They Walk Among Us Ch. 04

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The Seals first operation ends in a bloody battle.
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Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 04/12/2012
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Thanks to everyone who read Chapter 3. Please remember this is fiction, all names are fake and no offense to any Seal, past or present is intended. Thanks Dawn, you did a great job. Please enjoy Chapter 4.

0700 hrs, CJSOTF Conference room.

Kevin Dvorska and Bravo squad's point man, Frank Griffin, were two of the fifteen Seals that were at the Navigation briefing for the Bosnia Herzegovina Operation area. The N5 Planning and Targeting Officer was going over the current Intelligence of the area including known mine fields the Serbian forces have constructed.

Most of the fighting was taking place in an area around Sarajevo but reports have been made that ethnic cleansing operations and mass rapes were underway well north of the city in Slovakia and rumored to be spreading into Slovenia. Once the Officer was complete with his briefing he issued every Seal current topographical maps of the entire area to study further.

Kevin looked up at the large display on the wall and thought of his Grandfather. He knew he had lived on the eastern side of Slovakia and wondered how in the hell did he get his family to the states through all that countryside, the SS Troops, and the German Army. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Lieutenant Dawson's voice.

"Kevin, if you're done memorizing the map, we're due in the Intel brief in five minutes," he said.

"Sorry L-Tee, I'm right behind you," Kevin said and then moved quickly to join his team leader.

"I heard you hooked up with a girl last night," Adam Dawson said.

"Yeah L-Tee, we were at a little club last night and she waited on us all night. Ended up at her place on base, but I was in before curfew," he told him.

"That's fine, I'm not concerned with you meeting strange women and banging them senseless. I am concerned however about security. I don't need to remind you that you're not in the regular Navy anymore," Adam said sternly.

"Not to worry Sir. I wouldn't tell my pet frog what I'm doing," Kevin said trying to calm his team leaders concerns.

"That's very good Petty Officer Dvorska, because I would really hate to put a .50 caliber round through your pet frog's head."

Once they reached the briefing room they entered and took a seat next to the other members of Alpha squad. The N2 intelligence Officer turned the lights down and started the slide show presentation.

"Good morning gentlemen. This mornings briefing will be on Command structure and coordinated troop movements within the northern Serb territory. Most of you team leaders heard some of this yesterday but now that your fire squads are with you, you can better train together for the up coming missions," he said to the Platoon gathered there.

"First up on the hit list is Slobodan Milosevic. He leads the Serbian Government and is the head of the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS). We believe he personally gave the order for the attack on a U.N. convoy January 8th of this year that was transporting Deputy Prime Minister Hakija Turajlic to the airport. We have very little proof so any Intel you discover during your missions must be turned in to N2 as soon as possible."

"The VRS gets most of it's intelligence from this man, Radovan Valenta. He is said to have a spy network in Slovenia that supplies him with Croatian troop movements in the northern and concentrated areas of Catholic Croats. The CIA does have a number of deep cover operatives in the area and are trying to get us something to go on. If we can disrupt Valenta's Intel network we believe the tide will change in the Croatian's favor and maybe bring them all to the negotiation table."

The slide moved on to show a balding man of around fifty and heavy set. Kevin thought at first he was looking at a picture of Alfred Hitchcock but was soon proved wrong.

"Franjo Izetbegovic is in charge of Operations. He plans most of the major offensives and we also believe the same assault that took out Minister Turajlic. We want this guy bad and he is one of two individuals that we have specific orders to shoot on site. If you tag this guy we need concrete proof that he has been taken out," the Intel Officer said.

"Now for the grand prize," he said and put up the next picture.

The Seals were looking at a picture that showed a man in his mid thirties with sandy blond hair in a black suit. He was tall and it seemed his entire face was square. Adam didn't know where the picture was taken but what ever he was doing at the time, he wasn't happy about it. Also the suit that he was wearing did nothing to hide his muscular body.

"This is the other kill on site target, Viljem Kordic. He is the head of the Serbian Secret Police and to put it bluntly, a ruthless fucking bastard. He is personally responsible for the deaths of over twenty thousand Croat civilians. His youngest victim was a ten month old baby shot in her crib and the oldest was 81, he shows no mercy to anyone."

