When a Man Loves a Woman

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Dad's mid-life crisis gave Mum to me.
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Dad was going through a very difficult time, it seemed; I guess it was his mid-life crisis or something that was disturbing his mental balance now he was rapidly heading towards his fiftieth year.

Whatever, he just wasn't happy - with his job, with his wife...or with me for that matter; he was at loggerheads with the whole world so far as I could tell.

He snapped at Mum whenever she spoke and whatever I did or said was wrong so I kept as far out of the way as I could, eventually going so far as to find a small flat for myself.

I suppose I had to leave home sometime but I'd have preferred my leaving to be somewhat more mutually acceptable and I do admit that I felt a bit of a heel for leaving Mum to Dad's moods, but what else could I do?

Yeah, my flat was very basic but it was a perfectly good bolt hole for me - a small bit of peace, although since I didn't have a washing machine and my skills in the kitchen were limited, I still needed parental help quite frequently. Anyway, that gave me an excuse to see my Mum regularly because I missed seeing her. I loved her dearly - we were soul mates who could get pleasure from even just being together.

Although I was still finding my legs on the ladder of industry, I had just about enough income to survive on my own and with my new flat for the first time in quite a while I actually felt relaxed. Perhaps my more laid-back frame of mind also helped at work because suddenly I got an unexpected promotion - it was more of a psychological promotion really; a status change more anything else - but as a new 'junior manager' I also now had complimentary access to the company's own gym; something I could never have afforded.

That was a real godsend to me so to that place I traipsed pretty well every evening; sweating away the pounds of fat and building up pounds of muscle instead. Inside six months I had to chuck out much of my wardrobe and replace my clothes with larger sized items; replacing as I did so, much of my early teen wear.

Suddenly I was turning into a real man - quite a hunk! Well, that's what one of my bedmates told me, so I'll believe her!

In the meanwhile however, things hadn't improved at home. Poor Mum was still going through hell and I guess Dad was too, at least inside and somehow he just couldn't let it go - he couldn't see that he was doing neither himself nor his marriage much good.

But Mum stuck by him, aided I hoped, by my regular visits to help cheer her up. I'd bring small gifts too, little things that might buck her up and it seemed to work because she was always so bright and bubbly when I was there.

But I could tell that just around the corner lay the gloom and doom that was Dad and I felt so sorry for her.

I was back home visiting Mum one weekend when it was Mum who made the suggestion that started everything.

"Chris..." she started, hesitantly, "Have you got room for the camp bed over at your place?"

"Yeah, easy," I replied blasély, "Why - who's coming?"

"Ummmmm no-one darling, no-one..." Mum said, "I was just thinking..."

'What did Mum want to know that for', I wondered, 'There must be a reason.'

Mum looked as if she was working on something in her brain; her brow was furrowed and her eyes looked sad.

"I just wondered..." she dithered, "...I was wondering if it might be a good idea in case I wanted to get away from your Dad for a little while."

"Oh Mum, has it come to that?" I asked, saddened and putting my arm around her, "You're not thinking of moving out are you?"

"Oh no, it's not that bad," replied Mum, kissing my cheek, "But I might just want a bit of a break - some peace for a few hours. I thought perhaps I could come and stay overnight some time - it might refresh my batteries and give your Dad some freedom and a chance to realise what he's missing. I think he might appreciate me more if I wasn't there..."

"Is the camp bed still in the garage?" I asked, "Is it still usable then?" and Mum nodded.

"Yes, it's fine; I checked it today; that's why I suggested it," she said, "Do you think you could take it with you when you go tonight?"

No problem - the fold-up bed was in my car within a few minutes and soon Mum and I were again chattering sociably and enjoying a glass of wine each as we sat side by side on the soft comfy settee.

It was a Saturday afternoon, so I was off work, but Dad was still at it; a slave to his warped mind and whatever drove him on. Perhaps it was better that he did indeed stay at work for long hours - at least Mum had more peace while he was away...

Mum was relatively young when they married - she was just 19 and Dad was almost twenty-five when they wed and I was born just as Mum approached her twentieth birthday - our birthdays being just three days apart.

And now I was also 19 but single and intending to stay that way - at least I had no fixed ideas about settling down. Sure, I'd bedded any number of girls but I still preferred to be single; my little flat was easy to look after and I was quite capable of being reasonably 'self sufficient'.

