Twins in Mind and Body 01


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Tommy looked up and wiped his eyes. "Clean up yourselves and come to the living room." He walked slowly out to where Mary was still bagged, orgasming, and of course bound. He straddled her and stripped off the latex bag. "That's enough of that Mary." As her eyes slowly cleared he looked at her, her makeup had run and her was wet and matted. I had thought of sending you away. Imagine it... You would never be able to wear latex, your clothes feeling like they were made of burlap. Then, no matter how you tried, you would never orgasm again. Even self-bondage only hurts instead of bringing pleasure. Worst of all, you would know your sisters would not speak to you, and me, your master would always turn my back to you."

Even before he finished, Mary's eyes grew large and she began whimpering in fear. "How long do you think you would last that way? A week? Two?" Tommy paused and then said, "If it were me I would kill myself with in the first week."

"Kill me...." Mary whispered. She saw her three sisters kneeling behind her master and their look of horror.

"I can't do that Mary. If I didn't care I could, but I love you too much to do that to you. However, you must be punished harshly for what you did tonight. I must make sure you never forget yourself again." Tommy replied. "So here is what will happen. You will not be allowed latex in anyway. While here you will be nude and barefoot. However, you will be bound in some way and feel pleasure. The down side is you will not join in on anything your sisters and I do. You will sleep on the floor at night with your wrists and ankles bound and be allowed to pleasure yourself. While your sisters can achieve orgasms on command and when their sisters orgasm, you will only be allowed to cum when I allow it."

Tommy paused to let it sink in... "Imagine it Mary... a day at work wearing your finest and it feels as if you are wearing steel wool. Then coming home to have your sisters strip you and bind you like this. You will always on the edge of an orgasm and the need driving you crazy with need. See it night, listening to your sisters' mews of pleasure as they orgasm while you franticly try to bring yourself off." He paused and said, "Then the cycle starts all over again. Two days... Three... Four... A week... Your weekend is spent bound on the bed while your sisters and I play with each other and you without you reaching an orgasm."

Tommy got up and walked off to the side, "After a week your sisters start sneaking up to you to try and comfort you while I am distracted." He heard footsteps and then whispering but did not turn around. "While their words soothed you mind some, their latex and high heels only drove you deeper into the maddening desires that were filling every waking thought." Tommy turned around to see the horror in Mary's eyes now echoed in the other three. "It is midway through the second week when your three sisters came at different times to beg for me to forgive you."

Darla went and knelt before her master, "Please forgive Mary... Or if you can't at least punish me and allow her to have one orgasm."

Crouching down Tommy lifted Darla's shoulders up so they were eye to eye, "I'm sorry Darla, you know I can't." He stood and waited.

Tayna came next and like Darla knelt with her head down, "I was wrong master. This is worse than killing her. Please, please bind me to the chair and let Mary have some peace."

"Crouching down, John caressed Tayna's hair, "I can't as you know. Only Mary can end it." Tommy stood and watched Tayna return to kneel before Mary. He looked at Jenny and said, "Once Darla and Tayna came to me, I knew it was only matter of time before Jenny, my first slave came to me."

Jenny walked over and knelt but did not bow more than to lower her head, "Master, release Mary and forgive her. Punish me instead, I am first slave and have failed to guide her."

"Jenny you know better than to ask that," Tommy said. He stopped dead when she looked up and saw she was crying. "Return to your sisters and let me think it over." He waited until Jenny returned to kneel with her sisters before walking to Mary, "Your sisters are begging to take your place Mary. Look at them, would you have me let you go and make them suffer?"

"No master." Mary said. "Better to live in hell than send another into it for my crimes."

"Then you are ready for complete submission and forgiveness. Unbind; dress her in latex and proper heels. I don't care how but make it happen and return." He smiled as the three all but ripped off the ropes and half carried Mary down the hall. He walked over to the couch, sat and waited with a small smile on his lips and waited. When they returned with her she was wearing latex stockings, opera length gloves, thong panties, a bra and high heels. In addition, someone had washed off her makeup and brushed her hair out. "Much better," Tommy said looking at her. "Jenny, you may start," he added a moment later.

