Twelve Realms Ch. 01-02


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"Your Grace! The Princess is missing!" Elias stammered.

"Jacob! She's gone and no one saw her leave!" his mother marched into his room.

He felt the color rise in his cheeks as he glanced over at his bed where the princess's naked back was clearly visible, her silver hair fanned out on his pillow. He looked back at his mother, but she had followed his gaze and seen Fiona. He quickly walked over to the bed to close the curtains in an attempt to afford her some privacy, but before he could reach her she sat up and started to turn towards them. His mother and Elias saw her naked breasts as the sheet slipped down to her hips before she was able to pull it up to cover herself. A blush started in her pale cheeks and blossomed down her chest as she met his mother's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Your Grace," she said softly, bowing her head. "I... ."

"Elias," Jacob said to his Page, "please send a message down to the kitchen and tell them the princess, my mother, and I will break our fast in the atrium outside the Lady's Solar in 45 minutes."

"Y... yes, sir." Elias beat a hasty retreat, firmly closing the door behind him as he left the room.

The Dowager Duchess looked from the princess to her son and back several times before she spoke.

"There are clothes laid out in the Lady's Chamber, Your Highness," she said finally, her voice flat, her face disappointed. "I suggest you bathe and dress for breakfast."

"Of course, ma'am."

Jacob bent to the floor and retrieved her nightgown before taking it to Fiona. She pulled it on over her head, staring at him, her large eyes wide, pale eyebrows arched, her lips curled in between her teeth.

"I don't regret it for a second," he whispered hoarsely into her ear and took her hand to help her down from his bed. He saw the tears standing in her eyes and reverently kissed the fingers he held before releasing her so that she could take the passage back to her rooms. He waited until the door closed behind her before turning to his mother.

"Jacob... ."

"I know, mother."

"Do you 'know'? You know you can't have her." She let out a soft sigh knowing that this would only lead to heartache for her only child.

"You are the only person in all the Twelve Realms who she can't marry."

"I know, mother."

"Her mother sent her to Academy to stop this."

"I know, mother!"

"Edward trusted you with her!"

"I KNOW, mother!"

"She is still Edward's heir until Melissa gives him a son. You can't risk the security of the Twelve Realms on a... whim."

"It wasn't a whim, mother," he whispered, pain stamped on his face.

"Oh, Jacob... . You have loved her since you were children, and she you. I understand that the heart wants what it wants, but this is beyond you."

Jacob nodded, whether in agreement or resignation, even he wasn't clear.

"I need to shower, mother. I'll meet you in the Atrium."


Jacob found his mother and the princess already in the open Atrium, sitting at a round table on the stone patio under a clear blue sky, drinking coffee. Elias hovered next to a cart that contained their breakfast, waiting for instructions. Fiona's eyes were red and puffy from crying, it was clear that his mother had been bending her ear and scolding her, but she put on a brave face for him and did her best to smile.

"Good morning, Jacob," his mother said brightly as though this were the first they were seeing each other. He went around the table to give her a kiss on the cheek before sitting at the third table setting. He poured a coffee for himself and scooped sausage, scrambled eggs, and toast onto his plate.

He ate his meal and let his mother do all the talking as he watched Fiona sit silently with tears standing in the corners of her eyes, her hands crossed in her lap.

"Jacob, you must contact His Majesty. The princess should return to Terra immediately."

"Edward knows she is safe here," Jacob countered.

"I am not confident that he considers bedding the princess to be the same as keeping her safe!"

"Please, mother! Enough!"

"You know very well that William - Gods rest his soul - would be in a rage over this."

"I know."

Fiona sat, her back ramrod straight, and stared straight ahead as they argued.

"There will be a banquet in your honor this evening, Your Highness," the duchess said, attempting to draw her into conversation.

"That... that's not necessary, Your Grace," Fiona said, her lips trembling.

"Nonsense. We can't have you thinking Citadel is completely crude and unfit for entertaining Your Royal Highness."

"I would never think that, Your Grace. I've wanted to visit Citadel since I was a little girl. Papa always spoke so highly of it. He remembered his time as page and squire to Jacob's grandfather very fondly."

"I suppose. Men do seem to like the rustic charm of border sectors. But I am sure that you as princess have more delicate sensibilities."

"Not really, Your Grace. I've been an acolyte on Academy for many years now. My studies don't allow me to enjoy the finer things in life, even if I am Princess Royale. And before I was sent to the University... ."

"Before she went to University she was more likely to be found barefoot in the Terran Wilds near the Kype collecting fireflies than she was bedecked in a gown and the jewels and finery of her royal station," Jacob said, smiling at Fiona.

Fiona inclined her head and blushed.

