Uncharted Ch. 01


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I didn't have any time to think about that anyway, as my words had emboldened my new beau into taking the next step, with Daniel now pulling me down into a lying position and then in for a second kiss. It was sweet and gentle like the first, and before I knew it we were on our third kiss and then fourth. We held the next few a bit longer, and after a few more like that shared a long, deep, soul-searching kiss, our lips pressed hard into one another.

"Oh Daniel," I cried out, overcome with such emotion that I had to pull away. "I love you so much." I didn't know what had come over me, but the next thing I knew I was crying. Daniel took me in his arms and held me with my head against his chest as I quietly sobbed for a while, feeling more and more safe in his warm embrace. I could feel the love emanating from him, the love I'd always shared with Daniel as my son, but now those emotions carried more weight, that of a man and woman coming to accept that they had other feelings for each other too.

"Come on, let's go home," Daniel said. His voice was sturdy, confident, and mature, and I welcomed seeing this side of him. We'd both been through enough for the day, and I was glad to see that Daniel had read my mood and not tried and cajole me for more. Nevertheless, as we walked along the graceful shoreline back to our camp we did so holding hands, and neither of us for an instant believed we we doing it as merely as mother and son. As deeply as those emotions were still flowing between us, this was something entirely different.


It wasn't until the next morning after breakfast that we spoke about it again, and this time it was Daniel who approached me.

"Mom," he began cautiously, testing the waters to gauge my mood, "I... I just wanted to say how much yesterday meant to me. You know, with what we did."

"Me too, sweetie," I smiled back.

"Really? I wasn't sure... I mean it seemed like you were okay, but I know how reluctant you were about it before."

"I've had a lot to think about," I replied. "I know this is a time for you to learn about yourself, but I've been learning about myself too."

"Mom, I..." Daniel said, bringing me back from my thoughts. He clearly had something to say, but was feeling nervous about it.

"It's okay to tell me what you're feeling son, I want you to know you can trust me... always." Even if those same rules didn't apply to his mother, at least yet, I didn't want Daniel to be afraid to talk about what he was going through.

"I was thinking about yesterday, about us lying together in that pretty place, and it just seemed so perfect. Thanks for taking me there."

"It's always been a special place for me," I smiled back. "I don't know why I never showed it to you before."

"I was thinking how beautiful it was," Daniel went on. "In my thoughts I imagined us holding each other tight and kissing there again, but this time it was even more perfect because, well, this time we weren't wearing anything."

My eyes got wide in surprise, and Daniel quickly began again.

"I'm sorry Mom, I know I shouldn't talk that way to you. It's just... my mind goes to those places and I can't control it. You're so pretty, and every time I see you all I can think about is us being together that way. I tried so hard not to have such thoughts, I really did. I know you're not supposed to look at your mom like that. But lately... I've just had these urges inside me. I tried my best to stop them, but all they do is keep getting stronger."

"It's okay, dear," I replied, still feeling a little caught off guard but trying to look calm. "There's nothing wrong with... I mean to say, it's all part of growing up sexually. All kinds of erotic thoughts, urges, images, might enter your mind, it's all about trying to make sense of it."

"Okay Mom, I'm just glad you weren't offended or anything."

"Back when we talked about sex, I explained to you the simple basics; if you were in school back home they would have taught you at least that by now, but there's so much I didn't talk about. You're growing up into a man, there's no use trying to deny that now, and that includes having all kinds of new urges. You do need to learn how to deal with them, but I don't want you to try and stop feeling them any longer."

"Even if they're about you?" he asked.

"I... well, this all comes back to what we talked about a few weeks ago," I replied. "I suppose I should have seen such a thing coming, being the only woman here, but I didn't, or at least I kept myself from wanting to see it. Either way, I know I can't do that anymore."

"What about you, Mom? Do you ever look at me the way I look at you?"

"I didn't Daniel... I couldn't," I muttered in response. "It's not that I don't think you're attractive dear, quite the opposite. I've been very proud to watch you grow up to be the handsome man you are today, both inside and out. But it's one thing for a mother to appreciate her son from afar and another to have the kind of feelings you're talking about."

