The Warlock Pt. 01

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Not all deals are made with the Devil.
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Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/18/2016
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This is an idea for a story I have been kicking around for a while. I am going to try releasing an episode a week if people seem to want to read it. Hopefully it is entertaining to some.


Chapter 1

I always did like to make a grand entrance. Unfurling my wings I slid in between the newbie necromancer and the two paladins. Surprisingly there were enough streetlights working tonight to make it easy to see.

"What's up boys?" I asked sardonically.

The two men in front of me pulled up and readjusted their weapons. Short swords and pistols.

"Just bringing in a rogue Necro, no concern of yours, fiend." The blonde haired do gooder replied. His swarthy counterpart stood up a bit taller, probably trying to look more intimidating.

I laughed. Playing with newbie Paladins was so much fun.

"Well far be it for me to interfere with such esteemed paragons of virtue as yourselves." I replied. "But I have to ask, do either of you have a detainment writ for this poor little lady?"

The look on their face was priceless. I knew they were expecting something different. Damned if I didn't like stirring the pot.

"Because if you don't, I would have to take exception to you attacking a fellow supernatural. As the one who would be taking exception to you attacking a fellow super, then I would be honor bound to formally defend her against any threats. Since I now choose to place this young woman under my care and protection, you would be honor bound to attempt to incapacitate me."

I couldn't help but smile.

"In other words, bring it."

It was over quick. They split up with one going to the right and the other going to the left.

I launched a fire bolt at Blondie and rolled into Swarthy's attack. Coming up under his guard, I hit him the throat then turned the body to act as a shield. Blondie had managed to avoid most of the firebolt and leveled his gun at me. He held his shot so as not to hit his friend. Using a burst of magic infused strength I threw Swarthy at Blondie. As they crashed together to the ground I sent two invisible tendrils of power to them. Once the tendrils locked on I started drawing power from them and using it to give me strength. Strengthening my wing muscles with stolen power I lifted the two wanna be white knights and held them against the wall of the abandoned factory about 20 feet off the ground. Then I summoned hell forged shackles and attached them to the wall with some telekinesis. After snapping the shackles around their wrists I released the soul siphon tendrils and let them hang. Swarthy was gasping for air. I slapped Blondie to get him out of his daze.

"Your compadre is going to need some help. I would get on the Pally head radio and get a big boy or two to come pick up the pups."

Ignoring both the cursing and the gasping from the suspended paladins, I turned my attention to the cause of our little dust up. The figure was small and huddled against the wall next to a dumpster. The green shield she had up was thick enough to obscure fine details about her. Looking at the energy shield I was impressed. Those two yahoos would have been beating on that for a while. She had some power, why didn't she handle those guys then? I was intrigued. I dismissed my wings and other fiendish traits. Now I looked like the human I was. I extended my hand to her.

"I am Martin Melshembar, I am not sure how familiar you are with supernatural law but I offer you sanctuary which legally prohibits me from causing you any harm. If you come with me I can get you a safe place to sleep, a couple warm meals, and a hot shower or bath. If you choose not to accept, you can walk away but I would get out of the area as quickly as possible. Pretty soon there will be at least four Paladins in really crappy moods looking for you."

As her shield came down I noticed how haggard and tired she looked. I also saw she was a lot younger than I thought she would be. She looked at me suspiciously for a moment but ended up grabbing my hand and pulling herself up.

"Why not?" she said, more to herself than me. "It's not like I got a lot of other choices."

Grabbing her hand I teleported us to my home.

Most would probably think that a warlock's lair would be a cave or maybe a tower out in the boondocks. That is so 17th century. My new ward and I popped into my teleport circle on the 40th floor of the Oldsmobile tower. I had bought the building 7 years ago and completely refurbished it. The top 3 floors were all living quarters, summoning chambers, meeting rooms and libraries. It had a beautiful view of the Detroit River and the skyline was gorgeous.

"So I am Martin, I guess I should get your name." I said looking down at her.

"Chloe Martinez." she replied. It looked like she wanted to run.

