Trivial Pursuits Ch. 16


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"No, Sweetheart, you have to watch. That's the whole point of the mirror. You have to watch," he husked in her ear. She swallowed and braved opening an eye, and then the other. She confined herself to watch his hand pluck and tease the tissue of her breast, not daring to venture farther down to where his fingers lightly played in her. She already knew how wet she was, could hear the mild wet sounds as he sluiced his way through, and was too mortified to witness her body being plundered.

"That's good, Sweetheart," he continued to croon in her ear, "but your chest isn't the only part of you to watch," he encouraged. "Look," he whispered. "Watch me spread you. Look at how your sweet color changes. How wet you are. Watch me as I enter you," he growled darkly.

Alessa moaned, afflicted with desire and embarrassment. Her breathing sped up as her eyes swayed to his will and locked onto his hand opening her lewdly for her viewing pleasure. She twisted in discomfort, but she forced out a determined breath and continued to watch, refusing to be kowtowed by fear.

She was biting her lip, repeatedly pulling it in to run her tongue over it. She moaned when Denny hit a particularly sensitive spot and did nothing to stop the jerk of her hips straining up for more of his touch.

"That's my girl," he praised, his own throbbing body pressed against her firm bottom as his hand stroked her deeper and deeper. Alessa whimpered as she felt the familiar delicious ache of his two fingers penetrating and stretching her swollen body. She angled her hips further forward so he had an improved angle with which to enter her.

Alessa let out an agonized moan when he finally strummed the pleasure center on the behind her pubic bone, her eyes fluttering shut momentarily. Her hands had moved to his thighs, and as he intensified the pleasure higher and higher, her nails dug deeper and deeper. She had fallen back fully against him, and though he had intended for her to watch him finger her, he didn't dare deny her when she angled her face up to him for a kiss. With tongue and teeth and fervor, he mated his mouth against hers, growling at the sharp pain of her nails and the responding ache of his groin.

When he was ready for her to orgasm by his hand, he pulled his mouth away and instructed her to watch. Alessa needed more, more contact, more force, more security, and so lifted an arm to wrap around his neck as she turned her slumberous gaze to their joined reflection and watched him stroke her with more determined focus.

A whimper of desperation escaped her lips as the pleasure began to build beyond her ability to control, and suddenly, her body was its slave, as though it were a tangible entity possessing her.

"Come, Sweetheart, come on my fingers," he husked against her ear.

When she lifted her eyes to his, the hunger she witnessed sparkling there stripped her of the last of her control, hurling her headlong into incredible pleasure. Alessa began moaning continuously, as she felt the powerful climax begin to ripple through her, taking over every other sensation. She cried out his name over and over as he continued working his fingers in and out.

Denny felt his own passion grow as her tight sheath rhythmically crushed his fingers and her torso contracted in climax. Though his mouth watered for her lips and his body ached to press against her, he couldn't tear his eyes from the erotic scene before him. He watched greedily, unashamedly. Her body, bathed in the golden light, now damp with sweat and flushed with fever was a sensual feast for the eyes, and he wanted to drink her in, memorize every last detail of her.

It took some moments before she relaxed against him, and several more for any degree of her consciousness to surface. When she finally began to stir, open her eyes and attempt to make sense of the world about her, he watched her closely, like a wolf eyeing its prey. He waited for her panic, for her discomfort to return, for her to shift and pull away, but what he saw was entirely unexpected.

Her countenance was open, allowing his eyes to rove over her at his leisure. He could sense the edge of her apprehension, but she didn't embrace it, didn't allow it to consume her, but forced herself to lay against him, unmoving, unconcerned.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, staring in her eyes. "Like some sort of mythical goddess no mortal man deserves," he reflected thoughtfully.

"Then consider yourself lucky," she responded with half-hooded eyes, somehow emboldened by her orgasm, by the enraptured stare of her partner. Somehow, somewhere in the stripping of her clothes, in the gifted orgasm, she felt all the awkwardness she harbored evaporate, something bold and ravenous replacing it.

Though her left arm still wrapped about his neck, she arched her back so her left could snake a hand behind her. When her hand clasped the hardened bulge in his pants, Denny gave a pained groan.