"I know none of this has been easy for you, I'm sorry for that," Daniel said. "I just knew I couldn't continue on with the way things were between us."

"I understand that now, and you've given me a lot to think about these last few weeks. Sometime after coming here I learned to repress parts of myself too, like love, passion, and sex, all in the hopes that it could wait long enough for us to be rescued one day. But now... I know that's probably never going to happen. And that's why yesterday meant as much to me as it did to you. Because for the first time ever, I thought even if I have to live the rest of my life here I might still find happiness."

I could see my final words especially strike an emotional chord within Daniel, and he strode over to me and took me into his warm embrace.

"That means so much to hear you say that Mom, you know all I want to do is make you happy."

"Mom, I don't want to just be your lover, I want to be the best you've ever had. You understand why that's so important to me, don't you?"

"Yes dear, I think I do," I replied. The emotional bond we already shared was already stronger than anything I could ever feel with anyone else, including John. Even being in Daniel's arms now, hearing him speak to me with such loving tones had me thinking about us sharing those sweet kisses from yesterday and how wonderful that had been despite Daniel's inexperience with physical love. No man could ever compete for my heart with him, I knew that for certain now. Nevertheless, I had to speak up in reply.

"Daniel... years ago, when we talked about sex... I did my best, but I also kept it clinical. I talked about the basics like reproduction but there's so much more to sexuality than that, things that you know little or even nothing about. Love, lust, knowing yourself, and having a partner to share and learn from those experiences. Most people spend the better part of their lives trying to figure these things out and a lot of them are still searching by the end. As sweet as it is to hear you say that you want to be a great lover, there's a lot more to it than just that."

"What are you getting at?" Daniel asked.

"As special as yesterday was Daniel, it also reminded me that because of your age you knew nothing about love and sex when we first came here, and later because of my lack of instruction know just about the same amount now."

"Then show me Mom... please," Daniel said. There was almost a sound of anxiety in his voice that I found alarming.

"Daniel, I think it's best if we take things slowly. In fact, that might be the best thing for the both of us."

"I can appreciate it if you want to take things slowly, Mom, but don't shut me out. I want you. Maybe it still sounds weird hearing that from anyone besides Dad, but for me... I feel a sense of freedom that I know I can't bottle up again. And after yesterday, I think you feel the same way. There's nothing I want more than to hear you say you want me too."

"Daniel, I... I," I stammered. I hadn't seen this coming, but suddenly I knew we were at a crucial moment of our relationship. I'd managed to talk about us as lovers in a mostly abstract way before but now Daniel wanted me to verbally confirm that I had the same feelings for him that he had for me.

"Damnit, do I really need to say it? You're my son, Daniel. Maybe you don't think it's a big deal to cross that line, but from where I come from it is."

"And like I've been trying to tell you, none of those lines matter here. You don't have to guilt trip yourself about what people back home would think when we're probably never going to see them again."

"It's not just that Daniel. Being a mother is more than what society tells you. It's a feeling, an instinct. It's a bond, a duty to protect your child above all else, even your own interests. That connection doesn't end after birth, in fact it's only grown stronger for me ever since."

I could feel myself becoming overwrought with emotion and needed to stop for a while before continuing, so I looked down at the ground as I tried to compose myself. As I sat Daniel got down on one knee, taking one of my hands into his, and held it tightly.

"Mom, I feel that same connection with you, I always have. And I felt it more than ever when we were together yesterday, in each other's arms kissing. It was magical, special, and loving. You can't convince me that something that felt that right could ever be wrong."

"But it's not supposed to be that way, Daniel. I'm the one who's supposed to be protecting you from harm, not inflicting it. I admit yesterday was special for me too, but I could still sense your immaturity, that vulnerability that comes from a lack of experience. You may be an adult in other ways now, but sexually... I'm not even sure you know yourself yet, much less how to be with someone else. I don't... I couldn't stand the thought of ever harming you."

