Uncle Kevin Visits

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Mike & his mother grow closer when his uncle visits.
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Katherine Woodford trudged up the stairs, holding a white plastic laundry basket to the curve of her left hip. She sighed as she pushed open the bathroom door and hoisted the basket onto the counter by the sink. There must be better ways to spend a Saturday afternoon than doing laundry she thought to herself. Katherine emptied the hamper in the corner of the bathroom, tossing damp towels and facecloths into the laundry basket. She brushed a length of her thick black hair from her face with a sigh as she moved towards her son's bedroom.

Katherine shook her head in dismay as she looked around her son's room. For a moment she wondered if her son, Mike, actually made an effort to make his room as untidy and cluttered as possible. To her right was a desk with Mike's computer on it. Beside the monitor were empty soda cans and plates with scraps of uneaten food on them. Katherine dropped the laundry basket down beside the bed and began picking up pairs of jeans, socks and t-shirts that were strewn about the floor. She tossed them into the basket atop the towels and facecloths, then looked at her son's bed. She groaned.

Mike's bed was a tangled mess of sheets and a blanket. Lying in the middle of the bed was a pillow. Katherine could feel herself getting annoyed. Mike was almost nineteen and quite capable of taking care of himself Katherine thought. She and his father had been divorced for almost two years and she had tried to make it clear to him many times that any effort he made to at least keep his room tidy would make his life easier. Mike was attending college so she realized that consumed a good part of his time but she had a fulltime job so her free time was precious too.

Cursing under her breath Katherine tossed a sheet from her son's bed into the laundry basket to her right. As she tugged at the other sheet on Mike's bed she paused as her eyes grew wide. Katherine could feel her clit jump as she brought the sheet closer to her face. Towards one side of the white linen was a stain about the size of the palm of her hand. She pinched the sheet between her fingers. It was moist. Katherine knew that it was her son's semen.

Despite how guilty she felt about what she was about to do Katherine reminded herself that she was harming no one and only she would know. She laid down on Mike's bed, pulling her denim skirt up around her waist. Her panties were already damp and she pulled them off and tossed them into the laundry basket. Katherine opened her legs wide and pulled the sheet up between them, enjoying the feeling of the cool linen caress the insides of her thighs. She slid her hand down and pressed the sheet to her wet lips, letting her juice mingle with her son's. She let out a moan as she felt Mike's thick cum coat her swollen clit.

Katherine tugged her blue tanktop up towards her chin to uncover her breasts. Her nipples tingled as she tugged at them before returning a hand to her dripping pussy, rubbing the sheet over her tender wet lips. When she had gotten dressed that morning Katherine decided to not wear a bra since she would be staying home all day doing housework. As she washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen earlier she had noticed how her son's attention was on her, or more specifically, on her breasts as they swayed beneath her top. It was not the first time she had caught Mike staring at her, but it always excited Katherine. It gave her a rush of excitement knowing that her son had lustful thoughts for her. She had never encouraged Mike, or teased him, but she had not discouraged him either.

It wasn't long before Katherine felt an orgasm welling as she imagined her son stroking his cock and shooting streams of cum over the sheet she was rubbing over her pussy. She had not seen him naked since he was a child, but if he was built like his father he must have a nice cock she surmised. Katherine cried out, pressing the wet sheet harder to her throbbing clit as she imagined taking Mike's cock in her hand, then her mouth.

After balling up the sheet and burying it at the bottom of the laundry basket Katherine went to the linen closet. She brought out clean sheets and began making her son's bed. The room smelled musky and she hoped that the scent of her pussy would be gone by the time Mike returned home.

When she was nearly finished making her son's bed Katherine heard the low rumble of a vehicle in the yard. Even before going to the window to look out to see who it was she knew that it must be her younger brother, Kevin. His muffler had needed to be replaced for months but despite saying he was going to get it done he still hadn't.

"Anyone home?!"

Katherine dashed to the top of the stairs when she heard Kevin shouting from the kitchen.

"I'll be right down." she called out.

Kevin was already at the kitchen table drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette when Katherine joined him. She dropped the laundry basket by the cellar door and walked towards the table.

"Hey, Kat, how's it going?"

"Not bad," she told him "it would be better if I didn't have to spend my Saturday doing laundry and Mike would learn to clean his room once-in-a-while."

