Tickled Pink Ch. 04


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Now they were above him. Bouncing. Jiggling. Puff-puff. Fluff-fluff.

He trembled and ducked his head, struggling to displace the sensations of pleasure that were slowly flowing through his weak, vulnerable, susceptible mind. But moving his head only made his world swim, like shaking a snowglobe full of pink pollen.

Harmony bounced up close and beamed down at him, batting her eyelashes. Oh, gods, she looked so sexy, so hot from this angle, whispered a voice in his head that surely wasn't his own.

She reached up and jiggled her tits right in his face. "Boys looove bouncy boobies, don't they?" she cooed. "Don't you? Puff-fluff! Fluff-puff! Teehee!"

"N-No," he gasped. His lungs swam with the sweet candied confectionary concoction that was now his only air supply.

He squirmed, trying to look away, but everywhere he looked now hung a different pair of breasts bouncing enticingly in his view, a different pretty girl cooing, "Puff-puff! Fluff-fluff! Watch the bouncy-bouncy boobies, dummy!"

They swayed and bounced and pressed in closer, leaning down and, to his surprise, helping him to rise back on his feet. For a stupid, hopeful moment, he thought they might be done toying with him.

And then he realized the real reason, and too late, he started squirming even more.

They were lifting him so they could hold him suspended between them, his face trapped and smothered between their... their...

"No," he whimpered, thrashing, "no, no, nnNN--MMMMFF!"

And he was caught.

Caught between four gorgeous pairs of the softest, fluffiest breasts he'd ever seen, ever smelled, ever felt. Captured naked between these four beautifully-dressed maids-in-waiting. Trapped in the most embarrassing possible situation he could imagine.

His cock throbbed.

"And now," purred Melody in his ear, making him shiver as his neck was lightly tickled by the fluffy fabric of their dresses, "is when it gets, like, suuuper fun. C'mon, girls, just like we practiced~"

The fleece sprites smirked. And Bryan's cheeks went bright red-hot as he felt them pressing in closer, closer, until they were squishing his whole body between them.

He moaned. Those beautiful, delicate babydoll gowns were rubbing torturously against his cock, his poor, trapped, tantalized cock. Trapped. Helpless. Theirs.

True panic filled him then. He flailed and cried and squirmed, but to no avail. He gasped and thrashed, but this only meant his cock rubbed more, and every gasp made his body go limper. He felt so weak, so utterly powerless. And all the while, the fluff-clad breasts bounced and squished around his face, so soft and warm, so sweetly fragrant, so... tickly...

"Aww, look at him! He's loooving this!" Melody teased, and he felt her hand cup his ass cheek and give a possessive squeeze, trembled as her fingertips traced ever-so-daintily just under the cheek and along his sensitive thigh. He gasped and giggled slightly. Fortunately, the smothering of their tits stifled the sound.

He could barely breathe in here, he realized, and thrashed and wriggled like a worm in a songbird's beak. But all he seemed to be accomplishing was tiring himself out, making himself have to breathe deeper, gasp for air as he squirmed. He knew he needed to stop struggling, stop weakening himself further, but... but that thought felt so easy, so seductive. He wouldn't. He couldn't. He mustn't. He redoubled his efforts to escape.

But the fleece sprite maids-in-waiting only laughed wickedly as he writhed hopelessly between them and moaned his breathless protests.

"Puff-puff!" Candice cooed down to Bryan. She squirmed happily against him, giving her breasts an indulgent squeeze to smoosh his face between them. He gasped and almost giggled--the fluffy part of her dress was so soft, so fluffy and scratchy and...

"Fluff-fluff!" sang Melody gleefully, grinding her soft, supple body against him, smirking as he couldn't help but pant and moan. "Aww, such a cutie! Look at him squirm!"

He was wheezing for precious air as they squeezed in tighter still, wrapping their arms around him, the four drop-dead gorgeous girly-girls holding him captive between their fluffy, fuzzy breasts, captive in their embrace, helpless to resist their charms.

It wasn't his fault, he told himself, cheeks burning. Any, um, any boy would be... right?

"Gosh, just look at him!" Harmony sang as his struggles began to ebb. The sweet candy perfume continued to seep into his lungs, sapping from him whatever little strength remained like a maple tree tapped for syrup once too many times, until he felt like his struggles were almost... almost not stronger than those of one of them. Weak enough for four of them to hold him. "I'm, like, not even sure if he's even struggling anymore!"

