Unintended Consequences Ch. 03


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"We should have them in about four to six weeks," Zane said as she came into the kitchen hugging me around my waist.

"Where are we planning to go?" I asked as I turned to see them.

"Wow, something smells delicious in here!" Mom exclaimed.

"You both had your hair done," I said.

"You like?" Mom asked doing a twirl.

I was having that weird feeling again. It was like she needed some approval and I quickly said, "It looks great Mom." I didn't have to lie, it was really nice. She'd had it colored a bit and had some highlights put in as well. She said there was grey in it; I never saw any but she was going to turn fourty-four in about a month and with the divorce, I guess she was feeling the need for a tweak. "Yours looks really nice too, Zane," I said more softly and gave her a kiss.

"Eww, you said --" Mom started to complain but stopped herself. "Sorry -- sorry, I promised I wouldn't do that. It's going to take some time for me to get used to is all," she said and shook her head.

"It's only been two days," I said sheepishly. "Anyway dinner's ready," I said and gave Zane a quiet squeeze. "I love you," I whispered.

Zane's hazel eyes sparkled and she whispered back, "I love you too."

"This looks really good," Mom told me getting out plates from the open cabinet.

"We don't have a table," Zane told Mom.

"We'll have to see about fixing that. Mine would've been too big for this place," she commented.

"This half duplex is significantly bigger than my previous apartment on campus," Zane said.

"You two can eat on the love seat; I'll sit on the floor," I told them.

We filled our plates and adjourned to the living room. As we ate, I could see things were still tense and I wondered if they would ever loosen up with Mom here. I figured I'd try to get some of the discomfort out of the air, but needed to work on my wording for a good opener.

"So, have you made a decision?" Zane asked anxiously before I could steer the conversation.

"Oh, I thought my text had said --"

"It just said there wasn't even a choice, but --"

"Sorry, I guess I wasn't communicating well. It looks like the professor at NC State that I'd been most interested in working with might retire any time now. The others just weren't what I was looking for in a research advisor. I'm going with UVA's Professor Joan Abrams; her research is just what I've been looking for and it isn't worth the added headache of getting in state residency just to go to Dad's alma mater."

"Okay, good," she replied and I could see some tears welling up.

"She's been worrying all day," Mom said.

"Sorry, I --"

"Don't, I'm good," she said wiping them away. "I'm happy that you'll be staying."

I felt like shit. I set my plate on the floor and moved to her. It was all a mess and I'd made her feel this. She was tearing even more now and I moved her plate off to the end table. I hugged her tightly, whispering, "Hey, I'm sorry. I messed up. I love you."

"No, I -- should've got -- the message -- " she was almost sobbing. "I'm sorry, I don't know what the heck is wrong with me," she said bolting for the bedroom and quickly closing the door.

I wasn't sure what was happening. I pulled out my phone to look at what I'd texted: There isn't even a choice to make. I'll tell you more when I get back. "I guess that I left out a small detail," I said showing Mom who was sitting there kind of bewildered. "I hadn't meant to make her wait to know, I was just so happy I --"

"It's a simple misunderstanding," Mom assured me. "She's been on pins and needles both yesterday and today. I suggested she ask for clarification but she kept feeling like she should just understand and it doesn't work that way. I don't care if you've been married for years, there has to be clear communication and the ability of each partner to ask for it without concern."

"Somehow she didn't think she could ask me?" I wondered aloud. "Fuck, I've already hurt her, Mom."

"No, she's happy but that worried relief is ganging up with other worries. I should have just texted you that you needed to make it clearer."

I went to the bedroom door, "Zane, can I come in?"

She didn't answer right away, but eventually said,"Yes."

I went inside and closed the door behind me. Zane was curled in a fetal position on the bed. Her face was red and I was next to her in an instant, hugging and kissing her face. She turned to me and my heart melted.

I whispered many apologies, "I'm so sorry, my text didn't say what I was thinking at all. I should have been clearer about that decision. Can you forgive me? You should be able to ask me anything anytime I don't communicate well. I'm obviously not good at it."

"No, I should have asked. Mom even suggested I should but instead, I just let myself worry," she told me.

I hugged her tight, "I'd never intentionally do anything to hurt you, I promise I'll do better."

