too open mind and forgiving heart. He kisses her throat, bends closer to do so, and she turns towards him as his hands roam over her swaying hips, her favoured dark blue body-con dress his favourite to see her wear. It is stylish, short hemmed, and shapes her body in its sequined brilliance.

"You sure look good, lover," he breathes in her ear. "I'll dance with you soon, I promise...unless we find special company first."

"I'd sure like that!" she says, resisting the urge to shout over the noise. His hands move to brush over her breasts. She's forsaken a bra, not that she needs one; her tits are round and firm and they're just as he likes them. She can't help but grin as she notes how his eyes have again drifted away from her.

She follows his gaze, and it confirms what she's known all along; that they're not here just to have a drink or two and to dance. Mats' hawkish gaze has settled on a chick in an off-the-shoulder, tie-fronted ruched dress that has flared ends to long sleeves; her wavy blonde hair is like a beach babe's and her tits are shaped so well. What she brings is just what Mats likes to pursue. Their 'friendship' allows them both to seek out others and to share the heat. It has not taken them long to reach this stage of the evening but where is she to go with it if she doesn't find a mate too?

"I didn't think it would happen so soon, we've only just gotten here," Mats mutters in her ear, his breaths again making her shiver and look his way.

"She's dancing alone..."

"I can sure see that!"

Hanna hears in his voice his state of involvement with her, that the girl's wound his clock. She's dancing and looking embarrassed to be doing so on her own, or wondering if she's in the right spot with so many others around her.

"Mats?" she asks in some dismay as one of his hands grips her dress and lifts it a little higher and then caresses her bum, his touch sending little shocks of pleasure coursing through her midriff and down to her pussy. She wouldn't have felt it if she'd worn another dress with a thin slip underneath it. She leans against his touch, and it moves over her belly and presses down between her legs. His claims upon her are slow and sensual and he moves with the beat of the music. It brings her on. "I know...I know what's going on!"

"I can't help it, lover, sorry."

Her breaths are on his face, but Mats is involved with the girl in that red dress. He's lusting after her as his fingers touch the one he's with, for now.

"Go to her," she says, finally. He's brought her on, but this is as far as it will go. They understand each other, she and Mats.

She takes pleasure from seeing how he can win young women over as if to wind them around his finger or onto his shaft, after he's broken through their reluctance to be picked up. The chick in the red dress seems a bit withdrawn, surprised by Mats coming on to her and she looks around. A good-looking guy is with her...just like that. She may even be wondering where her boyfriend's gotten to.

"Keep your distance, Hanna.."

While she's taking in the scene, playing out, a young guy steps in close, his light grey shirt studded with tiny reflective beads. It glitters and it opens, revealing a silver disco medallion on a chain. There's something about him being so close, that draws her in, along with his wild hair and a lovely aroma of an unrecognizable body spray. He might ask her to dance given Mats is enraptured by that chick.

"What do you think of those two?" he asks straight out, holding cocktails in his hands, "they look good together and I reckon they're flirting. I only need to turn my back and this happens."

"And I'll help you deal with it," Hanna tells him, leaning in to do so and breathing in the guy's ear. He soon stands closer as if to let her know that he's taken by what she's done.

"It was supposed to be a first date and now I see Lara dancing with some guy."

"My guy...that's whom we're looking at."

He's heard to laugh in disbelief. "Sorry about that!"

"Don't be. I wouldn't have met you, would I?"

"True." He grins and gives her an appraising glance as he sips at one of the drinks. "What am I going to do with two rum and coke cocktails?"

"Share one with me, if what's going down doesn't bother you?" She says it on taking one of the glasses out of his strong hand and sipping greedily at it. His look is on her, taking in what she may bring. She lets him do that.

He soon realizes the game that's being played, her taking one of the drinks perhaps part of a plan, now that she's taken in his predicament. A guy is coming on to his girl, or date, and they're both looking on.

"No, it doesn't bother me," he smiles, holding her look up at him and how she sips on her 'snatched' drink, meant for another. Her lovely lips are parted, the disco lights making pearlescent lipstick glisten. "People do what they want or like in places like this. You live it all out."