"I bet you could use a beer. I brought some over; pizza too." her brother replied, gesturing to the fridge behind him.

"Thanks." Katherine went to the fridge and took a bottle from the cardboard case, then sat down at the table beside her brother.

Kevin looked over at his sister as he brought his beer bottle up to his mouth to take another pull. His cock twitched and swelled as he stared at her nipples rising from her breasts, standing out from her tanktop. Her face was flushed and Kevin wondered what she had been doing when he arrived. He knew she didn't have a boyfriend and there was no one else there, but she looked as though she had been having sex he thought to himself. Kevin picked up his cigarette from the ashtray and took a long haul on it.

"Hey, I thought you quit smoking." Katherine said, her voice full of surprise.

"I did," he replied as he exhaled a cloud of smoke "or at least that's what Diane thinks."

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"Good. She's already pissed at me."

"Things still not going good with you guys?"

Kevin shook his head. "No. We got into it again this morning -- which is why I'm here. I hope you don't mind."

"No, of course not," Katherine assured him "it's always good to see you. I just wish it didn't take a fight with Diane to get you over here."

"Well, you may be seeing more of me if things between us don't improve soon. It looks like we're headed for a divorce."

"Oh, Kevin, don't say that!"

"It's true," he sighed "but in a way I think it would be better to get it over with rather than continue like this. It's been hellish lately."

Katherine frowned as she took a drink from her bottle of beer. She couldn't think of anything to say to comfort or reassure her younger brother, plus, secretly, she knew he was right.

"How about we go sit out on the patio?" Katherine suggested, hoping that being outside in the sun would cheer her brother up.

"That's a good idea." Kevin said as he stood up. He brought the case of beer from the fridge, then picked up his pack of cigarettes, ashtray and lighter from the table. He placed them in the open case of beer and tucked it under his arm.

As Kevin followed his sister towards the sliding patio doors his eyes ran down her back to the curve of her hips and ass in her tight denim skirt. As he stood behind her while she unlocked the patio door and slid it open Kevin reached down and gave Katherine's ass a hard squeeze. It was firm and he gave it a hard slap.

"Hey," Katherine squealed as she jumped, then turned to face her brother "keep your hands to yourself, little brother." Her tone was more playful than angry. She was used to him copping a feel and had concluded years ago that there was no harm in it, still she didn't want to encourage him.

"Do you know how long it's been since I've felt a woman's ass?" he asked as he followed his sister outside.

"A few hours?" she joked as she sat down on a wooden bench in front of a metal table on her patio.

"More like weeks," he sighed "and it's been years since I've felt one as nice as yours." Kevin sat down on the bench beside his sister.

"Well, you better keep your hands to yourself," Katherine scolded with a smirk "Mike will probably be home for supper soon and I don't want him to see you feeling me up."

"Why not? Afraid he'll want to join in?"

Her brother's brash retort shocked Katherine, but in the back of her mind she wondered if he might be right.

Chapter 2

Mike Woodford turned the corner and began walking up the driveway towards his house. When he noticed his uncle's truck in the yard he smiled and quickened his pace. Mike dashed inside the house, looking around for his uncle.

"We're out here!" his mother called out when she heard the back door close.

Mike walked towards the open patio door and looked out at his mother and uncle sitting on the wooden bench.

"So, how's my favorite nephew?" Kevin asked, giving Mike a welcoming smile.

"Good, and you?" he replied.

"I'm doing okay." Kevin replied before taking another swig from his bottle of beer.

"Kevin brought pizza," Katherine informed her son "it's in the fridge."

"There's beer too. Help yourself." Kevin chimed in with a grin.

Katherine gave her brother a playful slap on the arm. "Kev -- you know better than to offer him beer. He's only eighteen!"

"I'll get a soda." Mike said before going to the kitchen.

After getting a soda and two slices of pizza from the fridge Mike returned to the patio and sat down opposite his mother and uncle. He was hungry and began devouring the pizza on his plate, listening to his mother and uncle talking. Mike noticed his mother cast occasional glances his way as he ate. She seemed somewhat nervous and Mike wondered what the cause of it was.

"Time for me to get rid of these beers." Kevin announced later as he stood up.

