What the Dog Heard

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Wife believes a young seducer before her husband.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/22/2023
Created 05/30/2023
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Crawling in under the covers, Tim snuggled up against Reggie's pillowy ass, as she lay on her side, facing away from him. She was wearing granny panties, but they were satin and felt good against his cock, which immediately began to harden and signal his intentions.

Reggie gave him a bump with her butt; a hard, discouraging bump. "We just did it yesterday. Can't you give a girl a break?"

Yes, they had done it yesterday. But that had been after not doing it for five nights in a row, Tim thought sourly. 

But he kept the vinegar off of his tongue and replied instead with honey.

"Yes," he purred as he caressed her arm. "And it was so good I had to come back for more." He swept his fingers from her shoulder to her collarbone and then down across the swell of a heavy breast. "I seem to remember you enjoyed yourself quite a bit as well."

He reached the nipple and registered happily that it was hardening. He ruffled his fingers across it as his hand continued its journey south. As he began moving across her belly, her hand was suddenly on top of his, pulling it away and guiding it back, to the top of his own hip.

"Control yourself, you dirty old man." Her voice sounded more chiding than teasing. Then it softened. "This old lady needs her rest. We'll do it again on Friday, okay? Or Saturday." She twisted her head back toward him, offering her cheek. "Now give me a kiss and go to sleep." She made an air kiss while he bussed her cheek, then laid her head back on the pillow with a quiet, "love you," before drifting off. 

Tim rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling in frustration. Friday or Saturday? Tonight was only Tuesday. And what was all this old man and old lady crap? They were both only 44. She hadn't started early menopause and he had no problem 'gaining and maintaining' as they said in the ads for erectile dysfunction medication.

Yes, he was carrying 15 pounds more than he should be, but he thought he carried it well enough on his still strong 5'11 frame. Reggie was probably carrying 20 extra pounds that had built up over time, starting with having their two kids 20 and 22 years before. But much of it had simply added to the luscious curves of her naturally big bottom and jugs. The little jelly roll around her waist didn't interfere at all with his six-plus inches jumping to life when he saw her in any way exposed. He thought she over-obsessed about not being attractive anymore, let alone sexy, so he made a real effort to communicate that she still turned him on even after 24 years together. Apparently, it wasn't working. What was extra confusing, was that when she did give in to her passion, usually only after a glass or three of wine these days, she was just as active as when they were young, and still had powerful orgasms. Why was she denying that part of herself the rest of the time?

Tim took his quarter-hard prick in his hand and toyed with the idea of working one out right there next to her. Maybe spraying his seed all over her panty-covered ass. Instead, he sighed deeply and rolled onto his side away from her.


Early Saturday morning, Tim was walking their 6-year-old Pekingese-Poodle mix, Trixie, in the dog park of their condo development. He and Reggie had moved there just two years before, after their youngest had left for the Navy. They'd decided to downsize right away, and with the excellent price they'd gotten for their large family home, they'd bought a unit in this upscale development.

As Tim waited for the small, cute dog to do her business - plastic poop bag at the ready - he determined that he was going to hold his wife to her promise of sex tonight, since she'd begged off again last night. She'd insisted on staying up for 'one more episode' of a political thriller show they were streaming, and then had said she was too tired for sex. 

As he pondered what he needed to do to stop their descent into once-a-week, under the covers with the lights off, sex, Tim heard a splash. The condo development's dog park was a 10-yard-wide stretch of grass that served as a buffer between the swimming pool and a public road. A six-foot-high fence ran along the road and a seven-foot-high fence closed off the pool area. The road fence was chain link, while the pool fence was formed from recycled plastic, molded to look like wood planks and posts.

It seemed that Reggie had made it down to the pool for her 'morning swim'. Tim knew she actually just did a slow breaststroke for a couple of lengths, before lying out on a sunchair for an hour or so. He'd asked if it wasn't still too cool to go sunning so early, but she had pushed back with excuses like not wanting to harm her skin with the stronger sun later on, or it being too crowded with kids after 11:00. He was certain it was another example of her increasing discomfort with her body. She still liked lying out and reading in the sun but didn't want her 'fat butt and gut' to be seen by a bunch of people.