"Sweetheart, maybe you shouldn't play with that. Not unless you can do something for it." He felt something tight coil in his loins as he watched her smirk.

"Oh, I'm sure I could do something for it," she purred, giving him another squeeze. He hissed out an expletive, before dropping his forehead to the back of her head.

"Yeah? Like what?"

Alessa felt the sore and satisfied parts of her body spark with renewed longing at the rough sound of his voice. "Mm, I'm sure I could come up with something creative," she demurred, beginning a slow, rhythmic squeezing of his erection.

Denny narrowed his eyes at her as he ignored the impulse to roughly turn her around and sink himself into. "Really? Such as?"

Alessa took a slow breath, still feigning confidence she felt slowly slipping, and slid her body from the bench, holding his gaze in the mirror as she went. She turned around once on her knees and looked up at him. Denny cocked an eyebrow at her, unbelieving what her actions were suggesting. When he didn't move, she said, "Well?" daring him to make the next move.

Eyeing her speculatively, he slowly scooted forward until he was near the front of the bench where she knelt. "You know," she began with a throaty voice that made him throb all the more, "I should warn you that I've never done this before." She began running her hands deliberately up the length of his legs and then his hard thighs.

"Is that so? And exactly what have you never done before?"

Her hands had reached the fastener of his suit pants. She looked up from their busy actions to release him. He looked so devastatingly desirable, with his white shirt and black suspenders and eyes that smoldered like hot embers. "Put a man in my mouth," she explained in a breathy voice, feeling flushed at the eroticism of her statement.

"Is that so?" he asked slowly, unable to stop his hand from reaching out to push the strand of hair fallen from her ponytail. His eyes closed only a moment when she finally undid his pants and pulled his hard length out. Opening them again, he decisively pulled the hairband from her hair, causing brunette waves to tumble free.

Alessa appeared momentarily caught off guard by the action, but when she met his daring gaze she continued on with her plan, turning her focus to the straining flesh before her. Tentatively, she began moving her hand up and down, reacquainting herself with his contours. She hadn't found her own sex to be anything beautiful or alluring, even if it was compelling, but there was something decidedly pleasing about the sight of his shaft, hard and alive in her grip that made her mouth absolutely water.

Denny watched through slitted eyes as she explored him before beginning a focused effort to bring about his own release. Her hand had slipped down to the base of his shaft to cup his heavy sack. He groaned in pleasure, and when she looked up startled by the noise, he reached out to run his fingers through the loosened hair. Her eyes fluttered at the feeling of his nails against her scalp, momentarily distracting her, but when she felt the slightest pressure at the back of her head, she focused on his face.

She gave a half smile. "Something you were looking for?" she teased.

He chuckled gruffly. "I think you know exactly what I'm looking for," he replied.

"Oh?" she asked, stroking him lightly.

"Something about your mouth and my dick?"

She bit her bottom lip, surpassing a smile. "Did I say that? As I recall, I only mentioned in passing that I had never done something like that," she replied coyly.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Then let's changed that, why don't we?"

She gave him a daring look, but capitulation flashed across her eyes. As she turned her gaze back to the work of her hands, she assessed the best approach.

"Just try licking it," he suggested softly, catching her dilemma. Her eyes flickered up to his, but then looked back down.

But where? she wondered. Hesitantly, she leaned forward, and Denny watched in rapture as her pink tongue slowly slid forward to sweep up the underside of his erection. He let out a groan of approval, urging her to repeat it. Alessa gradually became comfortable with stroking his thickness with her tongue, slowly, quickly, up and down, around the smooth head. She quickly became accustomed to the strong, musky flavor, the heady scent that was all male.

The introduction to actually placing him in her mouth came slowly, beginning with slow, worshipful kisses that morphed with the addition of her stroking tongue until he was finally slipping in and out of her lips.

Denny thought he would burst into flames from the heat of her mouth. Though he was making low, growling sounds from the acute throb her gentle licking and sucking produced, she didn't seem distracted as she found a rhythm of slowly taking him into her mouth as deeply as she could and pulling away with an intense suckle. One hand still cupped his sac while the other helped her mouth, stroking firmly up and down.

When Denny knew he was at the end, though he longed to come in her mouth, he didn't think she was quite ready for that, and he wasn't about to push her any further than she could go, pulled her up and away, his erection popping from her mouth.


