The Witch's Hunt


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"That light is getting brighter," said Luke, now several minutes into their journey through the maze. The group was rather impressed with his ability to navigate, assuming they were still on the correct path now that the music was louder.

"I think I see them," said Luke just a few seconds later. "Yeah, we're almost at the end, just take this right and it comes back around to the left. Skip past the right turn on that hall and keep going to the end, that'll take us to the exit."

Edward plowed ahead, drawing his pistol as he made the turn. Luke lowered his head, no longer needing to navigate, and readied the stake in his free hand. He silently wished he could hold it firmly in both, but his head wasn't going to stay on his shoulders without assistance.

They were forced to guard their eyes as they made their exit, the flickering glow of thousands of candles illuminating their path, a stark contrast to the dim pathway of the labyrinth. Red carpet muffled the sounds of their feet as they stepped quietly into the chamber. A short flight of stairs rose ahead of them, narrowly ending at the organ that continued to fill the room with it's macabre melody. A lone figure sat at the bench, her back turned to them. They assumed it was a female, given the length of her snowy white hair and curve of her hips, resting on the plush cushion of the bench. Slender fingers drifted along the keyboard, their skin as pale as the ivory keys on which they fell.

They heard a sound above and all eyes turned skyward. Alice made a startled gasp as they took in the view. Dozens of bats lined the ceiling, their leathery wings twitching in their slumber. The discovery was short lived, as the melody began to softly wane and the seemingly endless tune came to a somber close, the final notes sending shivers down multiple spines.

The vampire spoke softly, still refusing to turn to look at them directly. "My, what foolish prey you are to have wandered into my chamber so willingly. Was the labyrinth not a proper warning to keep out?"

She stood, the red velvet of her dress falling to cover her milky legs. Turning slowly, the group was able to see her body from every angle, and all were quite impressed. When her face turned to gaze upon them for the first time, her crimson eyes sent a second wave of chills through their bodies, a smile spreading across her lips. The fangs were small but quite prominent even from this distance.

"How cute. You've come bearing arms."

Her voice showed no sign of fear, even as Edward raised the sights of his pistol in line with her chest. Kate held her ax at the ready, but it's Luke who seemed eager to charge ahead.

"We've got you outnumbered," he shouted, holding the stake firmly in his grip. "We just need one of your fangs, and we'll be on our way. There's no need for this to get messy."

She smiled wider, her voice almost playful and seductive as she replied. "Oh, you poor, poor human. I pity your naivety. I'm going to enjoy playing with you before I satisfy my hunger."

Taking that as a 'no' to their deal, Luke issued a surprisingly loud battle cry, all eyes turning to him as he took a lunge forward. He didn't make it ten steps.

Giggling, the lovely vampire raised her slender fingers and snapped once, the sound echoing throughout the chamber. A thud drew their attention to the left, and then another to the right. The sounds of dozens of bodies falling to the carpet surrounded them, forcing them into a tight huddle. From the hazy gloom of the mist they saw figures approaching, snarling in their direction. The small army encircled them, the last of the bats falling to the ground and transforming before their very eyes. These vampires were less graceful in their design, their bodies bent forward and faces nearly grotesque. Their fangs were much longer than expected, and all are bared at the trespassers. Luke was wrong in assuming they had an advantage in numbers.

The sound of giggling carried over the snarls as the new arrivals continued to inch forward. Edward twisted his gun around in all directions but didn't fire, unsure of how they'd react. The vampire queen descended slowly down the steps, raising a finger to stop their advance. Her minions followed the command instantly.

"Silly little snacks. You wander in here to meet your death, and for what?" Her tongue moved slowly across her lips, hinting at it's unnatural length, before caressing one of her ivory canines. "A fang? To what purpose?"

There's a moments pause as they pondered how to best answer. Once again, Edward took the lead. "It's for the witch."

The vampire's milky hair fell to the side as her head tilted slightly. "The witch? What witch?"

"The one who trapped us in your world," he continued. "She's tasked us with collecting...well, a bunch of shit. A siren's scale, a vampire's fang, and who knows what else after this. It's the only way we can go home."