"It seems that the idea of ethnic cleansing runs in his family. His Grandfather was Wolfgang Gruber, a Major in the Nazi SS. He was an Intel officer and ran most of the Jewish cleansing ops in Germany and then in South Eastern Europe. Trust me when I say that Kordic makes his Grandfather look like Mr. Rogers. That ends this briefing on the chain of command. Are there any questions?" he asked.

When no one answered, Troop Commander, Lieutenant Commander Neal Hawkins got up and stood in front of the gathered Seals.

"I only have a few things to add to the briefing. Team leaders, make sure your guys get issued there pagers and leave the contact numbers with the Duty Officer before you secure. Also, I'm putting up a twenty five year old bottle of scotch to what ever fire team brings me Kordic's fucking testacles so I can mount them on my fire place mantle," Hawkins told them.

Everyone started laughing and bets were being placed on what squad was going to get drunk the night after. When people started leaving Adam Dawson pulled his team to the side to allow everyone else to exit the room.

"Bob, see to it that everyone gets their pagers and take care of the Duty Officer, then get me a list so I can find everyone," he said to his Chief.

"I'm going to put together a training schedule of the team tonight and we'll start first thing in the morning. Remember we came here to kill bad guys so I don't want you clowns going soft on me while we're here. Now get the fuck out of my face and get it done," Adam told his team.

The rest of the morning was spent with getting their equipment checked and rechecked. Then all the sharpshooters were due at the range at 1400 hours to zero in their weapons. Carl, Kevin and Doc were in the Paraloft shop getting the teams parachutes inspected. Given the type of terrain they were dealing with, most of the insertions were going to be by helicopter or a HALO.

The High Altitude – Low Opening insertion was a Seals favorite. The simple fact that the Navy flew a C-130 aircraft at 30,000 feet was not significant. The idea of jumping out at six miles above the earth and flying your body down to an altitude of a few thousands feet was, in their eyes – fun.

"So Kev you ever going to spill the beans about that muffin you went home with last night?" Carl Werner asked.

"We didn't do much. We got back to her house and drank a few beers then I got back here. We had that briefing this morning, remember," Kevin lied.

"You're so full of shit Kev."

"Come on Carl, give the kid a break. You don't really think he's gonna tell us that they got back to her house and she ended up raping the young stud do you? I mean hell, she probably took her clothes off and he shot his wad too early so she kicked him out. So just drop it so he doesn't get embarrassed again," Doc joked.

"I can safely tell you this Doc. If you go over and she ends up fucking you, I doubt it, but let's just pretend, you better bring along your med kit – you're going to need it," Kevin shot back.

Once they finished checking the teams gear, the three of them headed off to the enlisted club on base for a few cold ones and to meet up with the rest of Alpha squad. When they got inside, they immediately saw Bob Holiday and Daniel Vasquez over at the bar playing some dice game.

"Hey Bob, what are you guys up to? You're not trying to teach V-man here how to count are you?" Kevin asked.

"Don't you have someplace else to be Kev? Like out playing in the traffic," Dan said.

"What's the matter V, I'm not allowed to have fun and drink with you guys?" Kevin asked the team's sharpshooter playfully.

"Actually rookie I'm teaching this young lad how to throw dice," Bob said as he slammed the dice cup down.

"Yeah and I'm loosing most of my jump pay. Sorry Bob that's it for me," V-man said as Bob ordered another round of beers with V-man's money.

They all picked up their drinks and moved over to a table farther back in the club. It wasn't that busy yet and probably wouldn't be until later tonight when everyone wanted to party or find a date for the night. They sat there and chatted about work, the base, and the possibility of maybe doing some sightseeing while they were deployed for six months.

Bob was talking about some of the places he visited while in Italy when Kevin suddenly turned around. There in the doorway was Martina. She scanned the area quickly and then took a seat at the bar.

"Excuse me a moment guys, I suddenly got hungry," Kevin said as he stood up.

He approached Martina from the back and tapped her shoulder.

"Can I buy you a drink and take you home?" he asked.

"Well what a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here," Martina said as she flashed him a bright smile.

"My team stopped in for a few beers. Would you like to join us?" Kevin asked and extended his arm for her.

