WBDP - Valentine's in Vegas


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"A good question," I replied. "Let me say this. This slave has already cum three times this morning, one of which was a multiple. She has a very large sexual capacity and if I were to guess, I think it's going to be under 25 rather than over. However, you have no reason to believe me, so why don't you," I pointed, "and you, and you, and you, and let's see, you," I pointed to one of the slaves, "inspect this slave to assess her heat. You can report to the rest whether she is close or far from her next orgasm."

The three men, and two women, one a slave, got up on the platform and approached Marcia. Each of them fingered her slit, a couple of them, a master and the mistress, sliding their fingers into her sheath, the slave, going last, used her fingers in her sheath and also brushed lightly against her clit. Every time she was touched, Marcia moaned a little bit, whimpering a little more when she was penetrated and shivering slightly when the slave touched her clit. Each of them showed the crowd the dampness on their fingers and agreed that she was very hot and likely close to climax.

Everybody wrote down their numbers and names and turned them into Ben, who held them all.

"I don't know what any of you wrote down, so I have no desire or inclination to affect this in any particular direction. By the way, she also has a safety signal, which is just two fingers, and not followed by the single digit. Make sure you don't confuse the two in determining a winner."

I approached my slave and bent down to whisper in her ear. "Once again, you have my permission to cum as soon as you provide the signal requesting permission. You should also know that your punishment will stop whenever you cum; we don't have to do the full 50 under the circumstances of this contest. Do you still agree to do this?"

She nodded her head, yes.

I stood and slithered the strands between her legs and down her abdomen and over her breasts. Flick, the first strike was against her stomach; I was using the first one on her abdomen to gauge how hard I wished to hit. Ben began counting, keeping track of each blow. She flinched as much as her position allowed, a groan escaping her gag. Another, on the tops of her breasts, a third on the tender underside, and a fourth across her nipples, her groans becoming louder, wincing with each strike of the whip. My blows were measured, having no desire to speed the process along and relatively gentle as I had no desire to mark her.

The next two blows fell across her mound and the groans grew. Another whack smacking both her nipples and the underside, two more across her mound, and one striking the cleft, brushing her clit as well. The groans and whimpers gradually became moans and whimpers. The signs of her arousal grew more apparent; her nipples stiffening and her folds parting and a drop of her cream running down her stomach. Those who had guessed much higher numbers began to react in distress. They had been sure that the whip would have slowed her arousal response. I delivered two more strikes to her breasts, cutting across her turgid tips, another to her mound, one more to her slit and on the next blow, made sure to strike her clit. She immediately flashed the signal that she wished to cum and started twisting back and forth against the cross, her spasms causing her legs to shiver as she hung down.

"Fifteen, I have fifteen strikes," Ben shouted. "How many of you had 15?" He asked.

Three people raised their hands, including the slave who'd tested Marcia's heat upon the platform.

"What are your names?" Ben asked. He checked each name against the papers in his hand and confirmed each of them had guessed fifteen. "These three did indeed all guess fifteen," he said.

"I think the masters should precede the slave, don't you, Ben?" I asked.

"I agree. Master's first everyone," he called out.

Some of the losers left in despair of their losing, but most wished to stay and observe what happened next. I handed the dildo to the first master who approached Marcia slowly, contemplating how best to make her cum for him. He apparently decided that his best bet was to alternate the vibrations between her cunt and her clit. He sank the dildo in her pussy and thrust several times, going deeply in, then removed it and applied it to her nubbin. His strategy was to change the location every 30-40 seconds, and he was rewarded with her first climax after about four minutes. Satisfied he was on the right path, he continued in this vein, just hitting her third orgasm at the ten minute mark. Ben called time. Marcia was twitching on her cross, her eyes closed.

The second master decided that he had to alter his approach if he wished to beat the first one. He decided that only by applying the vibrator directly to her clit and ignoring her cunt would he have the opportunity to win. He placed it directly on her clit and held it there, never removing it more than a few seconds and then, only to alter it's position by micro inches. He knew he ran the risk of desensitizing her clit if he kept it in one place for too long. Marcia finally flashed the signal for her next climax after around three minutes. Convinced he was now ahead of the first man, he continued his strategy and although she reached her third orgasm at the nine minute mark, he was unable to get her to the fourth before the end of his 10 minutes.

