WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 07


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"Why do you want to go through it then?"

"Because when you're finally allowed to cum, it makes all previous orgasms dry dust in comparison. The final explosion is multiplied a hundred fold. I've no way to compare it to anything you might have experienced. I never experienced anything like it before I did. Not that I haven't always enjoyed sex with my Master. He's always been a caring and thoughtful lover. His weight started to get in the way of my enjoyment which is why I offered myself to him to lose weight. I wanted the lover I'd started out with. The one with energy and vigor. This lover is far superior to even the one I had before. He takes care of my sexual needs in every way. I'm in thrall to his cock and love being there."

"And to lick and be licked to orgasm by another woman? You said you weren't attracted to women, yet you seem to enjoy them nonetheless?"

"It is more difficult to explain, but I have no desire to seek out other women for sex. I could not nor would not go to a club and try to pick up a woman. It holds no interest for me to do so. If my Master were to ask me to stop having sex with other women, I could stop and be perfectly happy and content to never be with another. On the other hand, those who I've been with know a woman's body inside and out. They are experts at extracting an orgasm from another woman. It's not as if I can deny the pleasure they're giving me. Additionally, I do emotionally care for and like Brianna, Monique, Chantelle and others I've been with. To me, having sex with them is not much different than hugging one of your girlfriends; it's something you do with those you care for. But I don't want to become a sexual plaything for all women. It's the reason I've tried to limit those who now share our bed. I will probably always have sex, and be willing to have sex with those I care for, but don't want it to be everyone. I want to confine it. My Master understands this and he limits my sex with all the other women. It's not a violation of our agreement, but it would be against the spirit of our love for one another. I don't want to be everyone's slut. I want to be his slut, and I'm willing to accept the others who have already slipped into our orbit."

"What was it like being tied against another naked woman and licking her pussy?"

"With Chantelle, it was wonderful. She's a lovely slave and I enjoy her company. We were both hot and sweaty and so aroused. There was an earthy, musky scent caused by our mutual excitement. There's a definite scent to sexual arousal. Her body was slick with sweat and much softer than a man. Perhaps it's the extra layer of fat in our skin, but even for an athlete like Chantelle, she's softer. It was stimulating being that close to her cunt, the source of her sexual pheromones. Her body wriggled and moved against mine as we reacted to the whip. Even the whipping was a source of passion. Like myself, she's shaved smooth and kissing and licking her wetness is like kissing nothing else. If you've ever masturbated, you know how soft and slippery and wet your pussy is. Without hair, it's more. She was saltier than usual, from her sweat. Every cunt tastes different, just as men's semen is all different. When you're clean, I enjoy the taste. I've tasted myself on Master's cock, so I was familiar with it before I licked my first girl. Today, I was screaming for relief by the time Master gave us permission and I knew she was too. It was pleasurable to give her what she needed as she did for me."

"Perhaps you should tell me some more of what's happened to you both," Mom said. "It seems there's more story to tell."

"You know about the convention in Vegas, Jane. It's where Master first allowed other people to touch me, though neither of us had sex with others, except once. Some of the vendors demonstrated their products on my body. I was used to demonstrate bondage furniture during which Master had sex with me in front of others for the first time. It's how I learned I enjoyed being used and exhibited before other people. I entered contests where I was made to cum as many times as I could. I won some of the contests because Master knows how to excite me beyond measure as I perform for others. We met other people there with similar interests to ours, like Brianna, and others. I believe I came close to or exceeded one hundred orgasms in one day of that convention I was so turned on. It was the first time a woman licked me to orgasm. Monique pleasured me before I got my piercings.

"You also know about Morris. It was the first time I ever had sex with another man, other than my Master, since our marriage. They shared me the first day. It was not uncommon for me to be sucking one cock while the other used my cunt or ass. I was also fucked in the ass and cunt at the same time. I enjoyed it. I loved both men and to be shared so was ecstasy.