Jenny motioned for Mary to kneel beside her as the other two knelt on either side of them. "Mary, our master has dictated I walk you through the full and final submission process. It consists of three submissions. First you must give master your body to use and change as he sees fit for his pleasure is your obsession." She paused, "Now you give him your body in your own words sister."

Mary looked up, "Master, my body is yours. Please turn me into a vision of beauty in your eyes."

"I will..." Tommy said in reply.

"Now sister, it is time to give our master your heart and soul for that is where love and devotion is found." Jenny said tenderly.

"Master I love and need you more than life its self. I cannot take the thought of hurting you ever again. You are my lord and master. You are my god and I worship the ground you walk on." Mary said meaning every word from the bottom of her heart.

"I love you too Mary."

"Sister, this last step is the hardest to do and yet once done you will finally feel complete. You must give up your mind to our master. Who and what you believe you are will be his to control and change as it pleases him."

"Master, please make me forget everything. Allow me to become like my sisters, a simple slave in your service and nothing more."

"I cannot Mary, not yet."

Jenny was stunned, she had never considered their master would refuse their sister. She looked at the shocked expressions of her sisters but before she could speak it was Tayna who asked, "Why not master? Hasn't our sister been punished enough?"

"Tayna, I have forgiven Mary. The reason I refused has nothing to do with her past sins." Tommy got down on the floor before Mary and stroked her face. "Love, you are my slave girl, and do not forget it. However, before you lose your past; there are loose ends of your former life that must be resolved." He took her hands in his, "Your sisters and I will guide and help you clear them up so that you can take the final step."

"But what must I do master?" Mary whimpered. She felt lost.

"First you will call in sick for the rest of the week. Then you will announce you are retiring and sell your client list at the first reasonable offer. Tomorrow, you and your sisters will go shopping for proper latex clothing and high heels. These will be for yourself and your sisters, all of which you will pay for. On the way back, you will go to Jenny's old apartment and help her gather her latex and heels." He paused and then looked at Jenny, "You will also gather your jewelry and up to 5 knickknacks that you want to keep. Everything else will be given to the land lord when you break your lease."

Tommy returned his attention to Mary, "Once your client list is sold and you have no reason to wear that mask, you will take the final step. However, between now and then, every time you leave this house, you will have at least one of your sisters with you. That way you will not forget who and what you really are. Any questions?"

"Master, if it pleases you I can make a call and sell right now. I would have to go in tomorrow to sign some papers but after that I would be finished." Mary replied.

"Make the call. After you sign the papers, you four can go shopping." Tommy paused, "You each will need one set of clothing you can wear in public over your latex so when packing for the move please consider that aspect." Getting up he stood over them. "Now on to other business, instead of plastic surgery, I want you girls to start wearing latex corsets and exercising. Since we have a treadmill, tonight each of you will walk briskly for an hour in heels. Starting tomorrow, you will walk for two hours or five miles, whichever comes first, briskly in heels. You will start with three inch heels and work your way up from there. Your sisters will stand on each side and one behind you in case you start to fall to catch you. Only once you have finished will you be allowed to stop and rehydrate."

He looked over them, "I know it will be hard on you girls. I know you will be sore and have blisters on your blisters on your feet. However, this is what I want of you. I want you to be able to walk the street and both men and women lust for you. This is what I am pushing you towards. If you are unable to reach my goal, then you will go under the knife and have plastic surgery. But let's try my way first."

Again Tommy paused, "Mary, make the call and meet us downstairs. The rest of you follow me." He led them down to the basement and to the treadmill that had only been used once when Mary first got it a few years ago. "Jenny, you first."

Jenny looked at the treadmill and gulped. She knew she was first slave and it was her duty to show her sisters the way. Getting up on it she started it and slowly worked it up to what she considered a brisk walk. She saw her master step forward and punch the speed a little slower. "Don't kill yourself Jenny." She would have laughed except she didn't have the breath. It was going to be a long hour.