"N-No," he whined, his words half-smothered by the jiggling, bouncing boobies, so soft, so fluffy, "no, I'm--I'm--"

"Yeah," agreed Aria with a sultry, conspiratorial wink down to him, "like, he totes isn't. If he was, he'd have totally been able to get away from just four cute girls!"

"I'm--I am trying," he protested meekly. He was still trying, he told himself. He was. These squirms definitely weren't shameless grinding against their legs.

Gods, he was still totally naked, and their fluffy babydolls gave so little real tangible pleasure to his cock. They were also unbearably ticklish.

"Really?" asked Harmony innocently, her gloved fingers gliding up and down his inner thigh until he couldn't help but gasp and flinch away, making her giggle. "'Cause, like, gosh, you're barely even making us hold you anymore!"

"N-No--" He gasped and panted, bucked as the fluffy fleece immersed his cock, as the sweet, fragrant perfume flooded his body, "no, I'll--I'll--"

"Fight us off?" Melody suggested sweetly, squishing her lovely boobies--her tits--her breasts around his head and letting them bounce. Her arms ran up and down his torso, under his arms, and he flinched and couldn't hold in a slight breathless squeak as he felt the fluffy fabric touch his sensitive underarms.

"Push us away?" purred Aria, her breasts and nuzzling kisses tickling over his neck in unbearable, exquisite torment. "Like the big, strong tough guy you are?"

"Uh..." He panted, gasped, struggling now to even breathe at all. Their intoxicating perfume was everywhere, it was in his lungs, in his head, and it seemed to keep him perpetually just a little out of breath. His head was getting light, and even though he still felt unbearably lucid, it was a wild, clouded lucidity, a lucidity tangled in his desperate, gasping need for air, for stimulation, for relief, for release. "I... I... I w-will..." He barely managed the two words.

"But you aren't," pointed out Harmony with an affectionate smile, tickling one fingertip just under his chin as she wiggled her hips against his lap, which only made him wheeze deeper. She giggled down at him. "Gosh, like, you seem pretty happy to just stand here..."

"No," he gasped, his face getting hotter and hotter--and not just from embarrassment. He couldn't breathe. "N-No, I--I--heeheehee--"

"... and let some pretty girlstease you," cooed Candice, as her silken-gloved fingertips--the source of his unbidden giggles--danced playfully over his bare, sensitive sides. "See? Isn't that easier for a dummy boy like you?"

He gasped and whimpered, too busy with his fight for air now even to muster an objection.

He couldn't breathe. Did they know they couldn't breathe? They had to. But they were such silly, ditzy girls, and they clearly weren't experienced--maybe they didn't, maybe if he could only manage words he could tell them--but if they were so experienced, why couldn't he get away--

"Aww, I think he agrees!" Harmony gave a joyous smile as she wiggled and grinded her hips, dryhumping him with a positively sadistic glee that belied her sweet, adoring smile. "He loooves this! Sooo cute!"

"Teehee! Typical boy!"

"He loooves our puff-puff-fluff-fluff!"

"What a dummy!"

"Such a cutie!"

Bryan thrashed and gasped and panted, humiliation warring with helpless arousal, the pair of emotions wrestling furiously, coiling around one another until the one was nearly indiscernible from the second. He tried to muster a protect against the embarrassing taunts, but he was too busy gasping for air to manage much more than an, "Nnnggh!"

This still got some attention, however. Unfortunately, it was exactly the kind of attention he should have expected.

"Ooh, wait!" Candice blinked big wide dumb eyes down at him, her heavy makeup making her lashes thick and fluttery. "Wait, gosh, is he saying... no?"

"Really?" Melody frowned quizzically, as if quite curious now. "Oh, wow,, so..." She ran her pink fuzzy gloved fingers over his sides, making him wheeze with helpless laughter. "... so he's not totally into this?"

"He doesn't like being teased?" Aria asked innocently, as she reached down and stroked along his length, the soft, cotton candy fluff of her mitten absolutely excruciating as the fingers of her other hand tickled wickedly under his arms. "Doesn't like getting to have fuuun with pretty girls?"

