What a Long Strange Trip


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When she got done with the very loud string of moans and epithets, most of them concerning God, fucking and cumming, she looked back at me through her disheveled hair and told me, "Steve, don't do that again unless you've got a towel under me! A thick one!" I'm not stupid. I pulled my hand out.

"Jesus! I didn't say stop!" she amended. "Just don't make me cum like that or I'll probably soak the bed! And it isn't my bed." Okay, so maybe I am stupid. But I'm a fast learner. I got off the bed, leaving her there, panting and shaking, and went to see what kind of towels Ted's daughter might have left in the trailer. I lucked out.

I brought back a big plush bath towel. In pink. Not my favorite color, but it would do. I started spreading it out on the bed.

"Oh, you're a wonderful sadist," Angie muttered, moving so I could spread the towel easier. "You're gonna drive me fucking crazy."

"Uh-huh!" I agreed as I finished with the towel. "Now... where were we?"

"You were giving me a G-spot massage," she reminded me through her tangled mane.

"Oh, yeah... right," I smiled. "Well, then... assume the position!"

She sighed and moved over the towel, but instead of lying down as she had been, she stayed up on her knees with her shoulders down, ass high in the air. I damn near creamed my jeans. If I'd been wearing any, which I wasn't. She was exquisite! And I was trying to behave. I hadn't had a woman turn me on like this since the woman my ex-wife convinced me to cheat on her with. Long story and a bad sentence, but you get the idea.

Anyway, I put a little more lube on my hand and sort of sat on my heels behind her, rubbing her clit a few times before slipping two fingers back in to continue rubbing her G-spot. She went from zero to sixty in two-point-nuthin'.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, Yes!! Ooooohhhh..." She went off into a howl, I guess you could call it. Going up in pitch, up in volume and shaking to beat the band. "Oh, fuck, cumming!" she moaned. "Oh, fuck, Cumming!!"

"OH! FUCK! CUMMING!!..." She wet the bed like she said she would. I'll admit my ignorance here... I didn't know anything about fem-cum or squirting. I mean, I'd heard about it, saw the faked videos, but never had been with a woman who actually did it. All I knew was, she was clamped down hard on my fingers, her pussy and everything around it was pulsing as if to crush my hand , and she was rhythmically wetting the bed. Or the towel, actually.

I let her calm down a bit, before trying for more.

When her breathing had almost returned to normal, I began rubbing her pussy again, before inserting my fingers. She gave a long, low moan but didn't move away. So I went after her G-spot again. As I began, she looked back over her shoulder to me.

"Passing out is the same as a safe word, Steve," she told me.

"What's a 'safe word'?" I asked.

"Oooh... Shiiiiittt..." she moaned. "I am so screwed... If I pass out," she explained, "you stop. Right?"

"Of course," I confirmed, confused. "But what's a 'safe word'?"

"Oh, fuck!..." she pushed back into my rhythmic stroking. "Later..."

"Okay," I shrugged and went back to driving her crazy.

She was fun to play with. I figured out how I could make her moans and groans louder or softer, and how to manipulate her cumming so I could take her to the edge for awhile, then blast her over, and she was just eating it up. I got three or four more of those squirting-type orgasms, with a couple of smaller ones thrown in, before she changed my world...

"Ease up, Steve, ease up... please..." she virtually begged and I did. After all, I was trying to do what she wanted, even if my cock was in a permanent state of arousal and wanted to get off very, very badly. The gentleman in me figured I could do me later. I eased my hand out of her swollen pussy and sat back on the bed. I was not prepared for...

"Fuck me, Steve... please fuck me," she said in a low voice and I wasn't sure I heard her right. I thought I'd better be cautious. She was still on her hands and knees, ass high in the air, pussy inviting, but I was not going to take anything for granted.

"Um, Angie..." I faltered. "I thought sex... I mean, intercourse... was out until after the divorce. You don't want something messy at this late date..."

"Steve, there isn't a person within a thousand miles of here who gives a shit about who I'm fucking," she told me rather vehemently. "You won't feed the office gossip, I know. Asshole has a fucking stable of unsatisfied bimbettes. You are so fucking good, Steve, and I need your cock in me so bad!..."

"Please... please just take me..." Her voice was almost plaintive as she begged this last.