Her eyes filled with something quite unexpected. Until now she'd seemed so confident of her position, almost amused at their situation. Now, those eyes were filled with confusion. Her minions seemed to sense the change in their master, growing agitated in their circle. Luke raised his stake at the same time Kate lifted her ax, unsure if the army would close in. Another lifted finger silenced them once more, the gorgeous bloodsucker above resuming control.

"How very interesting."

She took a few more steps down, coming to their level and gliding forward, her feet barely moving beneath the velvet skirt. They tensed in unison at her swift approach, but she stopped short of Luke, just out of reach of his weapon. She eyed him up and down, licking her lips once more.

"Tell me, how did you acquire a siren's scale? Surely it must have been a challenge?"

She turned to Edward for an answer, but his memory was still fuzzy from their luring song. Savannah answered for him. "There was a fight in the reflection pond. Our pirate friend here managed to scrape a scale off with his handy dandy hook hand."

Crimson eyes turned to Winston. "And you did this up close and personal? You were able to resist their call?"

Winston blushed. "Not exactly. I had to break out of the spell first."

"And how did you manage that?" Her grin widened, as if she already suspected the answer.

Winston stuttered, too embarrassed to answer.

"I shoved his face into my tits." Alice was growing impatient with this conversation, anxious to get away from the encircling beasts. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

The vampire giggled once more, the melody of her laughter just as seductive as her words. "Oh my! You lot have had an interesting night."

"We're just getting started," Luke replied, hoping to sound more confident than he was feeling.

Her eyes turned back to him, once again looking up and down his masculine frame. Apart from the fact that his head was no longer attached to his body, he was still quite handsome. His hand grew sweaty around the stake, no longer certain he had the strength to take on this beautiful foe.

Her smile widened as a thought filtered through her mind. "How about we make a deal?"

"I'm listening," said Edward, but she ignored him, focusing solely on Luke.

"I've grown quite bored down here, all alone." She noticed their glances at the minions around them. "Don't be fooled. My colony is quite useful for many things, but as you can see, they aren't great for conversation."

Her fingers stretched out to touch Luke on his arm. They were cold, sending a third wave of chills through his body. Her touch was quite firm, testing his muscles and feeling the ripple of his abs as they journeyed lower. Though the stake remained in his grasp, Luke couldn't bring himself to move, knowing he'd get his friends killed if he made the attempt.

"They're not good for pleasure, either. And down here, in this dark world you find yourself trapped in, a woman does grow quite lonely." Her smile was menacingly seductive, the words causing quite a surprise among her audience.

"I'm sorry?" Luke stuttered, those crimson eyes taking him in like a tasty treat.

"We're not leaving Luke with you, if that's what you're asking," said Savannah, suddenly defensive.

More giggles from the vampire queen. "Oh, don't worry, you delicious little snack. I won't keep your boyfriend."

"He's not--"

"Instead, I have a little wager in mind." She stepped around Luke, circling him like a shark while the others made room for her. "I've been dying to feel a worthy tongue against my body for so long. You go down on me, and I'll go down on you. First one to cum, loses."

Luke took a second to process her proposal. "Wait, are you suggesting, we..."

"Sixty-nine, I believe is the phrase you're searching for, dear," she whispered in his ear, loud enough for all to understand. "Don't worry, I promise I'm quite good at this. My fangs won't cause any..." She paused. "Mishaps. Unless, of course, you cum before I do."

"What do you mean?" Luke stuttered, suddenly nervous.

More giggles. "It's quite simple, darling. If you can bring me to orgasm first, I'll gift you a fang and send you all on your merry way." Another wide grin. "But if you cum first, well, let's just say I'm going to keep sucking, and I won't stop until you're drained of everything I desire."

"You mean..."

"Your blood, yes."

The image formed quickly in Luke's head, the unspoken words filling his imagination with nightmares. "What if I were to refuse that deal?"

She responded with a raised hand, her fingers poised to issue another snap. All around them, snarls filled the room, the minions ready to leap forward at her command and tear their prey apart for the feast to follow.

"Luke, this is insane. There must be another way," Savannah pleaded.

Luke, however, shook his head. "If I can bring you to orgasm first, you promise to let us go with the fang?"