"Well Chloe, I am going to show you to your room shortly and you can make yourself at home. I am also going to introduce you to Xandra. Don't be alarmed by her appearance. She won't bite unless you ask her to. She is going to be responsible for getting you settled in here. We have a few minutes before the staff knows we are here so if you have any questions, now is the time."

"Just one big one." Chloe responded. "What the FUCK is going on?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. This girl had a spark. Obviously not well taken care of and apparently only rudimentarily trained, she was able to hold off two paladins and then handle what might have been her first teleportation without freaking out. If she was this adaptable at her craft we would be getting along very well indeed.

"Fair enough." I said, clapping my hands together, "Let me bring you up to speed on a few things. How much do you know about the supernatural community?"

"What supernatural community?" she asked.

Ok, I was gonna have to start at the very beginning.

"First let me tell you that I am not going to dump too much information at you right away. Very generally there is a community of people who have the ability to do extraordinary things. We refer to ourselves as supernaturals. There is a very strict code about how to treat each other and non supernatural beings we encounter. This code has been in effect for over thousands of years and those who don't follow it have a tough time using our abilities. What this means for you is that if I try to harm or let you be harmed I will not be able to access all my power. So for right now you got friend in me."

The look she gave me was unreadable. She was good at shielding herself emotionally as well as with magic.

"So what is your power?" She asked.

"I am a warlock. Actually I am pretty much THE warlock. I use energy from souls and the emanations from the lower planes to power my magic. You are a necromancer. You use the power of death and decay to power yours."

"Ok let's say I believe you. Why help me? What is in it for you?" She asked.

"You represent a lot of power. I plan on unlocking that power and using it." As

I said this I walked over to a fruit bowl. I tossed her an apple and tried to gauge her reaction.

As I grabbed an apple for myself, I smiled at her.

"And here you thought it was because I was a nice guy." I said as I bit into the fruit.

Chapter 2

As Chloe was staring at me in an uncomfortable silence while eating her apple, Xandra strutted into the room. The succubus had been on our plane long enough to make the human facade effortless. Today she was a luscious redhead sporting 6 inch stiletto knee boots with black fishnet stockings disappearing into a obscenely short miniskirt. She had on a white blouse that was unbuttoned enough to show plenty of cleavage from her spectacular chest. Her red hair was in a messy bun held together with what looked like pencils and the glasses she was wearing made her look like a sexy librarian. If you were looking for a librarian on a porn set. She oozed up to me and gave me a kiss. I could feel her long tongue scrape against the top of my mouth and her aroma was intoxicating. Something had really gotten her worked up.

"Xandra meet Chloe, Chloe this is Areith'xandrall'ia, she prefers to go by Xandra or even Xan on this plane. She is my right hand er, woman. Anything you need, talk to her. Unfortunately I have to grab a couple hours of sleep before I start my day job. Xan if you could give her suite number two and hook her up with the full guest of honor package, I would appreciate it. And this." I pulled a simple gold ring out of my pocket and pressed it into my pet demon's hand. Xandra's eyes narrowed a bit at the ring.

"Yes sir. I shall let you get four hours of rest then we will discuss the day's events."

The smoldering look in her eye almost made me want to take her right here and now. She was putting on the full under sexed demon show. Something REALLY has her worked up. I am in for a great wake up call. I smiled and kissed her gently.

"Good night ladies." I said as I broke our kiss. Xandra should make for some interesting dreams.

Sure enough I woke to the most wonderful feeling between my legs. Looking down all I saw was a cascade of red hair covering my crotch. The long tongue action and the kisses up my swollen head were heavenly. I was already past the full mast stage and could feel my balls tensing up. After about two minutes of deep throating I exploded down Xandra's throat. As usual she swallowed and never missed a drop. She popped off my cock and brushed her hair back as she looked at me.

"That was your six A.M. wake up call." she grinned. "Now hop in the shower and tell me all about how you took down two Paladins single handedly."

THAT was why she was so horny. There wasn't a single demon who liked the Paladin organization. I should have realized that having her master rough a couple up would get her fires started. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything right now but I made a mental note to spend a few hours on her after work. Plus a long lunch hour.