"Regardless, you will be honored guest at tonight's banquet. A seamstress will come to your quarters early this afternoon to get you properly attired."

"Yes ma'am," Fiona murmured.

Jacob noticed that Fiona's plate held a single slice of toast, one small bite out of one corner.

"Fiona, how is your arm this morning," he inquired.

"Much better, thank you, Your Grace," she said softly. "Your surgeon has provided me a balm that has soothed the pain so much that I only have a dull ache and nearly full motion restored."

"That is good news," he smiled. "I'm glad he is earning his keep.

"I'm sure he also told you that you need to eat in order to heal?" He asked.

"Yes, Your Grace." Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

He put a thick slice of ham on her plate. Her lips curved in a small smile as she was reminded again that he remembered her favorite foods. She started to eat but had no appetite. She looked up into Jacob's eyes and saw worry furrowing his brow. And then she couldn't see due to the tears that flooded her eyes. She felt them drip down her face. Suddenly he was kneeling at her side and wrapping his arms around her, kissing her as she sobbed. He stood, pulling her up in his arms to carry her back to her bed. He could barely hear his mother calling to him through the thundering of his heart in his ears.

"Jacob! You must contact the king. You need to talk to Edward!"


Fiona held Jacob tightly around his shoulders, her face pressed against him as he carried her. When they got to the Lady's Chamber, he set her down on her feet and lovingly, unhurriedly removed her clothing. He picked her up and carried her to the bed and then removed his own clothing before joining her. They kissed and caressed each other with no urgency, trying to memorize every contour of each other's bodies. Fiona wept even as he brought her to peaks of pleasure and kept her there for long minutes before joining her in ecstasy.

"Sleep, beloved," he murmured into her hair, his body still sheathed in hers. "You need to rest." She met his eyes and nodded, then kissed him on the mouth, the chin, at the hollow of his neck. Then she nuzzled into his chest and was soon fast asleep.

Jacob's mind raced. He didn't see a way forward for them. The fact of the matter was that he owed it to his people to provide them with an heir, but he did not desire to join his life with any woman other than Fiona. And he was not allowed to have her.

He remembered that day on Terra when he first truly understood that he would never be able to have the happiness of a family with her. They were so young. But he, at least, was old enough to have known better. Ed had the great idea to play hide-and-go-seek in and around the keep. A giant game of it with all the young Lords and Ladies. Jacob remembered it as the last time they could consider themselves children. He and Fi had found themselves hiding from Ed together in the Queen's Chambers. A great solstice ball was being held and they were sure the king and queen would be busy with guests until the wee hours of the morning. They started kissing on the great big bed. They spent hours touching and tasting each other. When the king and queen found them, Fiona was completely naked. He was still wearing his trousers. He felt sure that had they both been naked, he would have been thrown from the tower by the king himself. The next day, Fiona was gone. The king and queen had sent her to study on Academy without giving them even a chance to say goodbye. Less than a week later, he and Ed were deposited together on Citadel where his father the Duke took it upon himself to knock some sense into him.

His father was sympathetic, but found a way every day to remind him of his duty, both to his people and to his King. The princess could never be his. It was Crown Law that the Duke of Citadel could not be in the line of succession. The Duke was the King's first subject. He could never be King himself. Since Fiona herself and any children of hers were in the line of succession, she could not be his wife. He considered, not for the first time, abdicating his responsibility. But he knew he couldn't do it. He was his father's only legitimate child. And Citadel, not to mention the Twelve Realms, needed her Duke to protect them. He was the 1034th Duke in an unbroken male line. Generations of men had held fast to their duty, some had made great personal sacrifices. He could do nothing less. There had been a time when he thought Fiona might abdicate her position. She would happily give up being a princess to be his duchess, but his mother had explained that it wouldn't solve their problem; Fiona was Princess of the Blood Royale. The magic in her blood could not be defeated by her abdication.

Jacob finally kissed his princess and pulled himself out of her bed. He found his clothing and dressed. He picked up her discarded dress and draped it across a chair for her then quietly opened the door to the corridor leading to his Chambers.

He busied himself in his office, first with reading reports from Malcolm on the fighting still raging at the front. The Beacon on D-702 had been successfully defended and the Imperial Dog Monsters eradicated from the planet, but fighting continued with starfighters and capital ships. He sent some response messages and then requisitioned more resources from the crown. Then he got to domestic business, resolving the issues of farmers and weavers and textile merchants that his mother had decided required his authority. In the late afternoon, he decided he needed to get some exercise to ease the tension in his body and try to clear his mind.