Tommy spotted Jenny from the rear and held her steady when she fell. It took about half an hour for Mary to come down but when she did she was smiling. "Well?" he asked not looking at her.

"It is done master for more than the list is worth. In addition, everything was done electronically so I do not need to go in other than to clean my office out." Mary said moving up to take his place.

"Very good girl. Is there any real reason for you to go to your old office? Or can you just call an old coworker and tell him or her to throw it all away." Tommy hugged her from behind and added, "That way, once you four have had your exercise, you can take the last step and be mine fully."

"Nothing is worth to wait another day sister," Jenny managed to get out.

"You are right... they can have all that crap," Mary said melting against her master's loving arms. "If it pleases you, take me all the way tonight master."

"I would do it right now with you kneeling before your sisters. However, I think Jenny will drop dead if I make her have an orgasm while walking on the treadmill." Tommy laughed. "Or I will make you four a deal. Jog for half the time but you have to go without high heels at all for a week."

"I'll pass," Mary said a moment before the others. The thought of not wearing high heels was akin of not breathing for a week. Impossible to do.

"When you four finish, come upstairs. Remember if you let your sister fall she may twist or break her ankle and be forced to go without heels. If that happens, none of you will wear heels until she is healed fully." Tommy said. Going upstairs he sat down to watch some TV but the lack of sleep the night before caught up to him.

"We're done master," Jenny said softly as she reached out to touch his leg.

Tommy woke up with a start, "I must have drifted off." He looked at the four girls and saw how ragged they looked now. "Just to make sure, each will stand and walk around before kneeling once more."

Jenny stood and walked back and forth a few times and knelt. Each of the other four slaves did the same and knelt beside her. "Do you want to check our blisters also?" Her eyes got large, "OH my god... Please forgive me master. I wasn't thinking."

"No I don't want to check your blisters. I wanted to make sure you didn't twist an ankle," Tommy said angrily. Standing he looked down at Jenny, "Stand and strip it all off..." He waited until she stood nude before him and stared hard at her. "Words fail me Jenny. Your task was to lead by example and by guidance." He shook his head, "Come with me." Turning he walked back to his old bedroom before turning to face her. "Love of my life. What can I do? If I let you slide, your sisters will act out and what Mary lived will happen once more."

"Punish me master, it is the only way," Jenny said not looking up.

"As you wish," Tommy said. He walked out of the bedroom with her trailing behind. "Kneel in place facing away from me Jenny." Once she was kneeling he said, "You will follow through with the same submission ritual in your mind as Mary does aloud. Then as she becomes nameless, you too will go deeper into your submission. However, you will retain the name I gave you." Tommy paused, "When we go to bed tonight, you will be bound spread eagle on the bed nude. Your sisters and I will make love each other and to you; however, you will not orgasm when they do. Every time you start to feel good, you will remember that I am disappointed with you and the pleasure will flee leaving you needing the pleasure that only I can give you."

Tommy paused and said to the others, "Jenny asked for her punishment when I asked her alone. As first slave, she is not allowed to stumble. She knows better and while she realized her mistake at once. The words were out. The same rules you live by; she must also follow." He turned his attention to Mary, "Mary, you must give me your mind for me to change and mold as I see fit. Make your submission."

"Master, I give you my mind. Take my past away and remove the mask I have worn. Please, I beg you, make me a true slave living only for your pleasure."

"I accept. You have one last step to take. Just like before you will close your eyes and say softly, I submit and orgasm. Each time you say it, the words will burn their way deeper into your mind and erasing your past. The deeper the words and the more past that is lost, the stronger your orgasm will be. Finally, you will reach the point where there is nothing left other than a slave girl, nameless and without a past. When your past is erased you will have an orgasm so strong that it forces you to pass out completely. When you awaken, you will open your eyes and sit quietly." Tommy paused, "All four will perform this now and the only difference is that three will retain their names I have given them. Start now...."

