Tripletit - The Story So Far


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Chloe, Rhonda and I studied satellite scans and photographs of the planet's surface for days on end. Both women hugged me each time we met. I enjoyed being wholly wrapped in their bodies. I enjoyed Chloe more each night. By the end of the first week I was wrapped in Chloe all night long and yet fully fit and raring to go the next morning.

The following weekend was the first of the month, the first 'hunting' period since I had landed on Tripletit. I wasn't expecting the impact on the women of the planet. Every woman I met wrapped me in a tight hug and held me there for at least a minute. It took me half an hour to get from my hotel room to the dining room for breakfast. The waitress wrapped me tightly while she took my order and again when she delivered it.

As I ate breakfast Rhonda arrived. She sat beside me, reached over, picked me up, sat me on her lap and folded her body around me so that I was almost invisible to anyone else.

"How are you enjoying the hunting, Derek?" she asked as she sipped her coffee.

"Nice, Rhonda, but..." I felt awkward as I peered upwards to the underside of her coffee cup.

"But you are worried that you are the prey? How do you think you would fare walking to my office today?"

"I think it might take all day to get there."

"It might. You might not even arrive. Someone might like you so much that she'd borrow you for a couple of days."


"Most men on this planet stay indoors or very close to their mistresses at the start of the hunting weekend. Human males need protection at this time. That's why I'm here wrapped around you, and why Chloe will be here in the next few minutes. We need to do some work today in between other things. Have you finished breakfast?"


"Then I'll carry you to your room. That way you'll be protected..."

Rhonda didn't give me a choice. She stood up and carried me from the dining room all the way to my room. She put me down so that I could open the door. Inside she sat on my bed, pulled me to her, and wrapped herself around me again. Her blouse seemed to have become undone. My face was being gently eased towards her right breast when the room's bell sounded.

"Blast!" Rhonda said forcefully.

She lifted me from her lap and sat me on the bed before crossing the room to admit Chloe. Chloe looked at both of us.

"Even you couldn't resist, could you, Rhonda?"

"No. Could you in my place?"


Chloe lifted me from the bed and, still standing, wrapped her body around me until I was squeezed between her left and right breasts. My weight was supported by her hips and the friction between our clothes.

"We need you to be alert and in full command of your faculties, Derek. When Rhonda's ready I'll give her to you."

I could just see Rhonda's face. She seemed startled and then grateful. She opened her blouse and released her left breast. Chloe passed me to Rhonda who clutched me to her tit. I swallowed as her milk began to flow. Soon Rhonda had stripped both of us and I was wrapped in her body. I didn't notice when Chloe left, nor when she returned an hour later bearing a fresh pot of coffee. Only when Rhonda released me was I aware that Chloe was back but clothed differently.

"Derek," Chloe said softly, "we need to move fast. It seems that one of the Donald and Hogstock teams have found some mineral deposits and may be preparing to stake a claim. We need to forestall them. Are you ready to leave? Now?"

I dressed myself quickly before replying. I felt incredibly fit and healthy.

"Yes. I'm ready. Where and when?"

"About five hundred miles away. Now. Or as soon as we can get there. Rhonda will fly us as close as we can get, then we walk, or ride if we can. The plane is loaded. All I need is you. I couldn't go on my own and none of our teams are anywhere close. Ready?"

"OK," I replied, "but what about equipment?"

"Everything you brought is on the plane."

"Let's go..."

I suddenly thought about getting to the airport. I'd be impeded by predatory women. Rhonda seemed to read my thoughts.

"Chloe will cuddle you while I drive. No one will bother someone so obviously claimed."

They didn't. Even after a session with Rhonda, Chloe's body was still desirable. I scarcely noticed the drive as I snuggled in Chloe's embrace. She carried me on to the plane past the airport women before strapping us in a seat designed for a Tripletit woman cuddling a human male. Rhonda took the pilot seat, performed the pre-flight checks and taxied to the end of the runway. Once the control tower gave us clearance she took off as if she was a fighter pilot. Even cushioned in Chloe's arms I felt the g-force of the acceleration.

Once we were cruising at altitude Chloe relaxed her grip on me. She shouted in my ear over the noisy engines.

"We should be there in ten minutes. I hope that we have some mounts waiting for us. If not, we have to walk at least twenty miles."