But his mouth cut her off as he tilted her face up to his. Though her hands didn't leave his hard organ, he pulled her up to him, helping her straddle him. Quickly, she adjusted her hips and angled him toward her opening. Her head fell forward to the join of his neck as he slowly penetrated her.

Denny's hands held her hips, supporting her as she slowly slid down his shaft until she was sitting on his lap, her legs dangling over the side of the bench. When Alessa had adjusted to the deliciously aching stretch of his length filling her, she lifted her head, her lips grazing his jaw before brushing past his mouth. She pulled away enough so she could look into his eyes, silently telling him she was ready.

As she was without leverage, no placement for her feet to lift her body, Denny shouldered the brunt of the work. Cradling her round bottom in his hands he began to lift her up and let her down. Alessa's arms were wrapped around his neck, and though she felt a frisson of nerves in her stomach, she held his gaze as he moved her on his erection.

As she watched his pained expression, she couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you come in my mouth?"

"Fuck," he hissed, the eroticism of her words tightening his scrotum until he felt as if he could come right then. Her face was so earnest, despite the marring of pleasure that distorted her features. "Because," he huffed out, pulling her body into him faster, "I didn't want to assume it'd be okay. Especially if you've never done that before, I didn't want you to be grossed out by the experience," he explained between pants.

To his surprise, Alessa leaned forward and attacked his mouth, kissing him fervently. He felt her hips begin to undulate with him, helping him as he drove her onto his rod over and over. She was searching for it, pushing herself to seek her own orgasm, not simply allowing him to give it to her. Together, in fervid movements, they quickly worked themselves to climax, frantically pulling and holding onto the other in clasping desperation.

Alessa cried out into his mouth, her body paining in exploding euphoria. Denny crushed her to him, forcing her hips back and forth as he rode out his climax, coming deeply inside of her. Together, they panted and groaned, their passion whirling through them as they clung to each other for support.

When his breathing finally slowed, though his heart still raged, Denny gently disengaged their arms, pulling them apart so he could look at her face. "Okay, Sweetheart?"

Her eyes were drowsy and her cheeks were pinked, but a soft smile played at her swollen lips. "Yeah, I think I'm just fine," she murmured back and then leaned forward to kiss him, requesting the comfort of his mouth against hers. After he had obliged and she sagged against him, he whispered that they should slip into bed. There was an awkward moment as she lifted from his lap, his softened shaft slipping free from her soaked core. While she didn't dash from the room, she did calmly walk to the bathroom and shut the door. Denny only chuckled at her proclivities and began undressing, while one by one blowing out the candles until the room was void of light.

Naked, he crawled beneath the freshly laundered sheets, and waited for her to emerge. When she did, he smiled to find she hadn't slipped on any clothing, but joined him bare as well. She didn't struggle when he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, his arm cushioned under her head, her bottom nestled against his groin, his slow, contented breath lapping at her neck.

Though unease floated around the edges of her consciousness like flotsam on the tide, she felt pleasure waking up in his arms. His fingers were drawing on her skin again, and with a smile, she turned over to rest her chin on her hands on top of his chest. They smiled and greeted one another with soft words and tender kisses that turned into requests for more.

Denny made slow love to her as they laid on their sides, their limbs entangled, their bodies lazily undulating against the other. Though he found it required some amount of focused determination, he held out his own orgasm until she had climaxed, and then forced her on her back. Before she could make protests, Denny had lifted her legs back until they touched her chest and bent tightly at her knees. She momentarily made to struggle out of the position until he reared back and sank so deeply into her he hit the end of her tunnel.

She grunted out in strained surprise, and then made no more protest as he began to work quickly in and out of her, pushing her to new limits as he found his own violent release. After they had recovered, he proposed a shower together, and though there was hesitation in her eyes, she agreed.

"Let's go out for breakfast," he suggested, placing a kissing on her bare neck as she wound her damp hair in a messy bun while they stood in front of the bathroom mirror dressing and grooming. She wanted to decline, to stay closed in doors, but she knew that wasn't realistic. Nor was it fair, she sighed, as he had acquiesced to request the evening before to eat in.