I hate to hear a woman beg. I don't know how long it was in real time for me to process what she said and to realize she was right. Nobody, anywhere, was ever going to know what happened between us. And we really seemed to turn each other on... and I finally got to why not? And had no good reason.

So I rubbed a little extra lube on my cock for good measure, knelt between her calves and lined my cock up with her soaking wet slit. I eased into her hot pussy and felt, as well as heard, the audible sigh she let out as I entered her. When I got all the way in, to where my thighs were against her butt, she moaned again, loudly.

"Oh, dear God, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" she cried out as I started to stroke, pulling back to her vestibule, then plunging back in. "OH! FUCK! YESSSSS!!"

After that I sort of lost track because my attention was swallowed up by how incredibly good she felt. Like I'd stuck my cock in a velvet furnace that was pulsing and milking me and making every nerve in my body stand on end. I'd been holding back so long while I massaged, then masturbated her, my groin was aching. My testicles were going to secede from the Union if they didn't get to dump their load soon.

I wanted this excruciatingly thrilling moment to last but I was very aware that it wasn't going to... she just felt too damned good and this whole trip had been one massive foreplay tease. I felt my balls pulling up and realized I didn't know if she was protected. I knew I wasn't.

"Angie..." I slowed down as I tried to concentrate. "I'm not protected."

"I am," she told me, pushing back into me hard. "Fucking cum in me, Steve! Fill me up! Go ahead... fucking take me!" That was all the encouragement I needed.

I started stroking faster then, building up toward what promised to be a mind-blowing orgasm, buried balls deep in this hot, young redhead who started cumming on my cock before I even got near my own, crying out and moaning as my pumping took her over and ramped me through the roof. My balls pulled up until it felt like they were in my throat and my ass slammed shut with a vengeance as I hit that glorious point-of-no-return.

"Oh, fuck, Angie..." I moaned. "You're gonna make me... oh, fuck! I'm gonna... CUM!!"

I did, blowing my load deep within her hot, wet cunny in spurt after spurt. I was holding onto her hips for dear life as every cell in my body exploded. It had been a very long time since I'd cum that hard and I was having trouble staying conscious and keeping my equilibrium. Her continued moans of encouragement just amplified the waves of euphoria washing through me.

We bucked and moaned against each other for God knows how long, and I'm sure she got off at least once more, but finally we slowed down, royally spent. I started to pull out of her, but she grabbed my ass with both her hands, holding me in.

"No, stay!" she virtually commanded. "Stay in me," she iterated a bit more gently. "Roll with me..." And with that, she started to fall to her left and I went with her, putting a hand out to ease myself down while staying imbedded and holding her to me with my other. We kind of collapsed into a spooning position.

"That was fucking awesome, Steve," she told me, facing away so I couldn't see her face, but tucked tight up against me. "I haven't been fucked like that in forever. I really needed it."

"How long has it been?" I asked as my pulse and respiration came back down towards normal.

"Almost four years," she told me and I about choked.

"Four years?" I couldn't believe it. This hot woman going four years without? That was Ripley territory.

"Four years of no intercourse from Edward because the booze made him impotent," she explained, "and almost two years of staying completely celibate while I try to get divorced. The divorce is going to happen, Steve. He's just taking every advantage to draw it out and make me pay for wanting out. Thank God we didn't have any kids to fight over!"

"Well, tonight didn't happen," I told her. "You deserve a hell of a lot better than four years of nothing, and suffering an emotional siege at the same time. You're a damned sexy woman, Angie, and a great lover."

"Oh, I haven't even started, yet," she told me. "Wait and tell me what you think in the morning."

You know that feeling of ambivalence, where you want something really, really badly but you know you're going to pay for it? Yeah, well, that was me right then...

"Remember I have to drive tomorrow," I tried to jest. She leaned forward and pulled off of my cock, then turned in my arms, snuggling in to me, face to face, her gorgeous body melting into mine and her lips inches away.

"Mmm-hmmm," she agreed. "I'll remember. You'll be fine..."

"You're not, by any chance, insatiable, are you?" I asked. Seriously, for one of the few times in my life, I was getting nervous.

"Oh, no," she breathed to me. "I can be sated. You've already proven that. You know exactly how to please me, Steve. It's my turn to please you." She eased into the kiss and it curled my toes. I know that's supposed to be the girl's line, but she really did make everything tingle and feel wonderful. She smelled and tasted phenomenal, and she was incredibly expert with her tongue... something she'd only hinted at when she'd kissed me back at the hotel.