Yes - I loved the women, but purely platonically - only in bed in other words!

Like many young men, the only woman I really loved was my Mum...

It seemed such a waste of a lovely woman to see Mum looking so drab and miserable. Despite our age difference, I always thought that she'd have been great to go out with; a nicely tall, slim, attractive woman; a bit on the heavy side on top but with a wonderfully curvy figure. I swear all my mates would be dead jealous if she'd been with me as my partner for a night. Her lips were curvy and lush and moist; her eyes warm and deep; her cheeks glowing with vitality...that is, when Dad wasn't around.

And no way was I complaining about the 'heavy on top' part - I loved to see her generous frontage; my eyes would follow her breasts around the room until I'd had my fill. I even found myself imagining what they looked like, unencumbered by her clothes and bra and the erotic idea would send starch to my penis in moments. I couldn't help it - it was just human nature to lust after a good pair of tits!

But right now I really felt for her and quite understood that a break might be a good idea, even to the point of thinking to myself that perhaps they should indeed get a divorce. A break of some kind definitely made sense...

"You weren't thinking of coming over tonight were you?" I asked, a bit shocked by my own presumptiveness; my question raised because I'd been thinking of things, "I mean, I'm not ready for you yet..."

"No, don't think so sweetheart," Mum replied, "I'll probably wait - perhaps leave it a few days, but we'll see. I'll give Dad the weekend to see if he's any better, then if he can't relax then perhaps I might drop in. Not that I'm expecting to come over...it's just in case...I'm sure he'll improve."

I was relieved because my place was a bit of a mess at present; a pile of washing-up needed to be done; a pile of porn magazines was on the table; there was probably a porno DVD in the slot and no doubt some mucky towels and hankies beside the bed...which wasn't particularly clean either!

And I was also relieved that Mum wasn't anticipating coming over yet because the very thought of having my lovely Mum stay overnight with me was sending all kinds of weird and erotic messages around my body. My flat wasn't prepared for her presence and nor was my mind.

"Would you want me to get anything in?" I asked, wondering also if I ought to buy flowers and such, "I mean, do you think you're actually going to come over?"

"Oh I expect I will at some point," said Mum rather sadly, "No, don't get anything special; just put a bottle or two of wine or something in the fridge; they always come in handy. I'll make sure I've eaten before I come over though. If I ever do, that is..."

"Oh Mum, I do love you, I really do," I said, feeling very sorry for her, "Wish I could help..."

"You do sweetheart, you do help," she replied, "And I love you too."

She leaned her head against my shoulder and I rubbed my cheek against her soft sweet-scented hair, my arm still around her while I held and squeezed her firmly.

And as I did so, her breast squashed against my arm and my chest like a big warm comfortably firm pillow that seemed to somehow send thrills right down to my groin, which were compounded when a gently rising waft of some warm oriental perfume filled my senses.

I found myself almost unintentionally moving my body against hers to feel her softness sliding over me, my own softness quickly being replaced by some considerable hardness. I shuddered with a kind of sexual desire because usually when breasts rubbed against my chest, sex wasn't far removed but right now I felt rather confused. My body knew the signals but they were coming from the wrong person!

Quickly I moved to slightly distance myself from Mum's mammaries but she squirmed closer again.

"No darling, don't move," she said as her arm snaked around me and pulled me tight to her, "It's so nice here; you're such a comfort; you feel so big and strong too!"

Yeah - something down in my lap was getting all big and strong too unfortunately and he was being a bloody nuisance; I'd have to move him before too long...he was getting to be very uncomfortable.

"Hang on Mum," I said as I lifted and wriggled my hips in an effort to surreptitiously relocate my growing and squashed-up cock, "Ahhh, oooo oooh, ouch!"

"What have you done?" asked Mum, all concerned, "What's up darling?"

"Nothing Mum - just got myself a bit awkward," I said, covering my discomfort as best I could, "I'm ok."

But somehow Mum seemed to know damn well what had happened because she pulled me closer again and snuggled her breast against my chest once more, chuckling softly as she did so.

"Likely story!" she murmured, "I'll believe you!"

She squirmed, sending her firm breast sliding across my shirt; sending violently erotic shockwaves to my groin once more.

