Unconventional Therapy Ch. 01

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A therapist helps a step brother and sister.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/05/2017
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Alex slammed his bedroom door and slumped into his chair. His day had been ruined by yet another argument with his bitch of a step sister, Ashley. His dad and her mother had got together when he and Ashley were teenagers. He blamed that for why they had never got along, never having the chance to actually grow up as a family and instead being forced to put up with the arrogant bitch. She was two years younger than him, her twenty three and he twenty five and yet she had completed college and landed herself a job at a local law firm while Alex had dropped out of his media degree at college and got by doing free lance work online.

He groaned and started up his computer as he tried to ignore the noise of Ashley screaming to her mother about how much of a prick he was. He booted up his emails and messaging programs to see what work he had today. Occasionally he got jobs editing porn videos which made his day much more interesting but unfortunately that was not today. Instead he found a message with a link from his usual source of work and he groaned again. His usual source was a popular creator on a well known video hosting platform who had a huge following and paid well for Alex's editing skills. The only issue was he was an utter prick. Alex clicked the link and downloaded the raw footage he was expected to edit and loaded it into his editing software.

He hit play and was instantly greeted with the usual over the top introduction the guy always used. Alex couldn't help but smirk at that whenever he saw it. If the fans knew what this guy was really like they'd tune out in seconds but it was Alex's job to make sure they didn't see all the boring parts, the low energy boring bits that showed the guy really had no interest in what he was doing and was only in it for the money. Alex rolled his shoulders and began scrubbing through the footage, starting by chopping away any dead audio or boring parts. After almost two and a half hours he had finally done, cutting two hours of footage down to just twenty minutes of vaguely entertaining content. He hit render just as his bedroom door flew open. His step mother never knocked which had lead to a few awkward situations in the past but she never learned.

"You and Ashley need to start getting along" she snapped before Alex even had a chance to turn around. "I've just had two hours of her complaining about you and I'm sick of it. I know she is no angel either but if you're both going to be living at home and not finding your own places like the responsible adults you should be then you're going to have to get along. I have a friend who is a couples therapist and she's agreed to see you both in an hour so get ready and don't even think about arguing about it!"

With that she slammed the door and left Alex stunned and completely speechless. "Couples therapy? Like hell I'd ever want to be in a relationship with her" he thought to himself. He knew it wasn't worth arguing though, there were very few times he had heard Kate, his step mother, use that voice and knew there would be no getting out of this without facing severe consquences. He sighed and checked the progress of the render before heading of for a shower.

Sufficiently clean he went back to his room to email his finished work. He could hear Ashley complaining downstairs and losing an argument with her mother. She may be smart but that was a dumb idea, there was no way she was going to win. Alex got dressed and fired off the email before taking a deep breath and heading downstairs. Ashley scowled at him and stopped outside as Kate gave Alex the address. He followed Ashley outside and without saying a word they climbed into his car and he drove to the address. They arrived outside a very smart but stereotypical home. It had a white picket fence surrounding an immaculately tidy front law with a small stone path leading up to a small porch. They walked in silence and knocked on the door.

"This is stupid" Ashley complained, finally breaking the silence as footsteps approached the door from inside. The door opened before Alex had a chance to respond.

"Ah you must Alex and Ashley, come on inside I'm Sandra" an extremely attractive woman said as she greeted them and ushered them inside. Alex let Ashley go first and took the chance to study Sandra. She was not what he was expecting at all. She had a pair of yoga pants and some kind of sports top that Alex was sure had a specific name but he didn't know it. What he did know that while she was probably around 40 years of age she still had an extremely tight and toned body that her clothes clung to tightly. He quickly looked away and stepped inside after realizing Ashley had already gone in. Sandra guided them to a warm room with two large sofas facing one another. She sat down on one and gestured for Alex and Ashley to take the other which they did, sitting as far apart as possible.

"So Kate says you're having some trouble getting along" Sandra began.

