Unwilling but Able Ch. 05


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With her hand on my cock, she looked to me, awaiting orders. And despite my role as bossman, I felt strangely benevolent, so I simply said:

"Do what you will, Valerie."

I saw her draw in a breath, deep and excitedly. And before I could blink, she fell to her knees and swallowed as much as me as she could.

Our Valerie must be a natural-born cocksucker. Even in prior encounters, on losing control she nearly always defaulted to going down on me, and here she fell upon me with a vengeance. She held me with both hands at the base of my cock, driving her mouth up and down on it as though impatient and greedy for the thick white broth it promised.

It astonished me still, to see her gobbling me up. Valerie, the meanest, bitchiest boss in town, famed ballbreaker, take-no-prisoners, gets-ahead-at-all-costs: so keen to capitulate, to cede in the ultimate act of submission, to suck my cock so greedily and eagerly.

I let her suck me off for a minute or two, indulging her and her desires. I even leaned back a little and savoured the experience. With my orgasm still a way off, I had time to lay my hands about her head, to stroke her hair and guide her rhythm, benevolent and encouraging. As I did so, she looked up at me. Just as she had done before, her eyes swivelled up to meet mine, seeming so keen, so eager to earn my praise.

I let her have it, too. "Mmm, Valerie," I sighed, deep and contentedly. "Valerie, you suck cock so good. You're a champion knob-gobbler Valerie, you take it so deep, you suck me so sweet..."

It was a little denigrating, belittling even. But it was what she wanted, her eyes lolled back as though she was in rapture, and I could see she was touching herself again, spread-eagled as she knelt to suck me and pounding away at her gaping, sopping cunt without mercy, squelching noisily in the depth of her own juices, almost bullying herself in the rough-and-tumble fashion that she seemed to prefer.

I didn't want to end it here though. If I came in her mouth, I would have given her both barrel-loads with nothing left to continue on with, so I gently pushed her off me, watching her face fall with crushed disappointment as her mouth slid off my twitching rod.

"Enough," I told her, kind but firm.

"But," she almost whimpered. "But I wanted to drink you. I wanted to taste your cum, I wanted to drink you all up."

"Silence," I instructed, though still without any harsh tones. "I'm in charge now, Valerie. You'll do as I say, and take it how I give it to you. Now stand up."

She rose to her feet, defeated but still willing - she was mine. She was beside herself, she was deep into it. Just as I had found when she was lording over me, the humiliation, the deprivation of power and will proved to be an immense turn-on for her, and I could see in her eye the same fuzzy, half-shocked state in which I had lived the entirety of the prior week. It was the look of one in a spell, powerless and under dictation, and loving every second of it.

"Lean back on the desk and spread your legs," I instructed.

She knew now what was coming. Flashes of hesitation and beatific joy alternated upon her face as she obeyed, bracing herself against her expensive executive-style workdesk as she spread her legs and presented me with her waiting, willing cunt.

"Now..." I murmured, as I stepped up into position: "Brace yourself."

I was in her without thinking. Quick and natural, I had stepped right into her, picked her up slightly even as I stooped down and lined up, and with an involuntary cry from Valerie I slipped my cock deep into her begging cunt, thrusting it quick and hard all the way.

We both paused to savour the moment, the thrill of the penetration echoing in our minds. My huge member was a snug fit in her hot, wet, grasping little pussy, and as I held her in my arms - held her close, her bared tits pressing against my chest, stomach against stomach, our hips as close as can be - she looked to me with an expression mixed of shock, of fear, of uncertainty...

And joy, wonder, want.

"Yeah," I heard myself say. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

She didn't answer, her senses overwhelmed, unable to speak.

"Mmm," I purred, as I slipped back a little before stabbing her deep and hard, causing her mouth to sag low with shock and wonder once again. "You like that, don't you?"

Still no answer, other than an indeterminate sigh, so I slipped out and thrust hard back into her again.

"You want it. Don't you, bitch?" I heard myself say - soft, whispering, flat and toneless. Not spiteful, but not gentle either, as I thrust into her again.

She moaned a little at that, on me using that word. Reminding her that she was powerless, that she was being fucked, that I was doing it to her and she really had no say in the matter. She moaned, with the mixture of emotions evident in the sound.

