The Ya Ya Dildohood


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"Ok, what I'm going to share with you today is something I've been thinking about all week."

Just her lead-in seemed to put an almost hushed reverence over everyone, except for Maggie of course, who I could see was still slowly and tenderly lapping and licking at Joanne's wide open pussy.

"I know that most of you, especially my sister-in-law, still consider me quite the prude, even though I have been coming here for a couple of month's now. It's been very difficult for me to allow, well my sexual desires to be freely expressed. It's not as easy for me as it's seemingly been for all of you."

There was total silence of course while Joanne continued speaking, but I did notice a few of the women begin to subtly start touching themselves, nothing too extravagant, though just seeing Maggie actually going down on this woman had been more than enough to cause my erection to harden considerably. I did notice that Gladys had glanced over in my direction once or twice however, and seemed to be enjoying both shows considerably.

"I wasn't sure initially how I really would react to seeing another man, especially as I haven't had intercourse with my husband in well over a year. But once we'd all agreed on allowing Richard to join us, I found myself becoming more and more intrigued, and yes...aroused by the idea. You all know me, you know that I get embarrassed very easily..." Joanne actually had to catch her breath momentarily, the sensations of what she was feeling while Maggie continued to lightly caress her clit with her tongue were having some obvious affects, especially as she was having trouble concentrating and being able to continue.

"Would you like me to stop for a moment?" Maggie asked her.

"Fuck no!" Joanne nearly yelled, and that caused considerable laughter around the room, especially coming from Joanne having used as she called it, 'The F word'!

Maggie went back to tickling her, but slowed the tongue licking to a more prudent pace, allowing Joanne to remember where it was she had left off before finally continuing.

"Anyway.... as I said, I get embarrassed, even when I'm aroused. I feel guilty, ashamed as well as embarrassed that I should be feeling that way. As some of you probably already know...I was sitting in the bathroom playing with myself, trying to work up enough courage to finally come out here. I've been thinking about Richard's cock all week long, and I haven't even seen it! But it was just about all I could do...think about it, and think about all the naughty things I wanted to do to it, and have done to me!"

I for one was red-faced with a bit of embarrassment myself. Sitting here listening to Joanne discussing my cock, especially as she, along with everyone else could easily see it now, was just a bit strange, but strangely erotic and exciting too.

"So why don't you tell us exactly what you fantasized about Joanne?" Shirley stated, trying to encourage her. And then, she began to do so. We all sat there listening to her describe in very detailed description the feelings and emotions she experienced and enjoyed with me in her fantasies.

By the time she was done sharing, nearly everyone in the room had begun touching themselves, or in April and Janice's case, one another. Gladys had at one point looked over towards me and then leaned over to whisper.

"It's been so long since I've even seen a man's cock, would you mind?" She had reached over into my lap and I shifted slightly allowing her easy access to me. The soft touch of her hand was exciting as hell, and within moments I was as hard and stiff as I had ever been. Sitting there listening and watching Maggie and Joanne had been exciting enough, but now having Gladys softly and slowly playing with me was an unexpected pleasure.

Maggie had briefly disappeared from the room, and Joanne had taken a seat on the other side of April on the couch. When Maggie returned, she was carrying a silver tray that held a multitude of various toys and vibrators. Like a hostess serving cakes, she proceeded around the room offering the delicacy's and I watched as one by one, everyone looked at the toys before finally selecting one. All but Joanne who shook her head "no", and then looked up towards me.

"I'd like to try that one!" she said pointing directly at my stiff member.


Maggie made her way over to me and reminded me that if I wasn't interested, all I had to say was "No thank you." Under the circumstances however, I was more than happy to accommodate her wishes, and stood up, fully revealing myself now for the first time.


Maggie set the tray down on the table and then led me over to the pile of cushions in the middle of the floor. Once I had been seated, she reached over taking Joanne's hand and helped her up off the couch, and then guided Joanne over to where I was laying.


"Oh do shut up Janice!" Joanne snapped. "I know you've been secretly pining to do this yourself, so either shut up and enjoy watching this, or not.... maybe YOU should run off into the bathroom!"

