Venise - Ten Years Later Pt. 03


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So, inevitably, Jess, mum and I start musing about what it means to be naked. What it would be like to be always naked. Anytime, anywhere.

I start a bit of a monologue, 'The thing is this. As you know, I am not a nudist, but, rather, I am an exhibitionist. Can't emphasise this enough. The difference between me being a nudist and an exhibitionist is that my nudity generally has sexual connotations. I confess. That doesn't mean I am aware of my sexuality every second and would always be in the mood to masturbate. But I am aware often and when I am aware, my vibes are sexual. And I do frequently masturbate.

'I like so show off my body. I like to show it off in inappropriate places. I am beginning to do that. As you have noticed.

'Of course, I wouldn't expect to show off anywhere all the time, because I don't care to upset people all the time, whether they hide behind awkward moral frameworks or behind the vulnerability of their children, and certainly don't care to get arrested. Or raped (defined as: sexually treated against one's will, non-consensual.)'

Mum, 'Right, safety first. Be careful first, young lady.'

'Of course, mum. I will be safe, but there are no guarantees regardless, attractively dressed or nude.

'In any case, at some level, I'd like to be naked anywhere all the time. I like to be lusted after. And admired and praised. At some level, I also like to be seen as 'fuckmeat', like to be judged, or even degraded and humiliated. I know that sounds strange, to want to be humiliated. It is a paradox, to be proud and happy to be humiliated. Still need to explore humiliation...

Mum, 'But you are beautiful and intelligent. Who would humiliate you?'

'Precisely because I would be naked inappropriately, I guess, therefore a slut and whore, a cheap and stupid wench... At some level I am a slut, mum!

'So, I have thought, wouldn't it be wild if nudity in public were legal? So that I can naked anywhere and anytime. Legalise nudity!

'To clarify one thing - I am not calling for sex in public to be legalised. I appreciate that some people will be hurt by the sight. Traumatised. Children, I guess. Adolescents, more to the point perhaps. I especially don't want to trigger those inclined to rape others, or me. I don't want to be raped, don't want others to get raped either. (In scene life there is such a thing as being 'raped' consensually, as part of a general agreement. I am talking about non-consensual rape. But I am aware of the pitfalls here, in post-#MeToo times...)

'When I was a student, at home I was naked two-thirds of the time, including when I received visitors or had a party. If it was too cold, I wore a loose little thing, on oversized T-shirt or something.'

Mum, 'A nude household, who would have thought? I now imagine you were nude all the times when you called home to catch up on things.'

'Mum, you are spot on. But I behaved. I wasn't playing with myself when we spoke.

'Anyway... I started work, became an adult and had a professional reputation to maintain. So I stopped entertaining in the nude, full stop. I am thinking that perhaps I should let the reins relax a bit and return to form. And have a nude household too. Will have to think how and where, work out the details, as you said yourself.

'Nude at home is fine, but only the humble first step of where I dream of going, of being an exhibitionist. To be naked at inappropriate places and times.'

Jessica says, 'Maybe I can help. I have a visual artist friend where I live, a woman who focuses on woman and her body. What she is trying to do is, I quote, "reclaim the body from male oriented advertising and porn" etc. We have discussed her introducing a performance art element. She has resisted the idea, because she thinks it will weaken what she is trying to achieve. In fact, she used the phrase 'exhibitionist.' She doesn't want to be seen as an exhibitionist who uses art as an excuse to show off. Plus, she is not that self-assured, not that comfortable with her body. She is shy. But perhaps, Vita, I can suggest you to her. Perhaps, you and she can work out something that supports her aim and yours. I won't describe you as an exhibitionist of course, but as a nude model.'

Mum suggests, 'Great! If she needs two models, let me know as well. I am an older woman, less fresh and tight, but that may be an interesting element she wants to work with too. Depending on the mood, you may or may not let her know that you have a daughter and mother on offer.'

I smile and say, 'Jessica, you are a lawyer, would there be any loophole in the constitution, an opportunity, which would support a case of demanding the right to be permanently nude, anywhere and anytime? In the streets, in the shops, in bars and restaurants, at events? I would be interested to find out if the feelings wear off, both the positive - the sexual charge - and the negative - the humiliation and embarrassment.'

Jessica says, 'I imagine if the law would allow nudity it would still forbid sexual behaviour in public, as Vita rightly suggested. I think that is right. But what would be the limit? If the limits would be very restrictive would it still be fun and exciting? This can only be tested by trial and error. See what the judges allow and not.'

She muses along and suggests, 'Nudity is generally prohibited under the banner of disorderly conduct or indecent exposure. But I am thinking... Could it be done as an art project? If someone made her life a long (life-long...) art performance? Her audience could follow her over the years, see her age, be comfortable most of the time, or at other times embarrassed, or instead provoke? I don't think this has quite been done before.

