Unfaithful: A Romance


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"I told him to stop it, and I pushed down on his hand, but I didn't really try. You know how 'no' can mean 'yes?' Well it was as much my idea as his. Maybe more. It was something I let happen because it was so thrilling. He told me he would see me alone the next day, and I didn't know what to do. I felt guilty and I was sure you would be able to tell something had happened, but the excitement wouldn't go away."

"So, what was it about him, honey?"

"He's funny and, oh, impetuous, and I don't know. It's hard to say. He was there every day to joke with and flirt with. Being with him was dangerous, and it was so much fun to take chances. I don't know now exactly why he seemed so entrancing. I know you hate him, but he's really not a bad person. Not in most ways."

"I suppose. I know how a man could want you. And I've acted liked he did before, so I guess I'm not in a position to judge."

"Anyway, after you caught us I lost those feelings for him."

"Ah, what about his, oh boy, his size?"

"Huh? He's not particularly...oh...you mean his..."

She looked away, and when she looked back she had a sheepish smile. "I saw it for the first time the next day. I didn't know they came that big, and it did make it hotter. It was, like 'oh wow!' But really it...oh, Mike, I don't know if you'll believe me, but it scared me a little too, and it made it a little uncomfortable when he...oh lord...when he entered me." She took a deep breath after she was done. Michael, though, liked it that she had trouble saying the last words.

"I believe you. I believe you."

"Well, anyway, it got completely out of hand. We did it with me lying back on a spare desk in the supply room, and after I had finished he made me...do fellatio."

Here's where it came up. Michael tried to keep his voice soft.

"Sarah, that's something I don't understand. You always told me you couldn't do that."

"I didn't think I could. But it made it dirty."

She laughed. It was a short and bitter laugh. She squeezed Michael's hand harder. "Don't ever underestimate the effect when a good girl discovers the thrill of being sleazy. Plus the fact that we were sneaking around. It made me want to do everything. So I did it. I wanted it. Mikey, I'm sorry. I really did. I'd think about it at night, in bed, instead of sleeping. And I kept doing it." She sighed, then, "The next time was three days later. He had me lean over a desk and did it from behind."

Ask her. Ask her. You have to know.

"Sarah." He paused and she looked at him with worry on her face, as though she thought he'd come be a final verdict against her. "Even after you started, you never did that to me. It was only for George."

"Oh, Mikey, I couldn't do that to you! Don't you see? I couldn't let you know anything was different! Don't you think I wanted to? Here I was sneaking around, afraid of being caught. If it wasn't you, someone else would have caught us. I couldn't do something that might give you a clue. As it was I thought you'd caught me the next time."

"That's when you got some on your blouse."

"Yes. Oh that was horrible! It was about a week later. We were working late and George wanted to do it again, but I was in my period, so he pulled me back to the executive men's room and told me to give him a blow job."

"And you did."

"I did whatever he wanted." Her eyes grew damp again. "Mike, you wanted to know everything. If you tell me to go away, it won't be because I lied to you. Yes, I gave him felatio, on my knees while he sat on a toilet in the men's room. It wasn't so good that time because it was only for him. I really felt like a whore that time. Like I was servicing a client. But..."

And she paused.

"...I still got turned on. I was horny almost all the time, and doing that turned me right on. I thought maybe you'd make love to me when I got home, because you're not turned off when I bleed, but it was a fiasco. He'd pulled out and squirted on my face a little. That's part of what made me feel so cheap. I didn't know any had got on my blouse, but when you saw the spots I could imagine everything blowing up. I was mad at him and excited and scared and guilty feeling, all at the same time."

She turned and looked him in the eyes, her face almost touching his.

"But I couldn't stop. When I saw him the next Monday, and you were going out of town, we set it up to have a time when we wouldn't have to worry about getting caught. Pretty ironic, huh? Anyway, you saw the rest yourself, so that's pretty much everything. My life as a slut. I'm still ashamed of myself. I'd always felt so superior to women who ran around like that."

He pulled her head down to his shoulder and held her there gently with the palm of his hand, while he ran his lips around an eye, her cheek, her bangs. He knew she hadn't held back, but he still had to know one last thing. "Sarah? What would have happened if I hadn't caught you?"

Sarah raised her head and looked straight at him again. Her hand rose to his face, but she didn't answer. "I'm sorry. It's all right. You don't have to say." He kissed her mouth, but in the middle of the kiss she pushed his face away and looked at him some more, her hand still softly on his cheek. She sighed.

