Warm Welcome Ch. 02


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"Mm..." His eyes fluttered almost closed as her soft, lush breasts heated the sides of his face. So... warm...

"Of course it does," Lesha whispered, as his shirt was slipped away from him. He gave a momentary moan of concern, but they were just getting him ready for bed, weren't they? And it was so hard to feel worried when he was held between such nice, smooth pillows. His bare skin brushed Jalli as she clung tighter to him, her body so hot and soft against his, her kisses hungry, questing. "Of course it sounds nice. You are so sweet and silly, aren't you?"


"Only, one sad thing." The brush ran over his hair once more, and then he felt Lesha pull it away and set it aside. With her now-free hand, she pulled him back to stare up into her eyes. She pouted down at him. "Your hair is still very messy."

"Oh." He craned his neck and squirmed as Jalli's fingers fiddled with the laces of his pants. He wanted to object to that, but it was so hard to focus on more than one thing at a time, and Lesha's red eyes were so, so bright and glimmery... "Mm-hm?"

"So messy and silly," Lesha lamented. She caressed his cheek. "You still look like... oh, what was word?"

Down below, Jalli was removing his pants. Gretel blinked rapidly, his eyes wide as the remainder of the lemon drop melted in his mouth.

"Bimbo?" he squeaked.

Lesha's eyes lit up.

"Bimbo!" she squealed, and bounced with excitement in his lap. As she bounced up, Jalli slipped his pants and underwear down over his knees. She beamed at him, stroking his hand with a hand, her eyes shining with inescapable delight. "Like a pretty pink bimbo boy," she said, giggling. "Very embarrassing for you."

"O-Oh," he nodded nervously. His eyes flitted down to his exposed lap.

"Aw, Lesha," Jalli cooed, "look at our guest's little cock!"

Lesha looked down as well. Her face broke into a wide smile. "Aw. Our guest has such a cute thing!" She ran her finger over it, erect and eager. Gretel's breath caught in his throat at the familiar touch, and at its unfamiliar sensitivity. She looked back up at him, her cheeks glowing a faint rosy hue. "You... did not tell us your cock was such a little delight," she said coquettishly, continuing to stroke it slightly.

Gretel squirmed. This... this could not be normal. "I, um... I..."

He could tell they loved his cock, which was exceedingly mortifying. He wasn't used to people cooing and fawning over it like this. He wasn't used to anyone seeing him... like this: naked, covered in kisses, lounging back in an armchair with a goblin maid in his lap and a goblin maid snuggled against his side. Sleepy. Hard.

"What's wrong?" Jalli whispered in his ear. She nibbled his earlobe and giggled. "Is our guest okay?"

There was a pause. Gretel tried to find words to explain why this felt odd, but somehow, they drifted away from him. Like he was reaching for clouds. Puffy, pink clouds that smelled of cinnamon and nutmeg.

"Oh." Jalli's voice was barely a gasp in his ear. "Oooh. Is it... too small for you?"

Gretel's face lit up like a firecracker, and she giggled. "Ooh, Lesha, he wants a bigger cock! Poor boy. Doesn't he know little cocks are so, so nice and sweet... tosuck?"

The last word was almost a growl. He looked at her, shocked, but she just smiled innocently.

"Sweet Gretel," Lesha giggled, and he turned, head spinning, back to her. She was slipping from his lap onto the floor, and with a pang, he realized what she was doing. He stared down at her with wide eyes. "We can help!"


"Let us help you, Gretel," Jalli purred in his ear, as Lesha below settled on her knees. She beamed up at him with bright eyes, her face—sharp knifelike ears, bouncy braids—silhouetted in the firelight. "You must not resist our... hospitality!"

They both giggled.

"B-But I—"

"This is normal," Jalli cooed, as Lesha leaned in. "So normal. So normal to let your hosts take care of you like this. Nothing strange, ya?"

"But-but it's—"

Lesha licked her lips. She had such a long, wet tongue.

"You sucked yourself sweet," Jalli whispered, rubbing against him. "Let us suck you molten."

He opened his mouth to try to complain.

Jalli took his chin, turned him to face her, and kissed him.

