WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 10


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We got the different bids in for the Guest House conversion. I was pretty happy with all of them. All of the bids were from $145-$160 thousand and had different features we liked. We talked it over and eventually eliminated Sean, partly on price, partly because the plans didn't seem to have the same pizzazz or flair. It seemed he was putting it back to the way it was when he first changed it instead of imagining something new. Then it was down to Linda and Carlos. Their bids were only $10,000 apart but the extra cost was made up with some extra features.

"Linda's is a little more expensive, but I like the changes she's proposed for the plumbing and bathroom. Plus we get the all-girl crew," I said, "which might be pleasing to Brianna's women. What do you want to do?"

"The plumbing stuff is nice. I do love it, but even with the upgrades, it doesn't compare with what Brianna has, and I'm sure we'd have access to hers if we want or need it, just like we'll eat there most of the time. I really liked what Carlos did with the floors, walls and cabinets and I love how's he's incorporated so many built in bookcases. It just feels a little homier to me, and I don't see the men being an issue as long as they're working at the guest house and not wandering around the estate. And it is less, though the quality is first rate."

"Okay, Carlos it is. I'll let everyone know and tell Carlos he can get started as soon as Brianna can vacate the premises."

"You don't want to talk it over any more?"

"No, all the proposals were good. I wouldn't have a problem with any of them if there was a particular part you liked. Their work was all top notch and I liked them all personally. I'm happy with your choice. I liked the same things, too."

"Oh, honey. You're going to get so fucked again tonight."

"I get fucked every night. What's the difference tonight?"

"Tonight will be real special. Wait and see. I don't have to work tomorrow."

Oh, God it was. It really was. I was drained and limp as a noodle before she finished.


I let everyone know how much we appreciated their bids. All of them featured things we really liked, but Carlos' plan seemed more like home to us. We thanked them for their efforts and told Carlos he would hear from Brianna or Monique when the guest house had been vacated and he could get started. I sent him a thousand dollars so he could get started on blueprints and pulling whatever permits he needed. He'd get sixty percent upon starting the work and the rest when the work was done.

Invitations got sent out for the going away party. It would be a mix of some of our closest neighbors, and people from the Criminal Justice System. After the date got set by when we could reserve the clubhouse and gazebo, we notified Brianna when the party would be so she could make her arrangements.

"Have you got a real nice, first class hotel there, Sam?"

"Lots of nice places, though most of them are on Sanibel or Captiva Island or down in Naples, and both of those places would be around an hour away. Best place within about a half hours drive would be the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point in Bonita Springs. They do have suites available there."

"Perfect. We have some news to report."

"Everybody's okay, right."

"Right as rain. No, different kind of news. Why don't you guess."

I thought about what kind of news she could be talking about. All of a sudden, Marcia said, "Somebody's pregnant!"

"More like three somebodies. Monique, Adele, and Ingrid are all pregnant. Zoe, Riyuki and Lucia are not."

"Oh my God. That's amazing," Marcia said.

"Have you told William Thornhill yet," I asked.

"Let him know today. Of course, we don't know who the father would be and it doesn't really make any difference. You spent the most time with Monique though, so if I were a betting girl, I'd bet you're the father."

"Tell the girls congratulations."

"It brings up another item for discussion. Around the time of your party will be another fertile period for Zoe and Riyuki. I wished to ask permission to bring them both to the party in another attempt for them to get pregnant. Lucia would also be fertile again, but I want to give her more time in counseling before we confront her with a man again."

"Excuse us a minute." I hit the mute button on my iPad.

"What do you want to do, Marcia? This is also when you're going to be serving your slavery before you return to California. It might also be some of the last few days we have before you have to leave. It can always wait until I go back to California. None of them is particularly old and needing to get pregnant right now."

Marcia thought about it for maybe thirty seconds.

"As long as you're not spending every minute trying to knock them up, I don't see a problem with it. They have to take their chances with it. You have sex a couple times with them while they're here. If they get pregnant, fine. If they don't, they try again next time."

"Are you sure, honey? I don't have issues with making them wait."

"I'm sure."

