Trick and Treat


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"I gave a speech at a LGBT business conference about standing up for your rights. She came up to me afterward. I have a plan to do the same for every minority I can think of."

"Well, Alma Jones is a three-fer. Word will get around if you do a good job. These cases are hard to win for the most part. My advice is for you to pick a good second chair who can help you prep." He then stood, took her hand, and left her to get to work.

Paulette picked one of the overachievers, Doug Marshfield, to help her try the case. Pauli prepared the briefs, motions, subpoenas, and complaint, and had Doug look them over. She readied her case as quickly as she could. The case was filed and defendants notified. Subpoenas were entered with the court and served to the parties needed, including the state. Now came waiting for the documents needed in order to prepare depositions. By the time Pauli went to trial, she was confident in her case.

As the trial started, the opposing counsel tried to disqualify Ms. Aston on every grounds he could think of. None were accepted by the judge, who it was easy to see was getting tired of the tactic. Pauli had expected this and had prepared for it. She answered each question calmly. After the onslaught, the trial started in earnest, with the seating of the jury. After the jury was empaneled, the evidence was presented. Pauli asked about how the decision was made as to awarding the contract.

The state official stated that he believed the Jones construction lacked the expertise to do the job. "Sir, are you aware that Jones is one of the two largest such companies in the country?"

"Miss, I know it used to be well thought of before Alma took over." Pauli then entered the latest financials as evidence, showing that the company had grown under Alma. She handed a copy to the official and to the defense team.

She then got into the email evidence, showing that Alma was discriminated against. For being black, female, and gay. She then showed emails from his superiors who were complicit, thus involving the state. The look on Judge Marla Thomas's face was priceless. She was also black and had seen her share of this kind of thing. Pauli had no idea if she was gay. She then turned the witness over to the defense. They asked all sorts of questions in an attempt to muddy the waters.

During the defense's turn to question, they called Alma. She was a very calm woman. She answered every question as stated without embellishment. She explained she had worked for her father for 15 years before taking over the company. She had learned the business from the ground up and was considered by her peers to be a member of the club.

The jury decided for Jones Construction, awarding compensatory, general, and punitive damages. Alma was very impressed with her young attorney, as was the judge and even opposing counsel. After the trial, Paulette saw Mr. Silverstone sitting in the rear watching. Alma gave both Paulette and Douglas a big hug, glad that the case was settled. Paulette had to prepare an invoice for her, and she would be glad to settle up with the law firm.

The judge sent a bailiff with a request for Pauli and Doug to come to her chambers. She wanted to warn them that the case might be challenged because she did not recuse. She was also gay as well as black and female. It turned out not to be true in the end, but Pauli thanked her for the heads up. With the win, Pauli had secured a huge company as a client for the firm, which would require the help of more than herself. As Jack had told her, word got around in the minority communities, and Pauli's case load shot up.

Ash went to work for a very large, well known pet hospital and also worked in their after-hours clinic. She volunteered at the city zoo on her time off. She loved the interaction with the animals. Ash knew there was no way she could make the money Pauli did, but she had time to herself.

The next year went by in a blur for both of them. Pauli was so busy in court she didn't see Ash except on Sundays. When the fourth of July came around, she had to go into get some work done so she went into the office. Ash joined her to watch the fireworks from a conference room. Pauli stopped her work to watch with her.

Then Pauli's work cell rang. Ash just shook her head -- the firm owned her friend. "Hello, Mr. Alsop...I'm in the office now...Where would I locate that sir?...I'm on my way up to your office..." It took her a moment to locate the required document. "I found, I don't know your home fax number...I'll run down to the copy room and send it now...Oh, OK. I'll use yours...It's scanning now...Yes, I'll wait for your confirmation...You got it? Have a good fourth, sir...My housemate is here with me watching fireworks...Yes, I stopped to watch for a while. It's a good show...I will leave as soon as I get this motion finished...Good night."

Pauli turned to see Ash staring at her. "They really do own you, don't they?"

"I guess so, Ash. I don't know if he would have asked me to come in but, since I was here..." Pauli shrugged it all off and went back to her office to finish. "I'll be done in 15 minutes or so. Then I'll take us out to dinner. OK?"