"You've heard how we came to Los Angeles to assist Brianna with an auction. What we didn't say is it was a Go Nude for the Homeless auction held on National Nude Day. I was naked during the auction exhibiting the jewelry Brianna was auctioning off. Apparently, my nude appearance doubled the amount raised by Brianna during the auction. There is a gold plated bust of my chest and sex in Jack Nicholson's house. I have another copy at home. I can show it to you sometime. Jack has invited us to go to a Laker's game with him, though I don't see it happening this trip. I cannot appear at the auction again now we've decided to move here, but I was so stimulated by my exposure there, I was climaxing without physical contact at times. Something else happened on the trip."

"Is there really a National Nude Day? And what else happened?"

"There is a National Nude Day in mid-July. The other thing which happened is Master and I both had celebrity free pass lists. Five celebrities we could have sex with without question or complication. It was a joke, really. I mean, Tom Selleck was on mine, and Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham, Jim Caviezel. We never had any expectation of ever meeting any of those people, let alone having sex with any of them. Master had a list as well, models and actresses. One of the models on his list saw me at the auction and became interested in meeting me for sex. She's mostly into men, but had played some with women as well and wanted to be with me. I told her I couldn't have sex with anyone unless my Master allowed it. She also found the fact I was a submissive and Master a dominant to be exciting to her. I said if she had sex with Master as his sex slave, he would allow me to have sex with her as well. She agreed to my terms and brought a friend because she was nervous to do this alone. The friend is also famous and beautiful. She agreed to the same terms, but Master had to take someone else off his list to add her. We both had sex with them, as did Brianna who was his sex slave at the time."

"Who were these people? Would I know them?"

"You would. They've frequently been on the covers of magazines, but we cannot tell who they are. If word got out, their reputations could be harmed. We promised we'd never speak of it to anyone and we've kept our promise."

"So, you've both had sex with famous models. Would you have sex with them again?"

"No" I said. "In fact we both did away with our lists recently as we decided it was no longer a joke if we moved to Los Angeles. The possibility of meeting these people now is very real. Again, more complication than we want."

"But we didn't give up our lists before I too had sex with a celebrity of sorts," Marcia said. "While at the auction, Sam bid on and won a one week Caribbean cruise for four people. We decided to ask Brianna and whoever else she wished to invite to come along, it being a clothing optional cruise and we already felt comfortable naked with them. She brought Monique and also received permission to bring Chantelle as cook for the cruise so she could visit her family in Guadeloupe. Another two couples were on the cruise who we didn't know. The captain and first mate were people we met in Las Vegas. One of the couples had problems. The wife was cheating on him. She'd been caught before and promised to stop, but was fucking with one of the crew members so blatantly, everyone on the ship knew it was happening."

"The husband looked like a younger Tom Selleck and was famous in another sphere, though not a celebrity in the usual sense of the word," I said. "Because he looked like a celebrity on Marcia's list and was famous, I granted Marcia permission to sleep with him in place of someone already on her list. We felt sorry for him and hated his bitchy wife and figured she should know what it was like to have her husband sleeping with other women. Marcia openly began having sex with him."

"Who was he?" Mother asked.

"It's not our place to say," Marcia said. "We promised him confidentiality as well. During the time I was having sex with him, Master shared me as he did with Morris. Master fucked my cunt while the other man fucked my ass, and because I wanted to see one time what it was like to be penetrated in all three of my slave holes at once, I also sucked the captain's cock. During the time I spent with this man, I asked Brianna, Chantelle and Monique to please keep my Master satisfied while I was apart from him. It's the first time he slept with Monique and Chantelle and it's how they both became part of our circle. The captain offered his own slave to Master in return for his use of me, though because Master only allowed the captain use of my mouth, that's all he used of his slave.

"The wife repented of her dishonorable treatment of her husband when she saw how easily he might find a replacement for her. There was more involved, of course. She was trying to atone for her sins in any way she could and she eventually agreed to submit herself as his slave to save her marriage. He accepted and we know them to be happy now; he as the dominant and she as the submissive."

