Val the Vamp Ch. 01


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I had learned about Occam's razor in my science classes, where the simplest explanation was often the best, and the simplest explanation was that I was hallucinating the biting and the blood sucking, which also freaked me out something fierce. I couldn't bear even to look at Jason anymore, even if I craved making love with him, because when I did, it reminded me that maybe I was going crazy.

As I understand it, the mosquitoes copulate, and the female stores the sperm. Then the female sucks some blood out of some unsuspecting bird, reptile, fish, or mammal, and feeds it to her eggs. She lays the fertilized and well-fed tiny eggs in water, or at some place that is likely soon to be full of water. Once the water arrives, the mosquitoes hatch, rise to the surface to breathe, and rather quickly mature into adults. Only the females suck the blood. I wonder if mosquitoes notice the taste of the blood? Probably nobody will ever know.

The female mosquito alights on the victim, anaesthetizes the area, and then inserts her proboscis into the skin, to suck out the blood. Usually, the victim is unaware of the attack, until the mosquito is long gone, and the small wound begins to itch, in a reaction to a histamine present in the anesthetic that the mosquito used. Some people heal right away, and at the other end of the spectrum are the people who develop a big welt, and itch horribly. It all depends on one's sensitivity to the allergen.

Maybe Jason is one of those super quick healers. Since my bites never itched or anything, he went blissfully unaware of them? Is that possible? No, of course not. Or is it? After all, I saw it with my own eyes, didn't I?

2. The Experiment -- Delano High School

I was wondering how the blood of other guys would taste. Jason's tasted great! I missed Jason; maybe I shouldn't have dumped him? He didn't seem to be suffering, and was enjoying the company of Sharon Smith, who had bigger tits than me; she also wore shorter skirts than I did. Well, she did have nice legs, didn't she? I wondered how she was in bed. I'd bet Jason knew!

Now that Jason had laid the ice queen (me), other guys began sniffing around. I'd have my choice of the lot of them. I asked The Three Mary's about the various candidates. The four of us settled on the choice of Greg Gibbons.

It took Greg only four dates to get me into bed. Part of the accelerated schedule was that Greg proposed a real bed, in a motel room, no less! I borrowed a wedding ring from Mary Stone; she had a fake one to wear when she used to waitress. Luckily, the motel could have cared less if we were married or not.

Inside the motel room, I smiled nervously at Greg. He approached me slowly, and he gave me a gentle, loving kiss that melted me. Then he told me to strip. It was an order, barked out, like he was playing a role of a control freak in a movie or something. I just looked at him, stunned into immobility. "Now!" he screamed.

I got it. He must have thought I was a submissive, and he was playing at being a dominant. He was horrible at it, since in reality he was just a sweet guy. It was all I could do not to laugh out loud, but somehow, I managed to laugh only to myself, and silently. I tried to look scared, or at least intimidated, and I quickly stripped down to my bra and panties.

"Turn around!" Greg yelled at me, in an artificially serious voice. I turned around, stifling another laugh.

Greg quickly pulled my panties down to my ankles, and then he began to slap my bare ass! I stumbled forward, tripping on my panties that were at my ankles, and I ended up bent over the bed. Before I knew it, Greg had inserted his cock into my pussy! I was shocked that I was already wet, and my pussy must have been flowering in welcome when he rudely and roughly entered.

This was so not like Jason! Greg was fucking me from behind, practically taking me by force, almost raping me, and in the process giving me my first doggy style fuck, as well as my first fuck not in the back seat of a car. Instead of being in shock and outraged and screaming bloody murder, and for help, I just submissively acquiesced. Greg kept pounding away at me, with endless stamina. That man could really fuck a girl!

It began to get to me. Little moans began to slip out of me. Up till then I had not even been able to catch my breath in order to protest, or even to say 'No;' not that I would have. I was ready to enjoy sex with Greg, even if I had never imagined anything like this. Finally, time took its toll, and Greg emptied his balls inside me. He had never even asked if he could, which upset me! I was so, so, so glad I was on the pill.

All I wanted to do at that point was to collapse on the bed, but Greg ordered me onto my knees, to give him a blowjob as he stood before me, his cock all flaccid and covered with my juices and his spunk. Well, let me tell you, his spunk tasted like pure salt. Thank goodness it was mixed with my juices which -- modesty aside -- tasted like sweet champagne.

Greg got hard in no time, and then he ordered me onto my back on the bed. I untangled my panties and obeyed. "Spread your legs, bitch!" Greg said, and that was too much. I didn't laugh thank goodness, but instead I corrected him. Given we had already fucked, I felt I had the right.

