What Do You Want?

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What was it that my sister really wanted?
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I was meandering through my personal record collection as us avid collectors tend to do - checking that the labels were all the right way up; that the sleeves hadn't got crumpled and that everything was as if should be when I found one of my old 45s back to front!

Audacious! How could it happen? A felony, no less!

I pulled the record out and checked it for damage, wondering all the time how it came to be reversed - but coming up with no answers, I made sure the record was still pristine clean, upright and that it slotted into its space...and that was that little drama over and done, although there was still a bit of me left wondering how it had happened.

What was the record title - ah yes, I knew it well; an old Adam Faith pop favourite of mine - "What Do You Want?" backed by "From Now Until Forever" from October 1959 It was in my personal collection because this was a virtually mint record; hopefully highly collectable.

But how come that I could still clearly remember the song from all those years ago? I could remember it with such clarity that it started playing in my head - and on my lips as I began singing quietly to myself...

"What do you want if you don't want money?

What do you want if you don't want gold?

Say what you want and I'll give it you darling,

Wish you wanted my love baby."

Lovely memories of years gone by; years way before I was even a twinkle in my father's eye - but it still sounded good to me. Trouble was that it had now stuck in my brain and kept repeating over and over again...

I left the room where I kept my own collection and moved through to the stockroom of my little record shop, still finding the words to be embedded in my brain.

"What do you want if you don't want money...," I intoned and I'd got to the "I'll give it you darling" bit when another voice joined in..., "Wish you wanted my love baby."

I snatched myself out of my reverie and looked around and there was my sister raising her voice to accompany me. We locked eyes and laughed at each other while both of us sang the song again...

Now at this point, before you get too confused, I'd better tell you a bit more of the background; about why she was there with me.

A few years back I came up with a lottery win - top prize in the British Thunderball draw - half a million UK pounds! Riches beyond my wildest dreams - even if I hadn't become a millionaire!

As a single guy, my home needs were comparatively few but, as Lily didn't want the place, I bought out her half of our parents' home - they'd both died young - giving Lily a generous payout.

Then I invested a fair amount of the remainder in buying a suburban shop (the house was out in the country) - a handy-sized shop with a decent bit of storage...and with a nice little flat above it.

And there below the flat, which I occasionally stayed in overnight, I set up my business; a record collector's shop - something I'd long dreamed of doing and soon it was up and running. Before very long I was online too and suddenly I was very busy; the business was a real success from the start and it soon started expanding into record players and such - I was glad I had plenty of storage space.

Part of the reason for my success was possibly because I already had a truly massive collection of old records and possibly because I could tell you the name and many of the details of pretty well every single record ever to hit the pop charts since they began - I'm some kind of nerd with things like that.

Whatever, soon I needed someone to help me out and my sister came to work for me and before long she became an 'old hand' at helping my business thrive.

So who are we? Well, I'm Chris; I'm just coming up on 27 and my sister is Lily. Apparently our parents chose her name because they liked the song "Pictures of Lily" from 1987 - and because they said they thought (wrongly) that the name couldn't really be shortened a whole lot.

Anyway, she's 23 this year; she's a tall brunette, well naturally auburn actually, with a very modern figure; big up top, nice bottom and slim waist; the most beautiful heart shaped face, deep blue eyes and oh so kissable lips. She was going to enter our local beauty contest but they barred her because she's divorced. What a feeble reason, but so what; she's still beautiful and they can stuff their moth-eaten sash.

(Yeah - I know - divorced at 23...but that's modern life for you)

She shares a house just out of town with two other girls - I don't think she's too deeply into domestic matters at the moment.

Me - I'm fair to middling, I reckon; a little over six feet tall, I weigh 170 pounds steady and I keep fit every other day at the gym. But unlike Lily, I'm blond with dark green eyes; the result I guess of us having two very parents with very different looks. Whatever, it seems to make me rather desirable and I've always been something of a ladies man; I can't help it - I know I'm good in bed. Mind you, it helps to have an eight inch cock...and I know how to turn my women on and how to satisfy them. But despite that, given the chance, I tend to keep away from the girls on the whole - my record business is my real baby and I'm really almost as happy poring over record catalogues as I am pouring myself over some female. Having said that, the ladies do have some interesting advantages - I'm not that tightly tied to my work!

