Two Straight Guys

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Straight guy Lee feels sparks with straight guy George.
10.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/14/2024
Created 02/17/2024
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Big thank you to OldBroad76 for editing this story for me!

"Nervous?" Sarah asked Lee, her hand moving over his black jeans onto his lap.

"Why would I be nervous?" Lee asked back.

"Well, it's the first time you're meeting my best friend. I hope she likes you." Sarah said.

Lee turned to look at her. Her blonde hair flowed down her shoulders, her blue eyes shone, and her smile melted my heart.

"What's not to like?" Lee joked.

"That's true." Sarah laughed back and kissed his freshly shaven cheek.

"You just better hope she doesn't want me as much as you do." Lee said and nudged Sarah, his.... Girlfriend? On the arm.

"She better not," Sarah laughed out. "Her new guy... thing, is coming tonight as well, and apparently he is as big into the gym as you, so maybe you should be the one worried."

"Well at least I'm not the only newbie here." Lee said and took her hand into his

He looked into Sarah's eyes for a moment, and even though the bar was busy, loud, and stank of spilt beer, his sole focus was on her.

"She's not going to interrogate me, is she?" Lee asked, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

"We've only been dating for two months. Don't worry, I told her to go easy on you." Sarah replied, which helped calm Lee down a little.

Two months and I'm already meeting her friends. This is going a little fast, Lee thought. He liked Sarah, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for anything too serious.

"There they are!" Sarah suddenly shouted down Lee's ear.

Her hand left his as she stood up and waved across the bar.

Lee turned his head and spotted Sarah's best friend, Kelly. He recognised her from the photos that Sarah had shown him.

Long black hair, slim frame and a youngish face. Considering she was 19, the same age as Lee, she looked younger.

But as Lee looked at her, he realised, where's her date?

Kelly walked over to them on her own. For a few minutes Lee was grateful, thinking that he would have another guy to speak to, but it seemed that wasn't the case.

Sarah gave Kelly a huge hug, almost lifting her off the ground before turning to face Lee.

"Kelly, this is Lee." She said.

Lee stood up and stuck out his hand.

"Great to meet you." Lee said and smiled.

"You too, finally." Kelly said and shook her hand back.

They sat down and Kelly ordered a round of drinks.

"So, where's your guy? What's his name again?" Sarah asked.

"George," Kelly told her. "He's just in the bathroom. He'll be here in a sec."

Lee let out a sigh of relief. At least these two friends could chat whilst he just spoke to another guy.

The two girls started to speak, catching up on stuff that Lee didn't really have any interest in paying attention to. Then he looked across the bar and something caught his eye.

Walking over to them had to be the most handsome man Lee had ever laid his eyes on.... Wait, did I just think he was handsome?

He had short black hair, beautiful green eyes and a jaw line you could cut glass on. He was dressed in a black shirt that looked tight around his muscular body and black jeans.

Lee knew he should look away, but for some reason, he couldn't.

This man met Lee's eyes and kept walking over until his hand wrapped around Kelly's shoulder.

"Hey." He said and kissed her cheek.

"Hey, everyone, this is George." Kelly said with a smile.

Of course, the guy I was so obviously staring at is her boyfriend... why was I staring?!

Kelly continued, "George, this is Sarah and her friend, Lee."

"Nice to meet you." George spoke in a deep, seductive voice.

He reached his hand out to shake Lee's. When Lee grabbed back it was like they were both gripping onto steel. Two clearly strong men gripping onto each other.

"Nice to meet you, too." Lee told him, although he could feel a little sweat form on his brow.

Sarah and Kelly carried on speaking after that whilst Lee and George awkwardly sat there, sipping on their beers in a strange silence.

Every now and again, Lee looked up and made eye contact with George but then quickly darted away.

When the TV was turned on in the bar this seemed to drag George's attention, giving Lee the opportunity to properly look at this god like man.

His body looked stocky and firm, his arms were huge, and his face was handsome. It was like the design of the perfect man. Then Lee's eyes slowly made their way down to his crotch.

What the fuck am I doing?! Lee thought and shook his head, Why am I looking at him like that?

Lee had never once in his life thought of another man as attractive, but there he was, staring at this gorgeous man and realising that his cock was twitching.