"No rush. Do it right, girl, so you don't have to come back." Ash went back to finish the show. She was worried about Pauli. How will she ever find love with this much work? I've got to help her somehow. Ash worked with a few young men. Maybe Pauli would like one. But with her work schedule, there was no way.

Ash buried herself in her own work. She loved her time at the zoo the most. She helped more experienced vets while she learned. Later, after she had been there long enough, she handled cases alone. A little after Thanksgiving, she was called in. A new chimp was sick in his isolation cage. Ash asked Pauli if she would like to come along, since it was her day off. She said sure. Pauli had to watch Ash work through a Plexiglas window for her safety. Ash took samples of blood and sputum to send off for testing.

When Ash was done, she went through a standard decontamination procedure. The two pals went home and had dinner while talking about their day. In the morning, as Ash was leaving, she saw Pauli's keys on the entry table. It was very unusual. She went in to wake her up, but she did not respond. Pauli was very hot. Ash ran and got her thermometer. She put it to Pauli's forehead. In a few seconds it read out 105.4 F. Ash called 911 and then the zoo. There had to be something wrong with the containment system!

Pauli was taken to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, where she was placed in isolation. She was critical. Ash called Mary, who said she was on her way. She then called her work to get someone to cover for her. Lastly, she called Pauli's work to explain her absence. "This is Dr. Martin. I would like to speak with Ms. Aston's supervisor. This is an emergency."

"This is Ms. Taylor. May I help you, Doctor?"

"I'm Pauli's housemate. I found her this morning with a very high fever. She is in isolation now. She is receiving intensive care but has not responded yet. Her fever will need to be brought down as soon as possible."

"Oh, my God! Is there anything the firm can do?"

"Not at this time. I just wanted to call a tell you that she won't be in for a time." Ash felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head. Seeing a doctor, she finished her call. "May I help you?"

"I understand you brought in Ms. Aston?"

"We live together. I am worried she got this at the zoo yesterday. I think someone should call CDC and investigate the isolation chamber. I sent off specimens yesterday for testing on an ill chimp. I'm sure they will want them."

"They are on the way. The zoo has been notified and they're arranging an inspection as we speak. Do you have any idea what the etiological agent was?"

"I do not. The animal was a new acquisition of the zoo and is in isolation as a precaution. He was not that ill but did have a low fever. I am concerned that Paulette inhaled the agent."

"We are trying to get the fever down. Before long, we'll start trying to cool her down." Another person joined them, asking for insurance information that Ash did not know.

Ash called back Pauli's work and asked for Ms. Taylor. When she answered, Ash asked, "I'm sorry to interrupt you again. This is Dr. Martin again. The hospital needs Ms. Aston's insurance info." She was transferred to Human Resources and handed the phone to the billing person.

"Dr. Martin, do you have power of attorney for Ms. Aston?"

"Yes, it's on file at her work. Let me talk to them. This is Dr. Ashlyn Martin. You should have me on record as having power of attorney and that for health care as well." The woman on the phone found the filed documents and then gave the hospital employee the information. Ash's phone rang and she answered. "Dr. Martin. How may I help you?"

A new woman's voice came online. "Hello, I'm Sylvia McFadden from Paulette's work. I'm a senior partner here and was just checking on her."

"Ms. McFadden, it is way to early to say. She is not in a good place healthwise right now. She came with me yesterday to the zoo while I worked on an ill chimp. She was in a safe observation room, so there should have been no chance of contamination. The zoo has called in people to investigate the system. We also don't know what the infection is. I'm sorry I can't tell you more right now. It is very important to lower her temperature...It was 105.4 this morning. Can I have a contact number for her superior?...Yes, at this number is fine. Thanks for your interest, Ms. McFadden. She is as close as if she were my sister." They ended the call. Ash called the Department of Health and explained that their home needed a decontamination. She then called the landlord to let them in when they got there.

She went and sat in the waiting room and could not stop her tears. She was so afraid of losing her Pauli. She had loved her romantically since she was 13, but had never acted on it. I killed her. I just know I did. What do I do now?