And so it came about that Lily and I worked together, happily doing everything; going around the country searching for old records; finding buyers for the records; buying stock, doing research, packing and despatching things, etc, etc and Lily was as much a part of my business as I was.

But we lived separate lives - me at my home and her with her 'house-mates' some 30 miles apart and except from work, we seldom if ever met.

At work we made a good team and somehow I'd almost come to think of us as being "a couple" since we got on so well and spent so much time doing the same things together although in reality I had no emotional attachment to Lily apart from the usual familial feelings.

But all this was about to come to an end...

With the song still echoing through my mind, Lily and I were both walking down through the stock room when Lily turned and looked at me.

"Chris," she began using a voice that said that she wanted something, "I wish we got on better."

"Eh?" I said, having always thought that we got on really well.

"What I mean is that although we're together so much of the time, we never get really friendly," Lily continued, "You're always just the boss and I'm always just the worker - and that's that even though we're brother and sister."

"Yeah, well..." I began, "What's the matter - aren't I paying you enough or something? Do you want an official job title?"

"No - no - it's not that, nothing to do with the money; it's our relationship," replied Lily, "Why...oh, I don't know how to explain it..."

Lily continued, "Why is it we don't get on better?"

I looked at her somewhat perturbed and confused by her comment.

"We do - we don't argue do we?" I replied, "And I let you take time off when you need it; I let you use my car; I let you use the flat if you want to screw your boyfriends - so what else?"

"Can't we be friends then?" Lily asked, "I mean I'd love to go out on a date with you. It would be fun - well, be great to be out with you."

"Hmmmm - don't know about that," I replied, "What makes you think I'd enjoy your company?"

Then, having spoken, I wondered why I'd said those words and I wanted to bite my tongue - Lily had a wonderful brain - she'd probably be excellent company - and she looked good too...

"Oh come on," she replied, sounding a bit peeved, "Aren't I good enough for you then?"

"Don't know; haven't thought about it," I returned, a bit absentmindedly as I was still thinking about my records, "Working with you is one thing but having an evening out with you would probably be very different. As for getting closer, we're brother and sister - you can't get much closer than that, can you?"

Lily looked pained and walked a little way ahead of me before she turned and stopped. She stood in the aisle; her legs apart and her hands on her hips. Her luscious figure was silhouetted by the light and quite honestly she really looked tasty.

"Look at me Chris," she said, "What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing - nothing at all," I replied, "Why - should there be something wrong?"

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Lily said, almost yelling, "What wrong with you - can't you see that I'm a woman?"

"Calm down Lil," I said, feeling the tension rising, "Of course you're a woman. You're a lovely woman."

Shit - yeah - no problem there - she looked fucking good but she was my sister - end of story.

But Lily obviously didn't see it that way!

She put out her arms to create an X, holding onto the racking and totally blocked my way. The setting sun behind her showed me her figure in considerable detail; her long lithe legs; her trim waist; the bulging of her breasts and I was impressed, but I still couldn't understand her problem.

"Look at me," she demanded, "Aren't I attractive?"

Yeah - she looked really good and I could feel my penis begin to swell as I admired her figure...but work called and I had to get back to reality.

"Oh come on Lil," I said, doing my best to get back to work, "We've got loads to do and much as I love to look at you, work won't stop. So come on - relax and let's get back to work."

Lily was obviously well put out by my comments and she turned and quickly moved away from the storeroom before I could say or do anything more - and I settled back to my work. But underneath there was now the occasional image of Lily popping up - unwanted but quite enjoyable in a way. Nevertheless I managed to ignore the images and soon the days' work came to an end and having shut the shop - Lily, it would seem, having left a little earlier - I headed home.

Once home I stripped down; discarding my work clothes and heading naked to the shower.

Bliss - as I luxuriated in the warm and refreshing water. So soothing, as I lathered up my sponge and worked it all over my body; and suddenly so erotic, as I rubbed the sponge around my groin - my cock rising quickly with my touch - my foreskin soon sliding back to reveal my shiny slippery knob.

