Tortured Love


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"Much better," I actually grinned, seeing my sister's smile as I did so, giving me some measure of relief.

We spoke, catching up, even laughing and joking together just like old times, though I also noted there was never any mention of anything that had ever happened between us since that time. Nor did any of us discuss anything about Dad, or Gwen, as though the two of them no longer existed, which for us...they didn't.

Though time had passed and we had all changed a little over the past four years, after a short time it felt like I had never even left. Perhaps four years was still too short in fact, especially as I sat there, watching as mom moved about in her chair as we all spoke. She had worn a bathrobe over her nightgown of course, trying to be careful with her leg, but it occasionally parted, once again giving hint at the two well rounded swells of flesh just barely concealed beneath the material. That brief glimpse, those brief moments, more than enough to send me spiraling back in time, the memory of her as she'd come into my room that night. Yes...I had known, I had heard the door opening though she'd tried being quiet about it as she did. And I knew, just from that, it was her and not my sister. Had it been Sharon, she'd have simply come in, no pretense at cautionary quiet in doing so. But I had also seen the shape Sharon had been in as well, and knew without any doubt, she was dead to the world after all the wine she'd consumed. So I knew...yes, and I wondered even as she entered, slipping into bed beside me what I would do if it turned out to be what I figured it might. And of course it did, as I did, as I willingly slipped my prick deep inside my own mother's cunt.

Somewhere along the way, I heard Sharon mention something about flying out on Sunday afternoon, giving her just one more day, and an evening to visit before doing so.

"You sure you can't stay?" Mom had asked. "David's just got here!" she added unnecessarily.

"I can't mom, I really do need to get back, I will have been here two weeks already, and that's as long as I said I'd be away."

"It's not like Jack misses you, or needs you back right away," mom said allowing the rest of her thought to trail off, a hint of something more going on unsaid. I looked towards my sister for clarification, but she offered none, choosing instead to ignore the comment, and purposely shying away from looking me in the eyes as well.

"I have my own job as well," she added, by way of explanation and the only one she was offering. "So though I would like to," she said now finally looking towards me, even giving me a brief sisterly smile, "I have to get back."

"Well, in that case, since this is going to be our one and only night together then, neither one of you better make any plans except to spend it together. I've been saving something special, just for the occasion, and we're going to enjoy and amuse ourselves with it later after dinner."

"Ah oh," I said jokingly, though not meaning to allude to the last time we'd all gotten drunk together, though I caught a brief fleeting look from mom after saying that.

"One doesn't get drunk on hundred year old Scotch," she informed us both. "One sips, savors and enjoys it," she added.

"Straight?" Sharon asked.

"Straight," Mom said nodding her head, "though you can have it over the rocks if you'd like," she condescended to my sister.


We had enjoyed a light, though delicious meal together. Afterwards, Sharon and I had cleared away the table just like old times, even going so far as to stand side-by-side, hand washing the dirty dishes rather than simply loading the dish-washer. The only real difference being, we didn't stand there and tease one another the way we once did, as a way to pass the time of having to do the dishes by hand. For the most part, we stood in silence, though in close proximity to one another, a brief awkward pause as my hand inadvertently touched hers as we passed dishes.

"You're not going back until we've had a chance to talk," I said finally. Though she nodded her head, she said nothing, though mom did as she sat behind us at the table having overheard my comment.

"That's something we're all going to do tonight," she informed us then. Drawing our attention back to the unopened hundred year old scotch that stood waiting for us on the table. "We're going to have a drink, talk, have another drink, talk some more, drink again...and talk," she said with some finality. "So, finish up, and then help haul my ass downstairs to the den."


We had already done all the catching up we were going to do. But that wasn't the point of any of this either. Before either Sharon or I had a chance to ask her what it was she wanted to talk about or discuss, she insisted that we all first sit, and finish the first drink together before doing that. Which we then did.

It was then that we sat as mom outlined a few things we didn't know, going over the estate, what was there, where it was etc in the event of her death, something that neither Sharon or I was too comfortable listening too.

"Well, now that that parts out of the way, it's time for another drink," she said pouring an even fuller glass than she had the first time. "Finish up, then we're talking some more," she admonished as she soon after drained her glass already pouring another for each of us shortly afterwards.

"I thought it was time to talk now," I said eyeing my third.

"It is, but this time, you might want to have another to sip at while we do. There's things I need to say, and things the two of you are going to sit there listening to while I do. might want to have a sip or two along the way as I do that."

Sharon and I looked at one another nervously, and with good reason. We had only heard this particular tone of mother's voice a few times, the last time at the window as we stood watching my ex-wife sucking my father's cock.

"Go inside, I'll deal with this myself!"

Words that I still clearly remembered, just as was the tone of voice she had used then, which she was also using now.

"Sharon? You need to know that I purposely tricked, and then fucked your brother."

Before Sharon could even respond to that, her mouth already forming words, an expression of shock on her face, she then turned towards me. "And David? You need to know that I also seduced Sharon."

Now it was my turn to look surprised, which I was, but there was more to all of this that either she or Sharon actually realized. And as I would soon learn, visa versa.