"Oh my favorite fantasy, being surround by Navy Seals who want to do strange and wonderful things to my body," she said in a sultry voice.

As they approached the table, Carl saw who was with Kevin and groaned.

"Oh look, Kev's gonna rub it in our faces some more," he said sarcastically.

"I'll take that in my face any day of the week," Bob Holiday told his team.

"Martina you remember these guys from last night," Kevin told her.

"Yes I do, but I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting this fine specimen of a man," she said as she swayed over to Bob and extended her hand.

Bob took Martina's hand in his and kissed it softly, never breaking eye contact with the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Bob Holiday at your disposal Miss."

"Mmmmm and a real gentleman to go along with those huge arms, I've died and gone to Heaven," she whispered.

She pulled up a seat so she could sit next to Kevin, and then shifted her weight so she was leaning up against him. Carl and Doc tried to get the details of the previous night out of her but she just laughed and sipped on her drink. When she couldn't stand the suspense any longer she leaned across the table and gave them a clear view of her cleavage.

"Now boys, you know it's not polite to ask a woman to kiss and tell, but since you're friends of Kevin's, I'll make an exception. It hurt soooo good," she said and then licked her lips to accent the point.

When she sat back, Kevin put his arm around her. He was smiling at his teammates with a Cheshire cat grin. Bob Holiday was shaking his head at the persistence of Carl and Doc and the fact that they just got bitch slapped by one of the locals. He was just about to order another round when his pager went off.

"What is it Chief? Are we on already?" Carl Werner asked.

"No, it's the duty office," he said and stood up to leave.

"Well Martina it was nice to meet you. I would love to stick around and watch you harass my guys some more but unfortunately, duty calls," he said to her and extended his hand.

When she took his hand to shake it, he turned it and kissed it quickly then stood back up.

"When you're done robbing the cradle, give me a call. I'll show you how it's supposed to be done," Bob said then turned to head back to the duty office.

"So is that what I get to expect around you? Your little toy beeps and you run out the door?" Martina asked Kevin with a pout.

"Sorry Martina, that's the nature of our job when we're on deployment," Kevin replied.

"And how long are you boys – I mean men – going to be deployed? It doesn't have anything to do with that nasty mess over in Bosnia does it?" she asked the group.

"We only have to go out for six months at a time and no, it doesn't have anything to do with Bosnia," Carl said quickly, cutting everyone else off.

"Yeah Martina, this is just a normal training deployment. We come over to Italy for a while, drink their beer, meet the women and then go home," V-man added with a smile.

"Well if you – men – will excuse me, I have to go powder my nose. Kevin would you please order me another glass of wine please," she said as she stood up to head for the ladies room.

"Don't be gone too long or I might have to come in there and rescue you," Kevin said jokingly.

"You come in there and it's you that's going to need rescuing handsome," Martina shot back and then kissed his cheek.

Martina walked away and all four Seals kept there eyes glued to her jean covered ass. Kevin was starting to remember the previous night and silently chided his stupidity for not taking her skirt off last night. If given another chance he was going to resolve that issue.

Once Martina reached the lobby of the ladies room, she looked around to see if she was followed and then picked up the house phone. Once the number was dialed she put her back up against the wall and watched the entrance.

"Hello," her husband said.

"It's me. My contact said something is happening up north but I don't know where," Martina said quickly.

"Is that all?" he asked.

"No. One of them got paged and had to leave so it might be his team but I won't know for sure until it happens. I have to go before I'm missed," she said hurriedly.

"Call when you know more," he said and hung up the phone.

Martina went into the ladies room and checked herself. Once she was satisfied she returned to the table and sipped at her wine.

"I was starting to get worried and was about to see if you were alright," Kevin said.

"Oh I'm sorry dear. I had a wonderful idea so I called in sick for work. I was wondering if I might take you out to dinner in town. I know this quiet little place that makes the best tortellini," Martina said.

"Sounds great but I need a buddy if we go out in town. V-man, you wanna head out with us?" Kevin said.

"Oh I mean if you don't mind Martina," he said to her.

"Not at all. Two handsome Seals escorting me to dinner is going to be very stimulating," she replied, and then reached over and squeezed Kevin's cock.