'Oh fuck,' I thought, 'Go away!'

Instead, my penis throbbed into complete hardness as unwanted pictures of Lily; now stripped to her underwear in my imagination, flashed past my eyes.

My hand fell to my penis - I just couldn't stop it - and moments later it was sliding up and down my stiff soapy shaft.

"Ohhh no," I groaned, knowing full well that once started, a good wank couldn't be stopped but not actually feeling in the mood for a wank.

My hand continued to move though and my cock throbbed with intent; an orgasm was obviously going to be the only way out of this...

Somehow I managed to stop massaging my cock long enough to finish my shower and to towel myself dry - but that action, needless to say, revived my erection.

'Ok,' I said to myself, 'Let's have a wank, if it'll keep you quiet!'

Now dry I moved to my bedroom where I flung myself onto my double bed and reached for the tube of KY. Yeah, I could wank perfectly well without KY, but it added a certain degree of sexuality to the rather basic deed.

Soon my cock was well and truly anointed with gel and my hand was slipping easily up and down my length; the lubricating gel causing a kind of slurping sound each time my fist pulled my foreskin down - and then pushed it back up.

But my heart wasn't with it - I just wasn't in the mood to wank, however much my cock desired my attention and eventually I just gave up, allowing my slowly drooping penis to more or less slip away, unwanted. I almost drifted off to sleep; such was my lack of interest.

'What's up with you?' I asked myself a bit later as I sat down to dinner, but I had no answer. On the other hand, thank heavens that I'd been domesticated enough to make some pretty decent meals and then freeze them the other week - and now I could quickly enjoy an perfectly good repast at home instead of having to go out to eat.

I mulled over the day as I ate - what the hell was wrong with my sister?

"I'd better give her a pay rise or a bonus," I said to myself, "Might calm her down - or perhaps it's just the wrong time of the month."

Just then my phone bleeping at me drew my mind from the problem - an incoming message, and I looked to see who was texting.

Ah - Sue - one of my many 'admirers'! Another divorced-young lady I regularly dated although not a full-time girlfriend; although come to think of it, none of my girlfriends were full-timers...

She was asking for a date tonight and I quickly replied, looking forward to her company. She was one hot female and already my sexually aroused mind could see her spreadeagled over the bed...although somehow pictures of Lily on the bed instead kept appearing.

I shook my head to clear the images while waiting for Sue to come back.

And she soon replied and within a short while I was getting myself preened and ready to go out - a clean set of clothes; a splash of aftershave and I was ready.

Minutes later I was in the traffic in my soft-top BMW, heading towards Sue's home; my cock already starting to anticipate her presence.

Perhaps twenty minutes later I pulled up outside her parent's place and in moments Sue appeared; quickly she climbed into her seat, giving me a good look at her long sleek thighs and even a flash of panties above her stocking tops as she settled. I helped her with her seat belt, knowing that it would cross over her lovely tits and I enjoyed a brief feel of her firm flesh as I moved the belt into place. My cock lurched with anticipated excitement.

We motored off to a local club - nothing flash, but a place I liked. Good music, good service; nice quiet corners; a great ambience - an excellent place to take a woman...

Soon we were drinking and dancing and enjoying our evening out, but it wasn't all that long before sex raised its head.

We'd been dancing close together and inevitably my cock had appreciated that and had risen, looking for some action - and Sue had felt it rubbing against her.

Her hand slid down between us and gently massaged my erection as we danced, ruining my concentration but stirring up my desire even more. Soon we just had to retire back to our little alcove; Sue's hand on my thigh, her lips at my ear.

"Do you want me?" asked Sue breathlessly, "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Yeah - oh yeah," I said, breathing quickly, "Been ready for ages!"

"Shall we go then?" asked Sue, "I'd rather be at your place than here."

With that we finished our drinks and headed back to the car where Sue languidly slid into her seat, releasing her long locks as she did.