"So, having said that, if either one of you is going to be angry with anyone, for any reason, then let it be me. I'm the one that obviously caused the division between you two, and after everything that happened, I'm damned if I'm going to just stand here and let it continue either!"

"You knew about David and I?" Sharon finally stammered.

"From the very beginning," I said interrupting her before she had said anything more. "It wasn't until later that I realized it, but someone had indeed been standing at the top of the stairs that first night you and I fooled around on the floor in the living room. I never really saw her of course, but swore I had heard something, and thought I had seen movement. But it wasn't until afterwards that I realized, she'd been there for most of it. That, and later...outside the door to my bedroom, that was you too wasn't it mother?" I now asked her directly, seeing her shake her head in acknowledgement.

"Yes it was David, I freely admit it, and don't apologize for having done it either. The only thing I will apologize for, was for letting it lead me into doing what I then did. I was jealous..."

"Jealous?" Sharon spoke incredulously.

"Yes, jealous, of you and the intimacy you and David had found together. I was jealous of that, and wanted to experience in whatever way that I could, what the two of you had found together and were being able to enjoy, especially during that period of time. Something I didn't have. You two had one another, you always did. David's loss at his own marriage was no less devastating than my own. And not that all this happening on your 21st birthday wasn't important Sharon, because it was. That...and suddenly losing your father in a way, which is what you did, you were no longer "daddy's little girl", nor did you ever want to be so ever again after that. So yes, it affected you in an equally big way as well. But again, you two had one another, and so it was almost natural in a way that you came together to console one another, and eventually end up sharing the intimacy that you did. I didn't have that. And I was jealous of the two of you because of it, so I more or less, tricked you both into sharing that with me."

"You didn't trick me into doing anything I didn't want to do mother," I then spoke using the same serious tone of voice that she had been. "I knew it was you the moment you came into my room."

Now it was mom's turn to look surprised. "You did?"

"Yes, I did." And then I explained it to her, how I knew, how I had guessed it, and how I even then put all the other pieces together as well. "So you see? I knew, and I made a conscious decision to do what I did, allowed myself to do, because of you. So it wasn't something that happened because you tricked me, even though you were obviously aware that I knew it was you afterwards, but because I did love you, and did understand what you'd been going through. I allowed it to happen, because I had already decided I wanted it to, it was only a matter of time based on everything else that was going on back then. My guilt came from not being able to tell Sharon I had, or why...or that I wanted to do so again. And that was confusing enough, because I also wanted to continue doing the things with Sharon that we had been as well. I knew deep down inside my heart that I had no business to judge you for it, any more than either you, or Sharon had the right to judge any one of us."

Having heard that, there was almost a look of profound relief on my sister's face. "Sharon? I said looking at her, knowing that there was something by the look in her eyes that she needed and wanted to say. Perhaps just saying her name gave her the courage to do so.

"That night, when you came into my room," she said looking at our mother, "I could have very easily turned you aside, helped you back into your own room. You know that, you must have known that. The fact that I didn't, the fact that I later realized I hadn't wanted to is what upset me the most. I felt like I had betrayed David for feeling that way, for having enjoyed being with you almost as much as I had enjoyed being with him, though obviously for separate reasons and in separate ways. But I felt afterwards, should he ever find out, that he would hate me for it. I know, it sounds crazy in a way, but though David was my brother, and fucking him was in my mind perfectly acceptable, me having fucked my own mother...wasn't. And because of that, I then felt David could never, and would never forgive me, nor ever understand the reason that I had."

We all took another drink as mom collapsed down onto the couch.

" mean to tell me that for the past four and a half years now, we've all been carrying around the guilt that we were the ones who caused the separation and distance between us!"

"Sort of looks that way," I said standing, pouring myself another scotch as Sharon held out her glass for a refill as well.

"So, you're not shocked, upset, angry with me because mom and I..."

"Fucked one another?" I actually laughed. "Are you kidding me Sharon? I'd have paid to see that!"

Even that made mom laugh. "I would have too! And I was there!"

She now stood though Sharon and I both cast a disapproving eye in her direction. "I'm not going anywhere, but you two are coming over here," she told us holding up her drink. We soon held ours up next to hers.

"No more secrets between us," she began. "And from now on, we admit to whatever feelings or desires we honestly have. But even more importantly, let's put this family back together again."

We clinked glasses and once again drank from them. Curiously, I watched as mom suddenly began undoing her robe, but it was Sharon who suddenly smiled as she did so.

"Ok, am I missing something?" I asked.

"Obviously," Sharon quipped. "I think what mother is trying to say here, is that even more important than clinking glasses together in agreement, that we should do a bit more than that, which I'm in full agreement with here. But...before we do that, there's a couple of phone calls I need to make first."

"Oh? Such as?" Mother asked, having removed her robe, now standing in only the sheerest of nightgowns, her full magnificent breasts clearly showing through the lacy material.

"Well first, I need to cancel my flight reservations. I have no intention of leaving tomorrow. And secondly, I need to call into work and let them know that I won't be returning."