After cleaning up Trixie's morning deposit, Tim took out a tennis ball and played fetch with the small dog. While she was bred for the indoors, she still loved running around and would excitedly bring the ball back for another toss for a good 15 minutes before she tired.

One throw Tim made unintentionally hit the trunk of a shade tree and caromed off sharply. He could see that it had rolled over by the pool fence, but Trixie had missed it and was sniffing all around the base of the tree. "Silly dog," he chuckled, as he walked over to retrieve the fluorescent green ball.

"Looking good, Mrs. McGillicuddy. As always," he heard from the other side of the fence. His head popped up as it will when you hear your name. Because McGillicuddy was his name. And Mrs. McGillicuddy was Reggie. There were no other McGillicuddys in the complex as far as he knew.

"Oh, be quiet, you silly boy," came the laughing reply. It was definitely Reggie. It sounded like she was sitting right on the other side of the fence, no more than three feet away.

"Silly? Why silly?" asked the male voice, the young male voice, now sounding almost as close as Tim's wife.

"Because you're being very fresh. And teasing people can be cruel," said Reggie.

Tim heard a scraping noise and immediately pictured the 'silly boy' pulling up one of the many plastic chairs scattered around the pool deck and sitting next to his wife.

"Cruel, Mrs. McGillicuddy? Okay, I will admit to being fresh. But how is paying you a compliment teasing? Especially cruel teasing?"

"Because giving a woman the idea that you're interested in her when you're not is teasing. And telling fat, old ladies that they're looking good is cruel teasing."

Tim heard the old feisty spark in Reggie's voice that he'd been missing. But it didn't sound like she was really dressing the guy down. Hell, it sounded more like she was flirting.

"Whoa, whoa, Mrs. McGillicuddy, slow down, you've got me all wrong." 

Tim wished the damned fence wasn't so tall, so he could see what was really going on, but he had no problem picturing the guy holding up his hands in surrender as he pleaded with Reggie.

Then the pleading note was replaced by something deeper. And smoother. "When I said you were looking good, it's because you are really looking good." The slight growl at the end sure didn't sound like teasing to Tim.

Nor apparently, to Reggie, who only replied with a flustered, "Well, well..."

"Fat, old lady?" the young voice continued, now sounding disapproving. "I don't know who put that thought in your head, but whoever he is, is an asshole. If you'll pardon my French."

Tim jerked up straight. What the fuck? Had some kid just back-handedly accused him of being rude to his own wife?

"No, no," Reggie protested. Though Tim thought it was a weak protest.

"If I can be blunt," the guy said, barreling on. "I think you look fucking amazing. Why do you think I come out so early to swim my laps? Seeing you lying out like this just gets my day off to such a great start."

"That's why you've started coming...?"

What the honest-to-God fuck!? thought Tim. Since Reggie worked from home, he knew it was her routine to do her paddling around and tanning before starting her online workday, and he expected, before anyone else would be at the pool to see her pudgy body. So, how long had this asshole been coming and leering at his wife, who Tim thought still looked eminently fuckable in a swimsuit? And why had she never mentioned anything about it to him? It was clear from their conversation that it wasn't the first time she had spoken with the male swimmer.

"Sure," said the guy. "I used to come down and swim after I finished classes in the afternoon. But this semester my schedule changed, and I only have two early classes in the week. When I discovered you hanging out here on the mornings I was off, of course I switched my swimming times."

"Of course...?" said Reggie.

Damn, she can't even complete a sentence, thought Tim. The motherfucker's play was so obvious, why wasn't she shutting this would-be milf-hunter down?

"Of course," the guy repeated, the growl back in his voice. "Like I said, you look fucking amazing."

Reggie didn't even get out a full word this time, just a small, strangled sound.

"And I think you like looking at me too." The seducer ignored her second choked noise and continued. "I see how you watch while I dry off after my swim. Why do you think I started putting my towel so close to your favorite chair? Do you like how I look in my Speedo?"


"Can I tell you a secret?" the young man pressed on. "Sometimes, after I know you've been watching me, when I get up to my room I have to touch myself. Touch myself and think about you."

Tim heard more scraping of plastic chair legs on concrete. 