I pulled out into the road and as I looked at her, Sue's honey hair floated erotically in the wind; streaming behind her at times; smothering her at others. She was doing nothing to help my cock to relax - just the opposite, in fact, especially as she was now leaning back and seemingly thrusting her wonderful tits outwards. I couldn't wait to get us home...

As we arrived home, the automated garage door opened and I drove in and within a few more minutes we were safely hidden from prying eyes. Sue began to discard her clothes - her shoes remained in the car and her blouse was left hooked over a side mirror - all before we entered the house.

Quickly her bra was removed; her skirt and stockings followed and she was now standing there in just her very brief pale yellow panties.

"Take me, please," she implored as she moved into my bedroom, "I'm so hot!"

Quickly I removed my clothes too and Sue's eyes opened wide as I slid my underpants down. My erection bobbed up; my knob already glistening and ready to penetrate her flesh.

"Oh yes - let me have him," she moaned, "I need you - I need your cock."

I hastened to the action, soon getting myself into position between her widespread legs. Her cute shaven pussy was all ready for me; her outer lips were already spread apart and glistened with her generous juices; her clitoris stood to attention above her cleft as if on guard.

"Where shall I start?" I asked and Sue's reply was simple.

"Eat me!" she groaned, his hips thrusting upwards, "Just eat me then fuck me!"

While I was well aware exactly which bit of her Sue wanted me to eat, there were a number of other interesting and enjoyable parts of her to enjoy first, so I teased her.

I lowered my face towards her welcoming pussy, which did it's best to ensnare me with its very, very erotic scent, and blew gusts of air up and down her cleft before concentrating on her clit. Sue groaned again and tried to pull my head down onto her body but I held myself those few inches away from her and instead of targeting her pussy I moved slowly upwards, now lowering myself towards her until my tongue could slide over her flesh.

She tasted sweet and lovely and I let my tongue caress her abdomen before moving to her navel, causing her to shudder all over. I poked the tip of my tongue into the little depression, bringing forth a tinkle of happy laughter as I tickled her.

Moving further up I adjusted my own body, feeling my very rigid penis rubbing against her thigh until I centred myself; my cock probably well less than six inches away from heaven.

But my own pleasure was now centred on her breasts; big firm bulging pillows that, as she lay on her back, flattened considerably while still providing mounds of entertainment. I let my hands slide up the sides of her body, enjoying the sleek contours of her hips and waist, until they found her breasts - and with a quick thumb-touch of each nipple, I pushed each of them into a less spread out shape.

My touch instantly caused her nipples to rise as if inviting my mouth to suck them and I had no intention of letting them down; soon my mouth was gently clamped onto one nipple while the other one received the full attention of my dextrous fingers. Before long Sue was purring with pleasure, especially when I squeezed her nipple between my lips and, having given one nipple plenty of attention I changed sides and began to give the other one its share of the action.

But now Sue was getting desperate for some action down below - her hands were on my shoulders, trying to push me down her body, but instead I moved off her breasts and held my face above hers. She was glowing with desire; her eyes were sparkling and her lips were quivering - lips that I soon came down to meet and together we allowed our mouths to make love to each other, our lips and tongues exploring and arousing as we made oral love.

Down the bed, things were getting ready for lovemaking too. Sue was pushing her hips up to reach my body; she was getting desperate for some physical stuff and now my cock was just about in reach of her pussy. A slight adjustment in the angle of my pelvis and Sue sucked in a quick breath as the tip of my cock met her heated flesh.

"Come on lover - fuck me, pleeeeeease!" she cried as my penis slid up and down between her slippery wet lips and I was sorely tempted to do just that but my attention was still higher up her body as I looked at her pretty face.

But as I did so, images of Lily's face slid past my eyes; so very similar in fact that I almost had to double-check that it was Sue that I was looking at.

I cast my eyes downwards to view her breasts, realising as I did so that Lily's breasts would probably look very similar. I wondered if Lily's nipples would be as suckable...and as I did so I felt my cock lurch against Sue's body with an added stiffness and vigour.

I shook my head quickly and came back to reality, concentrating now on bringing Sue to the boil and obviously the action needed to transfer to our groins.