"Cross my heart," the vampire replied, somewhat ironically.

"Luke--" Edward began, but Luke raised his hand to silence him.

"It's okay," Luke said. Turning back to the vampire, he continued. "I don't even know your name."

"Perhaps I'll give it to you, if you earn that right."

Luke sighed, but held his head steady. "Fine, let's do this."

She waved her hand behind her back, an unspoken order given to her minions. Two of them retrieved the silky bench from the organ and brought it down to the bottom of the stairs. Urging Luke to follow with her finger, she lured her reluctant prey to the seat and motioned for him to lay on its surface. The bench was just long enough to accommodate his back, knees bent at the edge.

Before climbing on top, those crimson eyes beckoned to the remaining humans. "I love an audience, so don't go far." As if it were even an option. The colony of servants blocked their escape from every angle, forcing them to endure the scene before them.

"Ready when you are," said Luke, holding his head in both hands.

A leg swung over his shoulder, the velvet of her dress engulfing him briefly before her own fingers pulled the skirt to her hips. She wasn't wearing panties. Luke then felt her slender fingers on the zipper of his mangled trousers, easing it down before pulling his cock free of his pants. He had somewhat of a head start, the thought of having all his blood drained through his manhood keeping him from growing hard even at her touch. The sight of her pussy hovering just inches from his lips did little to help with that.

Without warning, something long and wet slid eagerly along his shaft. Luke's head start was short lived, his cock growing rigid almost instantly as her impossibly long tongue wrapped around his entire girth.

"Fucking hell," whispered Alice. Beside her, Savannah averted her eyes, praying silently that Luke was much more capable than any of the men she'd played with on this floor back in their own world.

Caught off guard, Luke wasted valuable time before finally tasting the vampire's offering. He held his head steady in both hands, focusing his attention on her clit and listening for the moans. She hummed softly at his touch, clearly enjoying the sensation, but her mouth was too full to moan properly. True to her word, she kept her fangs at a safe distance as she wrapped her lips around his shaft, effortlessly swallowing his impressive length.

Luke groaned as the tip of his cock entered her throat, the pleasure impossible to ignore. He was suddenly less confident in his ability to please her before exploding in her mouth. He continued to lick, teasing her clit and listening for sounds of pleasure. The moans still came, but they weren't nearly loud enough to give him hope.

She released him from her clutches long enough to take in a deep breath. Her giggle met his ears as he flicked at her clit rapidly between her thighs. "You'll have to do better than that if you don't want to end up like those poor bastards out there."

Terror filled Luke's mind, his tongue coming to a halt as he carefully formed his words. "Those servants out there, the bats..."

"Surely you must have realized by now?" Her giggle faded away as she took him back into her mouth, tongue wrapping eagerly around him as her head bobbed up and down his length. The pleasure was unbearable, but Luke now had something else to occupy his thoughts. Dying was one thing, but to end up like one of those creatures would be an eternal nightmare.

He dove back in, tasting her folds with renewed vigor. Her moans were louder this time, and now that his mind was divided between the pleasure of her mouth and the nightmare of his possible future, Luke felt his orgasm fading into the distance.

"Come on Luke! You've got this!" Shouts of encouragement reminded him of what's at stake. Realizing his rapid flicks on her clit were failing to do the trick, he slowed down, licking in slow, lingering strokes. The sucking between his legs came to a brief halt as her lips parted to release a moan.

"That's it! Keep it up Luke!" Alice was playing cheerleader from a distance, but the vampire's reaction made it clear he was doing something right.

Luke tested his luck, leaving her clit to tease further along those silky petals, licking at her opening and penetrating her with his tongue. Though not as long as hers, it certainly made an impression. Her moans were growing louder, the pauses in her strokes longer with each flick of his tongue.

The motion of her hand caught Luke's eye. He glanced up to see the fabric of her dress slipping gently away from her chest, her fingers pulling the garment down just enough to free her breasts. They hung like perfect orbs in the candlelight as she teased her nipple between ghostly fingers.