I got lost in her kisses. I'm not a romantic by nature, but she was definitely feeding and watering whatever seeds were in there. And it just seemed natural that when she eased up on the necking, she started working her way down my chest, playing with my nipples, licking at the insides of my thighs and eventually taking my now-back-again hard-on in her very warm, very wet, very talented mouth.

I'm not a teenager any more. I don't cum at the drop of a zipper. But that woman was going to wind back time, the way she was going. She felt awesome!

She was taking long, lazy strokes the length of my cock, slowly taking me deep, very deep, in her mouth while her tongue played little flicking games with my glans and then my shaft. She'd stop sometimes to suck on my glans, hard, making it slip out of her mouth with a little pop! And then descend on me again, until she had me so far down her throat, her lips were brushing my balls. And she was in absolutely no hurry whatsoever.

I did notice that while teasing my cock with her phenomenal mouth, one of her hands was between her legs, apparently diddling her clit. Sometimes she would moan while my cock was still in her mouth, and the humming would reverberate through every cell of my body. Put simply, she was awesome!

Um... I think I said that already. But she was. Honestly. So much so, it bears repeating.

Anyway, she had me straining like I hadn't in years and I wanted to cum in her mouth so bad, I was aching. It was getting infuriating, my body's apparent inability to kick it over.

"Jesus, Angie, you're driving me nuts!" I told her. "I want to cum so bad... and it just isn't happening..."

"Mm-hmm..." she agreed, and the next thing I knew, she had her finger in my bum and I was blowing my load down her throat.

"Oh, fuuuuuck..." I moaned as she sucked every last little bit of cum out of me. Everything below my neck was virtually numb from cumming so hard.

"Told you I swallow," she told me as she licked the last of me from her lips.

"Yeah," I tried to be clever. "You said you like anal, too..."

"We'll get to that later," she told me cheerfully, then crawled up next to me to wrap herself in my arms.

Oh, my God, I am falling for this woman! I realized. Bad Steve! Bad Steve!

With our age difference, it could only be a fling at best. If I started thinking anything else, disaster would surely follow. She, on the other hand, seemed quite content to snuggle up under my arm and hold me, and pet me... and start making out again.

I don't know how many ways I can say that woman was amazing. She thrilled every cell in my body, just kissing and touching me. And she got me back up again. That alone puts her in the Miracle category. What she chose to do with it put her in the Goddess category. She had me rock hard when she rolled up onto her hands and knees again and looked down at me through that gorgeous red mane.

"Fuck me in the ass, Steve," she told me.

I am a horndog opportunist. Or at least, I used to be. It didn't matter how much noble purpose, or self-control, or any other moral imperative was in operation, this was one I wasn't going to ignore. Come on! What intact red-blooded American male would take a pass on that? I struggled to my knees.

She smiled and wiggled her hips at me and that was it. My conscience took a vacation and I lined up with her tight little derriere.

"You won't miss Rosebud this time, will you, Steve?" she asked. God, what a delightful tease! No, I wasn't about to miss.

I rubbed my cock on her pussy and dipped in a few times, to pick up enough lubrication. Then I eased in.

I heard the gasp and felt her forcing herself to relax as I spread her tight sphincter.

"Are you okay?" I asked, stopping where I was.

"Fine," she told me. "It's been awhile. Just go slow." Hearing was obeying and I slowly eased myself into her. There were a couple more gasps and catchings of breath, but I was finally home. I stopped, pressed balls deep into her ass, letting her adjust.

"Oh, God, that's intense!" she murmured, and I started to have second thoughts.

"Wonderfully intense," she added as she seemed to read my mind. "Keep going, Steve. Make me your bitch."

I have no idea why that phrase thrilled me like it did, but I sure as hell wasn't going to argue. I started easing back until I was almost out, then pushed in again, all the way. I did that several times while she pushed back into me and moaned before I picked up the pace and made it an actual fucking.

Her ass was hotter and tighter than her cunt and she was driving me crazy, between her thrusting back into me and her moans and groans. I wasn't going to last very long. Christ, I'd already cum twice in less than an hour, and managing a third seemed impossible. Impossible for a fifty-year-old who didn't have a redheaded succubus working him over. This fifty-year-old was about to blow another load.