Lesha took his cock between her plump, luscious lips and started to suckle with a little giggle of glee.

Gretel felt like he'd been dropped into a fondue pot of just-warm-enough chocolate, of heated Thriae mead. He melted like butter into Jalli's sweet, tender kiss, melted into her moans and gasps as she clutched him. He was totally naked, and sensitive as her hands caressed and tickled over his chest. She held him like he was hers, her lips smacking against his, her tongue twining around his. His eyes fluttered shut, but hers were open, he knew, boring into him like twin emeralds.

But the pleasure she was pouring into him with her kisses was nothing compared to what Lesha was doing to him.

He moaned and bucked and writhed in helpless glee as Lesha suckled, so sweet, her tongue lapping around the tip of his cock like it was an especially precious sucking candy. She moaned and sighed happily, and he could tell she was smiling as those wonderful, soft, painted lips smacked and bobbed up and down over his shaft.

But he wasn't coming. He was getting hornier and hornier, lost in Jalli's kiss, lost in Lesha's... special kiss. He was melting into the sweetness, sinking into the soft warmth like a catgirl into a bed of kittenfolly. Everything smelled so sweet, felt so hot, and his brain felt so soft and mushy and lovey-dovey and... and silly... and sweeeet...

Slowly, lovingly, he felt Lesha's lips rise off of his cock. Jalli pulled away and put a finger to his lips, smiling coyly. "That's a good boy," she cooed. "I mean, a good guest. Very good!"

He blinked at her, and he would have been swooning into her had the soft chair not totally consumed his every will to sit up straight. Not that these... these lovely hosts would ever make him. He was actually kind of dreading getting up to go to bed. It felt so easy to just lie back, to just sink into soft pleasure. And Lesha and Jalli wanted nothing more than to help him do that. Nothing strange about it. Just good hosts being hospitable.

"Ooh, Gretel," Lesha said softly, "I think I made you look even more like that word. Sorry."

He blinked.

Bimbo, Jalli mouthed, and gently turned his chin to look down at Lesha.

And his big, eight-inch cock, twitching and bobbing, still slick with Lesha's saliva and covered in little lipstick stains that went all the way down to the base.

His lips parted in shock. Then he let out a moan.

It was so, so sensitive.

Lesha rose to her feet. She was at about eye level with him, now. Jalli smiled at him, her green eyes glinting as her hand drifted down to give his cock a little flirtatious stroke.

"Sister!" Lesha scolded.

Jalli blushed and bounced out of the chair after her sister. Now they stood over him, smiling widely.

"Enough socializing!" Lesha commanded, folding her arms and blocking his view of her tits. "You really must go sleep!"

He blinked. "Uh. Uh-huh."

"Come, now, Gretel," Jalli said, openly admiring his cock. "We have kept you up long enough. We will lay out a mat for you next to fireplace."

He nodded. "Okay."

They exchanged sly looks.

"Is our guest not going to get up?" Lesha asked, raising an eyebrow.

Gretel's face was hot. He stared at her, then at Jalli's cleavage, then bit his lip. "Um." He squirmed slightly. "I, um."

The thing was, he'd thought he had gotten up. But no; he was still lying back in the comfy chair. He was so... cozy.

"Come along, Gretel!" Jalli giggled slightly, rolling her eyes. "It would not do for our guest to sit around all night. You want to sleep, ya?"


"Want us to stop bothering you?" Lesha added, leaning in slightly so that her folded arms less covered her breasts and more held them up for his helplessly captivated eyes.

"Y-Yeah?" Gretel blinked rapidly, squirming as his cock throbbed. He wanted more. He wanted them. But... but this hadn't been flirtation. Just hosts being hospitable. He had to be a good guest. A good sweet guest.

Canon End

"Well, then you'd better get up, silly boy!" Jalli purred, leaning in and giving him an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

He nodded dizzily. Yes. He... he needed to get up.

"Better let us lead you to your room," Lesha said sweetly, stroking his thigh lovingly. She batted her eyelashes up at him.

"Yeah..." he mumbled, trying to rise. His head swam with effort. With bliss. With wonderful, sweet warmth. And with need.