"Like this, you mean?" Hanna's provoked into replying.

He's strong and she feels it as he's pulled towards her, and a moment's exploratory kiss becomes so much more. He kisses her back and she feels his cold glass on her neck, on her bare shoulder, as he presses against her. They kiss greedily and deeply, forsake all restraint as the music booms all around them and others, dancing and whooping in pleasure, ignore what's going down between them.

When she opens her eyes and tries to catch her breath, after sharing deep open-mouthed kisses with a stranger, she sees Mats standing before her, a wide grin on his handsome face, and the girl in that red dress beside him. It shapes her and Mats is in thrall, already. He's triumphant, pleased beyond words, at the success of his lustful approach to the girl. "Meet Lara."

"I have, and my name's Bram!" is said, as much for Hanna's benefit as for the guy with his girl, or date. "Why don't we make a night of it?"

"Great! They're our thoughts too," Mats answers, enthusiastically, and on hearing Hanna's soft laugh in dismay at the quick turn of events. "So, are the two of you coming back with us?"


They sit in silence as the taxi wends its way through the quiet city streets, two couples who were strangers to each other until Mats had acted true to form. Perhaps, even now, they are unsure how things are going to play out. The silence may set the taxi driver into thinking that they have fallen out.

What he cannot see is how Mats has placed a hand on Lara's bared thigh, under the skirt of her dress, and they flutter over her skin. Bram looks on with a smile creasing his lightly bearded face.

Hanna feels a little light-headed after drinking that rum cocktail so quickly. She tries to pretend that Bram's erection is not pressing against her as the taxi sways through cones marking some road works. She's fallen against him before moving away.

"What are you into?" she asks Lara, leaning closer and slowly pressing her lips to her mouth, a soft sigh from Mats declaring he's into this first step that she's made. The arm she holds out for balance is soon gripped by Bram and tugged down to his crotch. She looks his way for an instant, even as Lara's hands brush over the front of her dress. "I'll get to you, I promise."

"Stop here, it's fine!", Mats calls out and the driver slews to a stop by a row of tenement buildings along the canal side they have rumbled over. Notes, that he and Bram agreed on, are soon handed over and they tumble out of the taxi, the girls gripping the guy's hands as they walk over the pavement's uneven surface. "It's not far over this obstacle course...they're laying some fibre optic cables."

"Never mind all that!" Hanna interrupts. "Let's get inside."

"Inside what, or should I say whom?" Bram laughs, an arm about Hanna's shoulders and stopping her for a moment to kiss her, his hands gripping her buttocks and letting her know that he's more than game for whatever is planned. "You're into her too, aren't you?"

"Sure, but I want it all...from both of you."

They take the few steps that rise from the pavement to the front door and take to the stairs, three flights that lead to the apartment; a secluded bolt hole and a love nest. They all seem to know that nothing's off limits or expected; that everything is allowed.

They don't bother with drinks or snacks. As soon as the front door is shut and locked, clothes are shrugged off and left lying on the floor; looks of expectation are followed by touches and kisses, the men then stepping away and Hanna kissing Lara as the men's hands caress their naked skins, grip breasts and then slide over their bodies, fingers and hands poking and palming their sexes. Flurries of kisses are exchanged between them, the chicks into each other before sharing moments of wanton foreplay with new guys.

Lara's firm breasts and hard nipples attract Hanna's attention and she cups and kneads them; gasping and deep open-mouthed kisses soon urging them on. She feels compelled to pull on them, put them in her mouth and she bends to the task, Lara's hands guiding her in these claims. Nothing is said. The air is filled with heavy breathing and soft groans of pleasure and expectation.

The men look on, their shirts shrugged off, but they have gone no further in undressing. They've become immersed in the raging acts of foreplay being performed before them. But the sight has spurred them to tug at belts and trouser fastenings as each grips the other's arms, urging their undressing of each other.

"Keep it straight," Mats growls. "I'm only into this so far!"

"Got you," Bram soon replies, accepting the situation they find themselves in. Their girls are at it and they'll have to look on, if only for a while.