Mike watched his uncle walk inside towards the bathroom as he finished his can of soda. He placed his empty plate and can on the table in front of him and tilted his eyes up towards his mother. He clenched his jaw and fought a smile as he looked her over. Her tanned legs were crossed and Mike could see most of her left thigh as he peered up her denim skirt. As his eyes moved upwards Mike noticed the distinct outlines of his mother's nipples. His cock stiffened as he surveyed the shape of her breasts pushing out from the fabric of her blue top. He could tell she wasn't wearing a bra and wondered if his uncle had noticed as well. Of course he must have, Mike concluded. The real question was if his Uncle Kevin's thoughts had been as taboo as his own. He crossed his leg in hopes of concealing his growing erection.

"Ahh... much better," Kevin sighed as he returned to the patio "now for more beer." He took a bottle of beer from the case beside the bench then sat down as he twisted the cap.

"My turn to visit the bathroom." Mike announced as he stood up, hoping that his erection had subsided enough to not be noticeable.

Once he was in the privacy of the bathroom Mike felt much less nervous. He forced the image of how his mother looked from his mind long enough to empty his bladder. He could hear his mother's giddy laughter echoing from the patio through the window to his right. Once he had zipped his jeans up he lifted a slat of the blind covering the window and peaked outside to the patio where his mother and uncle were sitting.

"Holy shit..." Mike hissed to himself as he looked out at the patio.

Mike stared in disbelief as his uncle ran his hand up the inside of Katherine's left thigh under her skirt. She let out a playful giggle as she swatted at his arm, then gave him a scolding glare. Undaunted, Mike took a pull from his bottle of beer, then leaned towards his sister once more. This time his hand found her left breast. He gave it a squeeze, brushing his thumb over her stiff nipple. Katherine squealed and recoiled, covering her chest with her arm.

As he watched his uncle's lewd advances towards Katherine Mike rubbed his stiff cock through his jeans, hoping to see more. A few seconds later Katherine cast a wary eye towards the patio doors behind her, then said something to her brother, looking nervous. Kevin nodded and took another drink of beer.

Realizing he was not going to see anything more, Mike decided to return to the patio before his mother and uncle grew suspicious.

Mike noticed his mother jump as he stepped outside. She tugged at her skirt as she wiggled on the bench. Mike fought a smile as he sat down.

"Do you ever hear from Keith?" Kevin asked, interrupting the tense silence.

Mike looked up, surprised to hear his father's name mentioned.

"No," Katherine said "the last I heard he was in San Diego."

"Good-for-nothing bastard," Kevin spat out "does he at least send child support payments?"

"No," she told him "he hasn't sent any for ages. I guess it doesn't matter anymore now that Mike's eighteen."

"It matters. He's still his son. The least he could do is send some money once in a while. It can't be easy for you to get by on what you make at the flower shop."

"I do okay." Katherine gave her son a nervous look. She did not want to have this conversation in front of Mike.

Although Mike knew that his uncle was right it still hurt to hear him speak so harshly of his father. No matter what his faults may be, he was still his father Mike thought to himself. He turned his head away, looking out at the yard, clenching his jaw.

For the next two hours Mike replayed what he had seen through the bathroom window over and over in his mind while his mother and uncle talked. After a while Mike noticed that despite his Uncle Kevin's jovial mood he seemed nervous, or bothered by something. He did not seem like his usual self, Mike thought. After considering the reasons Mike concluded that it was most probably either guilt or fear of someone else, especially Diane or Mike himself, finding out that he had felt up Katherine. Mike wished there was a way to reassure his uncle that he would never reveal to anyone what he had witnessed, but knew that he had best not broach the matter.

"I should be going home," Kevin said as he looked at his watch, sounding resigned "Diane is probably home by now."

"Where was she?" Katherine asked.

"At a Bible study course." Kevin rolled his eyes, then slowly stood up. He paused for a moment, wobbling.

"Maybe you should be going to those Bible study classes too," Katherine teased "some religion might do you good, little brother."

"I'm beyond redemption." he replied with an undertone of seriousness.

Katherine watched her brother take a few tentative steps away from the bench. It was obvious that he had drank too much, but Katherine knew that he had been under a lot of pressure lately given the state of his deteriorating marriage.

"Woah... I probably shouldn't have had that last beer."