Right in said succubus' tight, hot ass. And right about the same time she drove him over with her own cum.

"OH! GOD! DAMN! OH! FUCK! YEAH!" she cried out on each deep thrust. "FUCKING! CUMMING!!"

The only reason her ass didn't rupture me when she clamped down is because my steel hard cock was pumping rope after rope deep inside her. My sounds weren't nearly as impressive as hers, but the animal grunts and groans got to her and she kept up her verbal tirade of encouragement.

"Oh, yeah, Steve! Oh, fuck! Fuck me, Steve! Fucking own me! I have so fucking needed this for so fucking long..." She was off on an E-ticket ride and I wanted her to enjoy every second of it. Before I blacked out.

Which, unfortunately, I did. I woke up to find us on our sides, me still in her ass and her spooning into me and very gently rocking. When I could think straight, it amazed me that I was still functional. I started to say something and she shushed me.

"Don't say anything, babe," she told me softly. "I want to ride this dream for as long as it lasts. I've needed a man that cared about me, and that I could care about, for a very long time and you are fucking perfect. If you say anything other than Wow!, I'm going to clamp down on your cock and take it with me as a souvenir of probably the most fantastic sex of my life. Way better than my wedding night."

With that intro, there was no way I was going to say any of the several things going through my mind.

"Wow..." Actually, it did seem to be all that needed saying right then. I relaxed and drifted. I don't know how long we lay there spooning, but eventually I did go soft and fell out of her.

"Oops!" she giggled. "Bathroom!" And she bailed out of the bed and ducked into the bath. I heard water on water a few moments later and I realized how badly I needed to piss. Well, I could piss in the sink or I could piss in the shower. The shower won.

I walked past her as she sat on the can, stepped into the tub and pulled the curtain, then turned on the water. I should've warmed it up, first. She laughed at my surprised expletives while I waited for the water to warm up and my bladder to stop cramping and get operational. Eventually both did and I relieved myself.

"You are just too delicious," she told me as she stepped into the tub with me. "Thanks for warming it up."

"You're welcome," I snorted. "Let me help you..."

We spent the next twenty minutes washing each other up with frequent interruptions to mess around. We finally knocked it off when we began to exhaust the trailer's supply of hot water. We got out, dried off and crawled into bed, still naked.

"Hold me, Steve, please," she asked me, turning her back to me so we could spoon. "Just wrap me up and let's fall asleep like that."

I wasn't about to argue. I was exhausted anyway. So I spooned in behind her, we pulled the sheets up over us and I put one arm under her pillow and one over her, cupping her tit. We fell asleep like that and stayed that way until after dawn.

* * * * *

"You're good to go," Ted was telling us as he walked us to my truck. "Invoice is on the front seat, shows what we did."

Ted's wife, Tillie, had rousted us out of bed around 7am. She had brought us breakfast and had a bit of a knowing smirk as she glanced around the trailer.

"There's some bacon and eggs, fresh cinnamon rolls, tater wedges, orange juice and coffee," she told us as she carried the basket in. "If you want fresh fruit or something like that, I can get it for you."

"What you've brought sounds fine," Angie gushed. "You really didn't need to go to all this trouble."

Tillie finished a quick look into the bedrooms and bath. "You just leave everything," she told us. "I'll tidy up after you've gone. Hope you got some rest..."

"Oh, it was perfect," Angie smiled and I wondered if that was for my benefit, or Tillie's. "Thank you."

"Alright, then," she decided. "I'll have Luke come get you when your truck's done." She left and Angie and I tucked into a generous breakfast.

"So much for my girlish figure," Angie commented around one of the cinnamon rolls.

"You're just replenishing from last night," I smiled.

"Or storing up... damn, Steve! I am really going to miss you," she told me with a little wistfulness in her voice. "This trip has turned out far, far better than I ever imagined."

"For me, too," I told her. "Depending on what happens at your Dad's, you might..."

"Want to shanghai you into driving me back when you go?" she interrupted, finishing my thought with a smile.

"Well, yeah... you might. But you might want to stay longer, or maybe catch a plane back. It's up to you. I have to do a week at V-H, and then I thought I'd take the weekend and spend time with my daughter. Maybe take vacation and lazy my way back over the next week. Maybe do some sightseeing."