I pushed the mute button again and reconnected. "They can come, as long as they understand they will not receive the attention you did when you were trying to conceive. I will give them some opportunities, but my time with Marcia may be limited and I want to spend as much time with her as possible," I said. "Anyone else coming?"

"Just Chantelle. I will notify Zoe and Riyuki of your intent."

"Okay, thanks for the info. I'll text you the information on the Hyatt Regency."

"Thank you. Talk to you later." We hung up.

I looked at Marcia. She smiled back at me. "I really don't mind sharing you too much, under those conditions," she said. "Besides, I'm sure Brianna and Chantelle will ensure I don't suffer in your absence."

"God, you're beautiful. I love you so much."

"Never forget how much I love you."

"How could I ever forget. You show me every single day."

Of course, I had to show her exactly how much I loved her and spent the next thirty minutes buried between her thighs to prove it.


We received our first two offers for the house on the same day, surprisingly enough, about four days before Marcia officially resigned from the Police Department. The agent called me and told me he had two bids. The first bid came in about one PM and he was writing it up to show me when he got a second bid. So he took their offer as well and wrote it up. I asked him if he went back to the first guy and told him about the second. He told me it's unethical to try to get people into a bidding war, and the bids are expected to stand on their own. He couldn't tell the second couple how much the first one offered, but could say another offer had been presented. After hashing it out between themselves and their own agent, they decided to offer full asking price, deciding the first couple would have lowballed their first offer. Because they'd only been approved for a lower loan amount, their agent was asking if we could hold a small note on the difference at eight percent interest, payable in three years. As the appraised price of our house was $375 K and we were selling for $360, he thought they'd be happy to pay the difference. I told our agent to email the two offers and I'd have a lawyer look them over and we'd give him an answer when he came over tonight with the actual paperwork, for Marcia and I to sign.

As soon as I got them, I sent them to Brianna and asked her to have Zoe look them over. Zoe called about an hour later.

"Master Sam, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Zoe. How did the offers look?"

"They both look fine. Homeowner financing isn't done too frequently in todays market, but it was fairly common when interest rates were through the roof. He could probably go back to his bank and get re-qualified for the asking price, but it would take some time. You could take the first offer for ten grand less, or take the second at full price and hold a 12 grand note for three years at eight percent, which isn't a bad return. It would be an extra $350 a month in your pocket for the next three years. Their income looks sufficient to cover the payment. Your cash out is almost the same either way, except the broker commission is more on 360 than 350."

"So I'm good either way?"

"It just depends if you want more money in the long run with the minor headache of waiting for some of it three years with interest or you want to walk away clean."

"Thank you, Zoe. I appreciate your help."

"Mistress informed us of your decision, Master. My thanks to you and Marcia for helping. I will happily abide by your conditions."

"You're welcome. We'll talk later." She signed off.

Marcia came home and I gave her the good news.

"That's wonderful. Which way do you want to go?"

"I'd like a accept an offer today. I don't want to wait."

"Which offer?" Marcia asked.

"I could go either way," I said. "It would be nice to have it over with now, but we get almost the same cash out either way, so in addition to growing what we don't need for the guest house conversion, we'd have an additional $350 a month coming in. It's not a bad chunk of change for sitting there for three years. If the cash out weren't almost the same, I'd say take the lower offer as I can probably do better than eight, but this is in addition to."

"Then that's what we do," Marcia said. "I've always deferred money decisions to you and if you're satisfied with it, I'm satisfied."

I kissed her. What an amazing wife. Of course we couldn't start playing around until after the agent came by, so we ate an early dinner and waited for him to show up. Marcia didn't even get out of her uniform as she still wanted to shower when she did. He came by at seven-thirty with both offers in hand.

"We've decided to take the second offer at full price, John. We don't mind carrying a note for the balance."

"Great, here's the offer and this worksheet shows what you can expect in the way of expenses and your monetary payout."

We looked at both and it was what Zoe told me to expect. About $2500 less cash in hand, but otherwise close. We signed on the dotted lines and looked at each other in relief.