"Tell me you want it," I entreated with another thrust, earning another moan, this one stronger, more urgent.

"Tell me you want it," I hissed again, with another thrust, and another moan.

"Tell me you want it!" I whispered directly into her ear, as I slipped ever so slowly nearly all the way out, then driving so slowly, so teasingly and delectably and distractingly slowly back into her willing, wanting cunt...

"I want it."

"Tell me you want it!" I said again.

"I want it."

"Tell me you want it!"

"I want it," she cried.

"I want it!" she cried again, as I fucked her.

"I want it I want it I WANT IT!" she nearly screamed as I plunged into her again and again, fucking her and fucking her, and we lost it - we lost ourselves, I drove into her, I fucked her long and hard and merciless as she yelled it out, over and over:

"I want it!"

"I want it!"

"I want it!"

I was brimming up. I was ready. I was nearly set to come, even while she came and came again, as she came to orgasm seemingly every time she confessed: "I want it!" "I want it!"

I had to interrupt her: "What do you want?"

"I want it!" she yelled again, nearly senseless with the incredible depraved pleasure of it all.

"Valerie, tell me what you want!" I cried, catching her face in my hands to bring her back from the brink of madness, even as I kept pummelling her shocked slackened cunt with my cock.

She blinked at me, still uncomprehending even as she kept gasping and screaming through her orgasm, so I had to yell it at her:


"I WANT YOUR COCK!" she cried in return. "I want your cock! I want you to fuck me! Fuck me Jerry!" she cried.

And there it was. I was ready to come, I groaned now as my orgasm took a set and prepared to launch.

"Fuck me, Jerry!" Valerie said again, seeing that it was what I needed to hear. "Fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me! Fuck me with your cock! Take me, break me, hurt me, hate me!" she cried. "I want it! I want your cock in me, I want you to cum in me, fuck me Jerry, make me your bitch Jerry, fuck me and fill me up FUCK ME!!"

And I came. I came harder and better than I had ever come before - I grabbed her and held her and I hollered like a tenor, long and loud and with vibrato as I came, and I came, and I kept coming, my cock pulsing with incredibly thick hard surges and shooting load after load of hot white cum deep into her grabbing grasping greedy little cunt and I came, and I came, and I came.

Even as I did, as the white noise of orgasm that filled my ears gradually abated, I realised she was speaking: "Yes, Jerry," she nearly growled, even as she kept riding her orgasm in time with the pulses of my own, "yes, fill me up Jerry. Fill me up, fill me up with all of your cum, make me yours Jerry, make me yours. I'm yours, I'm your bitch, your dirty little slut. Hate me Jerry, break me Jerry, break my cunt with your big fat cock. Oh Jerry, I'm such an ugly little whore, I'm a filthy little bitch, fill me up with all of your cum, yes, yes!"

And my heart fell as I realised she was denigrating herself, she was putting herself down. She was reverting back to No-Vadge, the self-loathing poisonous monster. The beautiful, comely, womanly Valerie whom I had worked to bring to the fore had slipped away again.

I had to have her back. So I kissed her.

I kissed her; I kissed Valerie, I stopped her self-denigration with a kiss. Even as my cock kept pumping itself out deep within her constricting, grasping cunt, I kissed her, I kissed her softly and with affection, with warmth and with feeling, genuine and caring. She was shocked at first, she froze and was silent. But as I kept kissing her, gradually she softened, she melted into my arms and she kissed me in return, and we kissed, and we kissed for the longest of times.

Finally, with my cock pumped dry and our orgasms abated, I released her from my kiss - but I held onto her, I leaned back slightly as I withdrew from her, and I realised that she was crying, tears streaming silently down her face.

"Valerie," I murmured, so softly and gently I could hardly even hear myself. "You are not a bitch. You are not ugly. You are not a slut, not a whore. You are beautiful, Valerie," I told her, as a quiet little sob escaped her, making her breasts rise and fall. "You are beautiful. You are soft, and feminine, and gorgeous; you are sexy, and sexual, and sensual; you are a lady, a woman, Valerie. You are beautiful."