"I think you mean 'Spread your legs, Val.' Am I right?" I gave him my best smile as I said it, lying there naked, full of his spunk, my chest heaving just a little.

Greg was flummoxed. He kind of recovered and said, "I don't see them spreading, bit -- I mean Val."

I couldn't help it. I giggled. "Who told you I was a submissive?"

"Jason," he replied.

Now I laughed. "Well you've taken me by force, and I guess I loved it, after all. I'm spreading my legs for you now, Greg. I mean, Master."

Greg fell on me, nursed at my boobs, and then kissed my tummy, slowly descending towards the promised land, to wit, my Vee at the top of my thighs. No surprise, he found it, and then revealed at best a mediocre talent at eating me out. I was impressed, however, that he was eating me while I was stuffed with his cum. Maybe he had a salt deficiency? It sure felt nice, though.

When he entered me for the second time, this time gently and lovingly, I moaned in appreciation. Barely two minutes later, as he was lunging away, I raised my tummy and climaxed beautifully. Greg kept right at it, and lost to my passion, I bit him on the shoulder as I had another, this time a rather spectacular, climax. I drew blood of course, and I greedily sucked it up. It didn't taste good; not at all like Jason's blood. Not at all!

"What the fuck?" Greg yelled and promptly stopped fucking. His shoulder was bleeding profusely, faster even than I could lick it up! "You fucking BIT me??" he screamed, sounding truly angry.

"It was in a moment of passion," I meekly said.

"I'm bleeding all over the place! This is a major wound! What's wrong with you, Val?" he exclaimed.

I couldn't tell him it would magically heal, as it did in the case of Jason. I had no idea what was going on. I ran to the bathroom but of course there was no first aid kit in the cheap motel. I got towels and tried my best to wrap his shoulder to staunch the flow of blood.

I was frantic. I called the motel desk to ask them to rush over a first aid kit, and in no time a youth brought us over a small, rather pathetic first aid kit, but it was enough to do the job, as I tended to Greg's gashing wound on his shoulder. I was shocked my incisors could have created such a wound. Motel Boy watched me patch up Greg with an intensity I had only rarely seen before. His eyes got wide when I finished and pulled away from Greg, standing up to survey the scene. Motel Boy had been watching me, while I was totally naked and dripping cum, as I had fussed over the equally naked Greg, once I had removed the bloody towels covering the wound in his shoulder.

Blood was everywhere, and still gushing from Greg's shoulder, as the wound was deep. The Motel Boy called 911, and advised us to get dressed before the 911 team arrived. I was blushing to realize, for the first time, that I was naked in front of the Motel Boy.

3. Motel Boy -- Outside Delano, on the highway to Las Vegas

Greg survived, although the motel was furious about all the blood stains. The Motel Boy had an instant, ridiculous crush on me. It turns out he was 18, too, but he had never seen a naked girl in the flesh before; not only that, I'm considered to be pretty, at least when I have my clothes on! All 18-year-old boys have seen plenty of naked girls on the Internet, that's for sure! Seeing one in the flesh, where he could reach out and touch me? That had to be special.

As if to prove my point, Motel Boy did in fact reach out and touch me, on my bare shoulder. I was startled, and shivered a bit. He began to apologize profusely, but Greg intervened, saying I liked being touched! It was unclear who was more surprised: Motel Boy, or me? (The name of the Motel Boy we soon learned was Suresh, and his family had immigrated from India, buying the motel in the process.)

Suresh then moved his hand to delicately touch my left breast, and I just stood there like a dork, frozen to the spot, as he stroked my boobs and twisted my nipples. His face revealed a mixture of fear and a concentration of lust like I had never seen before. Suresh was from the south of India, I later learned, in the generalized Chennai (Madras) area, and unlike the reputation some Indian men have, Suresh was a total innocent. The bulge in his khaki Dockers, however, was intriguing, due to its size.

Suresh pushed me, still frozen in shock over all that had happened, into a sitting position on the bed. I think Greg was angry with me, because when Suresh looked over to him for guidance, thinking I belonged to Greg and did not have my own thoughts and individuality, Greg said four words I will never forget.

"Go for it, Buddy," Greg said.

Suresh covered my body with his, uh, his huge member, still in his Dockers thank goodness, pushing up against my pussy, since he had also spread my legs, which spread all too easily at his touch. He unzipped, let his snake out of its confines, and began to push it inside me, with Greg cheering him on. At that moment I kind of woke up, albeit a little late, to what was happening. It was too late by a long shot. Suresh and I were already fucking, and I knew -- I could just tell -- Suresh was not about to stop!