"About how soon can we go to closing?" I asked. "Marcia will be starting school in California in about a month and she needs to go out there in a couple weeks."

"It's probably going to take six weeks to close. If it was an all cash deal, it would probably go in three to four weeks, but the bank financing offers take a little longer to close."

"Will Marcia have to come back for the closing or can she give me Power of Attorney so I can sign everything for her."

"She can give you Power of Attorney. What school are you going to be attending?" John asked.

"Police Officer Academy," she answered.

"Aren't you already a police officer?" He asked, pointing to her uniform.

"Not in the State of California. Doesn't make any difference what you are somewhere else. Everyone has to go through the training."

"How long is it?"

"Six months."

"Can I fly back just for the closing, or do I need to hang around here."

"You could fly back, but sometimes there's complications and you might have to sign off on something. I'd hate to drag you back here two or three times."

"Looks like we're going to be apart for roughly a three weeks to a month, honey," I said. "John, do whatever you can to push the process, would you. The faster we can get it done, the better I'll like it."

"I'll see if I can't get it done a little faster for you."

"Thanks." John left.

"What a bitch," I said. "I hate being apart that long."

"Well, at least you don't have to be rushed getting the moving company here and knocking the rest of the items off our list."

"I have to notify the people who let us keep our furniture until the house sold I can deliver their stuff now. We won't even have a table to eat at."

"We can hold on to the TV trays until the last minute. We'll figure things out. Don't sweat it."

"Which brings up another point. As soon as the movers come, I won't have a bed, dishes, towels. I'll have to get a motel room."

"I'm sure things will work out, Sam. It's happening like we wanted it to. We sold the house quickly, we're moving to California. I've got a job, you have a job. Life is good. We won't be apart for ages. Don't worry, be happy."

"I am happy. I want everything to be done though. Wish I could wave a magic wand and it would all be finished."

"I know something guaranteed to put a smile on your face. A quick shower and lots of sex."

"You know me so well."

"What's to know. If it has something to do with sex, you're all in."

I laughed. "I am pretty easy, aren't I?"

"A piece of cake."

"Get started. I'm going to text Zoe and request a limited, temporary power of attorney. She can bring it when she comes."

"You have Zoe's phone number?"

"Only because she just called me to tell me we couldn't go wrong with either of our offers. I asked Brianna to let her look them over. I usually contact any of her slaves through Brianna. Doesn't seem right to bypass their Mistress, but this is in line with my previous request and she has time to ask her Mistress herself."

Marcia nodded, kissed me and headed to the bedroom, shedding her clothes as she went. I sent a text to Zoe outlining what I needed and she said she'd get started. I followed Marcia into the bathroom and saw her stepping into the shower. I took off my clothes and followed her in. She turned around and saw the state I was in; ready to stand in for a towel hanger, and laughed. She put some shower gel on her hands and soaped up my cock and balls first before starting in on other parts. Just enough to keep me intensely interested. When she finished with me, I returned the favor, gently cleaning all of her exquisite body parts. When we finished, we dried each other off and retired to the bedroom.

We slid into a sixty-nine and I gloried in the taste of her delicious cunt as she devoured my cock. I was able to bring her to two orgasms before she sucked the cum from my balls.

"If you think you're done, Mr. Evans, just because you've shot your wad, you're sorely mistaken," she said, ensuring she hadn't missed a drop of my cream. "I want a seriously good fucking before you're done. I only gave you the blow job because I want you to last a bit while fucking me."

"Yes, Mrs. Evans. If you do your part; I'll do mine."

"And what would my part be?"

"Getting me hard again. I'll take it from there."

"You mean looking at this glorious naked body isn't enough to do the job?" She waved her hands up and down her body. "These beautiful boobs." She hefted them up. "This fabulous flat stomach." She ran her hands down over her abdomen. "These hypnotic hips." She slid her hands down her hips. "These luscious legs." She lifted each leg one by one and ran her hands from her ankles to her thighs. "This lip-smacking pussy." She ran her fingers through her damp folds. "This tasty tush." She turned over and smacked her ass. "That isn't enough for you. You want more."