'I scoured the internet about public nudity. Spain is said to have no law against public nudity, except Barcelona of all places. Canada is tolerant. New Zealand. There are precedents... There is an endless wealth of information available on public nudity on forums, but mostly without citations, let alone references to specific cases. Certainly, as we noted already, a distinction is made between public nudity and sex in public. That would include masturbation, I'd think. In private, controlled places with security doormen, during ditto events, anything may go, who knows? Not in Russia evidently... Or China. But Germany should be relaxed... And France? And The Netherlands?

'Is there a chance that such an artist would be allowed to practice? Under conditions of not engaging in sexual acts? As a lawyer, I'd be game to help test the boundaries and fight her corner.'

Is she referring to me? I look at her and point at myself.

'Yes, Vita, you could pose as this artist, if you really would want to do this. Could you double as business consultant and nude artist? That would be something. I imagine that your company will have the right to allow you to be nude at work. They may have the obligation to pre-warn people who may come into contact with you. Or maybe not. I'd have to do some research.'

She continues, 'Clothes were invented, so common sense tells us, to shield us from the cold. Yes. In warmer climes, the purpose would be the reverse. Nomads in the Sahara wear black loose-fitting clothes. Shielding from the sun, not from shame. Also, shielding from insects etc. I guess that people by necessity covering up some of the time will have led to them having to cover themselves all of the time. When was nudity sexualised? I am curious to know whether there is literature on the subject. We'd have to check. The final blow will have been moral, religious impulses to forbid public nudity since the Middle Ages or so. In the eyes of priests and imams, nudity equals sex. Non-sexual nudity, does it currently exist? Good clean nudism? If it doesn't, can we convince the public and the judges that nudity can be non-sexual? If so, why not public nudity? Would it be a sustainable thought that nudity being allowed as a rule, exceptions excepted? I am rambling... The subject is so rich!

'To get back to nudity in the name of art, if you were allowed to, likely you'd have to promise to behave and not engage in lewd behaviour, especially in public and where children may be. Maybe children would be OK, if you'd just be a nudist-artist and behave 'naturally.' That is likely to be a limitation, to not be lewd.'

I say, 'I wonder what is lewd? How far can it be stretched? I would want to radiate my sexuality if the mood takes me. Maybe every artist, every actor and performer surely, is an exhibitionist. Quite possibly. Maybe I'm getting carried away. But maybe that is part of what I am doing here: self-discovery. And be a trailblazer, perhaps.

'I could write a project plan, with your help, Jessica, and lobby at the relevant government desks. Education, women's rights - to help non-sexualise nudity, you and I could give lectures - mum too, she would be an asset - visit schools, do more performances like this, minus the masturbations. What could I do? Could I offer to have my breasts and vulva inspected at schools? For educational purposes. Probably a bridge too far!

'As that artist you were conjuring up just now, I could be a free nude model at art schools or amateur collectives? I could be a nude waitress at museums, private galleries. Or regularly appear in either. I know there are precedents in this vein. At private parties I could no doubt perform.

'The risk is making a fool of myself and losing my reputation, my dignity, my career, my friendships. But there is potential gain: self-discovery, increased pride, new friendships and alliances.'

I sigh and say, 'My head is spinning. We have covered the world and need to focus. Let's pause. I will be in touch with you, Jessica and mum, and see where we can take this. I am excited.'

Mum serves another cup of tea and we revert back to talking about everyday things, love, work, books, clothes, music... Then Jessica excuses herself, so as to be in time for a final dinner with her folks before she zooms off home again tomorrow.

Our goodbyes are full of anticipation. Has her life changed too? Will she get in touch with her artist-friend and successfully offer us to her? On her part she is just as keen to hear about how our nude household will develop and what adventures will come along.

Our relationship has been deepened.


Venise video No. 8 - Nude in the streets

James texts that he needs more time to produce the Venise-nude-in-public video. One, the footage is endless, in terms of photo stills and videos. But Two, he needs to make sure that the faces of the others don't feature. That is: without having to blur faces, which isn't great, or as little as possible. But he has great footage of me naked in public, at school and on the way home.

I hope it will make the viewers feel that they are the ones in my shoes - the highest form of connection between model and audience.


Here ends Part 3. But there should be a Part 4.

There, we will see how the nude household comes along, whether in fact there would be more than one such household...

We will see if Vita, or Vita and her mum, will support Jessica's artist friend by performing nude for her.

We might read more about the possibility of living permanently nude, in the name of art or otherwise.

Or if Vita, or Jessica herself, will dare solicit the right to work nude in her office.

There is more to come! Godess Venise will ride again!

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Please continue and take this as far as possible.

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