"I start just like this," said the bold little shit. "Still in my swimsuit, sitting on the edge of my bedroom chair with my legs spread, rubbing myself through the smooth material. Do you ever do that Mrs. McGillicuddy? Do you ever rub yourself after you've been watching me? After you've been staring at my ass as I bend over to dry myself. You know I bend over like that just for you, don't you? Would you like me to bend over like that for you now?"

"No." Very quietly. Tim hoped no one would walk along the road and see him with his ear pressed up against the pool fence.

"What would you like me to do, Mrs. McGillicuddy?"

"Keep rubbing." 

"I will. Will you rub yourself too? Will you do that for me?"

More scraping noises painted a picture in Tim's head of Asshole Aquaboy shifting his chair so it was at the foot of his wife's, facing her directly. Of Reggie lying back against the lounger's angled seatback, with her legs spread and draped off either side of the chair. Giving her young paramour a straight-shot look between her thicc thighs to her prominent mons.

"Oh, that's so nice, Mrs. McGillicuddy. I told you you look fucking amazing."

"Call me Regina."

"Regina. The queen. It suits you."

'Regina'? thought Tim. His wife hated the formal form of her name and had been Reggie since she was a kid. Okay, he gets a special name for you, but what do you call him? Who the hell was this young dirtbag who was getting Mrs. McGillicuddy to rub her pussy out in public? A college student, he'd deduced from the age of the guy's voice and the talk about class schedules. But there were a lot of older kids still living at home here with their families since there was a branch of the state university within a couple of miles of the condo development.

"Do you see what you're doing to me, Regina?"

"Big. Wet." Reggie, or Regina, still hadn't regained her use of language.

"Yeah, I do have a big wet spot there, don't I?  How about you, Regina, are you getting wet too?"

"So wet."

"Would you like me to show it to you, Regina?"


Tim couldn't be sure if he really heard or just imagined a gasp from his wife next. From his cheating wife. Because she'd definitely crossed a line here.

"Do you like that? See how hard you're making me."


"Mm, that feels good," he crooned.

After a moment. "Would you like to stroke it, Regina? Should I move my chair closer so you can touch it?"

Another choked gasp from his wife, but it was followed by, "No, no--" and Tim wondered if there was still time to get this imminent train wreck back on the fidelity tracks.

But Aquaboy was evidently much smoother than his years would portend.

"You're right," he soothed, "I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful that I lost myself. But actually, I like what we're doing. It's really kind of fun to just show you how excited you make me. I'm having such a good time looking at you and touching myself. Can I keep doing that, Regina, can I keep stroking it while you show yourself to me?

"Yes, thank you, your legs are so wonderful when you spread them like that. Will you start rubbing yourself again? Oh, yeah, that is so, so nice."

At some point, Tim had sunk dejectedly down to his ass, with his shoulder leaning up against the fence. Trixie had long since given up on getting him to throw her ball again and crawled into his lap. The movement shook Tim from his trance. What should he do? What the fuck should he do?

He could use the dog as cover. He could loudly call out her name as if they were still playing. That would certainly put a halt to the shitshow taking place on the other side of the fence. Or should he charge around to the other side of the pool compound where the entrance gate was and confront the scoundrel and his weak wife? Or should he sneak through that gate so he could see the action? Of course, that would put him so far away that he wouldn't be able to hear them anymore, and right now he was in a listening reverie. It was like when he listened to audiobooks in the car and stayed there even after arriving at his destination to make it to the end of a gripping chapter. 

He'd certainly never heard a more gripping chapter than this and it kept him in his place up against the fence.

"Oh, God," moaned college boy. "If I keep going, I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum so hard for you."


"Do you want to see that, baby? Do you want to see me cum from watching you?"


"Will you do something for me, Regina? Will you do just a little bit more so my orgasm will be even more powerful?"


"Something small, baby. You're going to stay in your chair and I'm going to stay right here, okay?"

" 'kay."

"You've gotten to see my cock, baby. Gotten to see how excited you make me. Will you show me how excited I've made you? Just pull the crotch of your suit to the side and show me that you're as wet as I am hard.

"Oh fuck," the guy groaned. "Your pussy is so beautiful. I love your big lips and I can see the juices flowing out of them. Oh, I'm sorry, Regina, I don't mean to sound so crude, I'm still just such a kid when it comes to dealing with beautiful women like you. Your pussy is so beautiful and so nasty at the same time, I hope that doesn't insult you."