"Ohhh, it is nice here," she said, her smiling face looking up at my somewhat reddened visage, "You do really feel so solid; so firm and safe, sweetheart."

Oh, I was solid and firm alright, although Mum was the last person whom I wanted to know that fact, even though she'd caused it!

I tried to change the subject but could only think of Mum at my flat, or just Mum in my arms, or Mum and her breasts, or just her breasts. I gave up and allowed Mum to simply press against me; hoping fervently that she'd remain unaware of my plight, but it wasn't to be.

And once again it was Mum who set things rolling as she exhaled deeply onto my chest before speaking.

"Do you always get aroused when you hold someone?" she asked, not looking up, "You're looking very uncomfortable down there."

"Oh Mum, no I'm not!" I replied, feeling myself blush, "I'm fine, it's just my jeans; they're a bit rough; the seams are a bit scratchy."

"Nothing to do with it!" exclaimed Mum, "You were fine until I snuggled up to you! Oh well, perhaps it's a sign of your youth - I wish your Dad was like that sometimes!"

And with that enigmatic throw-away line, Mum turned in my arms until we were face to face.

"Give me a kiss darling," she said, a pretty smile dancing on her face, "Just a little one."

There was no way I could get out of such a request even if I'd wanted to so I just puckered up and touched my lips to Mum's, lightly and fleetingly - almost a caress. But Mum pulled me back.

"A kiss, I said, not a peck!" she said, her hand coming up to hold my head, "Come on, kiss me!"

Mum's own lips were actually glistening as I closed in and I felt my heart and my cock jumping with excitement. Mum and I often kissed lips but just as a welcoming or departing gesture...but this time it had a different meaning, an erotic undertone, I could feel it.

I let my lips slacken, running my tongue over them to moisten them like Mum's and moments later she pulled me to her, our mouths moulding and clinging together suddenly.

A long quivering moan came from deep inside Mum before we pulled apart, both of us breathing heavily, even though we'd merely kissed and Mum's warm eyes bored into mine.

"Thank you sweetheart, that was lovely," she said softly, "Have to do that more often - it's so comforting to be wanted."

Oh definitely parts of me wanted her, quite wrongly - but the rest of me was more normal; I wanted her because she was my Mum and because she was unhappy and because I loved her.

"Oh Mum, course I want you; you're the only Mum I've got and I do love you," I said, "You're MY Mum!"

I managed to laugh the almost sexual tension away and in doing so my erection subsided at last and anyway, with that kiss we parted while Mum got on with a few small chores and I made us another drink.

We chattered comfortably while she worked until our peace was broken as the door bumped open and Dad entered. His scowling face told me his mood, especially when he merely grunted at me and virtually ignored Mum as he went to hang up his jacket and taking his attitude as a guide, I pecked Mum on the lips and departed quietly via the back door.

I was back at my flat inside half an hour with very mixed emotions running through my mind. Dad didn't have to be such a bastard, did he? What was he scared of? Yeah - he was scared of growing old, that was clear, but it seemed deeper than that. Did he feel threatened by Mum's close relationship with me, 'cos if so he could go and take a running jump! Mum and I had always been best friends and nothing he did or said could take that away from us.

I set up the camp bed which fitted well enough in the lounge, especially after I'd moved some furniture around, then I undressed down to my boxers and tidied away the porn magazines and the used tissues and such as well. And while I was feeling 'domestic' I also did the washing up, but that was the extent of my housekeeping.

Then I lay down on my bed with the TV turned on. I wasn't really watching anything but it was company of a kind, although my mind soon started to wander back to Mum again.

Mum and her lovely smooth, moist, soft lips again. Mum and her soft perfumed hair again. Mum and her gorgeous firm tits pressing into my chest once more! Mum's naked tits on their own even! God - I really was starting to see her as a sexual object!

Seconds later and my penis rose, stiff as any board suddenly, lifting a considerable tent in my boxers. I put my hand over him, consciously knowing damn well that my touch would trigger a bout of masturbation but right now I needed some kind of relief. Slowly I moved my hand inside my shorts until I could clasp my cock in my fist, feeling the stickiness of my now exposed knob and the small oozing of some precum onto my fingers.

I pushed my boxers down and off, lifting my hips towards my fist, pushing my erection through my hand until I'd pulled my foreskin all the way back, my knob now shiny and slippery and trembling with suspense, my shaft long and straight.