"You probably shouldn't have had those last three." Katherine shot back with a laugh "you're in no shape to drive -- I'll call you a cab."

"You've called me worse." Kevin retorted as he followed his sister inside, steadying himself on the doorway.

Mike followed his uncle and mother in to the kitchen. He looked her over from the corner of his eye while she called for a cab to take Kevin home. Mike tore his eyes away before she could catch him looking, then noticed his uncle a few feet away, giving Katherine's breasts a blank stare.

"It'll be here in about ten minutes." Katherine told her brother as she put the phone down on the counter.

"Okay, thanks," Kevin replied, jolting his head upwards to meet his sister's eyes "and thanks for having me over tonight. I really needed to get out of the house."

Katherine gave her brother a sympathetic smile as she stepped closer. She draped her arms over his shoulders. "You're welcome here anytime, Kev. No need to thank me." She tugged him closer and kissed his cheek.

Mike felt his heart accelerate as he watched his uncle's right hand slide down Katherine's back to her ass. He gave it a hard squeeze, pulling her tighter against him. Katherine let out a squeal and lurched back, then gave her son a shy look.

"Behave yourself, Kevin -- especially around Mike! You know better." she scolded, although in a amused tone.

Mike tilted his head down as he grinned.

"You take good care of your mother, Mike; she's a great lady." Kevin said. His voice was slurred a bit and he still had an arm around Katherine to support himself.

"I will -- I know." Mike replied with a brisk nod.

Katherine gave her son a proud smile. Maybe it was the beer, or the arousal caused by her brother groping her, but as she ran her eyes down her son's body she felt a surge of excitement. She thought how handsome he looked. Her eyes lingered on the slight bulge in his jeans and she wondered if he was hard, and why. She turned her head when she heard the loud sound of a car horn in the yard.

"Your cab's here." Katherine said, turning towards her brother.

Kevin meandered towards the door, his arm still around his sister. "Thanks again, Kat." he mumbled, leaning over to kiss her cheek. He eased his right hand up his sister's side and gave her left breast a soft squeeze, pushing it upwards.

Mike smiled as he watched his uncle's hand cup his mother's round breast, albeit briefly. He noticed that it was too large to entirely fit in Kevin's wide palm. But what surprised Mike was his mother's reaction, or lack of. Instead of recoiling like she had earlier she stood motionless for a moment, then eased away before looking into her brother's eyes with a warm smile.

Katherine watched from the doorway as the cab drove away, then closed the door. She leaned back on it for a few seconds, drawing in a deep breath. Her face was flushed and she looked over to her son with a guilty smile.

"He's been under a lot of stress lately -- usually he doesn't drink that much." she remarked, as if apologizing for her brother.

"Everyone deserves to have some fun once in a while," Mike replied "you seem to have had a good time tonight too."

Katherine gave her son a puzzled look, trying to ascertain exactly what he meant, then decided that it was probably best that she not ask. "I should bring the stuff in from the patio." she said, then walked past her son.

Mike followed his mother outside. He watched her as she gathered up the empty beer bottles and placed them in the cardboard box with the unopened ones. Mike could tell from her slightly unsteady movements that she too had probably had one or two beers too many. He picked up his uncle's ashtray and his empty soda can and plate and brought them back into the kitchen. His mother was unusually quiet and it unnerved him.

"Are you okay, mom?"

"Sure. Don't I seem it?"

"Not really," Mike told her "is something wrong?"

Katherine felt herself flush as she looked at the questioning look on her son's face. Then she noticed his eyes drift down for an instant. Now she was aware of her stiff nipples rubbing over the inside of her top. She was used to men leering at her bust, but this was her son. Katherine felt her mouth getting dry as her pussy moistened.

"I guess I feel a little guilty because I had too much to drink tonight. I should have had some of that pizza Kevin brought." she lied.

"That's okay, mom. You don't have to work tomorrow. You deserve to have some fun."

"I suppose. I'm also worried about Kevin. Things aren't going well with him and Diane."

"Oh?" Mike spat out, surprised by the news.

"They've been fighting a lot lately," she elaborated "but don't let on that you know."

"Don't worry. I won't." he promised.

"I knew I could count on you." she beamed.

"Uncle Kevin worries about you too." Mike reminded his mother.