Rhonda landed us bumpily on a grass strip hacked out of the forest. Beside a hut was a Tripletit woman holding two large animals. To me they looked like giant horses with lizards' heads.

Chloe remarked "Good. We have some onagers."

"Onagers? They don't look like onagers to me."

"They're not. Onager is the closest word in English to our word for them so onagers they've become. They can be aggressive."

I didn't like the idea of animals that large being aggressive. However Rhonda, Chloe and I were soon hauling the equipment out of the plane.

Rhonda introduced me to the onager handler.

"Joy, this is Derek. Derek, this is Joy."

While Chloe held the onager's reins, Joy wrapped herself tightly around me. I could get to enjoy this greeting custom. Joy's scent was faintly horse like, presumably from the onagers, but her breasts pressed against my head soon made me feel that she was another very desirable woman.

"Chloe," Joy said above my head, "you may have a problem. Onagers don't like human male scent. The others..." We knew she meant Donald and Hogstock's prospectors. "...had to shoot their onagers in self-defence. Have you got anything that could disguise Derek's scent?"

"No. Except..." Chloe paused. "We're upwind from your onagers. They should have smelled Derek already and they don't seem concerned. Rhonda? Hold your gun ready. I think we have a solution."

Chloe took me from Joy's embrace and held my hand as we walked towards the onagers. They raised their heads as we got close but seemed docile. Chloe stroked one. She motioned to me to do the same. I reached up and stroked an onager's leg. It seemed to purr noisily.

"OK, Joy. I think we've solved it. Rhonda made love to Derek before we left. His scent is hers. If I..."

Joy laughed. "Do you need an excuse?"

There is an Earth expression 'Don't frighten the horses' but making love to keep onagers docile is different.

"No," Chloe admitted, "but if it keeps the onagers quiet... Joy, could you look after Derek while Rhonda and I load the supplies?"

Jo took my hand and led me inside the hut.

"They'll be some time, Derek. We could..."

Joy started to strip. I got the message. Soon we were lying on her bunk with me wrapped inside her. Her need seemed more insistent than either Chloe or Rhonda's. She held me so tight, thrusting her breast so deep inside my mouth that I couldn't have asked her to stop if I had wanted to. Unlike the others Joy's body wrapped me harder. I was helpless and could only respond to her thrusting. If the others didn't come back soon I was afraid that I might be suffocated by Joy and die. But if I was to die, I couldn't think of a more pleasant way to go.

Eventually Joy shuddered in release. Her body's grip eased slightly. She slid her breast out of my mouth.

"Thank you, Derek. I don't know how much longer I could have remained without sex. Staying away from people is unnatural for us and we have been away for a couple of weeks. It wasn't so bad while we were together but I've been alone for two days and it's a hunting weekend."

I couldn't reply even without a mouth full of breast. I was on a high from Joy's euphoric milk and only just beginning to regain my breath. Joy lowered me to the bunk and started to dress herself. When she was completely clothed she started to dress me. I took over as the effect of our coupling began to energise my body.

Joy kissed me and pushed me towards the door.

"Go for a quick run. It'll do you good."

It did. After about half a mile of running around the clearing I returned to the onagers. The three women had loaded the onagers. Rhonda hugged me, followed by Chloe and Joy. Rhonda climbed into the plane and took off. Joy hugged me again before setting off to join the rest of her geologists. Chloe lifted me on to an onager's back. I didn't know how I could mount or dismount without her help. These onagers were larger than most Earth elephants.

She led the way along a faint trail through the forest. Whatever had made the trail it wasn't onagers. Our onagers crashed through the forest like bulldozers, swerving only for the larger trees. We were protected from the debris by the onagers' heads. In less than a couple of hours we were close to where Donald and Hogstock's prospectors were expected to be. It didn't take us long to find them. They had a large bonfire sending smoke and flames high in the air.

Chloe lifted me off my onager. Leaving them grazing on trees we approached carefully. Their campsite was a mess. The stream was stained with minerals from their assaying. Piles of metal drums containing noxious chemicals were scattered around, leaking on to the ground carelessly.

Chloe whispered in my ear: "You told me they were planet plunderers, Derek, but I didn't expect this much damage so soon. They've ruined more land in a couple of days than our whole population would do in a year."

