Unintended Consequences Ch. 02


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Usually I'd study or read a book while doing this menial chore. Today I didn't have anything to study for or read. I got my tablet out and started doing some research. Maybe there was more information out there than I'd thought. I had privacy in my little area for about twenty minutes, when another lady came in and took the machines across from me. I was closing up the tablet when I saw her approach. I didn't want to be discovered researching incest laws; there'd be too many questions.

My mind wandered for the next while. The machines were finally in spin mode. I was thinking how if maybe Adam did decide to come to UVA, we could get a single bedroom apartment next semester that had a washer and drier. It'd be cheaper in the long run. Pooling expenses could make things so much easier. Having him here would make me so much happier. I felt myself dampen at the thought. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I nearly jumped when it happened. I'm sure the nice lady thought I was a bit touched or something.

I looked at the phone and saw it was a text from Adam. "Just saw the best freaking lab ever. This might be the one."

I caught myself wondering if it was really the one or if he was... Oh fuck, I can't keep second guessing everything he tells me. I trust him; he's changed and matured. I resisted the urge to remind him of his promise; I let it go. I texted back, "Cool, I love you. When U done?"

The washer finished up spinning and I moved all the loads to a single huge gas dryer. I'm so cheap. Two more quarters. These gas dryers were pretty good. They got the clothes done faster than Mom's ever did. It usually only took 30 minutes for my stuff. There were a couple pair of Adam's jeans, but I didn't think that'd slow things down much. My phone buzzed again about half way through.

Adam's text was curt, "Lunch with prof from lab. There after that."

I replied back: "@ Laundry for 30 mins."

Now the dryer couldn't dry fast enough. Adam would be back early. I really hadn't thought I'd get the major portion of a day with him. I was getting so hot in anticipation. I stopped the dryer to check the clothes. Most of it was nearly dry, but the jeans were still wet. I quickly pulled out several items and stuck another quarter in and restarted it. The jeans were so damp I could tell they'd take extra time.

While I waited, I folded the items that'd already come out and put the neatly into the garbage bag. So humiliating... I guess I should break down and buy a basket. Then I thought, I guess I could have used one of those boxes... Graduation couldn't come soon enough. Finally, the dryer finished. Everything was dry. I folded these last items quickly into the bag, tied it up so they wouldn't spill out and started back home to the duplex.

When I got there, Adam's truck was already parked. Heading inside with my sack of clothes, I found Adam sitting in the love seat. He was on his laptop, but stopped to come help me with the bag.

"This the laundry?" he asked quizzically.

"I know, I know, I'm super thrifty. I could have used one of those boxes, but I should just buy a basket. I don't spend anything I don't absolutely have to," I said.

"So, how did it go?" I asked. "You really think that's the guy you want to work for already?"

"Don't worry, sis. I'm keeping my promise. I am still going to the next one Wednesday. I really got a good vibe from this professor, though. Her research is exactly the area I'm interested in working."

"You know most graduate students don't even pick their advisor until after the first year, right?" I asked, trying not to make him feel stupid.

"Yeah, she said the same thing. But she seemed really excited about her work and my interest."

"You're just interested in her work, right?" I asked, a little jealousy showing through.

"Zane, you know I only have eyes for you. She's significantly older than Mom, okay?" He was taking my hands now.

I don't know why I thought that. It was crazy. We had only realized our attraction days ago. Now I wanted to keep Adam away from any other women. I felt silly and foolish. "Sorry, I don't know why I did that." I was looking at the floor.

Adam lifted my chin, "Hey, it's nice. I feel the same way about you. I don't want you working for any pervy profs over there either." Putting the bag down, he hugged me fully.

"So crazy, Adam. Everything is off kilter."

"Yeah, I know. For me too. I was just reading about the laws on this. I don't think we're in any big trouble. Consenting adults are rarely prosecuted, and there are states that explicitly don't like Rhode Island. There are some countries too, like the Netherlands."

"That's so funny. I was reading the same thing at the laundromat. I washed your clothes and now I have two clean bath towels."

"Thanks, sis. I didn't really think about that part of the graduate student experience. I've lived at home with Mom while I went to college up until now. I've been spoiled with a live-in maid and laundry attendant. We should look into getting a one-room place with a washer-dryer." He offered.

"You need to get out of my head and into my bed," I teased him.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said, undressing. "You really want it in bed or somewhere else?"