"I sometimes wonder if it wasn't the issue with my first wife, Joan," I said. "She claimed to love me, yet wouldn't stop sleeping around. Perhaps she was a submissive who didn't realize she needed a Master. Her infidelity was a cry for help because I didn't treat her the way she secretly desired to be treated. She wanted a Master and I wasn't one at the time. Look at the other people she ended up with. They treated her badly; much worse than I, but she seemed to be fine with how she was treated. It seems to be what the problem was with this man's wife. As soon as she submitted and he accepted her slavery, she's been much happier."

"Do you feel you were a closet submissive, Marcia? You seem to have taken to it like a duck to water, but you never had the same issues with infidelity."

"I think I was, Jane. Of course, my job and societal mores and pressures kept me from seeking a Master. I wouldn't sleep around because I know how much he hurt the last time and I do love him and wanted to protect him from more pain. But society wants all people to be equal to each other, to be the same; but we're not all the same. It's not just women either. You saw the subservient male at the restaurant last night. Some people are equal and should be equal. I feel equal to Master when I'm not in sub space. But obviously, for at least some of the time, I want a Master. I crave a Master. I believe it may have been the subconscious reason I offered myself in slavery to get Master to lose weight. It was only two days and it allowed me to explore my submission in a way that was safe. I trusted him not to hurt me or use me without love."

Sarah started stirring. Mom got up and checked her diaper and seeing she was wet, changed her. I sent Marcia to find Brianna so Sarah could feed. Mom crooned to Sara and made faces at her until Brianna arrived. Brianna took a rocker and Mom handed her Sarah who quickly found her swollen nipple and started suckling.

"What I don't understand then, is how you both having sex with other people now was different from the pain Sam felt with Joan. Isn't sleeping around still sleeping around by any other name?"

"The differences are subtle, but real," I responded. "With Joanie, she did it behind my back, trying to hide her infidelity. I only found out about it by accident each time. Each time Marcia has been with another man, I had both knowledge and consent. I arranged for her to be with Morris. She didn't do it on her own. In a way, each other person she's been with has been my gift to her, out of love. It still stings a little to see her with another man, but never to the same degree because they were my gift. With each man she's been with, I've even shared her body at the same time at one point. Because she received my permission to have sex, I could withdraw it at any time. The control is mine. If I didn't want her with them, it would end. The same is true in reverse. Brianna was her gift to me, the opportunity to give me children. The celebrities I was with, her gift. She didn't have to let me know a woman on my free pass list was interested in her and offer her to me. It could have died without me being any wiser. She presented them to me. She gave me Chantelle and Monique because she was with someone else and did not want me alone and miserable by myself. She did not have to do so. She'd already given me my celebrities, she would have been within her rights to take her own without consequence, but wanted me to be happy in her absence. In effect, each time we've shared one another, we've become closer and more committed to each other. I have no fear Marcia would leave me for another man as Joan did."

"Why does it only hurt if it's a man and not a woman?" Mom asked.

"Because I'm not attracted to women and can't feel romantic love with one," Marcia answered. "It's the same reason I don't fear losing Master to a man. He could never fall in love with a man, he doesn't even want sex with one. The closest he'll ever come to sex with a man is sharing me. I won't fall in love with a woman. I am strictly heterosexual in emotional context, not even a true bisexual like Chantelle. I have sex with Brianna and some of her slaves out of friendship, a certain fellowship. I love them, but I'm not in love with them. The idea of leaving Master for a woman is preposterous. Women are not an emotional threat to Master so it doesn't pain him to see me with one a hundredth the amount as when I'm with a man. If we were less committed to each other, a man could be a threat. It's why sharing me with one is such a gift. He knows they are a true risk, which is why I love him so much more he's willing to accept the danger. I would be threatened by any woman who was not a lesbian or at least a lesbian leaning bisexual. Chantelle is probably my greatest threat amongst the women I've shared him with. If I were truly fearful of Master's feelings for me, she would be the most difficult one to bear. She could fall in love with him and he with her. As far as I'm aware, Monique, Brianna and any of the others will not develop romantic feelings towards my Master, though they may love him as they would any good friend. You might find it amusing but a sister of one of the celebrities also wanted to have sex with us. Sam turned her down. She was as lovely as her sister. I would have done it if Sam wanted to but he was already beginning to realize how complicated our life was becoming. It was probably the beginning of the end of our free pass list."