She fell in step behind me as I walked to the shower. From out of nowhere a tablet appeared in her hands.

"How is our guest of honor? Did she manage to grab a shower before she fell asleep or did she crash right out?" I asked as I pushed the button to start the shower. It would flash green when the water was up to temperature on all 10 heads.

Xandra handed me body wash and shampoo along with a loofah. I stripped off my sleeping pants and hopped in just as the light changed.

"Actually she had quite a few questions. Mainly about you. She plans on asking you for a favor but has pretty much already agreed to go along with whatever your plan is. Helping her out would make her more willing. I would talk with her sooner rather than later though before she works herself up. She is a good kid."

That last bit took me by surprise as Xandra almost never offered a personal opinion on any of my projects. At least she never came right out and said as much.

"Do you know what she wants?" I asked. I was inclined to give it to her. Years of dealing with demons has taught me that willing cooperation always went easier.

"She has two brothers in the foster care system, Jack Jr. age 15 and Jeremiah age 13. She turned 18 two months ago and wants custody of them. CPS reports indicate they are good kids and have only been in the system for six months. If we can get them out of there and into a good family environment they should do okay."

I thought about it for a second, trying to formulate a plan.

"She can't have custody because she is going to be too busy working on her powers to be a mom. Offer this alternative. We set them up to be adopted into a decent family and allow her generous visitation. To sweeten the deal if they stay out of trouble and manage to graduate with a 3.0 GPA we will set them up with a scholarship to Wayne State University." I washed the shampoo out of hair and poured the body wash on the loofa. Yeah, I use a loofah, get over it.

"We did pro bono work for Raul and Julia Rodriguez last year. They seemed to be good people and have been on the adoption waiting list for a long time. I will arrange a meet and greet to see how they hit it off. Next item on the agenda is the Lanyard Project. Logistics are becoming a headache and quite frankly I am thinking of subbing it out."

"Who are you thinking of using?" I asked

She looked down at her tablet.

"Allied Logistics out of Southfield just completed a huge government project six weeks early and under budget. They started up a special projects division headed by a Robert Morgen. They fit the bill of being new, hungry and local. If they can handle this we may have a local partner for future dealings."

"Sounds good." I replied. "Next?"

"You have already planned to meet with Sheikh Agrieb's representatives regarding your purchase of antiquities at nine. Your one o'clock meeting involves representatives from the governor's office. They want to put us on retainer in case the lawsuits from the Flint water fiasco actually come to fruition."

Excellent. The only thing that pays better than a corrupt government defense is a big oil defense.

"Okay, how many pallets of water have we sent to Flint so far?" I asked as I shut off the water.

"We sent a semi truck last week." she answered.

"Hrmm, send two more trucks and make sure that the word gets out about how much we care about the people of Flint, yadda yadda. Then organize a bottled water drive among the clients we have represented for the past year and make sure that they will get credit on the donation. We are going to want to ramp up some goodwill with people if we are going to be defending those asshats in Lansing. Also let's figure out how the morons running the state can help us with the Lanyard project and package the political capital along with the financials. Let's push them back to two o'clock. I am going to want a longer lunch. There's a new sandwich shop down the road and I want to try the pastrami on rye. Have it delivered at one and I expect you bent over my desk at one ten."

That got her attention. I reached into my closet safe and pulled out a long narrow box with a bow on it. Her eyes lit up as she took it and untied the ribbon. Opening it up revealed an ivory handled, diamond encrusted riding crop. Her hands were almost shaking as she picked it up and felt the energy I had infused it with. She looked at me hungrily.

"I enchanted the diamonds with small amounts of holy energy to really make it sting." I said in a low voice. She was almost purring.

"This afternoon I will give you a taste, then this evening you will get the full course. Happy Valentine's Day."