"What if we end in a two or three way tie and we all give her three orgasms? Do all the winners go again?" He asked.

"Then it will have to end a tie," I said. "By that time she will have climaxed seven or more times in roughly 30 minutes. I'm not willing to exhaust my slave in furthering a silly contest. You will all have to be satisfied with your ten minutes. She is entering a contest at 3 PM and I wish her to have some energy left over."

The slave approached for her chance with the dildo.

"Master, may I speak to your slave while I am arousing her?" she asked.

"I don't see why not. Do you want to tell me what you'll say to her?"

"I will let her tell you later," she said.

"What's your name, slave?" I asked.

"My master named me 'Alicia', sir."

So she was probably a Gorean slave, as most of their master's tended to rename them, removing all aspects of their past identity.

She approached Marcia who had her eyes closed and was hanging almost drained.

The slave knelt down and whispered and Marcia's eyes opened. I saw her looking around, at me, all of the men and women crowded around the platform, and finally at the other slave girl. She continued to whisper in Marcia's ear and finally one of the two Master's standing with me shouted out, "Get on with it then. What are you waiting for?"

He turned to me and asked, "Do you know what she's saying to her?"

"No idea," I replied.

She turned on the dildo's vibrations and inserted it into Marcia's cunt. Other than the way she was holding it, with both hands rather widely spread over Marcia's sex, she didn't seem to be doing any particular thing to get my slave off. Rather than thrusting rapidly and deeply in and out, she worked the dildo gently, penetrating at most, one or two inches into her sheath and keeping up a slow, almost languid pace. She continued to speak softly in Marcia's ear as she rocked the dildo into and out of her pussy. Shortly before Ben called out two minutes, Marcia signaled her orgasm. Just after he called out four, Marcia signaled another climax. And so it went, about every two minutes, Marcia signaled she was cumming again. Unlike with the two men, Marcia had her eyes open and was watching everyone.

Just before Ben called time, the slave said, "Cum for me, slave, you slut!" and plunged the dildo into it's deepest depth and Marcia signaled her fifth climax, shuddering in her bonds, almost expelling the vibrator in the throes of her passion.

"Time!" Ben called. "The slave is the winner!"

Scattered applause broke out in the audience, primarily from other slaves until their master's silenced them, but I also saw a few of the Master's clapping in admiration of her performance. The two master's with me muttered in disgust and left the stage.

"The slave Alicia's time with the slave will continue for another ten minutes as per the contest rules," Ben called out.

Some of the others left at this time, many making orders before they left, but many more stayed, wondering at the slave's secrets much as I was. Alicia stayed where she was, going back to her languid stimulation of Marcia, speaking quietly in Marcia's ear, whispering what I had no idea, but it must have been good as Marcia came four more times during the following ten minutes, the last time I'm sure it was a multiple orgasm as Marcia kept thrashing for a couple minutes after she signaled the climax. After Ben called time, I approached them.

Alicia knelt as I approached and offered me the dildo, dripping with thick streaks of Marcia's cum. "I will clean it for you, Master, if you desire," she offered. I nodded yes and she proceeded to lick it clean. Marcia had rivulets of her cream running down her tummy, dripping from her nipples and even into her face. No wonder. She'd cum sixteen times in the last 40 minutes or so, nine times in the last 20.

I asked Alicia as she handed me the dildo, cleaned of Marcia's accumulated spend. "What did you do to get my slave to climax like that?"

"I had a very wise master once. He knew that the trick to making a slave cum was to engage her mind. A woman is stimulated as much by what goes on in her head as she is by any physical stimulation. I talked to her to engage her mind. She can tell you what I said."

"He sounds like a wonderful master. Are you still with him?" I asked.

"No," she said. "He died. I was collared by one of his acquaintances after his death. He is not quite so wise, although I still care for him."

"I'm sorry."

"You needn't be, Master. It happened long ago. I should also tell you that I may have bent the rules slightly?"

"How did you bend the rules?"

I put a little finger partly up her anus and last two fingers of my other hand were on her clit. The vibrations from the vibrator passed through my hands into those erogenous zones. The rules said we were to use the dildo. I used both dildo and my hands."