Janice turned to look expectantly at Maggie for some sort of ruling here or something. "Well can I sit on his face at least?"

"Don't ask me, ask Richard," Maggie responded. Janice immediately glanced over towards me, and I laughed openly.

"Sure...why the hell not?" I said.

Joanne was just starting to slide down onto my cock, but still managed to throw Janice a dirty look. The feel of my prick actually sliding up inside her extremely wet pussy caused the expression on her face to change however, and suddenly she didn't seem to care all that much about her sister-in-law anymore.

Janice all but tore her nightgown off when she stood, and seconds later I felt and saw the eclipse of her pussy as it shadowed my face before finally descending down upon me. Though I couldn't see her when she did it, Joanne somehow managed to rotate herself around on my prick so that she was facing away, rather than facing towards Joanne as she positioned her pussy down over my face. It was an interesting sensation, and caused several chuckles from the other women who were obviously watching all this. I had nearly forgotten about our little audience, when the realization of that hit me and I had a slight loss of stiffness as penis-shyness hit. The feel of Joanne's cunt sliding down my cock, fairly quickly brought blood soaring back into my prick, which immediately swelled back to full size.

I captured Janice's small tiny clit between my lips and began to alternate between gently sucking and chewing it, as well as flicking it with my tongue. I looked up and saw that Janice was milking her breasts, literally. As she caressed them and squeezed each one, small little droplets of milk appeared to bubble to the surface. Janice used her own fluids to further massage and stimulate her breasts and nipples with much to my delight.

As I was already in this position with my eyes open anyway, I glanced upwards and back and was immediately treated to the spectacle of seeing several of the others also enjoying themselves. Maggie had retaken a seat on the couch next to April when Janice had gotten up to join Joanne and I. I could easily see her from this position, though she appeared upside down to me at the moment.

Maggie was sitting with both arms stretched across the back of the couch, comfortably. She had lifted both legs, which she'd placed flat on the seat, with a widely spread pose that gave easy access to her pussy. April was slowly sliding a shiny silver colored vibrator in and out of Maggie's cunt with one hand, and fingering her own liquefied quim with the other. Positioned as I was, I couldn't see either Shirley or Gladys, but I was fairly certain I could hear both of them. Shirley was panting in a familiar sort of way that she began doing whenever she was close to achieving orgasm. Gladys on the other hand was softly uttering vulgarities to herself. And that DID surprise me.

The last thing I expected to hear from this poised, elegantly mannered woman was an ongoing string of obscenities, no matter how soft spoken they were.

"Oh fuck...make it feel, make it feel, make it feel.... good baby, yes...that's it! Fuck that pussy, eat that pussy.... fuck it, fuck it, fuck it!" She kept repeating in that same almost whispered voice over and over again. Obviously she was doing so in tempo with whatever toy it had been that she'd eventually selected and chosen to pleasure herself with.

All of this was happening almost simultaneously of course. I continued to suck and lick Janice's clitty, which appeared now to be driving her nearly insane with pleasure. She'd begun grinding her cunt against my face so hard that I felt almost on the verge of suffocation. Joanne meanwhile was thrashing about wildly, so much so that twice my prick had slipped out of her cunt, and she had continued humping and pumping against me anyway, not even bothering to try and reach down to slide my prick back inside her, but amazingly, both times it managed to find its way back all by itself, and Joanne simply rode on as though nothing of any importance had even occurred. She was so far gone, that I am sure she wasn't just fucking me with her cunt, but with her mind too. So much so that it wouldn't have mattered if my cock had been inside her or not.

Obviously I had felt my own climax beginning to build and knew that I wouldn't be able to physically withstand much more of this myself. Needless to say, it was a hell of a time to suddenly remember the condom's I had brought along with me, and which were still inside the pocket of my bathrobe. I wondered briefly if I should say anything. Again, in the throes of ecstasy, sometimes you find yourself thinking about the silliest things. Had there been some concern with regards to Joanne becoming pregnant, I had the feeling that someone; Maggie at the very least would have said something. Even so, I had lurched inadvertently when I felt the first telltale signs that I was getting a lot closer than I was prepared for.