"And? I never asked for a step brother and even if I had wanted one I wouldn't want a loser like him" Ashley snapped.

"Alex, do you have anything to say to that?" Sandra asked kindly, seemingly unphased by Ashley's outburst.

"Ditto really. Just because our parents are married doesn't mean we have to like each other" Alex replied.

"That is true but like it or not, you are family and yes, not all families get along but there is more than just you two involved here. I understand you both live at home?" She asked in the same gentle tone.

"I spend a lot of time at my boyfriends, Alex is the one always at home looking at porn on his computer" Ashley snapped.

"It's for work. I do freelance editing" Alex replied. While that was true not all the porn he watched was for work but that didn't need to be clarified to Sandra.

"And how are things with your boyfriend?" Sandra asked Ashley.

"Great, he's so sweet and kind. We have actually been talking about moving in together if he can find a new job. He was made redundant a couple of months ago and doesn't want to have to rely on me to get by. He has enough to cover his rent for a while but we agreed to wait on looking for a place together until he has work" she smiled, her tone suddenly completely different.

"And what about you Alex? Anyone special in your life?" Sandra asked.

"Only if you can call the whores on his computer special" Ashley interjected with a grin.

"No, no one at the moment" Alex replied, ignoring her comment. It wasn't that he struggled to get women, he just hadn't had much time recently. At six feet two inches tall he had the height and a decent amount of muscle to go with it. He had short brown hair and what more than one woman had described as rugged features. All that added to the fact he'd been blessed with a 9 inch cock made him more than a hit with the ladies when he wanted.

"Maybe if you met someone that could be something you two could bond over. Many siblings confide in one another about their relationships" Sandra suggested.

"Yeah like I'd ever trust him with anything to do with my relationship" Ashley snorted.

"Not like I'd want to hear anything about your relationship" Alex replied. Now that he thought about it he had never heard anything about her boyfriend. He knew they had met when she returned from college and that was it. Ashley never talked about any of her personal life, at least not in front of Alex. When she was at college he had wondered if it was because she was sleeping with half the campus. With her five foot four inch, skinny and toned frame coupled with her tight ass, that he never looked at, and 36DD breasts, he had seen the label of her bra in the wash once, and pristine blonde hair he knew she could have had her pick of any guy on campus. Not that he'd ever tell her that though.

They spent another hour talking about everything from relationships to their childhoods. Every avenue that Sandra tried to go down resulted in a snappy comment from Ashley or a defensive one from Alex. It soon became clear to Sandra that despite her best efforts this was going to take forever unless something drastic happened.

"I think that's enough for today" she finally said. "It's clear there's a lot of resentment between you two. Forgive me if this seems harsh but Ashley it seems to me you feel like Alex is a waste of space who's just skating by through life and Alex you feel like Ashley is arrogant and uptight. Those are rather negative and conflicting view points to have yet you both seem happy with your own situations. You should both try to see each other's point of view and build on that. I'm not saying you have to become best friends overnight but try and see things from each other's perspective and I will see you again next week" she smiled, signalling it was time to leave. Ashley got up like someone had set her on fire and practically ran to the door. They all said their goodbyes and Alex walked back to his car where Ashley was already waiting.

"Well that was a waste of time" she said as they set off back home. Alex had to agree, he didn't see that it had achieved anything. They drove home in silence and went straight to their own rooms, only coming out again when they went down for dinner. Kate tried to make conversation but with Alex's dad being away on a business trip it was a rather icy and quiet dinner. As soon as she as done Ashley left to go back to her room leaving Alex to wash the dishes. She returned a few minutes later, stating she was going to stay at her boyfriends for the night and promptly left. Alex returned to his room and spent the rest of the night playing video games until he collapsed into bed.