Realizing he had another advantage to make use of, Luke lifted his head from his shoulders. If the vampire were expecting anything from her prey in that moment, it certainly wasn't the pleasant warmth of his lips closing around her nipple, his tongue repeating the same motions as it had below. Not to leave her womanhood unattended, he slid one of his thick fingers into her depths, her body trembling around him as she accepted knuckle after knuckle. Juices dripped from her body at his touch, but his lips were still teasing the soft flesh of her nipple as she struggled to continue her work between his legs.

"Mmmm, no fair," she moaned, but made no move to correct his behavior. Then, as if realizing how close she was to losing, her lips took hold of him once more and began to work him with renewed vigor.

Luke added a second finger to the mix, sliding easily into her body after rubbing himself in her juices. She tried to ignore him, but the sudden arch of her back was clear as day to anyone watching.

Feeling slightly more confident, Luke tried one last trick. He released her nipple, the groan of her disappointment very brief as he positioned his lips once more. Holding tight to his scalp with hair wrapped between his fingers, Luke turned his lips in a direction that would be impossible for any normal human. His tongue found her clit once again, lapping slowly for several seconds before moving to her folds once more, attacking from as many angles as possible.

Something swelled in his shaft, causing him to panic. Luke felt his balls tighten to his body as the tip of his cock found its home in that tight little throat once more, her tongue servicing him from every direction. Luke knew his time was short, and it was now or never. His fingers resumed their work, wiggling gently against her g-spot while his head ventured once more to that waiting nipple. Her moans were loud, but not loud enough.

A distant memory flickered into his mind, an ex who was particularly easy to turn on. When kisses and soft touches failed to make her panties wet, a tiny nibble on her neckline would always succeed. With cum quickly filling Luke's shaft, it was his last Hail Mary.

Pushing his arms to their limit, he stretched as far as he could to bring his lips level with her throat. Her head continued to bob up and down, the several inches of his cock disappearing over and over with practiced skill between her lips. He eyed his target, fingers still wiggling inside her pussy as he went for the kill.

The bobbing stopped.

For a brief moment Luke was terrified. The powerful throbbing of his cock was impossible to ignore, his balls quickly emptying their contents between her ruby lips. As he filled her greedy little mouth with cum, Luke shut his eyes tight, waiting for the bite that was sure to follow.

Nothing happened. When he opened his eyes again, he realized his teeth were still holding gently to the milky flesh of her throat. He'd only given a few short nibbles, traveling slowly from the base of her jaw to the curve of her collarbone. Not too hard, but more than enough to do the job.

Luke wiggled his fingers inside her once more, feeling the juices seep around those thick digits. She was dripping wet, more than she had before. Then he noticed the trembling in her legs, the way her knees struggled to keep her body in place above him. Her lips were no longer around his shaft, and he moved his head higher to see her expression. Thick, pearly cum dripped from her lips as they hung open in a silent moan, unable to form the proper sounds to express the pure ecstasy rushing through her body. Her orgasm was not brief, leaving her vulnerable and frozen for almost a full minute as the muscles in her pelvis continued to force waves of pleasure through her nervous system.

Luke groaned as the last rope of cum left his shaft, painting her lips with white as her shivers began to subside. He laid there, frozen in a mix of pleasure and fear, the others watching anxiously as the two lovers slowly recovered from their bliss. The vampire queen was the first to collapse, the orgasm finally receding enough to allow her the freedom to move. Luke flinched as her teeth grazed gently along his shaft, but no bite followed. Released from her grasp, Luke slowly breathed a sigh of relief, waiting patiently as she climbed to her unsteady feet and allowed him to untangle his body from her own. They stood there, eyes locked on one another, bodies covered in the evidence of mutual pleasure.

Suddenly, without warning, her grin returned, followed by more giggling. Unsure what this might mean, Luke waited for her to finish with her amusement. Crimson eyes settled on him once more, the smile never wavering.

Her finger teased along her lips, slowly drawing that pearly warmth into their grasp, tasting his pleasure once more. At the same time, her other hand traveled slowly between her legs, lifting her dress enough to tease at something slippery dripping down her thigh.

"My goodness," she whispered. "I do believe we might call that a tie."

Luke nodded slowly. "Does that mean I get to keep my blood where it belongs?"