"I like a bed. Everyone always thinks doing on the floor, couch, back seat or whatever is so erotic, but to me beds are comfy. Now if we had a swing, some nice thick exercise mats or a hot tub; then you'd have my interest piqued," I laughed.

"Would you do it on a train? Could you try it in a plane?" He intoned.

"Okay, Doctor Seuss. I'd do it wherever you like," I said, pulling him to the bedroom.

"What, you're the one that started the rhyming," he said, embracing me on the bed.

"Stop talking and kiss me. I've been missing you since you left," I whimpered.

Adam did stop and he did kiss. The bedroom was nearly in full light. The sheer material covering the south-facing windows just provided privacy. The room was near daylight in this early afternoon sun. It was a nice change from the night time interactions we'd been having. Honestly, though I just wanted him. It wouldn't have mattered if it were pitch black. Being able to see and watch him added to the whole experience, though.

He kissed my mouth for a while, then he began kissing in all the erogenous places he'd been lightly touching yesterday. He started with my armpits. Nobody had ever given me this kind of treatment. I hadn't really expected it to be so erotic, but everything he did was making me escalate in sexual arousal. Kisses weren't all he was doing either. When he started with my left armpit, he was deeply inhaling, sniffing, kissing, licking and sucking me gently. I was a little embarrassed I hadn't put on deodorant today, but then I was glad I hadn't.

Adam moved on to my left breast. He circled the whole breast several times with the same technique. Then the nipple. When he sucked the nipple into his mouth, I had a little mini orgasm. The process was exquisite. Next my right armpit and then on to my right breast. Another mini orgasm. He nibbled his way down to my belly and tongued my belly button. My abs were in a tizzy and a jolt shot a tingle right down to my clit. He kissed and nibbled my hips in turn. His mouth was basically walking through my house and turning every light switch on. When he reached my mons and began working around my outer lips, I was electrically pre-wired to spasm.

I came instantly when he tongued my clit. A small stream of liquid went to his awaiting mouth. "Oooo, ohhhh. Gaaaaa." I tried to muffle my scream.

He wasn't done, though. He proceeded to alternately tongue me and suck me fully into his mouth. As I approached another climax he added his fingers into the delicate ballet he was performing on me. My hips began to buck and he continued with two fingers moving in and out while he kept his mouth attached as best he could. With his free hand he found my belly and steadied me a bit for the finale, gently raking his fingernails across my tummy and down to my mons, while gently sucking my clit. Now I came and came. I think I was screaming and I could feel the liquid gushing out of me. Adam greedily sucked it all down.

The next thing I knew, he was stroking my hair from my face and whispering my name in my ear. "Zane." Ever so gently over and over. "Zane."

My eyes fluttered open and I hugged him. "Oh my god, what was that?"

"I guess you got a little overheated," he whispered. "Was it okay? You looked like you were enjoying it; then you shut down." He kissed me lightly on my cheek.

"That was the most amazing thing I have ever felt, little brother. Where did you learn to do that?" I whispered.

"Just now. I thought it would be nice to go slow and discover your whole body in the daylight." His hand gently stroked my belly again. I was half way to another orgasm.

"You're making me so horny. I need you in me. Complete me, Adam. Take me again."

"You sure you're okay?" he asked.

"So much better than okay, I can't even tell you."

Soon he was pressing into me again. His penis was slippery with precum against my wetness. As he entered me, I was watching his face. He was smiling down on me with utter joy in his eyes. His arms were trembling slightly, not from exertion, but from excitement. I opened my legs into a near split and he went in the rest of the way. Fully inside, he began working very slowly. He was serious about taking his time today. He was watching every nuance of my facial expressions as he worked. His upper body was starting to glisten in the sunlit window's glow.

Somewhere outside I could hear Timestretch blaring out of one of the nearby houses. Seemed fairly appropriate and the dub step base beat was pretty interesting as Adam began pounding into me. I lost all sense of time. When Adam finally came it triggered another strong orgasm for me. Nothing like the one that had made me black out, but it was fantastic. My brother was my best lover. He understood everything about me. I had little mini orgasms as each twitch of his cum was deposited.

He was exhaling my name in a silent sort of scream, "Zaaane". He collapsed, dripping with sweat.

We slept.

I woke up several hours later. It was around 5 PM on the clock. I felt wonderfully rested. Adam was snuggled up to me, but I could see he was waking as well.