When Mary arrived, she found a forlorn Ash crying her eyes out. She sat next to her and hugged her in tight. "Ash, you have to be positive. SHE WILL GET BETTER!" Mary accented the last part in an attempt to get through to Ash. Mary could not bear losing her daughter after losing Connie. She was also fragile. Mary got Ash calmed after awhile and they went to check on Pauli. The news was bad: The fever was now over 106, and she was now in danger of brain damage.

Ash then dropped her bomb: She loved Pauli as a woman much more than a friend. Now she would never be able to make good on that. The thought had her back in hysterics. Mary joined her for awhile. She understood the loss Ash was contemplating. Mary told her that she had to make the move. Pauli was too naïve.

Right after that, Ash's cell rang. "Dr. Martin...hello, Mr., her fever has gone up to a place where permanent damage may result...I am a vet, sir, not an MD...Her mother is here also...Ms. McFadden gave me a number...I will. Thanks for the call." Almost immediately, the zoo called. The CDC was requesting all info they had, but Ash could add little. As Ash hung up, her clinic called. Word had gotten out to the news about Pauli. They were worried about both of them. Ash could tell she would be spending a lot of phone time.

The CDC people showed up that afternoon and grilled Ash for any detail she might have missed. They got samples for both their labs and the Army's Medical Research Institute. Ash knew this would take time. They would have to sequence the agent to identify it. Ash was required to give samples. The CDC doctors were also in consultation with the hospital staff and the health department.

CDC took possession of the chimp and had him transported. They requested and got a spinal tap on Pauli, which they shipped back to Atlanta. The spinal fluid gave a clue to Pauli's disease. It was full of virus particles that were found to grow in fertilized eggs. There was enough sample for the sequencing of the genome. The virus was identified as a well known simian virus but there was no known case in humans.

Three days in, Pauli's fever broke. She shook like a leaf in the wind. As her consciousness returned, she cried when she found that her hair had fallen out. Her brain was not harmed at all. Ash called the contact number at Pauli's work and told them the news.

Sylvia McFadden showed up to see Pauli, but they had to talk through a speaker system. Sylvia was going to arrange to have a wig made for Pauli. They spoke of what timetable Pauli was on to return to work with doctors. Pauli was told to recover before returning. She knew she should, but she had cases to work up. When Pauli was released, there was a box for her with a wig in inside. It looked just like her hair did before. Mary and Ash took her home. She was very weak. Mary stuffed her with soups and meat. Ash had never eaten this well. Neither had Paulette. She and Mary were sharing a bed. It was natural for the mother and daughter -- they had developed a very tight bond.

It was found that the ventilation equipment at the zoo was improperly installed and the people who checked it had missed that. Pauli's law firm was considering suing the zoo for loss of Pauli's productivity. Pauli dissuaded them in the end by swearing she would make it up, which she did.

Pauli came back in full-on tap. She was making up her lost time as she had promised. She went back into court, trying several cases she had ready. She was getting a reputation as fearless, even though she was not. She even lost her first case. She had prepared very well, but her client had lied to her. When the truth came out in testimony, she was very pissed. Pauli presented her case to the best of her ability but lost the trial. The client did not want to pay, even though the loss was his fault. The firm had people who dealt with this kind of thing and, in the end, the bill was paid.

Ash could not come up with the nerve to tell Pauli. She had made a promise to Connie to help her daughter find love. Ash could not risk losing Pauli. Telling her how she felt was selfish. Pauli always understood her sexuality but had shown no obvious interest. How could Ash do this deed? How could she not and give up happiness forever? The girls went home for Christmas. Pauli stayed with Mary, and they spent time decorating and baking cookies. They took a large plate of their pastries to the Martin house. Karen greeted them with egg nog and candies that she and Ashlyn had made. Ash came in, hiding the presents she had just bought. She took the gifts to her room and came back down.

The four women had tea and cookies with candies. They had a great time together sharing memories. Pauli had done her Christmas gift shopping before they came. All her gifts were wrapped and labeled. After they left, Mary wanted to stop for coffee. By silent agreement they went to Millie's. After the usual hugs and kisses from the owner, Pauli gave her the gift she had gotten for the kind woman. Although Millie never made a big deal out of it, she was very devout so Paulette had purchased an antique 1880s garnet bejeweled cross necklace for her. As a matter of principle, Millie would not open the gift until the day.