"Adam, I made a mountain out of a mole hill and I feel so silly for not knowing what that text meant."

"It was a terrible text, I just reread it now. It was vague or ambiguous. I was just so excited about being here with you --"

"Okay, stop," she told me. "Let's go finish eating, before Mom thinks I'm nuts."

"You're not and she knows. I think she wanted to text me and tell me, but didn't because she was still apprehensive," I told her and got up from the bed to offer her my hand.

She took it and followed me back into the living room.

"Sorry Mom," we both said as we resumed our seats.

"Please, tell me when I'm being an idiot. I want to hear it from either of you if you think I'm messing up," I said completely abandoning my clear the air plot. "I mean beyond the obvious exception," I said and laughed. "God this is crazy."

"Love is crazy," Mom assured me. "It makes you silly and stupid and blind but I'd trade what you have for what I have right now in a hot minute," she said and fell silent.

Zane and I looked at her and she looked a little shocked with what she'd said. We all sat silently not saying anything for a long time. I began eating my spaghetti and they followed suit. Both of the women in my life were in emotionally precarious places. Mom's divorce had her questioning her self worth or something and Zane's sudden involvement with me had her questioning her own judgment. When we'd all finished, I got up and gathered their plates.

"Can we have a short family meeting after I do these?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's something we haven't done in a long time," Mom said.

"Okay, I gotta use the restroom, but I'll come help with dishes," Zane said.

"I can help put things up," Mom said following me into the kitchen.

"I don't know my way around in here yet," I told her. "Zane just put all these things away, so --"

"I'm sure we'll figure it out," Mom said encouragingly and it felt like her answer was more than just about where things went in the kitchen.

I started some water in the sink and put some dish soap in it. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how badly did I mess up?" I asked.

"Dinner was very nice and I think you've recovered," she said not answering.

"Hmm," I said and began washing the plates. "Are you avoiding telling me because you aren't certain, or it was a 10 or --"

"I don't know, I can't trust my own feelings lately, but I think the damage was temporary. We're all in a kind of emotionally raw state."

"Yeah, we are," Zane said coming in behind me.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to jump start the family meeting."

"We can start now," Zane told me.

"I don't want to mess up like I just did again," I said. "I take a lot of the blame for everything that's happened between Zane and I. It seems crazy when I think about it."

"You can't take the blame, I kissed and groped you," Zane said matter of factually.

"Look you two, I don't want to butt in, but I feel like you're both looking for who to blame while ignoring what you have," Mom said.

"You're right and you were right about us all being in an emotionally exposed state," I agreed. "My message was part of the problem, but there's all kinds of other tensions and guilt running around too. What we've done is against all kinds of norms."

"I love both of you no matter what," Mom assured us. "I've wondered if I'm to blame with the divorce or something I did, but --"

"God I love you guys," Zane said. "It's been a crazy week. I can't tell you how glad I am you're here with us Mom. Please just tell us when you think we've gone over the top."

"Okay, end of meeting," Mom said. "I need a little help getting stuff unpacked."

~ Zane ~

Adam's deciding to come to UVA had put me more at ease than I had allowed myself to realize. Having him here meant we wouldn't be in some long distance relationship trying to navigate all the potholes those can present. Of course we would have our challenges to face with school and keeping our relationship secret. For the moment at least I was looking forward to having him in bed again after our day and a half separation.

Things after dinner and our meeting were only slightly awkward. Adam and I helped Mom get settled into her room. Adam had helped move in some of her things. It was a little astounding that she'd whittled down everything she was keeping to fit in her Honda Odyssey. There had been a little bit of room to spare, but not much.

Our little half duplex looked pretty spartan and we discussed what items we might need to get to make it livable. The day's anxiety subsided as we talked and became a more open with Mom. She was clearly worried, but seemed less concerned than she'd been over days previous. In a lot of ways, they'd downsized into my upsized apartment and become a family without Dad around. The obvious difference, appeared as we all began infecting each other with yawns.

"Stop it, you're making me so sleepy," Mom complained.

"I thought you started this round," Adam joked. "We've talked the evening away and I'm exhausted."

"Yeah, me to and you made me worry all day," I joked and mussed his hair.