"You could never harm me, Mom, and as for the rest... if I need to understand more, then there's no one I'd rather learn from than you. I trust you."

"Maybe I don't trust myself," I replied dryly. "I've already experienced feelings that I never thought possible as your mother."

"Then maybe we both have something to learn about ourselves," Daniel said, "and I don't see any better time for that than the present."

"Daniel, we have chores to do," I protested.

"They can wait and you know that," he chuckled. Daniel was right, I was just feeling butterflies again, and so when he took me by the hand I meekly followed as he guided me back to our sleeping area. Not that our beds were much, but they were functional and a lot more comfortable than the ground. I took note that Daniel walked me back to my bed, something I hadn't shared with him since those few times as a child when he'd been too scared to be alone and I'd allowed him to spend the night with me. And of course, I hadn't been in bed with someone with amorous intentions since being back home with John a full eight years before that. I don't think it hit me until that moment how lonely I'd been not to have a man in my heart or bed for that long, as I'd practically gone used to the idea of celibate solitude. Daniel wanted to change all that if I was willing to give him the chance. As scary as all that promised to be, it was hard not to be moved by his intentions as well.

I lay down on my makeshift bed, which wasn't anything more than some sheets we'd found in the wreckage that I managed to stitch together and then stuff with leaves, and then watched mesmerized as my adult son lay next to me and took me into his arms. We began very similar as we had before, exploring each other's lips with soft kisses, until I decided to change things up a bit by opening my mouth and gently pressing my tongue forward. Daniel was surprised at first, but quickly figured it out, parting his lips and allowing my tongue to enter before using his tongue to playfully joust with mine. It was fun and exciting, and as Daniel quickly adapted to what was happening I could feel my arousal beginning to churn inside me.

"Daniel," I managed to finally say, pulling away from him. I was breathless from my excitement, once again amazed that I could become so aroused from acting this way with my own son.

"There are... well, the mouth is considered an erogenous zone, but there are plenty of others too."

"Erogenous zone?" Daniel asked quizzically.

"Yes..." I began carefully. "Places that feel good to touch... sexually. Places that you want to pay special attention to when you have a partner and are... well, making love."

"Show me, Mom... please," Daniel said, lying back on my bed. I looked into his eyes and saw such a tenderness mixed with a yearning that mirrored exactly the tone in his voice. I had told Daniel that he needed to understand himself better and now he was asking for my help, and with that in mind I knew I could not say no.

There was an irony with what Daniel was asking that was not lost on me, that he was going to have me "teach" him the art of receiving physical pleasure that was very different than what my love life had been with John. As much as I loved my husband, sex always tended to be very straightforward with him. He was not much into foreplay, and even then it was rarely more than a blowjob. As John had once told me, "So long as Mr. Happy is happy, I'm happy," something I'd very much taken to heart. And so telling Daniel that he had numerous erogenous zones and him asking me to demonstrate felt like exploring new territory for me, and not just because I hadn't been with a man in eight years.

Once again I thought back to the image Daniel said he wished could be true, of our mouths tenderly exploring each other's while lovingly embracing one another in the nude, and I knew it wasn't just lust that had overtaken his heart but feelings of passion and love. It wasn't the kind of thing John would ever say to me, making it clear that Daniel was different from his father in this respect. He was very much a blank slate sexually, open to whatever new ideas I presented to him.

And it was with all this mind that I moved over my son as he lay back on my bed and went over to his head, starting with gentle kisses and licks over his ears and then softly nibbling on his ear lobes. It appeared to be working, as Daniel began breathing harder with deep sighs.

"Do... do you like that?" I asked, sounding more nervous than I expected. I was very rusty when it came to this sort of thing. Seeing the look of pleasure on Daniel's face gave me enough feedback to continue, so I moved on to his neck, slowly kissing the sides and front before motioning him to turn on his side so I could use my tongue on his nape. This worked even better, and the excitement I could sense from Daniel was inescapable as he pulled me away and back towards his mouth so we could share a deep, lingering kiss.

"No Daniel, please," I said as I managed to pull myself away. "This is about you. Just lie back and let it all happen."