"Yes, very nasty. If you were my girlfriend I would have you wear yoga pants all the time so I could always see your big, beautiful camel toe. You have a big camel toe, don't you, Regina?"

Tim knew that indeed his wife did have a wonderfully striking camel toe in the right clothes. He also knew that it embarrassed her. One time, when she hadn't realized it was showing and he hadn't told her when they were out in public, she'd thrown him into the doghouse for almost two weeks. He thought that Aquaboy might have just screwed the pooch.

"Camel toe." Still in that same, flat, sex-zombie tone.

"Rub it again," the kid directed. "Rub that fat pussy."

'Fat', that would definitely shut things down, thought Tim.

"Fat pussy. Fat cunt!"

Tim's stomach dropped even further when he realized he'd been wrong again. Reggie was so far gone that the abusive language was just turning her on more.

"Beautiful fat cunt," the slimeball agreed as his voice took on a more commanding tone. "I want to see you finger fuck that beautiful fat cunt, baby. I swear to God, if I see you jam that nasty, wet hole full of fingers I am gonna shoot my wad to the fucking moon!"

Tim's head drooped and he had to press his forehead against the fence to keep from toppling over. He believed he could hear the squishy noises as his lost wife thrust two, three, probably all four fingers in and out of her gaping cunt.

When a strangled male voice came out with, "Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, ooohhhhhh!" Tim knew that his wife's seducer had indeed shot his load. He wouldn't have been surprised if some of it made it over the fence and landed on him. Wouldn't that just fit with this whole meteor-from-the-sky scenario?

Then Tim realized that while he was most likely only imagining being able to hear Reggie's squishy pussy, there was no mistaking the chuffing pants that signaled her impending climax. She was actually going to get off for this guy, right there in the open. Then he heard another noise. A metallic squeal. He recognized it as a hinge on the outer door to the changing rooms.

Reggie's building excitement was immediately replaced by, "Oh shit, oh shit," and Tim heard a chair scraping frantically. He got to his own feet, shocking Trixie out of her doze.

"Relax, baby, relax," the fuckwad said in that damned, smooth voice. "They still have to change and shower. Take a deep breath and no one will know a thing. We're just two early morning swimmers."

Reggie's calming breaths sounded more like desperate gasps, but they seemed to be working.

"Good, good," said her seducer. Then he gave a small laugh. "That was actually kind of hot to almost be caught like that, but next time we'll take it inside."

Now it was Tim's turn to say, "Oh shit, oh shit." Then he was moving.

The gate into the dog yard was at the far end of the pool house, and Tim jogged over, with the little dog working to keep up. Once through the gate, he slowed down and crept quietly to the opposite corner of the building. He kept Trixie's leash pulled tight behind him as he leaned his head around the corner and looked left, along the face of the pool house. He soon heard the squeaking of the door.

Reggie came out and turned left, away from him and toward their unit. He saw she was clutching her long, terrycloth robe tightly around her and scurrying along with her head bent down. Doesn't want anyone to see the guilt in her eyes, thought Tim.

After another minute, her mystery stud came out. Tim pegged him at around 20, as he'd expected. The kid appeared to be about the same height as Tim, but probably 25 pounds lighter, even though he clearly had broad, well-defined shoulders. He had a very large towel draped across his neck and was holding the long ends together in front of him. Probably covering the remains of his boner, Tim mentally grumbled. But the little fuck certainly wasn't feeling scared or guilty the way Reggie had appeared to. Tim could tell that from the bounce in the kid's step and the self-satisfied grin on his face.

While Reggie had turned left, college boy walked straight ahead onto the pathway that would lead to the western end of the community. With the way he was using his towel to cover his front, his rear was completely exposed as Tim watched him walk away. The wife-chasing shit was still wearing just a Speedo and Tim had to begrudgingly admit that the punk did have the ass and legs of an athlete.

He also realized he didn't know the kid. Well, he had seen him around a time or two, but had never met him and didn't know his name. Plus he was only partially confident that he could put him together with the right parents. It was a couple he'd also never formally met, but he thought their unit was on the opposite side of the complex from the McGillicuddys.