"This is only the beginning," I whispered back. "They're just testing for the mineral deposits. Once they start production they would rip out the forest for miles around and pollute the soil for hundreds of years."

"And you wouldn't?" Chloe hissed at me.

"Mining is destructive. It can be done with respect to the environment and everything can be restored as it was but that costs money. Donald and Hogstock are only interested in making profits and then moving on. My company is concerned about the longer term. We want to be welcome and work with local people over generations, not for a few months of ripping out the more valuable deposits and moving on to the next planet."

"So what have they found? Can you tell?"

"I have a good idea. I'll need to get closer. Stay here..."

Chloe reached out a hand and patted my shoulder.

"Don't be long."

I crawled through the undergrowth until I reached a pit where they had been digging. I collected a few samples from the side of the pit and crawled back to Chloe. I checked the samples with the instruments from my backpack. The indications were enough to show that there was a rich seam of bauxite. I put my finger to my lips and motioned that we should move away.

Once we were about half a mile from their camp I sat down.

"This is bauxite. It needs massive energy supplies for the deposit to be worthwhile using. That might mean a nuclear power plant..."

"Here? That's monstrous!" Chloe exploded.

"That wouldn't bother them. It would concern me and my company. Where else have they been?"

"The other geology team are about twenty miles away. We'll join them."

When we arrived at the Tripletit geologists' camp I was hugged by all dozen women. The hunting weekend had affected all of them even though they were a long way from human males. As we talked I was passed from one woman to another and wrapped in her body before she reluctantly released me to go to a colleague. It took a long time for the full story to be told, perhaps longer than it should have done because every woman wanted to hug me. Sometimes I had to struggle to ask a question because a breast was thrusting itself into my mouth.

Donald and Hogstock had assayed at six sites. Two were barren but samples taken by the women showed usable mineral deposits at the other four. Including the bauxite there was enough proven minerals to provide most of Tripletit's needs and probably some for export. The survey had barely touched a small part of the planet within easy reach of the capital. If mineral deposits were as common elsewhere, Tripletit could become a major producer of minerals for this whole galactic sector.

"Chloe, we need to stop Donald and Hogstock claiming the minerals. They already know that Tripletit is worthwhile. How are mineral extraction rights assigned on this planet?"

"We know we need to stop them. We changed the laws recently. Only a Tripletit native can obtain a licence to explore for minerals and only a Tripletit company can have a concession to extract minerals."

"Donald and Hogstock must know that. Would anyone work with them? Anyone native to Tripletit?"

"I hope not, but we aren't immune to the temptations of wealth."

"Then we need to forestall them. We need a Tripletit company to get exclusive rights for the whole planet - NOW!"

"I agree, Derek. The legislation allows for the first licences to be applied for in our April."

"When in April? It's April next month, Chloe."

"I'd have to check. It's probably on Tripletit Day, our Earth Day. That day is often used for the start of new regulations."

"We need to know exactly when and get the application in first."

"OK. We need to stay here overnight because our onagers are tired. We can start in the morning if you are fit enough."

"Fit enough? What do you mean?"

"Derek, there are twelve sexually charged women here who need you tonight. As you know sex with a Tripletit woman does rejuvenate human males but I'm not sure what the effect will be after twelve of them. They need you if they are to continue to work proving mineral deposits. Please? Will you do it for me, for them, and for our planet?"

How could I refuse? Except that Chloe had miscounted. Including her there were thirteen women who wanted to make love to me that night.

That night was bliss. I suckled at twenty-six breasts being very careful to avoid the central ones. I was wrapped in thirteen large firm but yielding bodies and penetrated twenty-six tight clutching pussies. Each time I was released another eager body claimed me. Yet I didn't feel exhausted or used. Every encounter left me full of energy and ready for the next. Chloe was the last. She tricked me. As I was deep in the euphoria produced by her left breast she switched me to her middle breast and I was paralysed lightly. She kept me wrapped in her body's warm embrace as I slept.

In the morning we saddled the onagers and headed back to the grass airstrip. Angry women met us. Joy spoke for them.

"Someone has sabotaged the plane. The control surface connections have been cut and pieces removed. Without spares we cannot take off and we are beyond radio contact."

"When did it happen?" Chloe asked.

"Last night."

"Was no one watching the plane?"