"I don't know that I would consider that cheating," I said. "You thought of it and the others didn't. It was all in the way that you held it, you were not making any other movements."

"Thank you, Master. I enjoyed myself. You have a beautiful slave; so hot. I must go now. My Master will be wondering what I am doing."

I asked Ben to release Marcia and I followed Alicia to her master.

"I return your slave to you in good condition," I said. "I'd like to thank you for the time of your slave during my contest. It has proven most enlightening."

"You're welcome," he said.

"You have a remarkable slave," I said. "I believe that she has given me a good education today."

"Thank you. I think she's remarkable as well," he replied. "I would also congratulate you on your slave. Quite an amazing performance she's given an old man this morning. I believe I will have to take this one to a quiet corner and fuck her, I'm so aroused."

"Thank you, Master. A slave is greatly appreciative of a good fucking," she said.

I added, "And thank you for your kind comments about my slave. It was, as you say, an amazing performance."

"Good day to you, sir," he said taking his slave by the arm and pulling her toward a corner of the room.

I returned to Marcia, who had been released from the cross but was still lying in a semi-stupor upon the floor next to it.

Ben said, "Thanks for the use of your slave for a demonstration. We sold twice as much equipment in the past hour than we usually do on the first day. Most of our orders usually come on the last day. Let me know if there is anything that you want and I'll be happy to give you a discount. I think that your slave has more than doubled the usual business the vendors have at this event. She's a keeper."

"That she is. I'll let you know. Come slave, it's time to feed you. I need to keep up your energy."

I refastened her ankle cuffs and I attached her leash to her collar and led her out of the exhibition hall. We returned to the dining room and I sat down at a smaller table, Marcia kneeling on the pad at my side. I told her she could sit if she wished as I wished her to rest up. I ordered some chicken salad for Marcia with an energy drink and sandwich and water for myself. After the waitress left, I asked Marcia what the slave had been saying to her.

"First she told me to open my eyes and look at all of the people there watching me, half of them having sex. She said that all of them were eager to see me climax again, to see what a slut I was; that I was very lovely and very hot, and every man there and half of the women wanted to fuck me. She would indicate a man or woman in the audience that was having sex due to my performance and told me that if they could, they would be fucking me instead. She told me I was so hot that she would fuck me herself if she could, sucking the cum from my cunt when I climaxed. She told me that there wasn't a master there that didn't think I was the hottest slave in the building and that they would fight to put their collar on me. She said I had so much slave heat that normal people would think I was a common slut. One thing I remember her saying distinctly was, 'Picture yourself now, hanging upside down, your legs spread, your cunt gaping open, your cum running down your body, over your breasts and into your face, while I fuck your pussy with this dildo' she said. 'What man here doesn't want to spear his cock into your dripping cunt or ass, or fuck your mouth until he spurts down your throat.' As we got close to the ten minute mark, she jammed the dildo into my cunt and ordered me to cum. When she did, I couldn't stop myself. I don't think I could have disobeyed if I tried."

"What did she say during her bonus minutes?"

"More of the same, just not as emotionally charged, gentler. At one point, she said 'Look at your Master over there, watching you after the two other masters made you cum. He's watching me make you cum now. He knows what a hot slave you are. Wouldn't you like to suck his big, beautiful cock while I fuck your juicy cunt to orgasm, feel his sperm bathing your tongue and throat and know he loves your slave heat; how proud he is that his slave is making everyone else here jealous of his lovely fuck toy.' I did. I would gladly have sucked you at that moment and swallowed every drop of your cum, right in front of everyone, I was that hot. Never have I felt more desirable and desired than I did then."

"Speaking of swallowing cum, I am so aroused right now, I could use a little relief."

She got back on her knees and opened my fly, pulling my stiff prick out and giving the head a little lick. I was not ready for teasing games now, I grabbed her head and thrust into her throat until my cock was buried in her mouth. I held her there, feeling her throat muscles and tongue work my cock as she gagged slightly, then releasing her so she could grab a quick breath, and thrusting again. I had been so worked up by the mornings activities, it would not take long. The waitress returned to the table and I indicated to her, hoarsely, that she should set the food on the table. She did, but she lingered there, fingering her own cunt through her panties, watching my hot slave take my cock to the root, her throat swelling as my prick pushed into it.