Suresh was the third man to fuck me, and I later learned it was the first time for him. It was my first time with two men, too. It was also my first time dealing with an unusually large cock. No wonder there are so many people in India, I quietly thought to myself, as Suresh pumped inside me with increasing vigor. I made a mental note to put visiting India on my bucket list.

No longer bleeding profusely, Greg came to me and began to kiss me, even as Suresh plowed away inside me. He stuck his cock at my mouth, and I knew what he wanted. Any girl would have known. I shook my head no, but Greg kept poking his delightfully hard cock at my mouth. It dawned on me I had to give Greg a blowjob, since he had been a good sport about my biting the stuffing out of him just a bit earlier, so he perhaps deserved something.

Probably, I thought, due to watching massive amounts of porn, having his new girlfriend spit roasted was probably on his sex bucket list, and why not? I'm already fucking an Indian Motel Boy, and I don't even know anything more about him than his name, Suresh! I did it: I took Greg's hard cock into my mouth, even while Suresh was fucking the bejesus out of me with his huge cock. I suddenly realized I was enjoying two cocks at once, from two different men, and it thrilled me to the point where I suddenly climaxed, powerfully squeezing Suresh's cock as I did so. Thanks be to God I did not bite off Greg's cock as I climaxed.

Mentally, I quietly freaked out that I was taking on two men at once, and worse, I was loving it. Barely 18, and still in the last throes of high school, I was already proving my slut bonafides.

Greg squirted into my mouth, and I swallowed the small load his cock expelled, and I was back to fucking only Suresh, and building up to a second climax. Suresh slid up my body, all the time pumping away inside me, and he began to kiss my neck and behind my ears, and I surprised myself by moaning loudly, at the concentration of erotic input into my overtaxed nervous system.

Suddenly I cried out, and then clamped down on the tender, dark flesh of Suresh's shoulder, as I climaxed big time. My teeth sank into his shoulder deeply, and blood gushed into my hungry mouth, even if I had already recently drunk maybe a half pint of Greg's putrid tasting blood only a half hour before. I don't know how much blood I drank from Suresh, but after he climaxed, he lost consciousness. Greg had also passed out.

It was obvious to me that both men needed blood, or they might both die. As I was panicking -- and I was truly panicking -- I saw Suresh's shoulder healing itself, and the gaping, bloody wound my teeth had created, simply disappeared before my eyes. I re-entered a state of shock.

I rolled Suresh off of me and stood up. Seconds later two policemen entered the room. I was naked and screamed, grabbing a blood-stained blanket to cover myself, and slipped on my discarded panties behind the blanket, as the two policemen took in, and mentally processed, the scene before them.

Now clothed in panties, but only panties, and holding up the blanket to cover my breasts, I pointed at the passed-out body of poor Greg, and I said he needs blood, lots of blood. Type AB. The Type AB just came to me, and I realized that was why his blood had tasted so bitter.

"What about him?" one of the cops asked. After all, there was blood everywhere, and some of it had to be from Suresh, even if his wound had now closed. A hell of a lot of Suresh's delicious blood was in my body. It tasted of spicy mango, I realized.

"He's type O. He probably needs blood, too," I said, collecting my bra from the floor.

"And you? You seem to be okay. Have you been involved in sexual activity?" the other cop asked.

I dropped the blanket as I went for my top. "Yes, first with Greg, and then the Motel Boy raped me," I said, quite calmly. "The Motel Boy is the one passed out on the bed. Greg is over there crumpled on the floor." I knew I was much too calm.

"Are you okay? I think you're in shock," the cop said, since that would explain a little of what was happening. "We'll order a rape kit for you, if you like?"

Both men were taken away, and so too was I, as a possible rape victim. I decided not to press charges, if the motel would not sue for damages, and the rape went away, even if the rape kit had confirmed I'd been raped. The DA seemed relieved. Both men had full recoveries from their loss of blood. Greg had some trauma therapy. Suresh had a crush on me that seemed to endure with time. We would meet up secretly, from time to time, and I would bite him when I climaxed, feast on his blood, and he didn't mind, since he got to fuck this pretty white girl to smithereens and back.

The police confiscated the video Greg had taken of Suresh raping me.

A little later I graduated from high school, and thoughts turned to college. I was looking forward to college with an intensity that. surprised even my parents. Secretly, I wanted to learn about the mysteries that surrounded my sex life. I knew there had to be some rational explanation, somehow. I was a firm believer in science and the rationality of the universe. Indeed, I clung to it!

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Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandalmost 2 years ago

Equal parts sexy, spooky, and funny. I like it!

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesabout 2 years ago

Glad you're back, JB. Five stars. Will Val soon be draining semen and blood simultaneously from erect male cocks?

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 2 years ago

She can be a vamp but she is also a slut!


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