Grabbing his beer, Lee tried to calm himself and closed his eyes and took a drink.

"So, Lee, what do you do?" George asked.

"I, erm, work in sales," Lee replied and put his beer down. "What about you?"

"I work in property," George said to him. "It's as exciting as it sounds, but the money's good."

George's clothes were clearly expensive, and he wore an exceptionally flashy watch, so clearly he was on good money.

"Sounds good, where are you from?" Lee asked.

"Leeds, I take it by your accent that you're from Manchester?" He asked back.

"Yeah, just outside really." Lee replied.

"Nice, I love Manchester, great music scene." George said.

"Oh yeah, I go see a band at least once a week." Lee told him, being a big music buff himself.

"Oh yeah," Sarah joined in, "Lee never shuts up about music."

"That's cool." George said and sipped on his beer.

"Maybe you two could go together and hang out." Kelly suggested.

"That's so cute!" Sarah said.

Lee looked at George who gave him just an awkward look back.

The rest of the night went pretty similar, a few awkward, forced conversations between Lee and George as Sarah and Kelly chatted away.

By 10pm they were all ready to go, but having a few more beers, Lee's glances at George became more obvious.

On more than one occasion, they made eye contact, but strangely enough, George didn't break it. If anything, it seemed that he was staring back.

In the taxi home Lee's head was spinning.

What was that all about? He thought, Why were we both looking at each other like that? Why was I getting hard whilst looking at him?

When they got back to Sarah's apartment, Lee tried to distract his thoughts by having sex with Sarah, but it didn't help. Even after he came inside of a condom, he still couldn't get George out of his head. He had hoped that would be the end of it.


"I'm off in a minute." Lee said as his phone was on loud speaker, buttoning up his shirt.

"Okay, are you going with anyone?" Sarah asked back.

"No, just on my own. There's this band I really want to see, but no one else wanted to come." Lee replied, finally ready.

"I would've gone with you." Sarah replied with a little huff.

"Sorry, I only realised it last minute." Lee lied.

He would've invited Sarah, but he kind of wanted a night to himself, having spent nearly every day with her.

"No problem, talk to you tomorrow." She said and put the phone down.

Lee headed out and arrived at a bar he regularly went to. They had a different live band on every week, so Lee was there often. He got a pint and turned to look around the busy bar.

Wait? What's he doing here?

Lee couldn't believe it when he saw George seated at a table on his own. He was holding a beer, wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans. Just like when they met two weeks earlier, he looked impeccable.

Should I say hi?

But before Lee made up his mind, George's head turned and locked eyes with him. To be fair, George had an equally confused look on his face.

Well, I can't not say hi now.

Lee smiled at him and walked over, but the closer he got, the more he remembered about actually being attracted to this guy.

What is going on with me? Why do I find this man hot?

"Hey, didn't expect to see you here?" Lee asked as he reached George's table.

"Yeah, I go wherever these guys play." George replied.

"Oh cool, I've wanted to see them for ages, but this is the first time." Lee told him.

"Have a seat if you want, mate." George suggested.

When he smiled, Lee got a glimpse of his perfect, pearly white teeth, and Lee's heart jumped a little.

Nervously, he sat down at the table and played with the glass in his hand.

"How's it going with Kelly?" Lee asked.

"Good, what about Sarah?" George replied.

"Yeah, same." Lee told him.

They sat there awkwardly, barely speaking for ten minutes until the band finally started.

As soon as they did, any awkwardness or nerves seemed to go straight out of the window.

George obviously knew the band well as he tapped along and sang a few of their lines. Lee didn't speak, instead trying to focus on the great music. Except every now and again he got distracted by glancing over at the specimen that was George.


"Mate, that was so good!" George shouted over the music now playing out of the speakers after the band had finished and gone off stage.

"I know, so much better than I thought!" Lee replied.

"Yeah, I love watching them live." George told him.

They had both had another few pints whilst watching, and Lee started to feel a little tipsy.

"I can see why. I definitely have to see them again." Lee said.

"I think I'm going to watch them again next month. You're welcome to come with me?" George asked.

Lee's stomach suddenly felt like it was filled with butterflies, like he was flirting with a hot girl. Yet it was no hot girl, but a hot man.