Bryan whimpered and squirmed. It was getting hard to form thoughts between the tickling, let alone words, and the corners of his vision were fuzzing with pink mist that blended in with the sea of jiggling, bouncing breasts smothering him.

"Oh, girls, don't you see?" Harmony giggled. "He must be confused! Clearly he thinks he's not, like, some kind of cute dummy little tickletoy!"


"Oh, gosh!" Melody's eyes lit up. She wrapped her arms around him even tighter, squeezing him within her scratchy silky embrace, even as he gasped and mewled in protest. "Really? Gosh, that makes toootal sense!"

"Ooh, yeah!" Aria's head bobbed. "I bet helooooves this, he's just, like, really shy about it!"

"That's so cuUUUUTE~!" the four of them exclaimed together, their coos forming a molten symphony of patronizing, condescending, humiliating adoration.

"N-No!" Bryan managed, as he finally wrested his face free of their stupid 'fluff-fluff puff-puff' for just a few seconds. "No, you're wrong, I--I d-d-d-don't--doh--duh--buh--whuh--hhh--hheeheeheeHEEHEEHEEHEE--nnnn--aahahahahahahaha!"

The second he had broken free of their smothering clutches, the fleece sprites had grinned evilly between one another.

And they had begun to grind. And bounce. And wriggle. And squeeze,.

With all their teasing prowess, they had formed an unbearable cocoon of bouncing, fluffy, jiggling, perfume-puffing softness all around him. The sensations of all four of them moving in such a chaotic, confusing, disorienting rhythm were too much to bear, and Bryan's words had broken once more into helpless gasping giggles.

"What a silly boy!" sang Melody, as he found himself being steered, or carried, rather, over to the bed.

He tried to fight it. He did. He knew what that bed would mean for him. But his struggles were practically kittenish as they pushed him onto his back so he lay upon Harmony's soft, fluffy form. His cheeks burned hot as he realized how he must look--a grown, athletic man, held captive by four buxom beauties and pinned down on their impossibly girly-pink bed.

He was twice their size. He was a foot above the tallest of them.

Somehow, that only made his cock twitch all the more needily.

"We're gonna have toteach him," Melody went on sweetly, as she rose up to mount him, as the other fleece sprites giggled and pressed in down on every side of him, "just what a dummy boy's place is."

He was caught once more, only this time they had gravity on their side to keep him utterly, humiliatingly ensnared within their buxom, bouncy, soft, ticklish clutches.

"Being a silly horny tickletoy!" Candice cooed, tickling under his chin.

"Just a cute little edgeslave," purred Melody, her eyes sparkling with amusement, such pretty rosy eyes.

"N-nnnghhahahah..." Bryan thrashed on the bed, but now, utterly wrapped up in their embrace, there was no way he was getting out. Not with how weak he seemed to be.

Aria, Candice and Melody descended around him again with their bouncing boobies, ready to resume his smothering, and he frantically tried to breathe in as much air as he could, but any breath he held burst from him a second later with his hopeless giggling.

"Un-huh!" Candice giggled with glee as she cupped her breasts above his head and bounced them before his eyes. He couldn't help but stare, struggles slowing, even as they bounced closer and closer... and closer... and closer... "So why don't you just stare at my pretty bouncy boobies, dummy, while we explain it to you? Since pretty girls are sooooooo much smarter than you, like, aren't they?"

"I..." His voice was a wisp, snaking between gasps and forced laughter and struggling to be heard even as he couldn't think of words to say. His whole world was drowning in pink mist, pink perfume pressing against his thoughts like thick, heavy cotton candy. "A-Aahhh..."

"Good boy!" Harmony said happily. Her legs kicked up to wrap around his, her feet holding his down, forcing his pathetic struggles down to what could barely even be called squirms. The only parts of him left to move at all were his hips. "Wow, you seem practically, like, addicted to fluff at this point. And so weak and helpless to resist bouncy boobies!"

"nnggh..." Bryan's whole mind was drowning, suffocating. He tried to resist, tried to look away from Candice's boobies, but every attempt he made seemed to be prevented by one of them extending a pretty gloved hand to force his face back towards them.

"No," Melody cooed, as she took his chin and guided him back, "you wanna stare, don't you, cute little boobies-addict?"