"Alright, I guess we should all go to bed," Mom said and stood up to go. "Just keep your celebration noise to a dull roar," she teased heading to her room.

"There is a bathroom in between, so it shouldn't be too loud," Adam rejoined.

"Sorry Mom. I'll see he's punished properly," I told her and shoved Adam a little. "You need to let her get comfortable with all this," I whispered.

When her door was closed Adam said softly, "She started it."

"I guess I need you to finish it," I told him and raced to our bedroom, stripping off my clothes as I went.

Adam jumped up quickly giving chase, pausing briefly to turn off the lights in the living room. Inside our room he closed the door and undressed while watching me uncover the bed. We finished at about the same time and he quickly moved to play tackle me onto the bed. I struggled slightly against his grip as he held my hand to the sides and he pressed forward to kiss me. From the way this had unfolded, I thought he might do it forcefully, but his mock fierceness faded to gentle touches of his lips to mine. It was nice, but I'd been a little more excited when I thought he might be a little forceful tonight.

When he broke the kiss, I teased, "So you thought you'd resist punishment?"

"Hmm, what were you planning to do?" he wondered.

"I didn't really have a plan. I wasn't thinking anything like BDSM, but I was excited when you chased me in here and tackled me just now."

"That sounds more like you getting punished," he said and grinned widely.

"It'd be unfair to call being fucked nice and hard a punishment," I told him grinding my mound upward into his cock.

"You want it a little harder tonight?" he asked cocking his eyebrow.

"Yeah, if you're up to it, I think I might be," I encouraged him.

"No foreplay, just straight to it?"

"You were gone two days..." I whined.

"It was only one night, but if this is the new level of expectation, I will gladly meet and possibly exceed it," he promised by finishing with a kiss. "I still have to taste you first," he said releasing my hands and moving between my legs. He sniffed my crotch area running his nose back and forth through my curly straw colored pubes. His teasing actions continued for an intolerable time but he finally nestled up to my dripping wet slit and buried his face in me.

"Oh fuck yeah! Suck my cunt! Fuck that's good little brother," I told him pulling his hair gently pressing him tighter into me.

His mouth encompassed most of me as he licked and slurped with abandon. My labia and clit were electrified as he playfully nibbled them. I couldn't believe how rapidly he was bringing me to my first orgasm and I suppressed the desire to yell with Mom in the next room. It almost seemed like Adam wanted me to scream out as he plunged his long tongue into me repeatedly until he got what I assumed he was after, a squirt and my yelp of pleasure.

"God Adam, please take me now," I begged him. "Pound your cock into me. Fuck your big sister and fill her with that beautiful dick of yours," I continued in a raspy voice.

He lifted his head from me licking his lips and growled his satisfaction, "God you don't know what that taste does to me!" He moved back atop me and I could feel what it'd done. He was harder than I'd ever felt him and he was notched right in my vaginal cleft. He looked into my eyes with a burning desire. "You make me so crazy," he uttered as he pressed inside me.

"Ohhh yeah!" I groaned. "That's what I needed. Fuck, I'll never get enough of this..." I broke off as he withdrew and pounded back inside bouncing his pubic bone against my clit. "Faaaaack..." I was coming again and he hadn't even begun to undulate inside me. "Oh yeah, fuck, oh ya, fuck me -- fa -- fa -- fa -- you fuck me -- so good."

"You love me?" he demanded.

"So much -- I love you -- so much Adam," I panted between his pounding thrusts.

He smiled and moved his mouth to suckle upon my left nipple as he continued to pound himself inside me. The combined feelings of gentle sucking and hard thrusts made me a little giddy. I was having electrifying bursts of mini-orgasms every time he collided into me. My legs were spread as open as I could make them with my knees bent making me look like the letter W. I wished there were a mirror on the ceiling so I could observe us like this. He swapped to the right nipple and slowed his pounding a little.

"Are you close?" I asked.

"Was getting there, so I backed off."

"You can finish anytime you want. I'm in a constant state of O and feeling you spasm inside me will push me over the edge."

"It's been two days," he whined back at me. "I want this to last a little longer," he said more seriously.

"You know I'd love you even if you weren't fucking me into bliss?"