I moved farther down now, trailing a long line of small kisses and licks down his chest before finally settling upon his nipples, teasing the small, hard buds with the tip of my tongue. Daniel let out a sharp hiss of excitement, making me think it was a sensitive area for him, and so I began vigorously sucking on them back and forth, and swirling my tongue around his areole.

"You like that too?" I teased. I had tried something similar many years ago with John, and it had gone nowhere, so I was more than pleased to see such a positive reaction from Daniel.

"Oh yeah, I love it," he responded. I could hear the excitement in his voice, crackling like a burning flame, and it was enough to trigger my own arousal.

"Just make sure I get to return the favor to you sometime," he added with a naughty smile. I could feel it now, this was clearly turning me on too.

"You'd better," I smiled back. Yes, I knew for certain that I wanted him, or maybe I'd always known it and was merely starting to feel comfortable enough to openly admit it. I still believed that we should take this slowly, mostly for Daniel's sake, but I now saw this ending the same way Daniel did and was no longer afraid of what the future held for us. My words emboldened Daniel, and as I remained leaning over him I could feel his hands tugging at the bottom of my shirt to pull it up and over me.

"No Daniel, not yet," I said. The look of disappointment on his face was enough to break my heart, so I quickly added, "It will happen, sweetie, I promise. You just need to be patient about it, okay?"

"Okay," he replied, soundly somewhat relieved. "But Mom, there is something you could do for me. Please, it's practically hurting..."

Daniel's gaze went down to the only article of clothing he was wearing, his tiny cutoff jeans. With the growth spurt he'd experienced in the last year they were probably already a size too small for him, and with the excitement he was feeling presently the front was bulging obscenely as if it was futilely trying to break through the tough surface. I looked back up into Daniel's face and he simply said, "Please, Mom..."

"Okay dear," I replied nervously. My hands were practically shaking as I got back up into a sitting position and reached down to undo the front of Daniel's jeans, then carefully slid them down his legs before tossing them aside. My son was now lying on top of my bed, naked as the day he was born, but seeing him for the first time like this as an adult wasn't what had garnered my attention. Not that his chiseled frame wasn't an impressive sight, but the huge cock waving like a bloated sausage from his groin was too much not to focus on.

"Oh my god Daniel," I gasped in startlement as I came face to face with my first cock in eight years. For some reason, I found myself recalling what my old friend Tammy once said to me about penises vs. cocks, that the former was what a woman saw when talking to her platonic friends and the latter was what she saw when talking to a man she desired, and without hesitation, I knew that I was looking at a cock. My eyes became transfixed on the impressive sight before me; Daniel's had to be about eight inches long, but even more startling was just how thick and meaty it was, with wide, blood-filled veins keeping it almost standing straight up.

"Mom," Daniel said. There was something in his voice that was surprisingly docile, almost pleading.

"Um, yes, dear?" I asked, finally prying my eyes away from the sight that had practically taken control of me to look back into my son's haunting blue eyes.

"There's been something I've been meaning to ask you about, something that's worried me," he continued. I didn't know what Daniel could be talking about until he grasped his shaft in one hand and turned it slightly so that the other side was facing me. There was a small bruise on the wide, flared helmet of his cock, dark blue, almost black.

"What happened, Daniel?" I asked, more than a little concerned now. "Are you in pain?"

"No... I... well, yes, a little," he admitted.

"How did this happen?" As much as my more primal instincts had been aroused, my motherly ones were still able to take back control when necessary.

"I...I..." he started, unable to continue.

"Daniel, I'm still your mother, we can talk about these things," I said, trying to reassure him. It felt weird reasserting my role as his mother considering the wanton feelings I'd just experienced, but those lines were forever blurred now. I was Daniel's mother and I loved him, but I lusted for him too. Right or wrong, that was my reality.

"It was from, you know... trying to feel good... from touching it," he replied meekly.

"You mean from masturbating?" I asked in disbelief, before realizing that Daniel probably hadn't even heard that word before. "I mean, from trying to give yourself pleasure... sexual pleasure?"