Kevin raised his eyebrows at her boldness and then darted his eyes around his teammates to see if they noticed anything. He waited for them to all stand before he did. He didn't want them see the obvious bulge in his pants. Martina latched on to Kevin's arm as they followed close behind the others. Once outside Carl and Doc headed for the Seal compound as Martina, Kevin, and Dan Vasquez went over to where Martina's car was parked. Kevin started to wonder how long he could hold out with V-man with them before he pulled Martina's clothes off.

Serbian Command Center, Tuzla, Bosnia

Radovan Valenta was sitting at his desk talking on the phone when the head of the secret police, Viljem Kordic, entered and took a seat across from the Serbian Intelligence Officer. Radovan knew better than to keep Viljem waiting long. His thirst for blood and the thrill of torture was becoming wide spread news.

"Call when you know more," he said and then hung up the phone.

"Viljem it's always a pleasure to see you. I'm a little busy at the moment so what can I do for you?" Radovan asked.

"I'm just checking in to see if there are any new developments that I might need to be aware of. I think the more I know the better I can do my job and move the war effort along, don't you think?"

"I don't have any concrete Intel as of yet. Croat forces are massing to the west for what seems to be an offense strike but my sources haven't figured out where. It appears that the recent escalation has brought some attention from NATO but they still won't act, as usual. The American puppets flex their muscles and pass their resolutions but my contact in the U.N. said that the Security Council is afraid of direct intervention," Radovan told him.

"I see, and that was your contact in the U.N. you were just speaking with?" Viljem asked.

"Not that it's any of your business, but that was another contact letting me know about Catholic Croats trying to flee up into Slovenia. Most of them are women and children and shouldn't concern you," Radovan quickly said.

Viljem leaned forward placing his elbows on the Intel Officer's desk and shot a glare at the slightly muscular man.

"Let's get something straight between us Radovan. I am the head of the Secret Police. It's my job to know everything that is going on with everything – and everyone. As for the women and children they do concern me because women give birth to more babies and children grow up to be soldiers who might be our enemies. I'm trained to solve problems before they become problems. Do we understand each other," he said sternly.

"Fine, and now you're informed about the refugees. Now if you'll excuse me I need to pack a bag," Radovan said.

"Taking a little vacation are we?" Viljem asked.

"I have a meeting with one of my operatives in Slovenia. I should be gone for about three to four days," he told him.

"I hope you enjoy your stay. I expect a report when you return," he said and then left the Intel Officer to his duties.

Once the head of the Gestapo like police force was safely a few blocks away from the building he entered a small café and picked up the phone. The owner was going to say something to his customer but then quickly realized who it was. He turned around and walked away so as not to anger Viljem Kordic.

"Hello," a female voice said.

"This is Kordic, get me Tihomir on the phone," he told her.

"Yes Sir right away."

While he waited for his assistant, Tihomir Blaskic, to get to the phone he scanned the café for any threats and to stare at the owner. He took enjoyment out of making people nervous by just looking at them.

"This is Blaskic," Tihomir answered

"It's me. I need you to do me a favor. Our sneaky little Intelligence Officer is taking a trip north to Slovenia. Get a few men and keep tabs on him, something is happening and I want to know what he's up to," Viljem told him.

"Not a problem. What are your orders if it becomes necessary to retire him?"

"Only if it's crucial to the success of our mission, but notify me before you do any action," Viljem told him and then hung up the phone.

As he turned to leave he thought of all the ways that Radovan Valenta could seriously endanger his own operation. He had come too far to turn back now, and he would have his power – one way or another.


Martina, Kevin and Dan Vasquez sat in the spacious restaurant, and Kevin realized that Martina was correct when she said the food was good. He was trying to finish his large portion of Tortellini but found it difficult. V-man was having no trouble at all with his, and he wondered where his teammate was putting it all.

"Jesus V, where the hell are you putting all that? You got a hollow leg or something?" he asked him.

"Sorry Kev. This is damn good chow and I don't intend on letting it go to waste. Are you going to finish yours?" V-man asked.

Martina and Kevin laughed at him as Kevin pushed his plate over in front of him. He picked up his glass of wine and took a drink.

"So Dan, you haven't told me what your specialty is. Are you the leader of the group?" Martina asked him.