Joy seemed embarrassed. Someone else answered from the back of the group.

"We didn't think it was necessary. No one commits sabotage on Tripletit and..."

"It was the hunting weekend, wasn't it?" Chloe added. "I suppose it can't be helped. Derek and I will make our way by onager and send spares as soon as we are in radio contact. Come on, Derek, we've got to move now if we are going to get to the capital by Tripletit day."

We left within the hour. Five hundred miles by onager could just be done in time if nothing went wrong.

That day, the night and the following morning were difficult for me. My muscles weren't adapted to riding an onager all day. Chloe's lovemaking only revived me but I was getting aches and pains in muscles I didn't know I had. The second night Chloe let me sleep longer in the morning. That was a mistake.

My onager reared as I came close and tried to attack me. Chloe pushed it away just in time.

"What? Why?" I spluttered.

"I should have thought," Chloe said. "You smell like a human not like someone from Tripletit."

She laughed. "We'll have to adjourn while we make love. Then your onager will accept you again."

So we did. She wrapped my naked body inside hers and made love quickly. A quarter of an hour later I could approach and mount my onager. It began to get restless under me as evening approached so we stopped for the night.

The next day we made love in the middle of the day. The onager gave me no more trouble.

So we went on. At the end of each day Chloe would claim me and keep me wrapped in her body all night. About the middle of each day she would wrap me again. The journey seemed endless but Chloe's lovemaking was delightful.

Eventually we came within radio distance. Chloe ordered spares to be flown to the airstrip but there was nowhere short of the capital that a plane could land so we had to continue by onager. Chloe had also asked Rhonda to set up a Tripletit registered company to extract minerals so that it would be ready to apply for a licence on Tripletit Day

We reached the outskirts of the capital on the evening before Tripletit Day. We stabled the onagers and continued to my hotel by taxi. Chloe left me to have a much-needed bath while she went to meet Rhonda.

I had just finished my bath when there was a knock at my room's door. Wrapped in a bathrobe I opened the door. A rush of women in dark blue uniforms overpowered me. Why? One Tripletit woman is enough to capture the strongest human male. Pressed against a uniformed breast I heard the leader say:

"Mr Trelawney. You are under arrest for activities prejudicial to Tripletit's interests. You do not have to say anything..."

I didn't hear the rest. The blue uniform had been undone and my mouth had been filled with a central breast. Fingers pinched my nose shut so that I had to open my mouth and receive the paralysing milk. As the word "anything" entered my brain I became unconscious...


I woke up to find myself strapped down to a couch in what appeared to be an executive's office. I could see a large desk with a high-backed chair. The occupant had her back to me and was speaking to someone on an intercom. I tried to listen but I couldn't stop a groan as my muscles protested at their tight bonds. The woman stopped speaking and swung her chair. I had never seen her before.

"Good morning, Mr Trelawney," she said. "I'm sorry about your predicament but you have been interfering. I'm Sandra Sallysdaughter, Minister of Natural Resources. Your arrest will be cancelled as a mistake and there will be no record of it ever happening. Unfortunately there will be no record of you either. You apparently left your hotel last night and didn't return."

"Why? How did I interfere? With what?" I gabbled.

"Why? Because a Minister's salary isn't wealth on Tripletit. How did you interfere? By exposing Donald and Hogstock before their nominee, me, had obtained a licence to extract minerals. With what? That should be 'With whom?'. You and your friends used geology students to spy on our activities. They will be silenced or will face expulsion from Tripletit. For a Tripletit woman that is an almost certain death sentence. We are compulsively gregarious."

As she was speaking she walked over to me opening the top of her dress.

"The question you didn't ask was 'How will you disappear?'. That is simple. I'll unbirth you and you'll vanish."

Sandra forced her central breast into my mouth. I tried to bite but her fingers held my teeth apart as her paralysing milk trickled down my throat. As I slumped into unconsciousness I felt Sandra unfastening the straps that held me to the couch.

Chloe told me what happened next. She and a group of students burst into the Minister's office just as Sandra had engulfed me from toes to chest. By Tripletit custom and law once a man's neck is surrounded there is no reprieve from total engulfment by a woman. Even before then the process can only be halted by another woman claiming prior ownership. Chloe did that for me. She claimed me as her own and insisted that Sandra release me.
