WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 06


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"We remained in contact afterward," Marcia said. "Our new lifestyle created lots of questions which Brianna always honestly and gracefully answered. It's how we became and remained friends." Marcia paused, then said, "Sam and I have more to tell you which we've both been hesitant to speak about. We have no idea how you'll accept it, and we're afraid."

"Marcia," I warned, "are you sure you want to say anything more?"

"I don't think it can be hidden forever and I'd prefer we speak now and get it over with," Marcia said. "She's been accepting of everything else we've said. We're doing her an injustice if we think she can't do the same for anything else."

"I suppose you're right. I don't know if we can hide it past this visit. Go ahead."

Marcia collected her thoughts for a moment, then said, "Brianna wasn't the beneficiary of artificial insemination. She could have gone to a sperm bank and gotten some anonymous donor, but she wanted a father for the baby, someone who'd want to share in the raising of her child. Nor did she merely want Sam to give her a cup of sperm to be put in her body. She wanted the whole experience of having a child from procreation on. She agreed to be financially responsible for any children. I agreed Sam could father her child through normal intercourse. I was nervous to surrender my husband in this undertaking. I knew Brianna was a lesbian, but she was rich and beautiful and if she was willing to sleep with Sam for a child, maybe she could tolerate him enough to marry him and maybe Sam wouldn't care if she had a woman or two on the side. We know now she would never take advantage in this way, try to steal him away, but insecurities aren't always rational. I insisted she submit to Sam as a sex slave to reinforce his dominance against her own dominant inclinations. Brianna agreed and for several days last July, she was Sam's sex slave. She became pregnant with their children during this visit."

"I'm surprised you took the risk," Mom said. "Most wives don't want their husbands straying."

"I was too. But this was the opportunity to give Sam a child and he'd done something for me I owed him for. I did not feel I could refuse him this."

"What did he do for you?" Mother asked.

"You met Morris, my partner, several times."

"I did. He was a wonderful young man. I was so sorry to hear of his passing."

"Like two soldiers in a foxhole, you can't help but develop strong feelings with your partner in a patrol car. You're constantly going into dangerous situations where you have to watch each other's backs. It's not necessarily romantic love, though it can go that way, more like brotherly love, though even stronger because you're constantly depending on and watching over each other. When we heard Morris was dying, Sam wanted to give Morris and I an opportunity to say goodbye in a special way. He let me have sex with Morris before he went home to die. One day with both of them sharing me, then another day alone. It was beautiful, magical and the most magnificent gesture I've ever experienced. I knew how much Sam was hurt by the infidelity of his first wife, and how painful it was to do this for me. I couldn't love him more for his generosity of spirit and sacrifice. So when I was given the choice of offering him Brianna and children, I couldn't deny him after what he did for me.

"Because Brianna is a lesbian, Sam wanted her surrounded with the females she depends on for emotional support and love. As he had sex with her, he tried to ensure it wasn't only with him. He brought Monique and others into the bed to enhance her enjoyment of the act. Sometimes, this was me. I hadn't yet reached the point where I was comfortable providing sex to another female, but I decided I could accept sexual favors from women. Part of this acceptance was Sam doing all he could to inseminate Brianna and I was necessarily neglected as a result. This was my compensation for sharing my husband. At some point afterward, I came to the realization it was selfish to only accept sexual gratification from them without providing something in return. Our agreement never prevented me from having sex with others as long as Sam would accept it, but he never pushed me into sex with others. I came to this decision on my own and Sam accepted it. He's not threatened by my having sex with women the same way he was with men. Not only is he not threatened, but enjoys watching us pleasure each other.

"On the cruise, we eventually all ended up having sex with one another. A story for another day, perhaps. Needless to say, once you've gotten comfortable having sex with other people, you don't particularly want to stop. This meant at various and sundry times, Brianna, Monique and Chantelle have all been to bed with us, sometimes all at once. We didn't want to expand this group of people to multiple others. Our life is complicated enough as it is. But we were informed when we arrived for this trip, others of Brianna's slaves would also want to have children. Because they've come to love and respect Sam, and appreciate his willingness to respect their sexuality and raise the children, they wanted his services again.