Back to staring... staring at the... the...

"Such pretty bouncy boobies," cooed Candice, squishing them together with a light, airy little laugh. "All boys love these. You've already done, like, soooo well at giving into them... why not give in even deeeeper to them? Uh-huh! Like, really let my boobies own you."

Deeper... Bryan stared, hopelessly lost, hopelessly... addicted. The bouncy boobies were so fluffy, so soft and jiggly and squishy, and he was so, so lightheaded, and they looked so nice and big and round, and Candice's hand stroking his hair felt so strangely comforting...

He only realized too late what Candice was doing as, with a giggle, she gripped the back of his head and shoved him right into the middle of her canyonous cleavage.

"Gooood boy," he heard them cooing, as he screamed helplessly into the embrace and thrashed against the tickling fluff smothering his sensitive neck and face. He couldn't even tell who was speaking now. He just heard...

"See? Doesn't it feel so good?"

Tickling along his sides, fast, merciless, delicate fingertips dancing up and down...

"What a dummy little fluff addict! Aww, he's barely fighting now!"

Sweet kisses on his skin, lips darting teasingly over his neck--he was so sensitive there...

"Oh my gosh, the girls will be soooo impressed with us! I can't believe he actually gave in to us!"

Fluff immersing his cock, such soft, fuzzy, tickling wool, his cock throbbing and dribbling with unmet need as their gloved hands pumped torturously up and down...

"I know, right? He's sooo cute and pathetic~"

The breasts bouncing and squishing around his head... soft and squishy, and he couldn't breathe anything but their pheromones now...

"Maybe they'll even let us keep him, since he's not a real challenge~ Are you, dummy boy?"

Giggling all around him, his cheeks burning in shame...

"Such a weak little fluff addict! It's a good thing us pretty girls are here to teach this dumb boy what he needs to know~"

"Yeah, he's soooo not smart enough to take care of himself. Imagine how dumb and helpless he'd be without hot girls telling him what to do?"

Tickling over his bare soles, his arches, his toes...

"He might even be letting himself cum!"

He moaned.

"Don't worry, dummy boy! You have hot girls to think for you now. We're gonna dose you up niiiice and dumb, and then we'll teach you how boys ought to behave around pretty girls."

"You're already a natural~"

Their voices chimed in his ears, sultry, echoing coos, as his mind began to melt into goo, breathlessness again turning his thoughts into wispy, unreachable feathers on the breeze...

"Addicted to boobies."

"Bouncy-bouncy-bouncy boobies!"

"Whimpering, gasping edgeslave."

"Weak for boobies."

"Just like all boys are~"

"Cute needy tickledtoy."

"Awww, he's getting all cute and pink!"

"So much for a big, strong man~"

"Beaten by a bunch of girls~"

"It's what boys do best, after all!"

A chorus of giggling followed this remark.

Bryan thrashed. He moaned. He whimpered. He couldn't think straight--he couldn't even breathe. He couldn't tell where one of the pretty maids-in-waiting ended and the other began. They owned him, now, and nothing else mattered. He was lost to them, and shame filled his heart that he'd given in so easily, so easily to a bunch of mere lesser sprites, and now these girls would be toying with him for the rest of his...

"Aww, girls, what have I told you?" called out a sweet, exasperated, girlishly high-pitched voice.

And instantly, all tickling and teasing and grinding ceased--save, to Bryan's instant shame, his own. He went still a half-moment later and swallowed, trembling with the effort of containing himself.

He heard dainty, delicate footsteps, slippers tapping ever-so-faintly against the pink-carpeted floor.

And there she was, looming over them all--Adeline. Beautiful, angelic Adeline, his Princess, her rosy eyes gleaming with amusement, her pink hair flowing down over perfect shoulders, spilling into her gorgeous shimmering pink ballgown.

She giggled down at him. "Oh, gosh," she breathed, impossibly thick lashes fluttering as she put one pink-gloved finger to those plump, pouty pink lips, "just look at you! You see what happens when you get lost and can't find me?"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you so much for reading! This has been a really fun commission to work on, and I'd love to hear whatever feedback you have--this chapter definitely squirmed as I tried to edit it.

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GigglingGoblinGigglingGoblinover 1 year agoAuthor

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