"What about Jack?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, well...he's in London on location at the moment, no doubt banging his new personal assistant. He'll be hearing from me too, but not directly," she said grinning as she turned and headed off.

"What about you David?" Mom asked, now slipping out of her nightgown entirely, so that she stood with nothing more than the cast she had on her leg.

I began removing my shirt, "I'm here for thirty days at the least, after that...back to Scotland and the project. It's far from over with a long way to go yet," I informed her. "But...until then."

I began undoing my belt.

"Here, let me do that, it's been a while," mother grinned. In seconds I was as naked as she was, sporting a massive hard firm erection, which she quickly held, leading me back towards the chair where she sat down, and then proceeded to suck me almost ravenously. She was in the process of doing just that when Sharon re-entered the room.

"Oh I see...can't leave the two of you alone for even a minute now after all this can I?" she giggled mischievously, and then began stripping off her own clothing. Moments later she was kneeling down on the floor next to mom, licking and sucking my dick as well.

"Funny, but I had quite the fantasy about this," mother stated. "Never thought I'd ever see it come true though," she added as she went back to licking one side of my cock.

"Ditto that," I grinned pleasurably. "Had one or two fantasies about this myself too!"

"Oh, you did did you?" Sharon then asked. " just going to stand there with a big shit-eating grin on your face, or are you going to tell us about it while we actually do it?" she asked.

It wasn't long, knowing that I couldn't stand the double sucking I was feeling without blowing a load, but I also knew it was going to be a rather long night all things considered, and figured getting that first one out of the way would help calm me down, give me a bit more stamina for later, which I felt I was going to need.

"Fuck you two...I'm gonna shoot already!" I exclaimed, already feeling the sensation of my spunk starting to race up the length of my shaft as I spoke.

"Then do it baby," mom said excitedly, stroking my cock even harder than she had been, as the two of them now waited expectantly for the eruption that was imminent.

I couldn't say anything more, my cock speaking in volumes for me as the first delicious spurt of my cream shot up high into the air, surprising them both, though they then settled into sharing it, passing my prick back and forth between them like a baton, capturing my cream, still milking my dick. Even long after I had finished spurting, I stood watching the two of them, my mother, my sister, as they kissed, swapping cum back and forth between one another like it was some sort of French delicacy, which in a weird sort of way, it was.

With no more pretending, shame or guilt about feeling the way we all did, I soon settled back into the chair taking a moment to recoup as Sharon and mom got reacquainted with one another. Just watching the two of them was one of the most sensual expressions of passion and love I had ever seen. It wasn't just sex, the raw energy that I watched emerge from the two of them transcended all that. Seeing them as they kissed, licking one another delicately at first until desire escalated well beyond that, the inclusion of fingers, tongues now fucking, sucking. The sound of their need and wants suddenly expressed, moans and groans of pure unbridled delight began reaching my ears as did the delightfully decadent sounds of their squishy wet pussies as they played with one another unabashedly.

"He's hard again," Sharon spoke trying to catch her breath after the intense orgasm she had just shared with our mother.

"Isn't he though," mom said in agreement.

I placed a quarter, balancing it on my dick as I now stood above them.

"What's that for?" Sharon asked.

"Heads or tails," I grinned. "Call it!" I made my cock lurch, tossing the coin, though it was more of a falling off. Even so, she called it.


"Heads it is," I grinned now lying down on the floor. "Which means, you sit on my face baby sister, and you mom...well, you sit on this!" I said holding my cock in hand, which she was only too happy to sit on herself. Though Sharon was just as excited, if not even more so when my tongue once again split her lips, locating her clit, and began driving her nuts just the way I used to do.


Thirty days went by a lot faster than I would have liked. Needless to say, we spent a great deal of that time in bed together. But thirty days also gave us time to heal old wounds, and forgive one another for the mistakes we had all made. Finally coming together again as a family, unique in a way perhaps yes, but nevertheless, a family again.

And...thirty days also gave us time to plan and prepare. Sharon and mom came back with me to Scotland. Since I have the use of a nearby mansion for as long as I need it, it seemed only natural that they should come back with me. Sharon now works side by side with me as we do the research for eventual construction back home. We're greeted every night with a marvelous home-cooked meal, and lots and lots of raw naked sex afterwards.

But I'll be glad when she finally gets the cast off. That's been a real pain in the ass.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

yes, and we all just love a pink "splint"....

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Excellent. Thoughtfully written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
OK I'm on page 1

Sonny boy sees obvious sex between daddy and his wife, then mommy tells him and sissy go away, she will handle it????????????????????? WOW is this the absolute biggest WIMP story of all time? OK Mommy???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Manny. I have read and enjoyed a lot of your stories and this one you have excelled yourself !! The story is believable, to a degree.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Started off crap, and went rapidly downhill..

The rainy season in Scotland ? I ask you, has the guy ever been over here ?

There is a saying over here in the UK. "If you're in Scotland and you can see the

other side of the loch, it's going to rain. If you can't see the other side of the loch,

it's raining already.

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