"Monique is one of those. Since we already had sex with her, we agreed to impregnate her under the same conditions as her Mistress. During her fertile cycle, Sam fucked her as he did Brianna; as his sex slave." Mom was looking at Monique and she nodded to her, admitting to it. "The other five women wishing to become pregnant have not previously shared our bed and we didn't want them to become like the others, permanent members of our menage. Sam has had sex with the other five women while hooded so he couldn't see who they were. They don't have to submit to him because he doesn't know who they were. I know because I was present, as do Brianna, Monique, the women who were there, and possibly others as well, but no one will tell Sam. We believe this anonymity will keep any others from becoming permanent parts of our sex life. The reason we shouldn't and probably can't keep this from you is there's a very real chance Sam could become a father six more times over. One other male participated so we wouldn't know for sure who the father was if a child resulted, otherwise it's no longer anonymous."

"I see one big problem with your logic," Mom said. "The father might be anonymous, but if you both bred the same women, Sam is going to know he was with any woman who gets pregnant."

"Shit!" I exclaimed. "How the hell did I not see that? To be truly unknown we would have each had to be with different members of the group, not all with the same ones."

"You probably didn't see it because you got to have sex with a lot of other different women. Men primarily think with their dicks when it comes to sex," Mom reminded me.

Marcia and Brianna looked at each other and Brianna said. "I didn't see it either."

"If you don't want to add more people to your circle, don't add them. If Sam is going to be the bull, let him be the bull, but don't go any further than that. It's probably easier to add them to the group if you're both having sex with them. Don't. Marcia should stay out of it altogether. If they need or want another female present, somebody else should be involved, probably Monique or Brianna because they're already familiar partners. Sam provides the seed and they're gone. It shouldn't be more complicated than that. Why was this such a big deal to tell me? I would think all the other stuff you spilled last night trumps this."

"We both believed you and Dad were always faithful to each other and you'd be disappointed we'd had sex with other people," I said.

"Oh, maybe a little, but it's what was good for us. I don't expect everyone to live by the same standards we did. We had friends with open marriages or engaged in stupid peccadillos. It didn't mean they weren't our friends or we got rid of them as friends if they strayed outside their marriages. I'd be more concerned or upset if you didn't seem to be deeply committed to each other or treated each other poorly. It appears you love each other profoundly and you've somehow managed to spread your love around to others. For God's sake; look at what I did last night. I don't even have a real excuse for my behavior except I was seeing and experiencing this submission thing for the first time and felt a burst of power over another person. No wonder we can't trust politicians. Power is corrupting. I got a little bit of it and I went berserk."

"You have a very enlightened attitude, Mother," I said. "I have to admit I'm surprised you've taken all this as well as you did."

"I'm an enlightened person. I believe all my reading helps with my broad-minded attitude. Listen, never worry about telling me anything. I'm always going to love you and Marcia. The only way that would ever change is if you hurt one another. If you love one another and treat each other with kindness, it's all that really matters."

"Even if kindness consists of an occasional spanking?"

"Marcia seemed to be enjoying her spanking very much. We should all be subject to such kindness. I've never seen anyone climax as much as she did, nor could she hide it. She had to announce it to the world each time. It was very erotic."

"We want to go out to dinner tonight when Marcia's done with her interview. We think she'll be back around 6:30. Afterwards, we can go shopping for baby gifts."

"That sounds lovely. I'll make sure my hair is done and I put my face on."

Brianna asked, "Do you want this to be a strict family affair or would I and a couple others be allowed to come?"

"You are a part of the family now, dear," Mom said. "You're the mother of my grandchildren. You can't get any more family than that. By all means, come. Bring whoever you like. My family is a firm believer in the more, the merrier. You should see when we all get together."

"Thank you. You're as generous as your son," Brianna said.

"Where do you think he got it?" We all laughed.

"I'll bring Monique, of course, and Chantelle would enjoy the night off from cooking," Brianna mused.