He awoke with a start, something was wrong. It took a moment for his mind to register anything but he soon realised he wasn't in his own bed. He tried to move but couldn't, feeling his wrists and ankles being bound to something. He was bent over forwards on what he assumed was a desk or table, his arms pulled above his head and his ankles bound to the legs leaving him partly standing as the edge dug into his hips. He tried to look around but could feel something pressing on his eyes, blocking his vision. He tried to call out but hard plastic filled his mouth and muffled his cries. A strange pressure on his chest made it hard to breath as it was crushed up into him by the table. It took him almost a minute of struggling against his restraints before he realized he was also naked.

He heard something move behind him and tried to call out but the gag in his mouth made it impossible to speak. Suddenly something smacked his ass, sending a sharp stinging pain through his cheek causing him to cry out again.

"Oh you like that don't you" a male voice mocked from behind.

Alex's mind was reeling, what the hell was going on. Another wack stung his behind again but this time he felt something else. It was both a familiar but alien feeling in his groin. It felt similar to when he started to get an erection but this was different. It was then he realised something felt very wrong between his legs, like his cock was completely missing. He began to panic when a hand slid along his backside and down between his legs. He felt a finger slide between, something, and suddenly he could feel it inside him but it wasn't in his ass.

"MMMHHHH" he cried out at the sudden intrusion but also partly at how good it felt. In a moment of clarity Alex suddenly felt completely calm as he realized he must be dreaming. It was the only thing that made sense. One second he was in bed falling asleep and the next he was here, bound to a table and a woman! That also explained the pressure on his chest, it was his own breasts. Completely ignoring his situation for a moment he contemplated why he was having a sex dream about being a woman. Especially one about being dominated and fucked by a man.

He didn't have long to thing about it as he hadn't noticed the finger had withdrawn. It was soon replaced by something else that broke Alex from his musings as it impaled itself into his new pussy. He groaned at the sudden sensation of being filled but the sound soon turned to a moan of pleasure as the man buried his cock deep inside Alex. He didn't care he was being fucked by a man, he surrendered to the intense pleasure of the dream and moaned again as the man withdrew before quickly pushing back in. His pace was slow and steady, finding a gentle rhythm as he thrust in and out.

That didnt last long and he soon picked up the pace. Alex moaned and groaned, his mind no longer thinking about anything except the pleasure building in his groin. The man spanked his ass again causing a jolt of pain and pleasure that sent shivers up Alex's spine. He'd never enjoyed being spanked before but apparently his new dream body had decided it felt really good. He felt his hips automatically bucking against the man, trying to meet his thrusts and get him deeper inside. Pleasure began to spread through Alex's entire being, expanding from his crotch through his stomach into every nerve in his body as he reached orgasm. His body bucked and spasmed as he cried out around his gag while he experienced the most intense and pleasurable orgasm of his life. Part of him wondered if this is what it really felt like for a woman, if it was he had been missing out. He groaned loudly as his body wracked in pleasure and it soon became too much and he blacked out.

He awoke in his own bed, body drenched in sweat and his cock achingly hard. He reached down and found it had already escaped its prison through the hole in the front of his boxer shorts. He grabbed it and began pumping it quickly, already close to cumming, he had never been so turned on in his life. In just over a dozen strokes his cock twitched and his balls contracted as they emptied their load along his shaft and fired it across his stomach. Thick ropes of sticky white liquid began to pool on his clenching abs as he pumped every drop free. Finally sated he released his sensitive cock and breathed heavily as he began to think clearly for the first time since waking up. He wondered why he had had such a strange dream, it was unlike any sex dream he had had before. Not only was being a woman in it completely new but it felt so much more intense than anything he had experienced in his dreams. He shrugged and decided to deal with it later, cleaning himself up was the priority right now.

He finished cleaning himself up and looked at the clock, it was almost morning but thankfully his work schedule allowed him to sleep in pretty late when he wanted to. He laid back down on his bed and closed his eyes whilst wondering what the hell that dream had been all about. He had never questioned his sexuality or his gender so dreaming about being a woman being fucked my an unknown man was completely unexplainable. After a while he decided it was just one of those things that couldn't be explained like most of his dreams and he didn't really care, all he knew was it had felt good. He drifted back to sleep wondering if it would happen again.