"I don't know, Mikey. I think...I know it would have gone on a while longer. I don't know what else could have made it end, at least right then. Maybe he would have tired of me. A girl at work had a fling that she kind of bragged about, and she said it just burned out on its own. I don't know. Maybe I'd still be doing it. But I'm not, Mikey. I'm not. It's in the past. I want you. I want us."

"Well, you see..." and for the life of him he couldn't continue. He couldn't stop the tic that began in his eye, or the quiver in his chin. It was going to happen yet again, and all those thoughts about not showing her how weak he was came roaring back.

"Mikey? Say it. You have to be honest too."

"I thought..." Breathe slowly. You can make it. "I thought probably you wanted to leave me. For George."

"Oh honey, no! No! I never stopped loving you! I never stopped wanting you!" Sarah began to kiss Michael all over his face. "The worst part was that I knew it could make me lose you. You have to believe me, darling! I always knew you were my love."

Then Sarah stopped kissing and stopped talking. She raised her head and looked at him with enormous eyes.

"Michael! That's why you never called!"


"And I thought it was because you wouldn't forgive me."

"Oh Jesus, Sarah. I could have forgiven you that first week. I just didn't think you'd want me anymore."

"Honey! My darling, empty-headed husband! Please don't ever do that again! It's too much like a soap opera. The thought that I could lose you not because I had an affair, but because we misunderstood each other. Promise me you'll always be open to me. Promise!"

"Okay. Okay." They began kissing again, but he was embarrassed that she had married such a wuss.

* * * * *

(7) After

After the distance, after the emotions, after the confessions, after everything, comes the sweet. Tender touches. Kissing lightly here, and here. Murmuring absurd things.

"You know, hearing you talk about sleazy sex has made me awfully horny."

"Thank goodness! After telling you all that, I didn't know what I'd do if you didn't want me tonight."

"I want you to be my slut, tonight."

One thing leading to another, one button following another. Sliding clothes off arms and legs and bodies. Feeling the one they each thought never to know by touch again, her skin waiting for his mouth and his hands, his flesh cooled and warmed by her breath.

He lifted his lips off her ear. What a soft ear, and cool. Her ears had always been cool, except when she drank alcohol, when they became red and warm to the touch.

"I'm glad you came to me and forced me to listen," he said, and moved his mouth over the soft lobe. He blew lightly into her ear, "But why the detective work? Why didn't you just come to the office?"

Sarah pulled her ear away and replaced it with her mouth, sucked on his lip, slid her tongue over his, moved to his cheek and rubbed her mouth over his whiskers.

"Mikey, you told me not to." She sounded self-conscious about it, a little embarrassed. "And I couldn't bring myself to see you with anyone else around. It had to be in private. You don't know how many times I almost turned around and went home today. I couldn't have done it at all if you hadn't left that note saying it was over between us."

He had to look at that note again!

Michael was on his back, leaving his cock convenient to Sarah's hand. She stroked it, the whole red thing, from the tip, past the head, all the way down to his balls. Michael breathed through his mouth while his penis rocked upward.

"Look. John Peter is happy to see me again." She petted him all along the penis again and it surged again, and Michael made a little sound. "Maybe I need to punish him for what he did to all those other women."

Michael caught her hand before she could give him a third stroke. "Not all that many women, Sarah. And there's one I'm going to have to hurt a little."

Sarah smirked at him. "My husband the heartbreaker. You know a lot of women have always lusted for you. I can't feel too sorry for whoever she is." She stroked John Peter again.

He took her hand again. "She's not bad. She only went with me because I was separated. Now I have to tell her I'm going back to my wife."

"Well do it quickly. And you know you have to tell me the things you did, too."

"Yeah, when you need it to get sexed up."

"You're going to wait that long? Well maybe you're not good enough to come back to me."

"We'll see how good I am."

Michael rolled over and pinned Sarah. He moved his face to her underarm and nipped her, and his reward was to hear her little gasp and see her chest jerk a fraction. He moved his face over her chest slowly, to one of her small, pear shaped breasts, and sucked the nipple into his mouth. He sucked until it grew, and he flicked it back and forth, back and forth with his tongue. He felt her bring a hand to his head and hold him to her breast.

"Harder! My Mikey. My sweet man. Ow! Not so hard."

He trailed fingers down Sarah's belly, through her hair and lightly between her lips. They were slick and oiled and he knew they had her scent, so he reluctantly left her breast and moved further down, sliding his whole face over her belly, nibbling and licking and tasting her, to her mound and her curls and down to her vagina. He licked all the way down Sarah's slit, then moved his body down until he was facing her vagina right on. She was breathing fast. He could see her breathing in the movements of her belly.