"I... erm... yeah, sure." Lee told him.

"Cool, give me your number, and we can sort it out." George said, in a firm but not forceful tone.

Lee immediately gave George his number, then George called him so Lee could save his.

"I'm probably gonna head back to Kelly's." George said and finished the last drop from his pint.

"Yeah, I should get back home, too." Lee said, then when he stood up, he lost his footing a little.

"You alright there?" George asked and reached out to help Lee stand up straight.

Just the touch of this man's hand on Lee's bare arm sent fireworks throughout his body.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Lee whispered, but his face felt like it was burning red.

They headed out of the loud bar together and into the cold, night air. There were taxis already waiting outside, and George headed over to one.

"Hey, it was good to see you again." George said.

As they stood facing each other, Lee realised that George was slightly taller than him and slightly more muscular.

"Yeah, it was." Lee said.

He looked up, getting lost in George's beautiful, green eyes.

But George didn't break the eye contact either. No, he stared straight back at Lee, but there was no awkwardness.

Lee's heart was beating a mile a minute. He didn't know if it was from feeling a little tipsy or what, but he was sure he could feel something from the way George was looking at him.

It was probably only a few seconds, but to Lee it felt like hours that they stared at each other until George finally broke away.

His face blushed as well as Lee's as he looked to the floor.

"I'll erm, see you soon." George stuttered out and jumped into the taxi.

Lee remained silent as he watched it drive away.

What was that?

But as he stood there, he realised his cock was rock hard.

By the time that Lee got home, his thoughts were only filled with George. He rushed into his room, got completely undressed and started to stroke his hard six inch cock.

God, why is he so hot? Lee thought as he wanked faster, his face is so perfect, and that body... I wonder what he looks like without his top on?

His cock started to leak precum, which his hand spread around. His breathing grew heavier, and he started to moan lightly.

I thought he was going to kiss me for a second...

Lee closed his eyes and imagined kissing this other man, feeling his body, touching him all over. Then that was it. Lee came, covering his stomach and chest in hot, thick cum.

He eventually slowed down, stroking his cock as he caught his breath.

Fucking hell... that was nuts.


The next day Lee settled that he was just drunk and horny and that he wouldn't think of George like that again, which was easy to think at the time.

A week later though, he got a call from Sarah.

"Hey, what are you up to tomorrow night?" She asked.

Lee had pulled away a little from seeing Sarah, realising he didn't want a relationship with her, but like most men his age, he was too nervous or afraid to tell her that. He knew it was stupid and not the nicest thing in the world, but he planned on just gradually seeing her less and less.

However, when she put him on the spot, he couldn't think of an excuse in time.

"Perfect," Sarah said when he didn't reply, "me, you, Kelly and George are all going out for a meal."

"G-George is going?" Lee stuttered out, his throat suddenly going dry.

"Yeah, why? Didn't you like him?" Sarah asked.

The opposite actually.

"No, he's fine. I... I'll see you tomorrow." Lee told her and put the phone down.

Hitting his head against the pillow he groaned, not sure of what to do.

That night and all the following day, Lee was a nervous wreck about seeing George again. He had no idea how this guy played with his mind so much. He prayed that George was too drunk to remember their strange encounter and even more so that he didn't tell Kelly anything!

When he arrived at the bar to meet Sarah, his hands wouldn't stop shaking. Then he spotted all three of them sitting together.

Oh my god, why does he always look amazing?

George looked perfect, chiselled face, perfectly combed hair, clothes that fit his body amazingly. Am I drooling?

Lee took a deep breath and headed over.

"Hey." He said when he reached the table.

Instantly he looked over at George who strangely had an equally awkward look on his face.

"Hey hun." Sarah said and kissed Lee on the cheek.

"Lee! How's it going?" Kelly asked, smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"Good thanks." Lee replied and sat down, noting that George didn't say anything.

"I'm so glad we're all together again. Let's get some drinks, hey?" Sarah suggested.

"Yeah, I'll come with you." Kelly replied and the two girls stood up.

Oh no!

Lee and George both looked in shock as the girls quickly walked away, leaving them alone.

"How... how've you been?" Lee asked, his mouth turning dryer than a desert.