"Bring Adele, too," I said. "You're practically a triumvirate anyway."

"Good idea."

"It's decided then," Mom said. "I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time."

"I'm going to do a little pre-interview prep. Try to nail down as much information as I can about the Sheriff's Office and who the major players are," Marcia said. "It helps to know what they consider to be important. I'll study until it's time to dress and go. I'll swing by to let you know when I'm leaving." She went back to our room to peruse internet info about her prospective employer.

"Do you want to go out to the pool, Mom?" I asked.

"I really shouldn't get too much sun," she replied. "I'd much rather spend some time with my grandchildren in the nursery."

"Even if they're sleeping?"

"Even then. I can look in on them sleeping, read my book in one of the chairs and be there to hold them if they wake up."

"I'm going to go the gym then. I have to keep the weight off; for reasons which are now obvious. It's been a couple days since I worked out doing anything more than sex."

Brianna said, "I'll join you. I'm still trying to get to pre-baby weight and conditioning. Monique can come get me if the babies need to be fed."

Mom looked at me for a moment, then asked, "Do you ever have sex with any of the others when Marcia isn't there?"

"I have, but never without her knowledge and consent. It was special circumstances. I'm not planning to have sex with Brianna in the gym if it's what you were asking. In all honesty, Monique, and to a slightly lesser extent, Brianna, prefer having sex with Marcia more than me. Chantelle is a true bi-sexual and enjoys sex with me as much as a woman. Other than insemination, it's unlikely I'll be having much sex with Brianna and Monique, although Brianna said she might like to do it again for old times sake before I leave. Had you ever had sex with a man before me, Monique?"

"One fumbled attempt. I was probably not technically a virgin, but I felt like you were my first."

"Brianna has been with men more, even been dominated by a man when she was younger before realizing her own dominant tendencies, but I was her first man in many years. It's why I thought they should have other women around when I was with them."

Brianna and Monique confirmed this bit of news.

"You really do respect their sexual orientation don't you?"

"Yes. They don't mind a cuddle if we're all in bed together, but sex is mostly off the table for me except with Marcia or possibly Chantelle."

"You certainly show more restraint than I gave you credit for. I saw all the naked women around here and thought you were at a sexual amusement park. It's good to know you're not taking advantage of the situation."

"There are still rules," I replied.

"Good to know."

Mom and Monique went to the nursery and Brianna and I went to the gym where we worked out for a couple hours. Brianna was naked which provided some impetus to my cock, which I managed to ignore as much as possible.

"Your Mother is an interesting person, Sam," Brianna said. "I don't know what to make of her. Does she lean towards sub or dominant or someone who's truly neutral?"

"I don't honestly know. You could have knocked me over with a feather when she told me Dad used to spank her at times and I was even more dumbfounded when she ordered Marcia to lick you and Monique to orgasms."

We were working too hard to carry on an extended conversation, but were both left with thoughts of what would cause my Mom to go to the place she did. Perhaps it was just as she said. She became a little power drunk when faced with the thought she could exercise it.

Marcia stuck her head in to say goodbye.

"Good luck, Marcia. Knock 'em dead."

"I'll see you when I get back," she said. She would be taking our rental car so no one would have to drive her.

I continued working out until 1:00, then broke to take a shower and have lunch. I was wearing more clothes than anticipated and would either have to wash what I had or buy more. At the very least, I should buy some swim trunks. Until Mom left, I wasn't going to be swimming in the nude anymore. After my shower, I swung by the nursery. Mom was in there rocking John. I recognized Lucia. She was changing Sarah. I assumed they would be feeding soon since they were awake. Brianna had left the same time I did. I'm sure she'd taken her own shower and would be ready whenever the children were. I went to lunch and they were serving light dishes, salads and fruit. If we were going out to eat later, it was best I not eat too much now.