"I didn't think I would ever taste Lily again." He flicked his tongue over her clitoris, then all around it, and then lifted up his head.

"Oh you're a bastard, Mikey. Don't leave her now that you've found her."

But when he kept his face above her to torture her, giving her little licks on her hood and blowing long, slow breaths on her clitoris, Sarah reached down to pull his mouth to her.

"Is that how you treated those women? It's a wonder they...oh...!"

He sucked Sarah all the way in, her labia and clitoris, everything, and moved all the way down to her mouth, then up again, smelling and tasting everything, pushing two fingers inside her while he licked her, and getting re-acquainted with how she felt inside. He stopped just once, to look up at her and murmur, "My Lily," and then he finished her, sucking in both labia again and running his tongue up and down, over and again, biting Sarah so she would hold herself still, then sucking her again so she would move, and she started to make those sounds he always loved, always had loved about her, half gasping and half crying. She made them faster and faster and higher pitched and then she came loudly, as though crying, holding Michael's head to her crotch so hard he could hardly breathe, crying on and on. God she sounded beautiful!

He crawled up beside her while she was still gasping, so he could see her face. Her eyes were closed and she didn't see his expression, full of something like wonder. He brushed his lips all over her face. He knew she could feel it, though she couldn't respond just yet.

Finally her breathing eased. Her eyes opened, just barely, and she half rolled to her side and put a hand on Michael's waist. "I'm going to be sooo sweet to you, my darling."

After they kissed some more, she began to inch down the bed, toward the foot, until she was far enough down to take his penis in her hand and pull it toward her face.

"No," said Michael. He put his hand atop hers, over his penis.


"Don't do that."

"Mikey, you really do want to punish me."

"No. Just don't do that. Not now. I don't want that."

"Oh-oh," she said in a sing-song voice, and she switched to the high-pitched baby-talk voice she used when teasing him. "You know what I fink? I fink my sexy but vewy siwwy husband finks I won't wike John Petah."

Sarah grabbed his penis like a microphone. "Does you fink I won't wike you, John Petah?" She shook it side-to-side. "Me neiffer." In her regular voice she said, "Believe me, honey, I'll make it worthwhile to you."

"I believe you. I do. Just not this time. Some other time."

Sarah let loose Michael's prick. She knelt upright and looked him in the eyes, put a hand to his cheek, and bent to kiss him. Just a light kiss. Michael sat up to her and put both arms around her, his left around her waist and his right around her shoulders. Sarah didn't take her hand from his cheek the whole time he was moving. Now she looked directly into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I made such a mess of everything."

"Don't say that. It's not all your fault. You know that. Some things just take a little time."

She sighed. "Is there anything I can do?"

He was afraid she was going to cry again. No, please don't.

"Just love me, Sarah. I'll be okay. I promise."

"Okay. I can do that. I can love you. You know I can do that."

Sarah lay her head on Michael's shoulder and put both her arms around him. After a minute she lay down and pulled Michael down to her. She spread her legs to welcome him home.


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silentsoundsilentsoundabout 1 month ago

All I can say is you've gotten a lot better.

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980about 1 month ago

MC was weak, not only by not having a backbone during and after the wife's infidelity but also with his affairs. He was neither a hero or victim, he was an unlikable person which caused the story to leave a bad taste in the readers mouth.

mndhanson017mndhanson017about 1 month ago

Don't know what theVikingSoldier is talking about, if she cared for her marriage, she wouldn't have done it in tehe first place. Sure, she quit her job, but how do we know she won't be smarter next time around. Did she show remorse, sure, only after getting caught, she didn't seem to have that remorse during the act of infidelity.

theVikingSailortheVikingSailorabout 1 month ago

Best job I've seen of the description of the MC's random and uncontrollable thoughts upon seeing his wife with another man. Very realistic and insightful. Another thing I love about your story is that it acknowledges that none of us are perfect. Almost all of these stories make the husband out to be all good and the wife a really rotten--completely rotten--egg who deserves the most extreme punishment for misdeeds that anyone with any life experience knows both parties made their contributions to. I'm as chauvinistic as they come with a full bellyload of male toxicity, and even I think most of these stories portrayals of the wives are ridiculous. Yours didn't do that. It was balanced and insightful. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sexed? What is this, middle school?

This was just an awful story to read. The husband was pathetic and the writer seems obsessed with the wife giving head to the other guy and swallowing. It seems to be a recurring theme in his stories. Makes me rather think all is not well in his real life.

It'd be interesting to know a statistic of husbands who took back their cheating wives and didn't see her have sex vs those that did see it. I'd imagine the second scenario number is significantly smaller in comparison.

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