Chapter 3

I normally try to separate personal feelings from business dealings. I have sat across the table from people I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire and made agreements. These guys were almost too much however. The Sheik was a good enough guy to deal with if you could get over the fact that he was selling his country's national heritage to help fund an obsession with American muscle cars. His brother in law was about as big a douche as you could be. This was the twit I was having to deal with to get the latest shipment of artifacts that were smuggled out of his country. It was even more annoying that he had a plan to smuggle some young girls back to his sandbox after he was done emptying his shipping container to me. No matter how high the profit margins are one of the few lines I drew was human trafficking. Add to that the fact that he was probably going to insist on including Xandra as part of the bargain, I was seriously contemplating murder. All of a sudden a plan hit me. I interrupted Sarif as he was starting to negotiate about the shipping container contents.

"A new offer is on the table Sarif, I pay you 1.2 million for the artifacts and give you 6 young females from my modeling company that have never been with a man. In return you give me 33 percent of the profit generated off of the girls and so help me if you try to stiff me I will take your soul." Xandra looked at me sharply.

What are you doing boss? I heard in my head.

Do you think you could locate 6 succubi who haven't yet stolen a human male's soul? I tossed back to her.

As much as she was laughing inside my head I was surprised that she kept a straight face.

Sarif blinked at me momentarily speechless. Whether it was because I knew of his trafficking plan or was being so generous, I wasn't sure.

"Two million and 15 percent. And I want your assistant." he replied.

"1.4 and thirty percent. And if you touch Xandra I cut off your head, stuff it with pork sausage, and send it back to your brother in law on a goat." Okay he might have touched a nerve there.

Sarif's eyes bulged out almost past his sockets. This was so much fun. After visibly calming himself down he drew in a deep breath. I knew I was the best buyer for his wares and more importantly so did his brother in law. Although I was probably going to have to part with my 1969 Yenko Camaro for that last insult.

"1.7 and 20 percent." he said very quietly.

"1.5 and 20 percent with an option to provide three more untouched females in six months. Also I want your soul if you try to stiff me." I grinned at that last part.

He laughed.

"Deal you stupid American pig." he spat. "I will tell my brother about your disrespect toward members of his household. This will be the last deal you ever make with Omar."

"Oh I don't know about that. I plan on sending Omar a very valuable gift to show the respect I have for him as a person. I won't even mention that you are starting up a little side business behind his back."

Bringing out the special contract paper I had Sarif sign and date. He didn't even look at it which means he missed the fact that the clause about his soul was plainly spelled out. He left in what can only be described as a huff. Now to spin it so the profit margin would come down to an off number on the cents and let him try to give me a penny less. That is assuming I saw any money at all from this dickwad. All in all it was a good morning. Looking at the clock I saw it was 12:45. Xandra had shown them to the elevator then came back in.

"I almost wish you would have given me to that little piece of shit. I would have relished sucking his soul out through his ball sack."

"Xandra you are MINE! I will decide if I share you or not and don't you EVER forget that." I almost shouted. Why was I so upset about this?

She looked at me with those almost purple eyes. Then she sauntered over and laid across my my desk. Her short skirt rode up exposing her thigh high stockings and garters. I slid it up higher over her hips and saw her garter belt but no panties. It seemed that my suit pants got a lot smaller in the crotch.

The riding crop appeared in her hand and she slid it back toward me.

"I might need some reminding about who my master is." She whispered seductively.

It was almost 1:00 as I closed the door to the office. I didn't end up eating my sandwich until 2.

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payenbrantpayenbrantabout 1 year ago

Hmmmm....not bad at all. Fast paced, would have liked a little more setup but definitely sound. Following some typical tropes but not in a cliche manner. Seems a little formulated but this is only the first chapter so I am interested in seeing how this plays out.



oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Like Mel Brooks said "it's good to be the king", or in this case, it's good to be THE warlock lol.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story. I have lost track of how many times I have read it

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uover 4 years ago
Fuck this series will be GREAT if it continues like this.

100% just like this everyone. What an intro. A bit of everything but nothing confusing and I’m salivating for more.

Job done. Oh 5 stars all the way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
If you are about to start reading this story. STOP

It is Incomplete. You will be mad and frustrated That a good Story like this one appears to be abandoned. You have been forewarned.

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