"Not so fast!" Lara gasps, her arousal seeming to overwhelm her senses and Hanna accepts that maybe she's not so experienced in these ways of it, a foursome in its early stages. And yet, sighing, she takes Lara's hand to her pussy, then encourages her to pull down her thong. "Go slow... go slowly!"

Lara squirms under Hanna's caresses and kisses, the tug of lips to her nipples and the probing, sliding caress of fingers to her slicked heat bringing uncommon pleasure to her and from an unknown lover and...and of the same sex.

Hanna pushes her gently into the bedroom and they stumble onto the wide bed, her hands soon pushing on Lara's legs and exposing her pussy, the pink glistening folds and a clean-shaven mound. Her lips are softer, pinker, and more welcoming than those she has kissed.

Her fingers slick and part; her tongue glides over Lara's pussy and darts into her heat; slicks the edges and begins fluttering like a butterfly's wings, becoming faster and more insistent as she finds her clitoris.

Left alone with Lara, in the bedroom, Hanna feels the charge of excitement at the prospect of a night spent with strangers in a night of sex. The taking of her will relieve some of her pent-up frustration after two weeks of denial of the games to be played out. They have hardly spoken but her caressing and poking fingers, her sucking lips on firm breasts and those inviting nipples, arouse soft groans and the clamp of Lara's hands on her skin, the bucking of her hips to meet her darting and flickering tongue. First, she sighs softly but the more she feels aroused to take her the louder Lara's gasps become and the fiercer the clamp of her hands and thighs on a stranger's shoulders and face.

"You taste so good, Lara," Hanna feels compelled to tell her, as she kneels between the girl's thighs; their touches and kisses are the only means of communicating, it seems. She gazes up, over Lara's taut tummy and at the indolent sag of her breasts, how hard her nipples have become. She's wet and now the slow glide of two fingers into Lara's pussy arouses the effect of taking them both ever closer to the edge.

Her lustful kisses are replaced by a gasp of surprise as she feels the hard knob of a penis slowly brush over her pussy's lips and then part them. She suddenly feels the gush of moisture as it slowly enters her body and she does not need to look around to see whom it belongs to.


"Yes, it's me...and you're so wonderfully wet! I'm not too big for you and it feels just great!"

She feels it to be so, her need to feel him in her at the club satisfied; that hard shaft was taken in her mouth when they had scuttled secretly into one of the toilet cubicles there, lustful anticipation of what they might discover during the night too much to withstand.

"Go on!" she gasps her words but a mumble, as her mouth settles on Lara's pussy and Mats slips deeper and pounds her hips. He seems to reach ever deeper inside her body. The unrelenting rhythm he sets distracts her and prevents her from eating Lara out. She tumbles away, not failing to hear the deep groans of pleasure that escape from Lara's lips. They grow louder and louder. "Let it all go, girl!"

Lara does. She yells as hose fingers bring on the rush of her orgasm and she shudders. Lara writhes through it as those searching fingers curl and drag on her slicked pussy's walls before they clench around them.

"Now you!" she demands, Hanna twisting enough to gaze up at Mats who grabs her head and pushes his penis against her lips and forces them apart. It seems impossible, but he feels harder than ever she's known him to be, that pole of hard flesh giving her no room to move. It fills her mouth and she wonders if another, still unseen or touched will take her. She wonders where he is, whether Bram is pegging Lara and making good the claims of her and Mats.

She gasps.

"Yes, it's me," she hears Bram say, his voice deep and lustful, one hand pushing on her back as he enters, bumps against her butt cheeks, each searching thrust and his hands pushing her down and onto Mats' prick.

Bram's shorter and thicker than the penis she's taken in her mouth. His movements have stretched wider her pussy's walls and lips. "Go on, yes go on!"

She groans in pleasure from being fucked by a stranger, how he fingers her pussy and clitoris even as Bram glides quickly in and out, twists and rocks to find and caress all that can be reached, so deep in her body. The fierce grip of his hands has been felt on her hips; now they slide to grip her breasts, to tweak her nipples, to draw her up and away from Mats.