"Okay," she answered, "where did you have in mind?" Denny's smile radiated so brightly, Alessa wondered why she would ever have denied him the simple request. He took her to a French-styled bistro less than a ten-minute walk from his building. The Bay was wet and cool that Saturday morning, and so they walked quickly and sat inside by the window. It was surprisingly sparse, and they were discussing the latest book Denny had read when someone approached.

"Denny?" a husky female voice interrupted.

Alessa looked up to find a stunning brunette smile and place a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder. "Max," he beamed, standing up to hug her. Alessa sat stiffly, watching in mute discomfort as the two exchanged familiar greetings.

Denny turned to introduce Max to Alessa, and caught the very guarded, slightly annoyed expression on her lovely face. If he didn't know better, he'd have guessed she was jealous. His smile was cocky.

"Max, this is Alessa, my girlfriend," he intoned with meaning that made her eyes flicker in question to his. But he said nothing but introduce her to Max. "And Alessa, this is Max, one of my closest friends from law school."

She nodded in mild greeting with a forced smile.

"Oh, so you're Alessa," Max said with a Cheshire grin and smooth, velvety voice.

Again, Alessa's eyes flashed to Denny who offered no help, but could only smile like an idiot. "You've heard of me?" she said in somewhat of angered tones.

Max's cocky, half-smile matched Denny's. "Yeah, oodles and oodles." She watched Alessa turn angry eyes to Denny. "Aw, don't blame him, he was a bit in a strop over you," Max explained.

"Max," Denny warned, afraid she'd say something she shouldn't.

"Relax, Denton, I'm not going to embarrass you."

Knowing she spoke the truth, Denny invited her to join them, but looked to Alessa to gauge her reaction. Max followed Denny's eyes and when she met Alessa's eyes, put on the spot as she was, Alessa fumbled with the invitation.

"Oh, um, yes, if you don't have any other plans, join us." Her mouth was tight though she attempted a smile.

Max decided it was too good to pass up. "Well, I had ordered my food to go, so I guess I can just eat it here." She sat down opposite Alessa. "If you're sure you don't mind."

Alessa appeared to straighten even further. "No, of course not."

"Good." Just then the waiter came over and asked if he could get Max a drink, to which she ordered an Americano. Denny leant back in his chair, very interested to see how the interaction would unfold.

Alessa was certainly unnerved by the grins of her boyfriend and his close friend from law school. Max was unquestionably attractive. Though she shared her own dark hair, her eyes were a chocolate brown that made one feel like pouring themselves into, and where Alessa was tall with thin, almost bony limbs, Max was curvaceous but toned. Her skin was still tan, whether from the sun or from a bed, Alessa couldn't guess, and she sported a kick-ass look with her edgy chin-length haircut and black leather jacket. And her cocky confidence didn't help her ingratiate herself into Alessa's heart.

"So, Max, where do you practice?" Alessa asked, attempting civility.

Max and Denny shared a conspiratorial look. "Well, I have my own practice, so to speak, but I'm not actually a lawyer," Max explained.

"Oh? I thought Denny said you went to law school together."

"Yes, we did."

"So you didn't finish?"

"No, I finished. Graduated top quarter, actually, but before I applied for the bar, I...found another calling."

Alessa raised her eye at that. "Really? And what would that be?"

"Public relations," Denny piped in.

Alessa opened her mouth to speak, but the waiter brought over their food. Once they were all settled in and eating, Max spoke.

"And tell me about yourself, Alessa."

Alessa swallowed her quiche before she replied, "I'm sorry, I thought Denny had already told you all about me." Her accusation was clear as she cut her annoyed eyes at him.

Denny only smiled broadly as he watched Max return, "Only that he was head-over-heels for a woman from his office that wouldn't give him the time of day." Max smiled as she sat back and thought of his description of her. "Said that you were driven, intelligent. No, I think he said 'intelligent as fuck.'" She smiled at that, and watched Alessa's reaction to all Denny had said about her.

"He compared you to a car, a Bugatti I think. So, from a guy, I suppose we can take that as a compliment. Called you a control freak, said the partners were just itching to get their hands on you. Lauded your academic performance, if not your choice of schools, and mentioned you run nightly as well as eat healthy," she said with a smile, nodding to the sensible selection Alessa had made for her breakfast.