The goblin maids were openly giggling between each other, he realized, as his eyelids sank deeper and deeper down.

"We should keep him," Lesha breathed, her hand slipping to his cock and slowly stroking it. She licked her lips with her long, wonderful tongue. "We haven't had a man so easy in very long, sister!"

"He is very easy," Jalli said, pacing around the chair. He tried to keep her in his vision, but his thoughts just bounced and sloshed every time he moved his head. Lesha was slowly pumping him, humming to herself. Or maybe her song was just echoing in his head. Endlessly. "Maybe it is for his own good."

"Buh?" Gretel mumbled, eyes drifting to Jalli's jiggling breasts as she came up on his other side. Wait. Something about this sounded...

"Look at him!" Lesha beamed and sped her stroking up slightly. Gretel started to whimper, and both goblin maids' eyes half-closed in bliss. "So desperate. He would make very nice, lovey-dovey husband."

"Or a toy," Jalli purred, running a finger over Gretel's cheek. "That way, we could both share him."

"No, Jalli." Lesha rolled her eyes. She was pumping Gretel faster, not even paying him any attention as he panted, moaned, plummeted deeper and deeper into the depths of her eyes... "We have spoken on this. If he wants to marry one of us, the other has to accept it!"

"But what if he chose it?" Jalli cooed, leaning in close. She kissed him on the cheek, stroking his hair. "Look at him. He probably does not even know which one of us is which. Does not care."

"... Ooh." Lesha giggled up at him, and he blinked rapidly, realizing they were noticing him again. "Is that true, sweet boy?" she cooed. "Are you too silly and horny to keep us straight?"

"Nuh. Um." Gretel struggled with all his might. He needed to... to... think. Somehow. Even though he was so warm, and so sleepy...

"Which one of us do you want to marry, Gretel?" Jalli whispered conspiratorially in his ear. "Gotta choose one of us. You're too cute and horny to wander the wilderness. You are ours. So choose!"

"And whichever you choose," Lesha called sweetly, leaning in on his other side, "maybe it will be wrong."

"Maybe you choose wrong one," Jalli agreed, kissing his cheek wetly. Her hand joined Lesha's, rapidly pumping him faster and faster. "And then you're just a silly bimbo, aren't you? Just a toy."

"Our toy," Lesha said, nodding eagerly. She was practically melting into his lap, kissing his neck. "Maybe you do not know which one I am."

"Of course he doesn't, Lesha," Jalli said, her lips smacking against him, her fingertips delicately stroking the tip of his cock as he cried out. "Mm... and if he proposes wrong, and he is just a toy... ooh, maybe marriage is not possible." She turned his face to stare into her eyes, and she beamed. "But this silly toy doesn't want marriage, does he?"

"I... I, um..."

His face was turned to Lesha, who kissed him sweetly, even as he moaned, his orgasm fast approaching. "Mm... that's... mm... right. So choose."

"Choose now," Jalli cooed, covering him with kisses as he bucked and cried out.

"Choose me," Lesha moaned, squirming against him as she slid into his lap, and suddenly he was inside her hot, tight slit. "S-Say my name, sweet guest. Look into my eyes and say my name!"

"Don't get it wrong, though," Jalli said with a wicked grin. "Or say mine. Choose. Either of us, just choose."

And either way, Gretel numbly realized, he would be wrong. They would make sure. He trembled and squealed in pleasure as Lesha's breasts bounced in his face, as she rose and fell in his lap, her pussy so wonderful and smooth and tight as it stroked his cock...

Left or right. Either path would have led to the Wheels'. He gasped and sank into Jalli's beautiful eyes as he rose higher and higher, as Lesha bounced and wriggled, as Jalli held him still...

But the middle path, he thought, had led him here. Here, into these two intoxicating temptresses' loving arms, to be brainwashed into their eternal loving slave.

His eyelids fluttered. It sounded wonderful. After all his years trapped in the Tower, denied sex, denied love and adventure and this delicious seduction and so many wonderful treats...

... he would be trapped here, instead. Trapped in ecstasy, even as he had only begun to learn how many delights the outside world held.

Gretel bit his lip, and realized dizzily that they had asked him the question once more. They looked at him expectantly, Lesha biting her lip, her eyes rolling back up into her head as she started to come.