I guess that simple movement had somehow triggered Joanne's orgasm. I had thrust upwards, hard and somewhat unexpectedly. And the next thing I knew, Joanne was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Oh yes! Cum in me!" she screamed wildly, thrashing and grinding against me so hard that once again my prick disengaged itself from her pussy.

The next thing I knew was that my face was suddenly a lot wetter than it had been. "Oh my God!" I heard Janice suddenly saying in one long drawn out word that was both climax as well as surprise at the intensity of her orgasm.

My first hard felt ejaculation erupted from my prick soaring off and upwards into the air. I worried at first, that the enjoyment and sensation would be diminished with nothing to continue to stimulate and enhance the pleasure, but the next thing I knew, someone's mouth, though I still couldn't see whose, had wrapped itself around my prick and was sweetly drawing the rest of my climax wonderfully and deliciously so from my rapidly spurting cock.

Janice had finally finished cumming, simply sliding off of my face to crumple somewhere on the floor next to me. Gladys was still sitting in her chair, a plump pink vibrator buried to the hilt inside her and purring away softly. I saw that her eyes were closed and that she had seemingly collapsed back into her chair. That immediately told me who it had been that had saved my orgasm from being a less than perfect one. Glancing up I saw Shirley on the floor peering around Joanne's ass at me. She was smiling and a thin stream of my cream dribbled down from the corner of her mouth as she did.

It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

I hadn't seen or heard everyone of course, but it appeared as though everyone had climaxed in one way or another. At least April had, I knew that by the contented look on her face as she sat demurely back on her side of the couch, face all flushed with satisfaction, and smiling openly.

"I wanted to fuck him too!" she did comment then, making it known to everyone that even though she'd climaxed, she was still slightly disappointed.

"There's always next week April," I heard Maggie saying. "We'll see to it that everyone is treated fairly here, including Richard."

By Maggie's tone, I had gotten the distinct impression that today's little pleasures were over with. Gradually everyone seemed to compose themselves, and began helping Maggie to clean and straighten up everything. As everyone dressed and commented on how exciting everything had been I was treated to a string of compliments and remarks as to how happy and thrilled everyone was that I would now be apart of their Saturday morning festivities. And to be honest, so was I!

Reluctantly it seemed, everyone eventually departed until only myself, Maggie and Gladys remained.

"Gladys is spending the evening with me," she announced. "We've got plans for this afternoon, but after we get back, if you'd like to come over and have dinner with us, I think we'd both like that."

Grateful for the time to recoup and gather my thoughts about everything I had seen, felt and heard, I headed for home with the assurance they would call me when they returned later on that evening. As I crossed the yard heading back to my home, the one thing I felt and realized was how much I had missed really doing anything with Maggie. As fun and exciting as everything had been, I still felt a sensation of unfulfilled desire lingering within my thoughts as I opened the door and headed inside the house.

Chapter Four

I spent the remainder of the day doing odd jobs around the house, more to simply pass the time than anything else. I figured by keeping busy, the time would fly, and it did. By six I had showered, shaved, and actually managed to do a little laundry so that I would have more than just a pair of jeans and a white tee shirt to wear over to Maggie's later.

At seven thirty I was getting antsy, and the time was now dragging. I knew that she said they'd be home later, and I could have sworn Maggie had said something about dinner, but at this point, I was starting to wonder if I had heard wrong, or that maybe something else had come up. When the phone rang at eight, I figured it was Maggie calling to beg off from getting together, and had steeled myself for that when I finally answered the phone.


"Hi Richard...Maggie. We're on our way. Plan on pizza and beer for dinner, we should be there in about twenty. If you'd like, you can let yourself in and wait for us, either way we should be there in a few kiddo."

"Ok sounds great."

"Plan on a long night ok?"

I was smiling from ear to ear.

"Gladys and I want to talk to you about something. We decided we should. So we thought pizza might be the best way to go so we can sit and chat for a while without worrying about fixing a big dinner."

Suddenly I wasn't smiling nearly as much as I was a moment ago. In fact, I wasn't all that hungry anymore either. I suddenly had visions of something gone horribly wrong, especially as I could hear Maggie using her "I'm serious about this" tone over the phone.