"Good," George awkwardly replied, "You?"

"Same." Lee told him.

For a few moments, there was just pure awkwardness, neither looking at each other or saying a word.

That was until Lee finally got the courage to look up and meet George's beautiful eyes.

They were locked onto each other, unable to look away, lost in the other's stare.

Lee's breathing grew a little heavier. Why am I so attracted to this man?

His cock stirred between his legs. He couldn't explain it, but he had never felt this way before, and he was overcome with lust. He had never felt it with a woman, never mind a man!

As they stared at each other, all Lee wanted to do was jump across the table.

What is going on with me?

Finally, they were dragged back to reality when the girls arrived with cocktails for the table.

"Hope you two were getting along without us?" Kelly joked out, but Lee and George just laughed nervously.

Lee looked at George, he must be feeling this too, right?

The girls took the lead with the conversation for the night. Lee and George joined in occasionally. Other than that, their night was filled with lustful stares at one another.

Then Sarah recommended something that frightened Lee even more.

"Why don't we all go back to mine? Carry on the party there?" She said.

Before Lee or George could reply, Kelly agreed.

So, the group went outside and piled into a taxi together.

Sarah sat at the front with the driver. Lee was on the left hand side of the passenger seat, George in the middle, and Kelly on the right. There was so little room that Lee and George were practically pressed against each other.

This was the closest and most contact Lee ever had with George so far, and his body reacted to it.

George's thigh pressed against his, his strong arm against Lee's.

But then George's hand went in between their two thighs and slowly pushed down until his hand was on the seat, his palm and fingers looking up and holding to the underneath of Lee's thigh, forcing Lee to nearly gasp in shock.

Oh me god! Lee nearly jumped, What's he doing?

He looked at George, but George kept his focus in front of him. Lee tried to think nothing of it until George's hand very clearly squeezed his leg.

He's definitely doing this on purpose!

It was electric. Lee's body tingled all over just from the mere touch of George's hand. Safe to say, his cock was rock hard. As nervous as he was, especially with the girls in the taxi, Lee didn't want it to end.

He had no idea what he was feeling, but deep down he was grateful that George seemed to take this step.

George's fingers slowly moved a little around underneath Lee's thigh, giving the occasional squeeze. Lee wanted more, no, he needed more! Having this beautiful man's, strong hand holding him felt so natural.

Neither of them said a word the entire drive, just silence as Lee became more and more aroused by George.

When the taxi finally came to a stop, George quickly pulled his hand away, and neither of the girls were any the wiser. George didn't even turn to look at Lee as they got out and went into Sarah's house.

"Right, who wants a drink?" Sarah asked as she rushed to the fridge.

"I'll just have a soda." Lee told her, thinking he wants to keep a level head with all these feelings going on.

"Me too." George replied.

"God, you two are boring!" Kelly joked, "I'll have a shot!"

"Well at least we can have some fun." Sarah laughed back.

As Lee sat down with a can of pop in his hand, George sat on the armchair opposite him. But this time he looked at Lee with awkwardness, with a sort of hunger in his eyes.

He keeps looking at me like that, Lee thought, meeting George's stare. He wants, whatever this is, too.

The two girls drank and chatted whilst Lee and George stared at each other with lust in their eyes. After twenty minutes, Lee made the decision to go the bathroom, but as he walked past, he made sure to graze George's leg with his own. He moved imperceptibly, but he wanted to give some contact back.

Oh my god, it's like I'm trying to flirt with him!

He stood in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. You need to get it together, he told himself and splashed some water on his face. You're not gay; this is weird.

Splashing some more cold water over his face to calm himself down, Lee grabbed the door handle and opened it, but he jumped when he saw George on the other side.

They looked at each other for a few seconds.

"H-hi." Lee stuttered out.

George didn't say a word.

What is he doing?

Suddenly George stepped forwards and into the bathroom. His hands grabbed onto Lee's waist as he walked them both back a step. The bathroom door closed behind them as they moved until Lee's back was pressed against the wall.

Their bodies weren't touching, but they were close.

George's big, strong hands held onto Lee's waist as he stared into his eyes.

He wants this, Lee thought, breathing heavily as he looked at George. I want this.