"Fuck, I'm cumming, slave. Swallow it all."

Jet after jet of my pent up supply of seed coated her throat and tongue, but she swallowed every drop. The waitress just shook her head in awe and walked off. After Marcia cleaned the remains of my discharge from prick, she tucked it back in my shorts.

"Is that better, Master?"

"Much better. You're very good at that."

"A slave must be good or her Master will punish her until she becomes good."

"You know me so well. Let's eat."

I fed her first, taking an occasional bite when she was taking a moment. When she indicated she was full, I gave her the energy drink.

"Thank you, Master."

"I'd like to go back to the furniture/device exhibit and try out an additional piece of furniture I saw there. I know that we're entered into the Sybian contest at 3:00 PM, but I believe we have time before then to put you on display once more."

"Whatever you say, Master."

Taking her leash in hand, I led her back to the exhibition hall. I approached Ben once we got back to his exhibit. I had Marcia kneel at the base of the platform.

"Ben, I'd like my slave to demonstrate for us one more piece of furniture I saw you had here."

"What would that be, sir?"

"That pillory/stock type thing you have sitting over there," I said, pointing to the device in question. "How does that work? Can you bring that up toward the front of the stage, please."

"Great choice, sir. That's a wonderful piece of equipment, sir. Are you familiar with it at all? Ted asked.

"I've seen that or something like it on the internet, but they don't really show everything, do they?"

"No sir, they don't. How would you like it positioned then?"

Considering what I was contemplating, I finally had him set it so that the stock portion was toward the back, but still turned sideways enough that if you were on the left side of the stage, you could see what was happening there. The seating portion was toward the front of the stage but aimed at the right side.

"I'm going to have to be up here for the demonstration as I intend to use my slave. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No sir. I'm looking forward to it, in fact."

I called Marcia to my side and unhooked her leash. I handed her over to Ben.

"Show me what you can do with this piece of equipment, Ben."

Apparently the word went around the exhibition hall that my slave was going to be demonstrating another piece of equipment. Another large crowd began to form around his stage. Ben was going to be happy about that. He led Marcia up to the stocks part of the equipment with her back toward the right of the crowd. He placed her hands and neck into the stocks while she was in a standing position. Once again, I was amazed that my slave was so beautiful. Strong, sleek legs rising to a perfect rounded ass, two dimples at the top of it. Narrow waist flaring to muscular back and the loveliest face I knew.

Ben started his sales pitch. "Now like a lot of pillories, this is good at holding your slaves in a standing position. What makes this unique is that you can adjust the stocks up and down to different heights, from the full standing position down to the floor."

He released a catch on the side and the stocks started sliding down with it. He brought it down to within two feet of the ground. My slave had to kneel when it reached that level and was bowed over, her fantastic ass raised in the air, the brown rosebud of her asshole pointed at the crowd to the right of the stage, along with her cleft, the folds already separating as my slaves arousal rose. The crowd started drifting to the right for a better view.

I stood in front of the stock and asked Ben to raise it again until her head was even with my cock, when I told him to stop. Level with her face, I pulled down my zipper and pulled out my prick, already stiff and looking for a place to land. My slave saw and opened her mouth, sucking me in. She couldn't move her head, so I thrust back and forth, tickling the back of her mouth with the knob. I gave her some time to adjust to my thrusting, allowing her to open her throat, so that I could push in until I felt her lips on my balls. The crowd started moving to the left, drawn by the exclamations of those who had not originally moved as they could see her throat bulge as she swallowed the whole thing. The feeling of her tongue, her lips, the suction she made as I pulled out before plunging back in. If it weren't for the fact that she'd just swallowed my load right before lunch, I would have cum right there. However, the sheer and utter carnality of this act was making the cum stir in my balls once more. It would be hard to hold back much longer. I remembered the wisdom of the little slave girl, Alicia. I pulled out momentarily and turned her head, making my slave look at the gathered people, some of them already resorting to their own sexual acts to relieve the pressure on their own balls.