"I'll be waiting," Was all I said, and then typically of Maggie, the next thing I heard was the dial tone.

As she said they would, I saw the headlights of the car as it pulled into the driveway. Not wanting to appear too anxious, or worse, as apprehensive as I now was, I waited until I had seen them disappear inside the house. Even then I counted down two full minutes before heading out my back door and across the lawn towards Maggie's. I took small satisfaction when I heard the phone ringing, and assumed it was Maggie calling me to let me know they were home. At least she wouldn't think I'd been doing nothing more than standing at the window waiting for them to arrive.

I'd managed to change clothes...twice, while waiting for them. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but for some reason I also didn't want to come off trying to look sexy or handsome. I ended up wearing an old football jersey and a pair of cut-off Levis. Now, standing at her back door I knocked, the aroma of the fresh hot pizza greeting me as I did.

"Come in Richard," Maggie called out. "There's cold beer in the fridge, and help yourself to the pizza."

I opened the screen door and walked in. Maggie and Gladys were already sitting down at her small kitchen table drinking beers and eating pizza. Obviously they had decided not to wait on me either. I walked to the fridge, opened it and grabbed a bottle of beer before snagging a couple of slices of pizza and joining them at the table.

"Did you just call me?" I asked nonchalantly.

"No. Why?" Maggie asked.

That caught me off guard as I realized it must have been someone else, though I also thought it was probably a wrong number then as no one except for Maggie ever called me.

"Oh, nothing. I thought I heard my phone ring on my way over here," I replied. Taking a slice of pizza along with a cold beer, I made my way over to her small kitchen table and sat down.

"So, how'd the rest of your day go?" Maggie asked politely.

"Ok I guess," For some reason I felt a sense of foreboding and decided to keep my answers non-committal until I found out what the hell was really going on here.

"You ok?" Maggie asked. "You seem a little distant."

"I'm fine, really. Just sort of wondering what's up?" There...I'd opened the door and hopefully Maggie, or Gladys would step through it.

"Oh...I see," Maggie said finally with a slight smile. "You're worried that maybe I've changed my mind about this morning." Maggie was still smiling, but with a softer understanding smile as she stood up coming over to stand next to me. Hugging me to her briefly, mashing my head against her chest where I felt the softness of her bare breasts through the material of her blouse as I sat, I once again feared that whatever it was they had to tell me, I wasn't going to like it.

"Trust me Richard, it's nothing like that. But Gladys and I felt that we should explain something to you. About Gladys, that's why we decided to talk to you later on today, now. Without any of the 'others' present."

Though I felt slightly relieved, I had merely gone from feeling one emotional concern, to a brand new one. "Ok," I said hesitantly.

"I've told you a little bit about my friend Gladys. But there's a lot you don't know. And she felt like maybe she should tell you before things get any more complicated than they already are."

I switched from looking at Maggie to glancing over towards Gladys. She finished her beer, standing up and heading towards the refrigerator to get another.

"I know Maggie told you that I lost my husband," Gladys began.

I nodded my head 'yes' that she had, but remained silent otherwise allowing her to continue.

"But what you don't know, is the fact that I'm also a lesbian."

I'm sure the look on my face was total and complete surprise. For several reasons obviously. " were married, not that that means anything I guess," I stammered out, confusion clearly etched in my voice. "And this morning, when you...."

"When I reached over and played with you," she finished for me.

Again, I nodded my head 'yes' recalling that, but it merely added to my total lack of understanding as to where all this was headed.

"Let me try and explain it to you." Gladys had opened her second bottle of beer and came back to sit down at the table across from me. I watched as Maggie stood up, grabbed a second bottle for herself, but unlike Gladys had done, she then left the room, disappearing down the hall towards her bedroom, leaving the two of us alone.

"First off, just so you know, Maggie and I aren't lovers. We're best friends, yes, and once in a while, we spend some 'special' time together. You know how this little group of ours got started already, so I won't go into that. But Maggie's a very warm and considerate person, you've certainly learned that much about her already."