Slowly I began to masturbate, my hand sliding up and down my shaft steadily, in no particular rush to complete the course - just enjoying feeling the deep sexual stimulation as my actions sent wave after wave of lust through my brain and my body. Every wave of pleasure seemed to create another small dribble of precum which soon ensured that my whole penis was slippery and moist in my warm, grasping, squeezing hand.

My eyes were shut but I still saw Mum's breasts, naked, proud and firm before my eyes: a sight I'd never seen in real life but seen all too often in my dreams.

Steadily I worked away, edging myself along; my mind seeing images of breasts and upstanding nipples and warm wet lips...and then there was a knock on the door!

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, practically leaping off the bed and heaving up my boxers at the same time, snagging my balls in the waistband.

"Hang on!" I yelled as I hopped around in circles trying to get my legs into my jeans and my zip done up at the same time.

"Just a minute!" I shouted as I pulled on a t-shirt and headed towards the door.

And as I opened it so a body almost fell into my arms - Mum, all teary and weepy.

"Muuuuuum!" I cried, hanging onto her as I shut the door, "What happened Mum? He didn't hit you did he?"

"Oh no darling, nothing like that," she blubbed, still leaning against me as I locked the door behind her, "Well, it's worse really; he's just being a stupid, stupid bastard. A stupid fucking bastard! It's just the way he's behaving; that hurts me even more."

And she was off again, tears everywhere until I was able to find a tissue to help her.

Mum blew her nose and looked up at me.

"Oh darling, what am I going to do?" she moaned sadly, "He just doesn't seem to want me."

"Well I do Mum and I love you," I said, meaning that she was important to me and then I wondered if Mum had taken that the wrong way because she looked at me with a suddenly excited look on her face.

"Do you darling?" she said, her smudged eyes suddenly sparkling, "Really - you really want me?"

My mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water.

"Uhhh, ummmm, errrrr, well yeah, sort of, Mum," I spluttered, "I mean you're my mother; of course I want you."

"Ooooh, is that so?" said Mum, disengaging herself from me and wiping her tears away, "So how did you want me earlier today then?"

She shook herself as if to shake off the horrors of the last hour or so and her breasts swayed dangerously before me, her upstanding nipples now clearly visible through her clothes.

And although I could deny everything verbally, my eyes just followed her nipples and my cock immediately responded to their presence.

"No Mum, it's not like that!" I said trying to fight my way out of my dilemma, "I just enjoy being near you."

"Mmmmm, you do, don't you," she said, "And that may just be my salvation...!

"What on earth are you on about?" I said, not understanding Mum's change of tack - but she was into her stride now.

"You, my darling son..." she said, advancing on me, "...you are going to be very useful! You might just be able to save me from my stupid bloody husband."

"Eh?" I exclaimed, "What on earth are you on about Mum?"

But Mum had stopped listening and was casting her eyes around my lounge. And apart from the camp bed and a table and chairs there wasn't much more in the way of furniture.

"Where's your armchair; can't I sit down anywhere?" she asked, "And didn't you have a settee?"

"Had to chuck the settee out - it took up too much room," I said, "And the armchair's in the bedroom - that was the only place to put it once I'd put up the camp bed."

"So where do you relax now...oh yes, on the bed, I guess," said Mum as she opened my bedroom door.

The TV was still on and with the window shut the scent of aroused male was still in the air and I saw Mum's nose crinkle as she looked around. I cringed too as I saw the box of tissues I'd put ready on the bed, but Mum seemed to ignore both aspects.

"At least you've got a decent sized bed," she said, bouncing her hands on the mattress, "Is it comfy?"

"Not too bad," I said before I stopped suddenly.

Why should Mum worry about how comfy my bed was?

"Hmmmmm," said Mum, "Guess it'll be ok."

She turned to head back to the lounge, immediately bumping chest to breast with me because I'd been close behind her.

"Oooh Chris darling," she said, her arms coming up to envelop me, "That made me feel all funny!"

I backed into the lounge with Mum still attached and we stood there in close company, both breathing quickly before Mum gently pushed me away. But not before I swore that I felt her hips lift her groin against me, the padded mound of her pussy rubbing softly against my cock, although whether by accident or on purpose I didn't know.

I sucked in a deep breath and Mum smiled broadly at me.