"I know I love you the same way Zane. The sex is a wonderfully unexpected bonus."

"My body craves yours Adam."

"We do fit together nicely," he agreed. "Kiss me while I cum in you," he said and moved his mouth to mine.

The taste of myself and his increased tempo pushed me over the edge. His lips never left mine as he exploded inside me. Each pulsating spasm seemed to trigger another wave. When I was well past the point of screaming, he released me from the deep loving kiss.

Gasping for breath, I said, "That was a fucking baby maker. If I wasn't on the pill, you'd have just knocked me up for sure."

"You think so?" he asked continuing to pump inside me. "What day are we on now?"

"It's still a couple weeks a way," I replied thinking about carrying his child.

He kissed me deeply and asked, "Am I forgiven?"

"Was this an apology fuck?"

"Maybe a little, but mostly I wanted to make you happy and give you what you'd asked of me."

"I'm so glad you're going to be here at UVA with me. I don't know if I could have survived being separated after what we've had together."

"You ready to go again?" he asked.

"Yeah, and you obviously are," I replied as he drove into me again.

~ Adam ~

"Yeah, you didn't think you were getting a one and done after two whole days apart, did you?" I teased.

"Uh -- no -- I -- guess not," Zane complained in mock staccato.

"I can stop if you want," I told her knowing full well I probably couldn't.

"Don't you dare!" she warned me. My cum was bubbling out of her with each new insertion making quite the mess. "What are you looking at?" she asked trying to see between us.

"All my baby batter is oozing out of you," I told her.

"Oh, yep. I can feel it dripping now. Wish I could see your naughty seed spilling out of your sister's pussy."

"Fuck that's hot," I said grabbing her hips to aid with my thrusts. "Ung -- uh -- gawd you're so tight."

"We need some mirrors, I want to see my brother's cock plunging into me."

"You know that's making me crazy?"

"Yeah, I do and I want you to shoot the next load in my mouth," she told me instantly conjuring the image of her with my cock in her mouth.

"Oof, fuck... Maybe after you cum again," I insisted. "You always make me climax too quickly when you suck my cock."

Her hands stroked gently on my cheeks, her eyes twinkled with love and adoration. "You like seeing me with your cock in my mouth?"

"I have from the first time."

"I'm getting close. Tell me why."

"I don't know why it excites me, but it does. You have such an innocent face but I know how dirty you can you play. When you have my cock in your mouth you become transfixed with pleasuring me to make me give you what you want," I told her.

My words seemed to propel her right over the edge and she was climaxing forcefully. I felt a brief squirt and her vaginal muscles gripped me tightly and her legs pulled me to her. We rocked together with her bucking beneath me while I resisted the urge. She was surprisingly silent as she came this time and it felt different in other ways. It felt like an emotional climax more than a physical one if that's possible.

When she finally came to rest, she opened her eyes and said, "Thanks. That was just what I needed." I hugged her tightly, and she released her leg-lock. "I want you in my mouth now!" she demanded.

"Yes, ma'am," I said crawling up her body. I was teasingly putting my dick on her face with my butt just above her chest and asked, "Sitting atop you or --"

"Yep, just like that," she interrupted me and took me swiftly into her mouth.

"Oh fuck," I grunted.

Zane's innocent face had her brother's cock stuffed in it and she began sucking me. I could tell I wasn't going to last long and this was going to be another big load. The juxtaposition of her innocence and what she was doing to me was thrilling. Her head bobbed up and down pushing me ever closer to being in her throat. My sister deep throating me repeatedly pushed me over the edge and I warned her.

"I'm cumming Zane. Oh fuck -- that is wickedly nice," I said and unleashed a spurt into her eagerly awaiting mouth. She'd backed off a bit to catch it. I watched her swallow once and then she let it bubble out of her mouth while watching my reaction. "Gawd that's so fucking nasty hot," I told her as she sucked it back inside and swallowed again. I shook my head as the last of my load disappear down her throat. She bobbed her head a few more times getting every last drop and let me plop out.

"You're so yummy, I couldn't let it be wasted," she told me.

I climbed off of her and got beside her in the bed, "What am I going to do with you."

"Everything. There are so many things we haven't tried yet, you know?"

"I guess there are," I said and hugged her tight.