"Don't get greedy!" she yelps.

"You make me feel that way!" he gasps letting her go.

Hanna knows she can't hold it back for much longer. "Put on a rubber!"

"I already have! I'm not that crazy!"

Mats seems to be close to it too, her mouth slurping and sucking over his length; Bram's prick working its magic in her and the fingering of her slit bringing her ever closer to the edge.

When Mats pulls away she meets his hooded stare. On a deep groan, he lets go and spurts cum over her lips and face, her breasts. She too feels light-headed from the waves of lustful pleasure that have been discovered and from what he has done for her, his cum hitting her enervated skin like a bursting firework. She feels the tingling rushes and grip of pleasure in her pussy before they course through her body. She can't think straight anymore and feels compelled to submit to her body's responses to what has happened between the three of them.

"Cum for me, cum for me, Bram!" she gasps, wanting the experience of the stranger fucking her to last a great while longer.

Lara, the girl in the red dress, must be having the same idea, for she shoves Bram until he's jerked out of her and flops down on the bed, his head close to Hanna's legs. He grins up at her, mischievously, and she moves to straddle his face as Lara grabs his prick and positions herself over him.

"Oh...oh yes!" she gasps, sinking slowly down onto him, her fingers parting her pussy's lips and then rubbing them furiously.

Bram's tongue flickers and Hanna trembles as he begins to eat her out, Lara riding him quickly, her breasts swaying. She makes eye contact, not with Bram, but with her. Hanna leans forward to kiss her, sharing in halting, breathless, kisses as the two of them claim one man, enjoying unbearable pleasure from fucking with one guy.

They are bound in uncommon ecstasy, Lara riding him and Bram eating Hanna out with his tugging lips and searching tongue; her clitoris worked as never before. Hanna's lost in a maze of sexual and mental pleasure. She feels so sexy and wanton. Her breasts are claimed by Bram and Lara's hands and lips, her agility a wonder.

Hanna looks around, leans on Bram's chest and feels the soft hairs upon it, and sees Mats playing with his penis, stroking its length as the three of them fuck. She sees the fire in his eyes, as the sex fest before him plays out. She feels as if she's witnessing herself being taken and reaches out to grab one of Lara's breasts. She does the same and fingers herself with the other as she bucks and slams down on Bram's prick. She rides him in a lustful frenzy, and breathes hard and quickly; she rocks forward and back.

"Yes...yes," they each groan, louder and louder, and Bram does the same all of them overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure that crash over them. They lose sight of each other and they feel Bram begin to shudder.

"Yes...yes...I'm gone!" Bram yells, finally, and in a seemingly boundless, stretched-out moment of unquenchable pleasure he is overwhelmed by his orgasm. Everything seems to blend into one shapeless mass and happens all at once.

Taken to unbearable heights of pleasure with the two of them, he explodes, his deep yell on feeling the brutal release of his lust and consummation wracking his body. Bram bucks his hips and keeps on doing so. He finds the strength to rise up and plumb Lara's body until he has no more to give.

"How could I have known this would happen?" Lara yells, looking up at the ceiling and fingering herself in demented ecstasy. "Did you?"

"No!" Hanna's taken aback by the question.

She doesn't know if she's finished the orgasm that Bram's mouth and tongue have brought to her. She fails to control what's happening as she falls into a prolonged orgasm. She only knows that there's no pleasure in the world other than being loved, the consensual sharing of her body with another and where Mats is the best.

Mats bends down to kiss her upturned face. His girl's look suggests how it's been for her. Her pussy must ache, her body tingle from the spontaneous pleasure they have all pursued.

"You're not lost, but here with me," he kisses, smiling and looking into her eyes. "For a while, two of us became four..."

"Yeah, now kiss me?" Hanna demanded of him, and he lay down across the bed. She then moved so that her mouth could take him as Lara played some more with Bram, the heat of their bodies, that are pressed so close, a spur to continued loving and spending.

She closes her eyes as she works him. Her body's satisfied but her mind's flying free once more. "You know...?"