She was crying hard now, her face wracked and contorted as she completely lost control, and I simply took her into my arms and held her as she wept uncontrollably. Whatever demons she had within her, whatever might have happened in the past, whoever had done whatever they had done to her to make her the way she was - they were falling away, they were fading, she was finally crying it out. She was winning. Valerie was winning.

And that was what I wanted. This was what I had set out to do. I hadn't set out to break Valerie. I hadn't set out to hurt her, to fuck her against her will, to denigrate her and make her my bitch and my slut.

In coming to Valerie's office on this night, with a laptop in hand bearing my salvation, I had wanted to destroy 'No-Vadge', the ugly hateful anti-social persona that had an almost-constant grip on her - almost constant, with the exception of when she was free, released and abandoned in the grip of an orgasm.

That's what I had come and sought. I had wanted to bring out 'Valerie', the real woman, the beautiful and graceful and ever-so-sensual creature of whom I had only caught glimpses, I wanted to find her and drag her out into the open and leave her there, with 'No-Vadge' forever banished and 'Valerie' the woman, 'Valerie' the beauty, all that was left.

I had no way to know if I had succeeded, as I held her naked in my arms, holding her warmly and comfortingly as she wept for minutes on end. I like to think I had done so. I like to think that 'No-Vadge' was gone forever and 'Valerie' was all that was left, free and released and ready to start anew. All I could do was hold her for as long as she needed to be held, which I did gladly, until eventually she calmed somewhat and rose out of my arms, to look at me again.

I said nothing. Using only my eyes, I tried to convey that there were no hard feelings. She'd had her fun with me, and I with her, and as far as I was concerned we were quite even. I simply stared into her eyes for a moment, holding her hands and gracing her with a small, warm smile; I had hoped to receive similar in return, for even in all we had shared I had never seen her smile, actually 'smile' with warmth and good humour, but she was still in a state of shock and bewilderment so it was not to be.

I kissed her one last time. I laid one soft, tender and respectful embrace upon her beautiful, trembling, feminine lips, and I left her, gathering my clothes and leaving her office without a backwards glace.

I never saw Valerie again. I never saw 'No-Vadge' ever again either. She quit the very next day, leaving a short resignation on the senior partner's desk and never returning to the firm.

Janine and I could only assume that it had worked, that we had successfully escaped the cruel fate of No-Vadge's blackmailing lordship. I was beside myself, wondering if I had succeeded also in helping Valerie win the day, if I had managed to get through to her in any meaningful, lasting sense. But I would never know for sure, I would never again see or hear or track her down.

"All for the better," Janine reckoned, when we discussed it the next day as the whole office buzzed with whispers and rumours and speculation over No-Vadge's shock departure. Most of the conjecture involved an unhappy affair with a senior partner, which of course Janine and I knew to be farthest from the truth.

"Well, I guess I'll always wonder," I shrugged. "At least now I can get on with it, without fear of having my career and marriage and life destroyed by some vicious vindictive bitch."

"Uh huh," said Janine. "So then: you and I, down in the records room, five o'clock tonight?"

I blinked. "What?"

"Come on," she goaded, with a wicked glint in her eye. "I finally got me a taste of 'Jerry' the other night. And I'm hooked. Let's do it again - let's fuck!"

"Janine, no!" I laughed. "I mean, what we had was great, but it shouldn't have happened. It never would have happened without No-Vadge's blackmailing. And I'm sorry, but fun as it was, it's never gonna happen again."

"Oh really?" said Janine, archly. "Well, see, the way I figure: I've still got a copy of the video showing you getting down and dirty with Valerie. And I also figure, given your past form, you'll do pretty much anything to keep our Melinda from seeing that video."

I was ready to laugh again, but something in Janine's face and tone killed my laughter. I realised, with a terribly familiar sinking feeling, that she wasn't joking.

"Five o'clock," she told me sternly, as she turned to go. "And don't you dare be late, or there'll be hell to pay."

"Ah crap," I said.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great Work

I loved the storey,

A storey line that captured and held my interest with enough descriptive wording to be genuinely exciting.


garolopevigarolopeviover 5 years ago
Awesome end !

Lovely ending to a nasty blackmail story . I say “ nasty “ because I pictured myself in Jeremy’s place. I loved the use of the word “ cunt” . That made this story quite delicious !

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