"Hey, lover," I whispered to him. "We should go for a stroll or something. It's your last day here for a while."

"Yeah, I'm kind of dreading leaving tomorrow morning," he said, stretching.

"You know I don't want you to leave. Now that I know how great it can be, I don't want to let you out of my sight," I said sadly.

"I know. You're the one who said I had to keep my promise. I just agreed to it," he smiled admiringly.

"Yeah, I know. I don't know why I said that now. What was I thinking?" I climbed out of the bed. "Let's walk up near the tennis court and then over to the gardens."

"Okay, they didn't go there on the tour," he replied.

"Yeah, I know," I said, grinning.

We got dressed and walked the short distance to campus down the main areas and out towards the sporting areas. Most of it blew past me. I had Adam's hand and we were just lovers on a stroll. I could easily get used to this. After looking at the blooming azaleas in the gardens we stopped and got a juice smoothie. On the way back we stopped in a park and swung on the swings. This reminded me of us as kids at our first house back in Raleigh North Carolina. We were like five and four years old.

I used to push Adam to get him going. "You remember me pushing you?"

"Yeah, I can just barely remember that. It was a rusty old swing that creaked like crazy."

"I never minded. I always looked out for my little brother." The memory came rushing back to me.

The mind is a very funny place. A scent or smell or noise can trigger the most unexpected memories and emotions. This one reminded me of my deep love for Adam.

The walk back to the apartment was a little sad. He'd be leaving tomorrow. I knew he'd be back. I was going to miss him, though. Having him here these past few days had been such joy. When we arrived at the door he held it open for me and then noticed I was tearing up a little. He hugged me tightly.

Inside he took over. He prepared a very simple salad and warmed some Chinese food left-overs. He could sense my emotional state and was doing most of the work. I helped with getting things I'd put away. Mostly, I was wandering around in my own world. Picking things I could focus on. Preparing myself for the separation.

We ate pretty much in silence. I was being a real downer. I was never very good with hiding my emotions from Adam. That was true our whole life. I talked a good game of wanting him to do what was best for him. Now that it was going to happen, I was shutting down.

"I think I've made my decision," he said finally. "I'm going to NC State Wednesday. It's really the only other one I'm interested in because of the research they're doing. I will come back here Friday. We will talk it through. Even if I decide to go to NC State, it's just down the road from here."

My mood flipped. I had done exactly what I had intended not to do. I ran into my room and flung myself on the bed crying big tears. Tears of joy and anger. Joy because Adam would be here. Anger at myself for being so weak. Adam was at my side instantly. "Zane, please don't do this."

"Adam, I love you. I'm so weak. I never meant to change your decision. I fucked it all up."

"No, Zane. Honestly, I've been planning to come to UVA. The other schools were backups. I wanted you to think it wasn't about you. It's all been about you from the moment I saw you that Christmas. That's when I changed. I changed for you."

My crying began anew. "We're both weak." I bawled a bit more but worked myself under control. "I think I can deal with this. You did it all so you'd be near me. The whole thing?"

"Yeah, Zane. I mean I didn't get Mom and Dad to divorce, or plan on you coming down to help. I thought being near you we might find out whether you felt the same way I do."

"You know, I feel the same about you." I took his cheeks in my hands. "I didn't know you were chasing me."

"I didn't want you to know. Now, I do. I can see what my departure was doing to you. I couldn't let it hurt you like this."

"Oh Adam." I hugged him.

We fell asleep like that. I woke up around 1 AM to pee. Adam had stripped down at some point during the night. I decided to do likewise. I spooned him from behind as I got back in bed with my one true love. What felt like a minute later; he was waking me because he was leaving. He needed to get to Mom's house before the sale. I hugged him at the door in my panties and a t-shirt I'd put on. I needed to talk to my prospective research advisors this week. I could hardly wait for Adam to return on Friday.

Yeah, there will be problems. We'll figure them out! You can count on that.

To be continued. Please, let us know what you think.

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kylady76kylady7624 days ago

bloody love it

BruceS1949BruceS1949about 1 month ago

I'm soon enjoying this story.

KittyLover80KittyLover8010 months ago

Wonderful chapter. Great story. 5 Stars....

Marklynda2Marklynda2almost 2 years ago

Yes, the heart wants what the heart wants!

Excellent series! Well thought out and written with a good mix of angst, guilt, love and yes sex. I look forward to reading the next chapter. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

What a great sibling incest/ love story. 5/5

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