Alex woke up the next day around lunch time. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and sat up, suddenly remembering his strange dream last night. He was still confused about it but couldn't help still be slightly excited by the memory. Again he questioned what it meant for a moment before deciding he didn't really care, it had been fun and had just been a dream so why worry. He climbed out of bed and got dressed before heading downstairs to find something to eat. Kate was in the kitchen preparing a sandwich and kindly offered to make one himself which he happily accepted. They talked about the previous days therapy session while she made the food, she wasn't surprised it hadn't gone well but thanked Alex for going anyway. Just at that moment Ashley came bursting through the front door. Kate called hello from the kitchen and Ashley made her way in, she didn't even look at Alex before disappearing again up to her bedroom.

"So going to go again next week?" Kate asked as she set two plates on the table.

"Do we have much of a choice?" Alex replied.

"Not while you both live under my roof you don't" she laughed. "Listen I know it's not exactly your idea of fun but I honestly believe it will help you two get along. God knows nothing else has worked so maybe this will, get you sat down and talking honestly".

"Maybe, although it's Ashley you'd have to convince not me, she doesn't seem to be able to say anything about me that isn't insulting" Alex sighed before taking a large bite of his sandwich.

"Let me talk to her, I'm sure she'll be nicer next time. Your next appointment is next friday" Kate smiled before beginning to eat her own sandwich.


The week passed pretty quickly with no dreams or anything unusual happening. Alex had gone to sleep each night wondering if he was going to have another weird sex dream and while he had had a sex dream or two, they'd all be pretty vanilla and he'd always been male. He wasn't sure whether he was relieved or disappointed by that fact. He had just finished rendering a video, a soft core porn one this time, when Ashley knocked on his door. He called for her to come in.

"Time to go, mom says we still have to go" she told him before turning around and leaving, not even bothering to close the door again. She had been pretty much the same all week, only saying the minimum she had to to Alex which while was a nice change from the snide remarks and insults, was rather unusual. He shut down his computer and grabbed his car keys, heading downstairs and finding Ashley waiting by his car. Once again they got in and drove to Sandras in complete silence. He pulled up outside and climbed out of the car with Ashley lagging behind as he walked up and knocked on the door.

"Ah I was wondering if I was going to see you two again" Sandra said as way of greeting as she opened the door.

"Kate didn't give us much choice" Alex smiled stepping through the doorway. Ashley muttered a quiet hello and shuffled past into the other room. Alex heard her sit down with a huff.

"Well she seems enthusiastic" Sandra commented following Ashley into the other room. Alex sat down next to his step sister and the session began. It went pretty much the same as the week before for most of it with Sandra asking questions and Ashley replying with snappy comments. They had once again got on to the topic of relationships which seemed to make Ashley even more angry than usual.

"Yeah well if it wasn't for your big cock no woman would go near you with a personality like yours" Ashley snapped suddenly following Alex's comment about how he could get a girl easily if he wanted to, he just wasn't interested right now.

"Is that all your interested in, a guy with a big cock? Your boyfriend must be as dull as a bag of rocks in that case. That explains why you never talk about him" Alex snapped back. He wondered how she knew how big his cock is, she had never seen him naked and he had definitely never told her. He wondered if Jess had told her. Jess was an old friend of Ashleys who Alex may or may not have ended up fucking over the arm of an old sofa in the basement of a party once. Although they had both agreed to never tell Ashley for fear of it causing tension between her and Jess.

"Fuck you. And I don't tell you anything about Mike because it's not of your business" Ashley practically screamed at him. At least Alex now knew his name which was progress.

"I think we've got a bit off topic here" Sandra said, trying to steer the conversation back to something that was less likely to end in one of them murdering the other.

"It's fine, honestly this is progress, I now know one more thing about Ashleys personal life than I did before" Alex laughed, trying to make a joke to calm the situation.

"It's the only thing you're going to know" Ashley muttered.