His head lolled towards Lesha's jiggling bosom, and he longed to sink into her embrace, to moan her name and damn the consequences.

But he wondered what he might encounter on the way to the Wheels' farmhouse.

And as Jalli started to kiss his silver mark, and magic started to flood his mind with pleasure, Gretel channeled all that magic into a single powerful abjuration.

And he came.

Helpless, irresistible pleasure surged through him, and he squealed and wrapped his arms around Lesha,pressing his lips to a nipple and greedily suckling. Lesha gave a delighted, "Ooh!"—and then, as he started to suckle, she started to scream, too.

"Oh—wh-what—" Jalli sounded confused, overcome as she whimpered and kept kissing his neck, clinging to him desperately. "Mm, what—mm—what did you—mmmm—oh, mmmm..."

Gretel barely heard her. He was lost in ecstasy, lost in the goblin maids' arms. And thanks to the spell he'd cast, every ounce of pleasure they poured into him was returned exquisitely to their quivering, gloriously sexual bodies.

Goblin maids were not made to endure the attentions of other goblin maids, as it turned out—even of their own attentions reflected back at them. Gretel eagerly submitted to their pleasure, let them suck him, ride him, kiss him, use him as their living fuckdoll all throughout the night until he was a whimpering, lust-drunk mess...

... and they were clinging to him like a lifeline.

He eventually managed to force himself to cast a shield spell, when Jalli was too tired to even kiss his neck and Lesha was barely able to wriggle their hips. As they were gently pushed away from him, he staggered to his feet with a sigh and stumbled out of the cottage, gathering his belongings—and a couple of the candies, just in case.

Sure enough, the cart was waiting for him. He squinted in the morning fog, petted the mule on its snout, and clambered into the cart in near-total silence. The cart was lined with blankets, to his slight surprise.

"Well, hello, there, stranger."

Gretel blinked, and looked up.

The driver of the cart was Maye, and she was alone. She grinned at him, eyes glimmering as she openly admired his—

Oh, gods, he'd forgotten to put his clothes back on.

But she didn't seem to mind. She just wrapped one arm around him and pulled him into siting beside her. He was too tired to object or resist, and he found herself leaning on her shoulder, shivering in the chilla morning air.

"T-Terrin," he mumbled, his mind spinning like it was caught in a whirlpool.

Maye gave him a sly grin, and he blinked rapidly, staring into her eyes as she pulled him closer—and started to push him back against the blanketed floor of the cart. Her red curls hung around him and tickled his face as she lay atop him.

She giggled. "It's been a week, Gretel," she cooed, stroking him under the chin. "Mother gave up stopping by a couple days ago. It's just you an' me."

His eyelids fluttered as he realized she was wriggling out of her clothes, her pretty green eyes sparkling with excitement. So easy to get lost in such soft, pretty eyes.

"Oh," he heard himself say. "Um... okay... so, um..."

"You're cold," she said, grinning.

Gretel blinked rapidly. "Uh-huh."

"When it's this cold," she purred, her legs slipping to either side of his body as her panties slipped down, "wanna, um... know what we do to get warm?"

Her pussy was warm and slick as it rubbed against his cock. It didn't take much to get him hard again. Gretel felt everything in his head, though, going as soft and mushy as a candied pear.

The wizard breathed in her sweet, musky scent.

"Yes, please," he whimpered.

Maye beamed with delight as she slipped him inside her, and took him in a hungry, devouring kiss that would drown out his doubts for the rest of the day.

Long enough, certainly, for Maye to teach him plenty of useful facts about village customs.


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GigglingGoblinGigglingGoblinover 2 years agoAuthor

There is a Bad End available on my Patreon, I believe, as well as a Bad End to his time with Maye. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

......Well....That was a blue-balling end to his time with the goblins. Could there at least have been an alternate-ending where Gretal stayed with them?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Something like this happened to my buddy Ben.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

When you're looking for good sex stories and goblin maids pop up. "Dear diary jackpot!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

After she taught him "village customs" would he be her husband or something, or would it be just a fling? I'm slightly confused if she used hypnosis or not.

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