He had Elias help him to change into his combat gear and they headed down to the training rooms. He was more than a little surprised to find Lady Amber and Princess Fiona practicing hand-to-hand sparring in the corner of the room. Fiona was taller and stronger, but Amber was quicker. He also knew she was more than willing to fight dirty. Fiona was hindered by the fact she was wearing what looked like a pair of his own britches, loose everywhere except in the hips, and one of his undershirts. He smiled to see that she was holding her own against one of his best fighters. As he watched, Amber leapt up on Fiona, using her weight and momentum to pull the taller woman to the ground. Fiona hit the ground hard on her back. Jacob had a moment to be concerned about her aggravating her injury when he saw her leg sweep out to knock Amber on to her own backside. Soon both women were rolling around on the floor laughing at each other.

"Since both of you are warmed up, would either of you care to try me with a sword?" He approached them and offered Fiona a hand up.

"No, I would NOT, Your Grace, " Amber was not so foolish as to take on her liege lord.

"I would, Your Grace," Fiona blushed, but squared her shoulders defiantly.

"Very well," he said, smiling. He tossed a small personal shield to her and then activated the one attached to his chest. His body tingled as the shield settled over him like a second skin. He struck his chest with the flat of his sword to make sure it was functioning properly and was rewarded with a flash of energy. Fiona tightened the rope she was using as a belt and settled her own shield between her breasts and activated it, laughing at how it tingled and caused her short hair to stand on end.

"Choose your weapons, Princess," he said, his tone serious, but his eyes dancing. Jacob enjoyed watching her hips sway and admired the way his pants molded around her ample bottom while Fiona walked over to the weapons cache. She took her time in selecting a short sword and a parrying dagger. Fiona swung her sword through the air and it made a satisfying whistle and she smiled. She squared off across from the Duke and they saluted each other with their swords.

"Begin!" Attack, parry, attack, attack, parry. Each time one of them hit the other's body shield there was a flash of light and a counter on the wall incremented. Back and forth they went around the room trying to feel each other out for weaknesses. It seemed like a lifetime since she had last sparred with Jacob. He was much stronger and faster than he was as a teen. And much, much bigger. After only a few minutes she noticed that the room was full of Jacob's squad, gathered by Elias as though for a show, all watching their bout with intense interest. She even noticed a few bets change hands. It took her awhile to realize that he was pulling his blows as to keep from hurting her. Her lips pulled back over her teeth, angry at his solicitude. She had no such compunction as she rained blows on his sword and on his body whenever the opportunity arose. She studied his movements for any hint of an opening, eventually she realized that she had to use his care for her against him. On his next attack, rather than blocking his blow, she let him in her guard. Surprised, he tried to stop or slow his strike, but his body weight took him too far forward. She ducked under him and used his momentum and her body as a pivot, turning him over and landing on him chest-to-chest with him on his back. Their shields overloaded and flashed off.

"Yield, Your Grace!" she shouted in triumph, straddling him.

He wrapped his arms around her and flipped them both so that he was on top. He then betrayed her by starting to tickle her.

"Eeek! Yield, Your Grace!" she shrieked with laughter, trying to push him off of her with her hands.

"No! You yield, Your Highness!"

"You're CHEATING!" she shouted through giggles.

She stopped trying to push him off and instead her hands moved up to his neck and into his hair, pulling him down to kiss her. She parted her knees and wrapped her legs around his hips. He stopped his tickling and instead caressed her curves. She broke their kiss and moved her mouth across his jaw to his ear.

"Yield, Your Grace," she murmured before drawing his earlobe between her lips and lightly biting him.

"My heart belongs to you, Your Highness," he murmured back.

"Does that mean that you yield?"

He lifted his body and rested on his elbows so that he could look her in the eyes. "Yes."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am absolutely in love with this tale and that was only the beginning! You know a story is good when you become fully immersed and everything else falls away except for the story. Thank you :)

highshine808highshine808over 4 years ago
dem fancy words

perfectly fitting in a romantic narrative.

i learned some of my earliest fanciest words

reading 'savage sword of conan' comics as a kid;

the sword n sorcery genre (i assume sorcery will ensue?)

is perfectly suited to fantastical vocabulary.

carry on and refrain from taking undue umbrage

from the egregious rantings of obstreperous anon trolls.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

That last comment and or insult was a fallacy, because 'taking myself seriously' was never in conversation. If you want to bow out, do so, and gracefully, don't use smoke. Children do that.

BumbleCatBumbleCatalmost 5 years agoAuthor

giggle cackle guffaw snort

It's been... entertaining, Anonymous friend, I will say that. Since you're so full of advice, how about I give you some? You might consider taking yourself a bit less seriously. I'm honestly slightly embarrassed for you.

Have fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Flabbergasted, flummoxed, and baffled? Are you a cartoon?

You throw pretentious words into an otherwise simply written narrative. Choose one or the other.

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