"And you wouldn't give me her name because knowing who she was would reveal who the other was."

"Too true," I said. "Sometimes I almost regret turning her down, but not quite."

"Despite all our attempts to turn Marcia to the dark side," Brianna laughed, "she's only interested in Sam."

"What about the celebrities? Weren't they primarily heterosexual?" Mom asked.

"They were," I said. "I suppose it's not totally impossible one of them could have fallen in love with me, but they weren't initially attracted to me, they came for Marcia. Realistically, neither my slave or I would expect them to fall in love with me. I'm not rich or famous. I suppose I'm not a total wreck appearance wise, especially after shedding my weight, but even if they did, I wouldn't trust them to be faithful. They're like honey to bees, constantly swarmed with temptation in the form of beauty, fame, money and power. I'd never risk a real relationship with one, especially when I have someone as beautiful as my own slave. She may not be on magazine covers, but she's the most beautiful person I know. After she appeared at the auction, Brianna received requests from modeling agencies and movie producers to find out who she was. She could become famous and rich herself. She doesn't want it. She's so spectacular, Brianna's business exploded after the auction which is why she needs to expand now. We're happy with one another and it will never change as long as we're committed to each other."

Brianna added, "They confused the beauty of the model with the jewelry, which is fine for my business, but most will never look as good as Marcia did no matter what I make for them. I still have pictures of her from the event if you'd like to see them."

"Please. I'd love to see them."

"I'll show them to you after we feed the twins. You'll be amazed."

Sarah finished her meal and John was ready to go. Mom continued to ask questions about our lifestyle choices which all three of us answered as honestly as we could. If there was something we couldn't say, we said that instead of lying about it. There wasn't much we couldn't say, just a few names we'd promised to keep quiet. We even talked about the party at Chantelle's family, how I had pretended to be Chantelle's boyfriend because she hadn't revealed her sexual preferences to her parents, while Marcia pretended to be the famous person's mistress and how her mother caught us in the lie because I couldn't keep my eyes off Marcia.

"You really do love this, don't you?" she asked Marcia. "You're not being coerced in any way?"

"Yes, Jane. I love my life, my husband and Master. I would not change anything for the world."

"It's so odd, seeing all of you without clothing, engaging in sex at the drop of a hat. Odder still, I almost don't notice it anymore. I've become accustomed to it in the little time I've been here."

"It's very freeing," Brianna said. "Most social restrictions are gone. We feel like a large family."

Mother was silent for some time and I wondered what she was thinking. I about shit a brick when she said, "I'm at the end of my life and I've done a lot of things, mostly travel, but I've never been with a woman and I think I'd like to try it once. I had no interest in it when I was younger, but now I've seen it with my own eyes, I'd like to try it. Marcia, do you think...?"

"No, Mom, no!" I exclaimed. "It's too weird even for me."

"I agree with my Master," Marcia said. "Even if he were willing to allow me to be with you, I would have to use my safe word. You're too much like my own mother. It would feel like incest even if we're not related by blood."

"Jane," Brianna said. "Would you like to join me and a couple of my slaves in my bed tonight? We would be honored to show you the pleasures of sapphic love."

"Dear, thank you, but I'm not nearly as young and beautiful as you and your slaves are. Why would you want to have sex with an old lady?"

"We all grow older. There's no stopping Father Time. I've been with Monique and Adele for over ten years and you can rest assured we all carry more wrinkles than we started with. I was reluctant to renew my relationships with my slaves after having the children. I felt fat and ugly. Sam reminded me we are more than our physical beauty and ordered me to allow my slaves to attend to my needs. He was right and I was wrong. I find you to be a remarkable woman and would be happy to have you share my bed."