He was not surprised when Tayna and Darla both passed out quickly. While he expected Jenny to follow suit, Mary slumped over while the other girl continued to chant softly. They woke one at a time and knelt without speaking and yet Jenny still chanted. Standing up, Tommy moved to kneel before Jenny. In a soft voice he said, "Open your eyes without stopping." Her eyes opened but stared through him. "Without stopping, tell me what is holding you back from final submission."

"I don't want to forget about us." Jenny said in a dull monotone while still chanting and having small orgasms.

"You will keep all memories of us since you submitted to me Jenny. I also want you to keep memory of your sister and the hate that you have for her. The rest... make it go away now," Tommy commanded. Jenny screamed in pleasure as she orgasmed and fell forward against him. Sliding out from beneath her, he went to sit on the couch so he was across from Mary.

"Nameless, I give you the name Mary. I always thought it was a sweet name. Like your sisters, you love and need the feel of latex against your skin, you love and need high heels and finally you really love to be bound in some way. Not only do you love and enjoy these things, but seeing your sisters dressed or bound the same way makes you very wet. Next to your love for me, you love your sisters unconditionally and would do anything to help them become better slaves for me. Finally, you will only orgasm when I allow it. The default setting is for you to cum when any of your sisters do."

He saw Jenny was once more awake and facing the other way. "Jenny, I forgive you this one time. But the next time you forget yourself, you will not be so lucky. Get dressed, you, Tayna, and Darla are going tonight to pack you out of the apartment." He waited until they were getting ready to leave before adding, "Each breath you take, your need to cum will grow. However, no matter what you try, you may not cum until you are back home where you belong. Remember that. Oh.... And don't break any traffic rules hurrying back."

He waited until the door closed behind them and then smiled down at Mary. "Now we can play without any distractions. "My lovely slave, I could bend you over the back of the couch and take you. But I have something slower in mind. He stood and took her hand. Going to the master bedroom, Tommy stopped, turned and slid her latex thong off. Undressing slowly before her he crawled into bed and lay on his back. "Make love to me. Show your undying love and devotion without words."

Mary looked at her master and smiled. Crawling up on the bed she began by kissing his passionately about the face and lips as her latex covered fingers explored his skin. She kissed her way down his neck and to his chest where she found his nipples. She suckled and chewed on each one before kissing her way down his belly towards his incredible cock. It was at least eight inches long and nice and fat she thought to herself as she took it into her mouth. Without words she worshiped his cock. She could tell he was close and stopped long enough to look up at him with a smile while lightly licking his precum. Only when her master calmed down a bit would she begin again.

After the third time she slowed down he said, "When I cum, you will be able to cum also. In the meantime, the excitement I feel, you will feel with the difference that I will calm down when you stop while you will keep at the same level."

The next time around, Mary found her need only grew while her master came back from the edge. She attacked his cock hungrily and used every trick she knew, and all her sisters had told her that her master enjoyed. Even as he came and her body responded in kind, she swallowed down every god like drop of his cum. She sucked and licked him clean and brought his cock back to life. Sitting up she straddled him and finally took his cock inside her. She mewed in pleasure of the feeling of his cock inside her. Slowly she made love to her master with her on top and then as he came inside her, she reached down to play with his balls while her cunt milked him dry.

He was astounded, although Mary was the oldest of his four slaves, and she had pushed out two children, she was the best fuck of all. Even though he had had a full day and just finished cumming two times back to back, his cock was still ready for more. He was about to roll over and mount her from the top when she stopped him with a question.

"Will master take my virgin ass?"

"I never have done anal Mary. I might hurt you," he replied stroking her cheek.

"Master could never hurt his slave. He cares too much for that. We can just take it slow and learn together if it pleases you to do so."

"Very well, wait here. I'll go find some lube and a condom." Getting up Tommy found the others putting things away in Tayna's old bedroom. "Tayna would you and Darla go and tell Mary I will be along in a few minutes. In the meantime, ravish her and make her ready for my return." He waited until the pair left and then turned to Jenny, "Jenny, have you ever done anal?"