I'd barely sat down before Brianna, Lucia and Mom came in, bringing the twins. Brianna got some food before Lucia gave her Sarah in her nursing sling and she started breast feeding her. Mom continued to hold John and he was quiet, so still asleep or at least not hungry yet. Mom asked Lucia to get her a little fruit. Lucia graciously complied. She was a slave girl after all and being asked by a Mistress. I remembered Lucia from Monique's conversation on the beach when she told me who she liked to spend time with other than her Mistress and Adele. Lucia and Ingrid; fire and ice, Latina hot and Scandinavian cold. I was pretty sure Ingrid was one of the women I'd bred. Her height made her stand out. I was fairly certain of Adele as well. The others would be mere guesses unless they got pregnant. Mom was right about that. There was no real anonymity if the woman became pregnant. We hadn't thought it through very well. It really didn't make any difference. I liked them all and was willing to respect any boundaries they wished to impose.

After lunch, I looked over my investments which were doing fine, then checked Brianna's accounts. It was a substantial sum of money, but had lost some value since New Years. Most of her investments were in mutual funds, exchange traded funds or ETF's, and individual stocks of historical strength. None of her investments were particularly geared for stagnant or down markets, although there was diversification into foreign stocks and markets and bonds which had a tendency to go up when stocks went down. I saw where I might want to do some options trading in some of the stocks and ETF's she held, perhaps do some covered calls on some major holdings which were flat. It looked like I could do enough to put her back to positive growth. Good news for Brianna. I'd tell her at supper.

I had some ideas for Marcia when she went back to her sub space and gathered some toys to help me with my ideas for my lovely little slave. Our evening out was going to be a lot more fun for her than she expected. I put everything in a little bag. It was about time for me to get ready so I put on the suit I'd brought with me. I was now officially out of clean clothes, and Marcia might be too. I gathered the dirty clothes and looked for the washer and dryer. I found Monique and she told me she would have it taken care of. Of course, mine would be the only mens clothes, but I assumed they had some way to keep track of the ladies clothes if they actually had any to wash. I gratefully surrendered my small bundle of laundry. Monique told me Mom was in her room doing her hair and make-up and getting dressed. I went back to my room and brushed my teeth and hair again. I was ready to go by six and Mom wasn't long after.

Marcia got home at 6:20 and was all ready to go. I asked her how her interview went and she said it went well and she'd tell me all about it when everyone was together and she didn't have to repeat herself. Brianna, Monique, Adele and Chantelle joined us and we got in the limo. Monique drove and Mom asked if she always drove. Brianna said she had to most experience handling the ungainly car and was trusted most to keep everyone safe. Brianna said we would be going to a nice little fusion restaurant which had garnered positive reviews and she'd been able to get reservations for seven at 7:30.

"Can you give us the details of your interview now?" I asked Marcia.

"Monique is driving. I'd like her to be able to hear," she replied.

I turned on the intercom. "She can hear now. Go ahead and tell us."

"The interview went very well. They'd already started my background check and spoke to my Captain. They liked my performance evals and my answers in the interview, my past experience dealing with pedophiles and gangs and they tentatively offered me a position at $70,000 pre-academy with a $6000 raise once I finished POST."

"What's the tentative part?" I asked.

"I have to pass a drug test, medical exam, physical fitness test and my background investigation needs to be finished. On top of everything else, they'd start considering me for a detective position once I finished my probationary period, which is a year. Theoretically, I could be Detective Evans eighteen months after starting the academy. They said they could schedule the drug test, medical exam and physical fitness test before we left LA and the background should be done in two weeks. I told them I'd like to give my boss at least two weeks notice after I've been cleared for hire and they agreed I could have at least that. They have a new academy class starting in two months. If everything goes well, I can be in it. They'll call me tomorrow with my appointment schedule."

"Honey, that's great news," I said. "I'm so proud of you." She accepted hugs and kisses from all of us. A simple 'Congratulations' came over the intercom from Monique.

"We have a real reason to celebrate tonight," Brianna said. "The champagne will be on me."

I loved her taste in champagne so it sounded great to me.

"One more thing," Marcia said. "I received a phone call from LAPD on my way home. They were interested in me as well. I told them I've received a job offer from the county, but I'd get back with them if anything changed."