"No, that's good enough for me."

I rolled her over on her back and plunged into her cunt. I wasn't fully hard, but I was damn close and as soon as I slid into her hot, molten core, the rest was taken care of.

Marcia moaned. "That's good, baby. I was thinking you didn't love me anymore."

"Whatever gave you that idea?"

She wrapped her legs around my ass as I pounded into her.

"Because it sounded as if you expected me to do more. I thought I'd already done enough." She moaned again. "God, ride me hard, Sam. Fuck the shit out of me."

I lasted for over fifteen minutes before her third orgasm plundered my balls again.

"Perfect, just perfect," Marcia panted. "I needed that; rode hard and put away wet. I always wondered where the phrase came from. I think I know now."

I was breathing hard as well.

"I lost track. Is tonight a contact Brianna night?"

"It is. We can let her know the house is sold."

"What time is it now?" Marcia asked.

"We can call in ninety minutes."

"Wake me up."

"Before you go to sleep," I said. "You're down to four days left. What's it going to be like?"

"Three days of work really. The last day, I'll be turning in all of my issued equipment, keys, and the like, and having an exit interview with Human Resources. Probably wander the building the rest of the time saying goodby to folks."

"We'll start your six days of slavery at eight AM the following morning, if you don't object."

"Sounds good to me. The party will be at the tail end of my slavery. What do you plan during the party?"

"I could have to wear a dress without underwear and wearing your Vibe, cumming all day."

"Please don't. These people could still derail my new job with a phone call."

"I'm kidding. Maybe take a break from it the day of the party."

"I'm down with that. How long did we rent the place for?"

"From two until ten PM. Figured people could enjoy and use the pool in the afternoon, then we'll cook up a bunch of burgers and hot dogs, with some chips and potato salad. Lots of beer and soda, maybe a little wine. Have it for supper and then swim some more. I tried to spread the time out so the night shift people could come before work and the day shift people could come in after work."

"Great idea, honey. The invitations told people they'd be able to use the pool?" She asked.

"They did."

"Have you received any RSVP's yet?"

"Sure did. About half of the police officers responded yes. A few were going to be gone on vacation. Others said they'd try to make it but weren't sure yet. Got some responses from the State Attorney's Office and even a few judges. Generally speaking, you're well liked. Most of the neighbors have agreed to attend. It might be more if I said some of the women who were here before would be participating."

"Does Brianna know to bring swim suits?" Marcia asked.

"She knows it's at the clubhouse where they went swimming before, but we can make sure she knows when we call tonight."

"Good. I'm going to sleep now. I still have to get up early the next three days. The last day is 8-5. Wake me up, okay?"

"I will."

Marcia pulled a sheet over herself and was out in minutes. I started reading again.

When my alert popped up, I nudged Marcia to wake her up. I make the call.

"Hello, Sam, Marcia. Zoe tells me you might have good news."

"We do. We got an offer on the house today and we accepted it."

"Which one? I understand you got two."

"The second offer at full price with us holding a mortgage for three years."

"Excellent. When can you close?"

"Unfortunately, five to six weeks."

"When is Marcia coming out?"

"Two and a half weeks before starting the academy," Marcia said. "I want to check out the place I'll be doing my training, drive it a few times to see what kind of drive time I'm looking at."

"So Sam will be alone for a couple weeks, maybe."

"He says he can do without me," Marcia said.

"I'm not a child," I said, "I've been alone before."

"No. You're not a child," Brianna agreed. "Not a child at all."

"Wanted to remind you the going away party is going to be held at our clubhouse," Marcia said. "There will be swimming and other pool activities. We wanted to remind you to bring your swimming suits. They still don't allow nude swimming in our pool and there will be lots of law enforcement types here, including officers, state attorneys and judges."

"We were planning to bring suits anyway, for the hotel we're staying at. We were able to get a suite at the Hyatt Regency. We'll be renting a car, so no need to pick us up."

"It's a good thing. We don't have a ton of furniture left. Our bedroom suite and a couch. Our dinette set is going sometime in the next couple days. A couple other pieces as well."