As the two sat and talked, Pauli almost knocked Mary over with an inquiry. "Mary, I have a personal question. Is that alright?" Mary nodded. "How do you know if a girl is interested in you?"

Mary could see where this was going and smiled. "How well do you know her?"

"A long time, Mary. But she has never said anything about us. I can't risk our friendship just to find out."

"So you would rather be unhappy than take a chance? What got you so hooked, Paulette?"

"I saw her making love to one of her friends back after Mom passed away. Ever since, it is always with me in my fantasies." They talked for a good while before Millie's started to fill up. So they said their good-byes, wishing Millie the best holiday. These two need to grow some girl balls. Pauli did not wear her wig. She didn't see the point. She was making no effort to attract people.

Christmas was wonderful. Mary and Pauli went to the Martin home to deliver their cheer. Pauli had acquired a jeweled rainbow necklace for Ashlyn and very personal gifts for Scott and Karen. While she was there, Pauli got a message from Millie, who wanted to see them. Pauli sent back a text saying she would text her on their way home. As they drove up, they were met by a beaming Millie wearing the beautiful cross. Millie crushed Paulette in her arms. She was so happy! They went in and Mary admired the jewelry. Then the inevitable happened: Pauli got a call from the office. A little unusual but not unheard of. While Mary and Millie chatted, Pauli knocked out the assignment, emailing it back on the secure system.

It was a great holiday! Around Valentine's Day, Pauli's hair started to grow back. It was not the color it was before. When she asked the doctor, she was told no one knew what would happen. She liked the new color, but it was a big change -- a beautiful straw blond. Her eyebrows showed the color as well. On April first, she went to get her hair styled. It was cut in a highly styled pixie cut that Pauli wore a fedora and top coat with. At work the next day, her legal assistant ran into her office after she arrived to throw the man out. Pauli was just hanging her hat and coat and smiled at the stunned woman. She had visitors all day to gawk at her. None of the partners complained. since she explained this was all the hair she had.

Her next appearance in court got her raised eyebrows from the judge, but no complaint. The opposing counsel glared at her -- she looked about to erupt. This was a look she had tried herself and had been called out. Pauli made it work. She was so serious that this style meant little.

Ash and Pauli tried to make time to be with one another. They were both trying to act on Mary's words. Both were gripped with fear and could not act but schemed of ways to broach the subject. As Halloween approached, Pauli's work arranged a masked ball for the associates on Sunday. Pauli had no date but had promised to go. She rented a costume, 'Juliet.' Ash helped her pick it and fixed her up for the event. Pauli was a stunner. Ash had plans to go with friends to a party.

Pauli looked fabulous: Her hair had grown out, and her legs were encased in a long multilayer dress. The bodice laced up from the waist, setting off her bosom. She also wore a mask. She circulated but accepted no dances -- she just talked. A gentle tap touched her shoulder. She turned to see a man with impossibly dark eyes motion to the dance floor. He was dressed as Romeo, hat and all. He was tall, lithe with short, dark hair, and a becoming smile. He wore a sword.

The two made their way out onto the floor. 'Romeo' was a gentle lead in the dancing, always with his hands where they should be. Holding her hand with the other hand on Pauli's shoulder, he was a marvelous dancer. They kept dancing for the rest of the set of music. Pauli was warm and he noticed, so he motioned to an adjoining veranda. They went out to cool off. There was a garden below so he led her down into it. They sat on a bench.

Pauli was overcome. This person had the gentlest touch she had ever felt. Stroking of her cheeks and face was followed slowly by soft kisses to her lips. Pauli was aflame. Her hands stroked the man's face almost in wonder. Who can this be? I don't remember him from work. Gentle caresses were shared between them until he gave her more kisses. Pauli was overstimulated for the first time in her life. Her legs parted slightly. She felt a hand slide up her leg directly to her sexual core. Then there was a slight rub. It was almost not there, but oh, hell, it was! She could not regain control of herself. In record time she was in the throes of passion. She would never need it explained ever again. After her eruption abated, 'Romeo' placed several soft kisses on her lips. He then stood up and bowed with a sweep of the cap and quickly left the garden without having said a word all night.